
OerHeksconfiguration: driver=i915, driver loaded.00:00
Bashing-omR13ose: Not makong a lot of sense as we have " Kernel driver in use: i915 " but the log says " 53.127] (II) modeset(0): [DRI2]   DRI driver: i965 " . Still reading and looking .00:00
R13oseBashing-om: thanks00:02
Bashing-omR13ose: Humm maube a problem here ? " 53.248] (II) modeset(0): Damage tracking initialized" // Lemme have the time to look at the log again .00:04
v3qahi all00:07
v3qagreetings from turkey00:07
v3qaim new at linux ubuntu00:07
v3qafor now im installing gnome 3 using gnote call on terminal00:08
Bashing-omR13ose: A postive response ' /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xorg/extra-modules ' ? and show ' ls -al /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers ' please .00:10
R13oseBashing-om: bash: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xorg/extra-modules: Is a directory00:12
R13oseBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/bjWxd6pC00:12
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Bashing-omR13ose: ouch .. Do not know what to kame of that ad on my 14.04 system " sysop@1404mini:~$ ls -al /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xorg/extra-modules >> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 53 May 19  2013 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xorg/extra-modules -> /etc/alternatives/x86_64-linux-gnu_xorg_extra_modules " is a symlink to the actual executable .00:16
R13oseBashing-om: I believe everything is exactly the same for me as you show.00:18
Bashing-omR13ose: Hybrid graphics ? As we have the AMDgpu driver " amdgpu_drv.so " available ?? What returns ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 " ?00:19
R13oseBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/uxwmaCDy00:20
Bashing-om!info xserver-xorg-video-intel00:27
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.99.917+git20160706-1ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 754 kB, installed size 3360 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; kfreebsd-amd64; kfreebsd-i386; x32)00:27
observation192_Can a linux get viruses.00:28
R13oseBashing-om: I see that but what is the next step?00:29
am_hi all00:29
Bashing-omR13ose: Do not know what to think, yet . As I expect to see 'Intel" and we see " 47.652] (==) Matched fbdev as autoconfigured driver 1 " . still considering .00:29
am_what is the command line to update the grub after reinstallation on debian?00:30
observation192_am_: update-grub00:31
observation192_as r0Ot00:31
Bashing-omR13ose: Right now I am at a stop. we have " 46.555] (EE) /dev/dri/card0: failed to set DRM interface version 1.4: Permission denied " and perhaps this is encryption related ???00:36
R13oseBashing-om: maybe not using sudo00:37
R13oseBashing-om: maybe I can do some work and come back?00:38
Bashing-omR13ose: Sure, we do this at your pace .00:39
Bashing-om!virus | observation192_00:41
ubottuobservation192_: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus00:41
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Bashing-omdaftykins: I had the thought too of hybrid graphics .. but - lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 -> http://pastebin.com/uxwmaCDy says this is Intel only .00:54
FireStrikerhow do you install skype?00:58
R13oseBashing-om: back01:01
SpookanFireStriker: My first hit on Google. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype01:05
FireStrikerneed to goolge things lol01:06
R13oseBashing-om: still around?01:08
dyre17How do I submit a bug ticket for ubuntu? I just found (what I feel is) a huge vulnerability in mariadb01:10
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FireStrikerSpookan: hey how do i tell if the repo added successfully01:12
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SpookanFireStriker: You install Skype?01:13
FireStrikerok i just want to know if the repo added successfully before i try to install skype01:14
FireStrikeri bugged it up before01:14
Bashing-omR13ose: Yeah, still here - was off discussing your issiu in an alternate channel .01:14
R13oseBashing-om: thanks.01:15
KramerboyHello, I have an NTFS partition with the read-only attrib set via DiskPart. However, in Ubuntu it gets mounted with read-write. Would it still be safe to transfer files to it via Ubuntu, despite the DiskPart attrib?01:16
Bashing-omR13ose: Is this a encryption thingy ? What results booting a liveDVD(USB) ?01:17
R13oseBashing-om: I don't know if this is an encryption thingy.  I don't want to restart if possible.01:18
Bashing-omR13ose: Presntly, we are all stumped with this . A race condition unlocking the desktop ?? .. we just do not have enough info to make any call . lshw clearly shows the i915 driver as loaded ( at some point ) .01:21
FireStrikercan you move the dock?01:23
RarrikinsWhen is 16.04.2 coming out?01:27
R13oseBashing-om: do you want access to my computer to get more info?01:30
Bashing-omRarrikins: Feb 2017 per: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack .01:31
Bashing-omR13ose: No .. Do not have those tools installed on this work build . And I would find nothing that you can not provide as we find the need to explore the situation . As is now .. I do not know how to proceed .01:33
BlakeEvanGo Cubs Go!01:33
R13oseBashing-om: no worries.  What was the other chaannel you were asking in?01:34
Bashing-omR13ose: many if us frequent #ubuntu-discuss to talk over a matter so that this channel is not overly polluted .01:35
R13oseBashing-om: would it be good to join that?01:36
Bashing-omR13ose: Well .. you may ... But as I say we are all stumped presently .01:36
R13osewell most voices are better then one :D01:37
R13oseBashing-om: you can intro me01:37
narupohi all01:37
Bashing-omR13ose: True, the "most voices" are here in this channel .01:37
KramerboyHello, I have an NTFS partition with the read-only flag set via DiskPart. However in Ubuntu, it gets mounted with write access. Is it still safe to transfer files to that partition despite the DiskPart flag?01:38
narupoUbuntu has Hentai-Game?01:40
narupoWhy linux destribution has not a game for the gentlemen?01:41
narupoI am a gentlemen, and sad.01:42
drjamerm.... uh.... lol?01:49
narupohey guys01:52
Kramerboydoes anyone here know much about NTFS on linux?01:52
FireStrikerhey guys how do i run a .run file?01:52
narupochmod +x file.run && ./file.run01:53
narupoless file.run01:53
narupoThis .run file is safety?01:54
FireStrikeris the file safe?01:54
naruposafe? chmod +x file.run && ./file.run01:54
FireStrikerits on a ubuntu page, a few ubuntu fourms and doomworld01:55
narupoplease .run file to me?01:55
