
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:04
brobostigonmorning MartijnVdS08:07
* brobostigon discovered two new time wasting games yesterday, runescape and ryzom.08:08
MartijnVdSRun escape?08:10
brobostigonit seems a coincidence.08:11
=== brmbrmca1 is now known as brmbrmcar
diddledan_ergh. clocks change tonight14:30
marshmnyep - so annoying15:24
marshmnI wish we could just get rid of BST15:24
marshmnand stupid systems which don't let you set scheduled jobs in 'localtime' so I have to reconfigure them each time we go from BST -> GMT or vice-versa15:25
marshmnthanks AWS15:25
marshmnwell, not just AWS15:26
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi

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