
Acou_Bassim getting a download error for the latest Music app... when i try to update via software updates it gives me http error... any idea how to fix? xD00:07
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Sfattohi all07:49
Sfattoanyone know that run android apps on ubuntu touch?07:51
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Acou_BassIs there a way to use the app store via CLI ? I know I can install clicks from a local file but can I do it from store without downloading them first? Mostly trying to troubleshoot something10:21
popeynot easily10:53
popeythere are python scripts around which can download apps from the store10:53
Acou_BassFair enough, it looks like it fixed itself anyway :D some apps were erroring when I went to install them but only certain ones, nut they're working now so no worries :D11:09
Mister_Qpopey can you tell me more about these python scripts ? :)11:50
popeyMister_Q: james tait has some in his launchpad code repo i think12:09
Mister_Qpopey thanks I'll take a look :)12:09
Mister_Quuh that looks promising12:10
Acou_Bassahh thats cool ;D12:18
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Guest61072anyone here working on a port?20:24
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JanCmight want to stay around a bit longer...22:21

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