Kramerboyah, a Doom source port?01:55
protnhi folks01:56
protnI got iso file 3.2gb whats the best tool to extract files from it?01:56
protniso master sees readme file only01:57
FireStrikerso the command will be "chmod +x doom3-linux- && ./doom3-linux-"01:57
narupoFireStriker: how?01:58
FireStriker? you said the command is "chmod +x file.run && ./file.run" do i type file or name of file?01:59
akikprotn: try mounting it as -t udf01:59
narupoFireStriker: chmod +x doom3-linux- && sudo ./doom3-linux-
narupowill be install.02:00
FireStrikerso put the whole thing in the terminale02:01
narupothis is a command line on terminal.02:01
narupoYou should launch terminal.02:02
KramerboyCtrl-Alt-T for terminal02:02
FireStrikerchmod: cannot access 'doom3-linux-': No such file or directory02:02
narupoyou try it 'pwd'02:02
FireStrikerits on the desktop btw02:03
narupoyou should be move to directory.02:03
drjamgood fricking gravey that all sounds too hard for me02:03
narupoFireStriker: with a command 'cd'.02:03
drjamam a HUGE fan of "double-clicking make workey"02:03
FireStrikerok cd to where?02:03
Kramerboychange to desktop folder 'cd Desktop'02:03
narupoFireStriker: Kramerboy02:03
narupoFireStriker: cd to download file directory.02:04
protnakik: i mounted it02:04
narupoFireStriker: and 'ls'. You can see file name?02:04
protnyet to open with acetone02:04
FireStrikerok ls the download folder02:05
narupoFireStriker: ok02:05
narupoFireStriker: chmod +x file.run02:05
FireStrikeryep its there02:05
narupoFireStriker: sudo ./file.run02:05
protnakik: it can open read me that says This disc contains a "UDF" file system and requires an operating system02:06
protnthat supports the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system specification.02:06
protnI used sudo mount -t auto -o loop "/home/alex/Downloads/7/_Getintopc.com_7.iso" /$path_to_somwhere/02:06
narupoFireStriker: Maybe, launch install wizard of game.02:06
narupoFireStriker: how?02:07
FireStrikerok got it open02:08
protnguys any ideas how to crack that iso?02:08
protnI kinda need it02:09
protnok I can do it :D02:10
FireStrikerok where shoud i have it install i need to add the pk4's aftter this and some how i broke my lubuntu install with the mv command just erroring02:11
FireStrikerthe defult is /usr/local/games/doom302:12
FireStrikershould i keep it there02:13
cashHow do I submit a synclient guide for touchpad configuration?  There is no official documentation regarding hardcoded settings that can be disabled by setting gsettings.mouse to false02:13
narupomv command has error?02:13
narupooops. ignore me.02:14
FireStrikerthats alright02:14
FireStrikeropps. ingnore me02:14
narupogood luck. I go to the bed.02:15
FireStrikerok see you02:15
naruposee you02:16
* procyon zonks out02:16
procyonwhoops wrong channel. Look before you type, kids02:16
protnwho here makes money?02:17
protnpress M02:17
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FireStrikerok i now just need to copy the pk4's ok can someone help me with moving files to /usr/local/games/doom3/base02:19
FireStrikerok i ment someone not a person call someone lol nice name btw02:20
yukenI'd like to resize /dev/sda, which is also where Ubuntu happens to be installed. Is this possible?02:24
yukenI have no live media or media to boot off of, or other disks.02:25
moneymakerany good iso maker?02:27
moneymakerimgburn works but its not on linux02:28
FireStrikerhey guys i need a bit of help moving files02:34
kicksledFireStriker: whats the issue?02:39
FireStrikerdont know how lol, i am tryung to move a few files from a folder on the desktop to /usr/local/games/doom3/base02:40
kicksledmove the files as superuser, open a terminal and sudo mv <files to move> /path/you/want/them02:43
Gianthello. anyone familiar with OMRON motion controller??02:44
GiantSpecifically. MCH modules?02:45
FireStrikerok so the command will be "sudo mv pak000.pk4 /usr/local/games/doom3/base" ?02:45
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf
FireStrikerif the file to move is pk000.pk and the parth i want to move it is /usr/local/games/doom3/base02:45
FireStrikeri bugged something upo the last time i try to do this02:46
kicksledFireStriker: yeah, if you are in the directory where the file is located. else "sudo mv /path/to/pak000.pk4 /usr/local/games/doom3/base"02:47
kostkonFireStriker, since you need to run the mv command as superuser make sure you don't mistype the paths because you might mess up your installation by doing so02:47
FireStrikerok ik how it feels i got locked out and it kida crased when i try to log in, it just keept bring a black scren and the logon screen returned02:47
FireStrikerhi protocol02:49
protocolFireStriker: how are things?02:49
FireStrikergood broke lubuntu, uninstalled lubuntu, fixed mbr, installed ubuntu, now installing doom 302:50
FireStrikerand i hope it works this time lol02:50
FireStrikerhow are you portocol02:50
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Guest41036i am not guest41036 aperntly02:51
Guest41036lol now02:51
protocol_how is everyone02:51
Guest41036okay .-.02:51
FireStrikerprotocol? is that you? 3 protocols lol02:52
Guest41036could anyone perhaps help me with a steam install error02:52
=== Guest41036 is now known as xxxxxxxxxcsadfas
xxxxxxxxxcsadfaswell then02:53
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.02:54
xxxxxxxxxcsadfasone moment02:54
xxxxxxxxxcsadfasill paste the error02:54
xxxxxxxxxcsadfasRunning Steam on ubuntu 16.04 64-bit02:55
xxxxxxxxxcsadfasSTEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically02:55
xxxxxxxxxcsadfasInstalling breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(0)02:55
xxxxxxxxxcsadfaslibGL error: unable to load driver: r600_dri.so02:55
xxxxxxxxxcsadfaslibGL error: driver pointer missing02:55
xxxxxxxxxcsadfaslibGL error: failed to load driver: r60002:55
FireStrikerhow do i extract at higher promissions?02:55
kostkonxxxxxxxxxcsadfas, you need to use a pastebin, preferably paste.ubuntu.com02:56
xxxxxxxxxcsadfaswhat is a paste bin02:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:57
xxxxxxxxxcsadfasthx kost02:59
protocoli dont know why there are three of me03:00
FireStrikerhow to i extract at higer promissions? i want to install a game in "/usr/local/games"03:02
airkingI have a VPN setup that I normally use to access the web, for some reason it isn't working right now (not asking you to fix that) but without the VPN my internet is measured in bytes per second when trying to access pages via a browser03:12
airkingmy ssh connections are fine03:12
airkingI can open new ones no problem03:12
pnwise_maybe you had port blocked by isp/mobile provider airking03:15
_44trentSo I tried to install openjdk-9-jdk, and this happend: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23395658/03:16
_44trentany one know how I could fix this?03:16
airkingpnwise_: it was DNS03:18
airkingI was a moron03:18
joob_44trent, was it installed before?03:19
_44trenti don't think so03:19
_44trenti don't remember it ever being installed anyway03:19
joob_44trent, sudo dpkg uninstall it and try again03:20
joobdeinstall i mean03:21
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protocol_cd ../..03:28
protocol_cd usr03:28
vincent42hi all03:30
_44trentnope, didn't fix it03:30
_44trentstill getting the error03:30
_44trentsame thing03:30
vincent42I'm using  linux-lts-vivid packport kernel on a 14.04 ubuntu system, is there any release to fix the dirtcow vulnerability ?03:31
joob_44trent, can you make do with jdk8? maybe you found an install bug and should report it03:32
vincent42I see this Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr):released (3.19.0-73.81~14.04.1)03:32
vincent42but I don't understand where this is released03:32
vincent42after apt-get update, this version is not proposed to me03:33
joob_44trent, 1 more thing.. probably wont help, not sure. sudo dpkg -f install03:33
vincent42from here https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2016/CVE-2016-5195.html03:34
_44trenthmm there weren't any errors with openjdk-9-jdk-headless03:34
_44trentwhat's the difference between headless and just openjdk-9-jdk?03:34
dan__i set bashrc to export R_HOME variable, why is it that if i do env | grep R_HOME, i see it, but if i open up a new terminal and do env | grep R_HOME i dont see it03:35
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Bashing-omvincent42: That kernel (3.19.0-73.81~14.04.1) - vivid - no longer has support . need to get up on xenial's kernel .03:40
vincent42Bashing-om: really ? but that version contains has been updated very recently03:42
vincent42and contain the fix for dirtycow03:42
Bashing-om!vivid | vincent4203:43
ubottuvincent42: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on February 4, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/vivid03:43
vincent42anyway, my question is , how to get that version, I was doing "apt-get changelog linux-image-lts-vivid" and it only showed 3.19.0-73.7003:44
vincent42but then when I actually install the package, I see it install 3.19.0-73.81~14.04.1, so everything OK03:45
Bashing-omvincent42: See if ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' does not install the xenial kernel .03:45
vincent42OK I'(ve understood, apt-get changelog show the changelog of currently isntalled package, not of the package that would be upgraded03:46
vincent42hmmm, or not, after I upgrader the kernel it still does not show the very last version I just installed03:47
vincent42maybe not all release have a changelog then03:47
cashWhat up team03:48
dan__if anyone can help me install a ruby gem that is crashing i wll pay you.  not sure if this is a linux issue or a ruby issue03:49
vincent42ubottu: Bashing-om, maybe vivid is not lts, but the kernel I use is marked as LTS03:49
joob_44trent, i assume headless dont come with gui relevant code not sure.03:50
vincent42the package is called linux-lts-vivid, and it's actually for ubuntu 14.04 (it's a backport kernel)03:50
Bashing-om!hwe | vincent4203:50
ubottuvincent42: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack03:50
Bashing-omvincent42: ^ suppirt for the vivid kermel per ^ ended on Aug of 2016 .03:54
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_44trentanyway, where should i report the normal openjdk-9-jdk install bug to?04:00
_44trenti don't need any gui specific stuff i just wanted to test jshell and some other features that were added04:00
_44trentbut it doesn't matter what i was trying to do what matters is that i report the bug04:01
vincent42Bashing-om: ok, anyway, I also have another ubuntu box which use the lts-xenial kernel,04:02
vincent42but here again, after a apt-get update, I don't see the new version supposed to contain the fix04:03
vincent42it proposes me
vincent42but the fix is supposed to be in
Bashing-omlinux-image-generic xenial04:04
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic xenial04:05
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB04:05
vincent42!info linux-image-generic-lts-xenial04:05
ubottuPackage linux-image-generic-lts-xenial does not exist in yakkety04:05
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic-lts-xenial xenial04:06
ubottulinux-image-generic-lts-xenial (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image (dummy transitional package). In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB04:06
vincent42but I'm on 14.0404:06
vincent42!info linux-image-generic-lts-xenial trusty04:07
ubottulinux-image-generic-lts-xenial (source: linux-meta-lts-xenial): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; powerpc)04:07
vincent42I'm looking at this page to know where the fix is supposed to be release : https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2016/CVE-2016-5195.html04:08
vincent42it does not fit04:08
Bashing-omvincent42: UH Huh .. 14.04 with HWE enabled . right ? .. such that now in 14.04 you should have xenial's kernel installed .04:08
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Bashing-omvincent42: " sysop@1404mini:~$ uname -r >> 3.13.0-100-generic " where I do not have HWE enabled .04:09
vincent42then when I upgrade the package, now I see Get:1 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main linux-image-4.4.0-45-generic amd64 4.4.0-45.66~14.04.1 [17.8 MB]04:10
vincent42it's the good version04:10
vincent42but I could not know before I download it the exact version it was going to dl04:11
vincent42there's something I don't understand04:11
dguerreroGood Day Everyone! By any chance someone here could help me with my approval on the #ubuntu-wiki-editors team?04:11
Bashing-omvincent42: I be similar in that there is bunches I do not understand . somethings I just take as given .04:15
vincent42Bashing-om: yeah, but I don't like to not understand :)04:18
vincent42anyway I guess everything's ok04:18
vincent42just need to reboot now04:18
Bashing-omdguerrero: See: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2338744 post #2 . Does this help ?04:19
Bashing-omvincent42: same .. Hang in here and ask again .. perhaps a response from a knowledgable person  ?04:20
=== FireStriker_ is now known as FireStriker
IngCr3at1onI've got a Lenovo y50-70 that I have ubuntu 16.04 on and I'm trying to figure out why the 8th inch audio input isn't working on it, read something that said "install pulse audio" but according to synaptic pulse itself is installed but there are several components that aren't anyone have any thoughts on a solution or what component may need to be installed?04:29
chris1bassHello all! I'm going to lurk around just installed Ubuntu for first time.04:29
chris1bassTrying to take some baby steps, even then still stumbling.04:30
IngCr3at1onI should mention the built in mic works fine it's just the jack that doesn't seem to be detected04:31
IngCr3at1onideally I need to fix it tonight cause I kind of need it working for something tomorrow04:32
joobIngCr3at1on, is the device seen an any of the tool panels in the os?04:33
IngCr3at1onjoob when I look in the sound settings it just shows the internal/built in mic04:33
joobis it mic or line?04:33
joobok so youre looking for line in04:34
IngCr3at1onright now I have my phone plugged into it with a line in just to try to get it working lol04:34
joobyou using plain ubuntu 16.04?04:34
joobIngCr3at1on, there are some mixing apps(like PNMixer, etc) that might have access to line in.04:36
IngCr3at1onanother random fact, if I plug my earbuds (which have a mic) into the headphone jack the mic on it does appear to work but doesn't list as a separate device but rather acts as the internal mic (however obviously that doesn't work with a normal line in)04:36
IngCr3at1onpnmixer eh... I could try that I guess04:37
joobIngCr3at1on, youre running pulseaudio right?04:37
IngCr3at1onor at least it's installed according to synaptic04:37
joobhave you tried alsamixer in the terminal?04:38
IngCr3at1onfiddling with it now lol04:38
dguerrero@Bashing-om Thanks, that's what i was looking for. I submitted the join request, so for now let's wait the approval04:39
joobgood. been years since ive used it04:39
Bashing-omdguerrero: Great ,, glad to be of some assistance . - That 10% that messes things up for the rest of us !04:40
IngCr3at1onhmm, not really seeing much helpful on that front04:41
IngCr3at1onI really feel like the main issue is the lack of line-in showing in the sound settings04:47
IngCr3at1onas for also capture only have mic, mic boost and capture (no line in)04:49
joobIngCr3at1on, thats why i mentioned alsamixer. ive seen it show devices not shown in a gui04:56
IngCr3at1onyeah I understand04:56
IngCr3at1onbut as I said line-in isn't in alsamixer either04:56
joobfound this. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/02/sound-switcher-app-ubuntu04:57
joobIngCr3at1on, when you can, boot into a live distro and see if the line in works there.04:58
IngCr3at1onhmm... unless I'm reading that wrong that's not likely to make a difference, the writer just says they use it cause they don't like opening the system settings04:59
IngCr3at1onthat's not a bad idea though...04:59
joobany chance your bios/efi might have settings for line in?05:01
HypothesisFroghi. I'm on ubuntu studio 16.04, and I'm set up to automatically login to my main user account. How can I unset that, so that people have to select to login with the when the computer boots up?05:02
joobHypothesisFrog, i dont have studio but check for user settings or users and groups05:03
IngCr3at1onworth a look joob, if not something tells me I won't be solving this tonight; I'll check the bios really quick though05:03
IngCr3at1onnope nothing in the bios :(05:09
IngCr3at1onthanks anyway joob, I'm not going to mess with it anymore tonight; I'm tired and it's not insanely high priority in my mind (rarely doing something for free is high priority for me lol )05:10
greybertThere any examples on how to configure teamd/libteamd for bonding? I can't find anything decent.05:34
DEFCODEi so scared05:37
mutanteDEFCODE: whats' up05:38
DEFCODEi was hacking one facebook05:38
DEFCODEim used keyloggers05:38
brotherBox>hacking facebook05:38
DEFCODEi not use proxy05:39
DEFCODEoh shit05:39
mutanteyou used a keylogger on somebody? that's not nice05:39
DEFCODEim infected all computer on my schoold05:39
DEFCODEi have 20 accounts05:40
brotherBoxare you 1205:40
mutanteDEFCODE: you are infected?05:40
DEFCODEits a prank bro05:40
brotherBoxi am running ubuntu 16.10 on a machine with a multitouch pad, the ones where you cant click both mouse keys simultaneously. i am following http://askubuntu.com/a/306430 to enable that via pressing with three fingers05:41
brotherBoxwhen i insert the lines into the file it does register in the X logs, but synclient -l still shows TapButton = 0 and it doesnt work. how can i fix this and have it enabled at startup without an ugly script05:42
mutantedid you also try the part after "If editing the 50-synaptics.conf file doesn't work, " yet?05:42
mutantei dont have the slightest clue, but i noticed that comment at the end05:43
brotherBoxmutante: i did in fact not...thats embarassing05:43
brotherBoxone sec05:43
linuxguys is anybody here?05:47
linuxhey guys sorry such a noob here05:48
linuxHey guys I'm new with linux   I can't seem to get pbs videos to work. Does anybody know how?05:49
joobpost the video link05:49
brotherBoxmutante: that was in fact the problem05:49
brotherBoxsometimes i am not a smart man05:49
tacioSo can someone tell me why I can't get a jedi knight academy server to run on ubuntu 64 bit?05:50
linuxok  but I've tried different pbs videos and just a black screen appears. pbs news works but not videos.05:50
joobpost the video link, linux05:50
mutantebrotherBox: it's some kind of weird effect that a second pair of eyes sees it after you stared at it too long, glad it works. i really dont know anything about the technical part, i just saw the "if it doesnt work" part05:51
linuxany of the videos joob05:53
joobfirst one played for me05:54
joobflash video. does youtube work for you05:54
Tex_Nicklinux: that link isn't a video ... this is ... http://www.pbs.org/video/2365869542/05:54
mutanteallows a gazillion javascripts from different domains ..sigh05:54
linuxhummm I'm using a live linux usb with persistance with firefox. So, what do you think it is?05:54
mutanteit's Flash, thats why05:55
mutantethe good old annoying "Flash on Linux" dance05:55
linuxwell, I thought I got flash maybe not05:55
linuxI got the "extras"05:56
kn330Anybody using AMD graphics on 16.10? I am not getting full resolution on my LG Ultrawide05:56
brotherBoxa lot of people think flash => copy protection05:56
linuxI mean, I got the restricted extras. Does that include flash?05:56
mutantelinux: what browser are you using ? http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Flash-Player-on-Ubuntu05:57
linuxok I'll try that link mutante thanks05:59
mutantelinux: you could try " sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer "05:59
chris2bassHost os: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, Guest os: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Using HyperV, im stumped on just getting Ubuntu connected to the internet.05:59
chris2bassI am inexperience with HyperV, and in general not very knowledge about a lot of these matters.06:00
Tex_Nickkn330: what amd chipset & was it ok on 16.04 ?06:02
kn330Tex_Nick: It was OK before 16.04 (with fglrx)06:03
joobin your VM, type lspci |grep Ethernet06:03
kn330VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Cedar [Radeon HD 5000/6000/7350/8350 Series]06:03
Ozesomeonecan help me06:04
kn330I am getting only 1920*1080 after upgrade to 16.04 (and 16.10)06:04
chris2bassjoob,  do i type that in a terminal window? Last time i played with Linux was when I was 13, for like 3 days.06:05
mutantechris2bass: yes06:06
Tex_Nickkn330: so it's a kind of confusing story ... basically you're out of luck ... this link kind of ex[;ains the problem ... http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/ubuntu-drops-amd-catalyst-fglrx-driver-16-0406:07
kn330I have read that06:08
kn330looking for a fix/hack06:08
xXEoflaOEXxIs there any way to see if I am on fglrx, amd, or radeon using command line?06:08
mutantexXEoflaOEXx: lsmod ?06:08
Tex_Nickkn330: there is a lot of chatter on the net regarding this issue, but amd seems to not be responsive to it ... i heve the same problem so have reverted to ubuntu 15.10 for now06:09
chris2basshttp://i.imgur.com/RyRRjAS.png I must be doing something incorrectly. Nothing happened when I typed that in.06:10
xXEoflaOEXxmutante: I am running AMD Radeon 9200 using radeon06:10
mutantexXEoflaOEXx: i meant to run that as a command "lsmod" or something like "lsmod | grep radeon" to answer your question how to check from commandline06:11
mutanteit lists the loaded kernel modules06:11
xXEoflaOEXxmutante: It appears I am using radeon driver and not the fglrx, thanks06:11
joobchris2bass, thats the issue06:12
mutantechris2bass: try that with sudo06:13
joobchris2bass, your problem is with hyper-v. you might not have assiged an adapter or you did but it's disabled in hyper-v.06:13
mutantechris2bass: actually, ignore me, sry06:13
joobchris2bass, shouldnt need sudo but try. but its showin n gui but if not thru lspci06:14
FatSpitfiremornin guys :)06:14
chris2bassTried sudo lspci |grep Ethernet , nothing happened. http://i.imgur.com/jfbVXNe.png , I believe it is on and enabled. I appreciate your patience by the way and thanks for taking the time to reply to me.06:22
joobchris2bass, check hyperv configs. do you happen to have a installed windows vm in your hyperv right now?06:32
chris2bassThat will be the next step to test the network. Let me set it up06:34
chris2bassI currently do not06:35
joobchris2bass, if you did, i would suggest running live boot and see if nic is working06:36
joobso you cant say you'v even HAD networking in hyper-v if you have no other hosts correct?06:36
KingsQuestcompile clamav and its family with h .91 compiler despite it being $18,000 per minute linux is virus free.06:37
KingsQuestnot header but compiler06:37
KingsQuestits also legally imposed06:38
chris2bassjoob, you are correct it hasn't been tested, It hasn't been proven to work, will test with another installation of windows06:41
iamrohit7i did do-release-upgrade and stopped midway before downloading. now whenever i do apt-get dist-upgrade, i get all the 16.10 stuff. how do i get back the 16.04 updates?06:45
Bashing-omiamrohit7: There is no undo . a Clean fresh install of 16.04 .06:47
ducasseiamrohit7: try "sudo sed -i 's/yakkety/xenial/g' /etc/apt/sources.list"06:48
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kn330Tex_Nick: Ok06:51
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al_nz1evening peeps06:53
al_nz1 Evening peeps. I have a little intel NUC running ubuntu on a remote network and I want it to monitor ome ubiquiti radios and IP cameras (all of which have snmp) - is this a good job for the NUC to do with some SNMP monitoring software406:53
peeps[lappy]evening al_nz106:54
joobal_nz1, if the specs hold up sure. never seen one of those things yet06:55
al_nz1joob: with something like Nagios?06:56
joobal_nz1, motioneye is worth looking at for the cameras06:56
jooboh i thought you meant monitor the devices06:56
joobyou mean monitor the host?06:56
al_nz1no - just that they are on the network06:56
al_nz1monitor from the little intel PC06:56
joobthey on a lan or over the net?06:56
ducasseal_nz1: for smtp monitoring you can also use mrtg06:56
Tex_Nickkn330: Xorg.conf has been removed from 16.04 and later so any hack to older AMD graphics is kinda dead, nothing left to hack, we'll just have to install newer graphics06:56
al_nz1ducasse: ok I will google it. I only say nagios because its so well known06:57
joobyes ive used it, its nice06:57
al_nz1joob: will send a email if something goes down?06:57
ducasseal_nz1: it is, but it might be complex depending on what you want/need. mrtg is very simple.06:57
al_nz1ducasse: really, I just need a email if anything goes down06:58
al_nz1a bunch of ping monitors would do it06:59
joobal_nz1, it could, but writing your own script would do that.. you can get basic data emailed like uptime, space info, ram, wan ip of remote node, etc.07:00
joobi just wrote a script a few hours to do something similar.07:00
chris2bassOh my god....... joob, I am so sorry man. The virtual switch was setup properly. It was activated and on. However I did the Ubuntu VM before doing the virtual network. During the VM creation there was no network to connect to. I did not remember to go back and connect to it.07:05
chris2bassWhile creating a new VM for windows 10, I noticed that the default is no connection.07:05
al_nz1joob: my bash isnt that good07:08
al_nz1did you use bash?07:08
ducasseal_nz1: i am sure if you do a little googling you will find tons of scripts like that07:10
ndut2hi all07:10
ndut2how are you07:10
ndut2what's the client for assembly in linux07:10
kn330ndut2: what do you mean by client?07:11
ducassendut2: you can use 'as' if you are asking for an assembler, it's in binutils07:12
ndut2yes as i mean07:12
ndut2binutils ?07:13
ndut2is that assembly support x6407:13
ndut2i read07:15
ndut2all support x86 only07:15
ndut2thx u though07:16
joobtoo bad he took off. NASM is 64 bit07:18
ducassehe didn't want x86 at all, which would have been useful to know a bit earlier...07:19
kn330Google gives enough 64-bit assembly tutorials for linux though07:20
spreadermanI am trying to config apache on ubuntu 14 to enable https.  Https appears to beworking BUT only for file in my webroot and not sub dirs.  What do you think I need to look at possibly?07:27
kumarv3how to pin applications ubuntu for quick launch?07:27
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kumarv3Can anyone clarify on pinning applications for quick launch in Ubuntu?07:30
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tczhi, can anyone direct me to where I can track the eta of linux-image-generic-lts-yakkety availability in 16.04? thank you08:16
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joobtcz, you want http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ i think.08:21
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joobtcz, sorry i meant this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds08:23
ducassetcz: ask in #ubuntu-release08:28
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pixe|ubunto is so kewl.. heheyeah baihbe08:45
leejongwookAnyone of you use Korean? How do I use it please?08:52
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pixe|not sure. i am new. yahoo it08:53
drjamis that still a thing?08:54
pixe|i am at work. very busy. have an excellent day :)08:54
leejongwookpixe|: Are you Nixie Pixel? :P08:55
pixe|nixie pixel. yes i will yahoo it08:55
wafflejock!ko | leejongwook not sure if this is the right one08:59
ubottuleejongwook not sure if this is the right one: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko08:59
leejongwookwafflejock: I don't know who took over on ubuntu-ko before. He(probably a jerk) kicked me out of there before a 7 years ago permanently.09:02
pixe|leejongwook: thank you so much :p :)09:03
destiniCan anybosy guide me about how to configure a Microsoft Exchange Email Account on Ubuntu?09:03
leejongwookpixe|: :P09:03
destini Can any body guide me about how to configure a Microsoft Exchange Email Account on Ubuntu?09:04
wafflejockleejongwook, bummer yeah can't help you on the korean setup would imagine it's just locale configuration though no?09:05
destini Can anybosy guide me about how to configure a Microsoft Exchange Email Account on Ubuntu?09:05
wafflejockdestini, don't repeat09:05
leejongwookwafflejock: Thanks for pay attention to me. :) I'll figure it out somehow. Thanks. I appreciate it.09:05
leejongwookBye for now.09:06
destiniwafflejock... at least you are reading me...09:06
wafflejockdestini, are you trying to get a direct exchange connection or is IMAP or POP/SMTP okay09:06
destiniIts direct exchange...09:06
wafflejockdestini, eh the chat stays here for the most part no need to repeat in IRC unless there are lots of people joining/leaving and you think new eyes will see it09:07
wafflejockdestini, personally haven't done it but looks like thunderbird has an extension for communicating with Exchange http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/smb-technologist/connect-the-thunderbird-email-client-to-your-exchange-server/09:07
destiniwafflejocjk... SMTP and POP worked for me on Thunderbird but not for the Microsoft Exchange... as I'm using Gmail on Thunderbird but not been able to do so with the Microsoft Exchange Account09:09
wafflejockdestini, POP/SMTP/IMAP all should work regardless of the server/client since it's all standardized stuff the Exchange connection is a MS specific thing so I haven't seen any support for it outside of Exchange server and Outlook really09:10
destiniIt always promts me for password... even after correct input... hence, no forward step in configuration...09:11
wafflejockdestini, you try doing it manually in the configuration for the accounts? sometimes need to pick the right TLS/STARTTLS or whatever and correct ports if they are non standard09:11
destiniEvery Exchange Account has its own different TLS/STARTTLS parameters...???09:12
wafflejockdestini, no different mail servers have different defaults and people can change configuration so it's not going to be the same everywhere and personally run a Postfix mail server so haven't used exchange in a bit09:13
wafflejockdestini, you can probably google for the default settings for your particular version of Exchange for ports and protocols but probably easier to look up how to check those things on the server if you have access09:14
destiniwafflejock... I have an another issue too...09:14
destiniYeah I have access... been using echange account and also been configuring on daily basis on Windows...09:16
destiniIf i tell a bit more about myself so it would be against my privacy...09:17
destiniI think that configuring an exchange account on a smartphone is far better than configuring it on laptop...09:18
destiniand quiet easier...09:18
wafflejockdestini, you can sudo apt install nmap, and nmap mail.example.com, with your server URL to see what ports are open and make sure those line up with what you have configured in Thunderbird or try some other clients to eliminate the possibility of some bug in that client09:19
destiniwafflejock... thanks for your valuable suggestions bro...09:19
arvstarkmay I to join ?09:19
wafflejockdestini, no prob let me know if there's anything I might be able to help with09:20
tomreynarvstark: i fyou're asking whether you'Re welcome here, yes you are (as long as you are here to asl or answer ubutnt support questions and comply with the !guidelines).09:21
destiniSure I will...09:22
tomreyni mean asK, not a/s/l there ;)09:22
ztaneand again, 16.10, wifi dc, after reconnection no names are resolved. I explicitly add, to network manager dns servers - to no avail.09:22
TRUMP2016gnome disk utility only allows LUKS to be used when creating Ext4 partitions. any way I can use it with FAT32? it's for a flash drive.09:23
ztanethe dns servers all respond, including the ones configured by dhcp09:23
ztane... nothing works until I remove (dnsmasq) from resolv.conf.09:23
whothehellamihi, I have problems with nvidia. I've installed cuda 8.0.44 AND the nvidia accelerated graphics driver 367.48 within the cuda. now I can't login anymore because there is a "login loop" (after I enter the password I see the login screen again)09:23
whothehellamiuname -r: 4.4.0-45-generic09:24
ztanewhothehellami: did you see /var/log/messages ; /var/log/X.org.0.log09:25
tomreynztane: does this report any errors? service dnsmasq status09:25
whothehellamiztane, none of these files exist09:26
arvstarktomreyn: okay,, thankyou. I'm newbie in here...09:26
tomreynarvstark: that's fine, no worries09:26
ztanetomreyn: user: no errors, root: Unit dnsmasq.service could not be found.09:27
ztanednsmasq running under nobody09:27
arvstarktomreyn: thanks.. I'm user of elementary os loki, anyone else ?09:28
tomreynztane: dpkg -l dnsmasq09:28
tomreynztane: oh its running, so it must be installed, didnt notice09:28
TRUMP2016gnome disk utility only allows LUKS to be used when creating Ext4 partitions. any way I can use it with FAT32? it's for a flash drive.09:28
ztanedig @ www.google.com -> no A.09:28
tomreynztane: you might still want to purge and reinstall it. should not do harm.09:29
ztaneyeah probably :d09:29
whothehellamiztane, can u tell me why I can't purge nvidia-* (cannot be found)09:29
tomreyn!elementary | arvstark09:29
ubottuarvstark: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.09:29
arvstarktomreyn: are you elementary os user too ?09:31
ztanetomreyn: hmm I didn't have dnsmasq per se, this is dnsmasq-base09:31
tomreynarvstark: no. it is also not supported on this channel.09:31
tomreynarvstark: see what ubottu told you.09:31
ztaneI installed dnsmasq, let's see what happens now09:32
tomreynztane: this looks correct. dnsmasq-base and -utils is what you should have09:32
ztane[41390.726797] TCP: request_sock_TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 53. Sending cookies.  Check SNMP counters.09:32
arvstarktomreyn : ouh,, I'm sorry... okay, I was read it... :)09:32
tomreynztane: actually -utils you don't need either09:32
ztane[41413.017640] traps: systemd-resolve[30907] general protection ip:7feb43cef226 sp:7ffcb891d980 error:0 in libsystemd-shared-231.so[7feb43c9e000+178000]09:33
ztaneAnd just as I was starting to think that systemd is a nice thing indeed.09:34
wafflejockwhothehellami, how did you install the CUDA drivers also you're on 16.04?09:34
afotekHello. I have a problem doing apt purge after installing a package with dpkg. It shows Unable to locate package *.dpkg, Couldn't find any package by glob '*.dpkg'. I can't seem to find a solution online09:34
tomreynafotek: can you show the command you ran?09:35
tomreynafotek: ideally botht he command you ran to install the package, and the command you ran to purge it09:36
ztanedoubleplusungood: sudo netstat -lpn is stuck...09:36
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afotektomreyn: it is a deb package to add cuda repository, then I wanted to remove it, and packages installed from it. commands are dpkg -i cuda-repo.deb, apt update, apt install cuda. then dpkg -r cuda-repo, apt remove cuda*. then this message appears09:38
ztaneI don't even... now dns doesn't again work anywhere09:40
tomreynafotek: first of all, a word of warning: do not install .deb packages you downloaded somewhere unless you really know what you're doing. they need to match your distribution and work with other packages and package versions you have installed, or it can result in this and several other issues. instead, use PPAs / third party repositories if you need to add software not available in ubuntu itself.09:41
ztanednsmasq reportedly runs on, dunno what is happening now... but, browsers do not resolve any addresses, dig @ www.google.com no a,09:41
ztanetried to put, in connection settings, no effect, dig @ works09:42
tomreynafotek: please put this command and its output on a !pastebin09:42
tomreyndpkg -l nvidia\* cuda\*09:42
ztanewhat is worse **now sudo doesn't work because my hostname doesn't resolve, **wtf****09:43
tomreyn!pastebin | afotek09:43
ubottuafotek: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:43
whothehellamiafotek, I am also trying to install cuda (with .run file) but after purging my old nvidia driver and installing the driver I could install with the .run file I cannot login anymore and it seems like no nvidia driver is installed (nothing to purge). can anyone help me?09:43
brunch875Does anyone know of a program to generate TOTP tokens which stores the keys in the gnome keyring?09:43
tomreynztane: i suggest you just reboot, then take another look at what may have gone wrong. that's unless you created unsupported packages or package versions (which could prevent the system from booting up fine)  and this led to this situation.09:44
ztanerebooted yesterday, this is take2 now :D09:44
ztanebut yeah noted09:45
afotektomreyn: http://pastebin.com/p5ca6Zug09:45
tomreynztane: i mean unless you *installed* unsupported packages, not created them.09:45
afotektomreyn: I am sure about this .deb, since its from nvidia and it matches my dist version09:47
tomreynafotek: sao no packages whose names start with either 'cuda' or 'nvidia' are currently installed. you may still have the APT repository installed. use "apt-cache policy" to check,  and put its output on a pastebin.09:47
ztanewell, everyone and their mom has unsupported packages, but they shouldn't be systemd related09:48
afotektomreyn: http://pastebin.com/iR9dvt3409:49
whothehellamiwafflejock, sry. didn't see your msg. I've run the .run installation file from https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads. and yes. ubuntu 16.04(.1) is installed09:49
afotektomreyn: http://pastebin.com/86Cuevc9 this is the message displayed now when running apt remove cuda*09:50
tomreynafotek: you only have default ubuntu repositories configured, no extra cuda repositories from nvidia09:50
wafflejockwhothehellami, no worries.... yeah I have installed the CUDA drivers myself in the past but was a while back and only done it once and also had all sorts of problems getting it to work... was using it for Agisoft and worked well in the end but huge problems along the way09:50
wafflejockwhothehellami, you may want to check for ~/.local/share/xorg for the xorg log believe it moved in some recent version09:51
FireStrikerHey guys how do you delete files in /usr/local/games?09:51
MonkeyDustFireStriker  sudo rm /usr/local/games/foo09:52
wafflejockwhothehellami, can also probably using nomodeset boot param to avoid loading any advanced drivers if you just need to get logged in to try other things but I think in the end I wiped the system and just installed the CUDA drivers and it worked with a clean install and no other drivers configured09:53
wafflejocktry* using09:53
tomreynafotek: if you did "dpkg -i  cuda-repo-ubuntu1604_8.0.44-1_amd64.deb" to install the package, to remove it you'd need to use either "dpkg --purge cuda-repo-ubuntu1604" or "apt-get purge cuda-repo-ubuntu1604" (without the trailing '.deb')09:53
tomreynafotek: but this package is not installed anyways.09:53
whothehellamiI guess it is possible to pastebin a logfile via cli?09:56
tomreyn!pastebinit | whothehellami09:56
ubottuwhothehellami: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com09:56
notdanielwhothehellami, theres also termbin.com09:58
notdanielno additional package necessary09:58
notdaniel(assuming you have nc installed, and chances are you do)09:58
PyroPeterhello. are there any plans to support zfs as a root filesystem in future releases?09:59
ballpenanyone who use qwebirc with unrealircd 410:00
MonkeyDustPyroPeter  i guess you can select zfs during installation10:00
afotektomreyn: solved it. was in the directory with that package, so instead of searching names from its cache, it used this name. sorry for bothering10:01
tomreynafotek: you did not bother me. good luck.10:02
PyroPeterMonkeyDust: " Also note that ZFS is only supported for data storage, not the root filesystem."10:02
FireStrikerI installed doom 3, how do I uninstall it?10:02
whothehellamiwafflejock, here is my /var/log/Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/23396587/10:04
tomreynFireStriker: how did you install it?10:04
tomreynPyroPeter: i don't know whether there ar eplans to support it. but if you want to try it (unsupported) now you could start here: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu10:08
MonkeyDustPyroPeter  'apt show zfs-kms ... Original-Maintainer: Darik Horn <dajhorn@vanadac.com>'   <-- contact this person10:10
tomreyn(not) incidentially also a contributor to the github repository i pointed to.10:14
tomreyn(but i would not recommend contacting him directly)10:15
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MeoteraHello ! I have 2tb usb hard disk, I formated (ext4) it using gparted. However it mounts in read-only mode !10:24
techie782I might have a weird question. Last week I installed Ubuntu 16.10 Gnome while I was in Germany. Somehow the GNOME locale jumped to German. Now I'm back in The Netherlands I want to switch it to Dutch. Not the language but only the settings for units, days etc. Somehow Dutch isnt in the list of settings in Region&Language in GNOME.10:24
MeoteraI tried sudo mount -o remount,uid=1000,gid=1000,rw /dev/sdc1 but I get mount: /media/odin/Savior not mounted or bad option10:24
MeoteraBut it is indeed mounted on /media/odin/Savior10:25
MeoteraSorry, I tried sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdc1 and it worked indeed (no error message), however the disk is still read-only...10:26
Ben64Meotera: how do you know it's read only10:31
wafflejockwhothehellami, if you search for (EE) in there can see error lines from what I see searching on those it looks like possibly multiple video modules loaded in the kernel10:31
MeoteraBen64: yes, I'm dumb. I tried to create a folder using "File" app and it was saying "read-only". I tried "mkdir folder" (without sudo!) from a terminal and it worked10:32
MeoteraHowever it means something is borked with nautilus or whatever it is10:33
wafflejockwhothehellami, if you search for LoadModule in your xorg looks like it has nvidia intel and nouveau10:33
wafflejockwhothehellami, my guess is you want to disable the nouveau driver maybe the intel as well but I'm not entirely sure10:34
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whothehellamiwafflejock, mby following was not a good idea but I've installed nvidia-370 and now I can login again. I did this because I couldn't purge any nvidia package (not found)10:38
whothehellamiwafflejock, how can I ensure that there is really only nvidia-370 installed?10:40
tomreynhi thinky10:42
thinkyusing ubuntu 16.04 and it upgraded opera browser but now opera is giving flashplayer is not uptodate10:42
thinkyi am trying to do instructions here http://www.opera.com/docs/linux/plugins/install/#flash10:42
thinkybut no luck10:42
tomreyn!flash | thinky10:42
ubottuthinky: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash10:42
thinkythere s no directory /usr/lib/opera/plugins10:43
thinkytomreyn: i already installed pepperflash10:43
thinkybut opera doesnt recognise it i dont know why10:43
thinkybefore update it was working fine10:44
thinkybut after automatic opera update it doesnt work now10:44
thinkywhy isnt there directory /usr/lib/opera/plugins ?10:44
thinkyi can see mozilla directory but not opera10:45
tomreyn!opera | thinky10:45
ubottuthinky: Opera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser10:45
tomreynread this page, it discusses how to update the pepperflash plugin10:46
tomreynwell no itd oesn't discuss updating, but installing10:46
wafflejockwhothehellami, you can basically use lspci -k to see what kernel modules is loaded for a particular device but I'm not sure how that works out when multiple video drivers are loaded10:47
wafflejockwhothehellami, this page may help specifically the parts about troubleshooting video drivers https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting10:48
thinkytomreyn: how to restart opera? just close and open again?10:49
wafflejockwhothehellami, regarding what's installed you can use, apt-cache policy nvidia*, to see what packages are marked installed in terms of apt10:49
thinkytomreyn: 2016-10-29 13:49:21 (309 KB/s) - ‘/tmp/pepperflashplugin-nonfree.Yxh2lWMbNe/google-chrome-stable_54.0.2840.71-1_amd64.deb’ saved [45532350/45532350]10:49
thinkymv: cannot stat 'unpackchrome/opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so': No such file or directory10:49
wafflejockwhothehellami, you may also want to check out lsmod and modprobe for listing modules loaded and modifying what modules are loaded10:49
FireStrikerTomreyn .run to default parth10:51
lassegs[m]Hi guys. I'm having a problem on my Thinkpad T440s with Intel video that xrandr doesnt show VGA output. Only eDP1, DP1, DP2, HDMI1,HDM2 and VIRTUAL1. But I'm sure theres a VGA here, and when running GNOME the VGA is actually picked up. Now I have to use xrandr because I'm running i3wm.  Where do I start to troubleshoot this, how can I add an undetected output to xrandr? Google is confusing on this.10:51
SircleI plugged 2 dvi cards (one with 2 ports and one with 1). The first one gave 2 displays but not the third one. I was using nvidia 340.96 driver. When I switched to nouvea drivers I got the third display but  my mouse display disappeared.10:56
Sircleany clues why?10:56
Tims_TechI accidently deleted all of my hard work(from around 5 hours of work) , how to recover them?11:00
Tims_TechI accidently removed them with rm11:00
lassegs[m]Tims_Tech: rm goes to .trash folder in ur home directory , unless u used the -rm option11:05
lassegs[m]Tims_Tech: sorry *-rf option11:05
xubuntu42dHello, guys! How can I hide :i386 packeges offers in ubuntu software center?11:06
xubuntu42dIt shows me these, after I installed and purged binutils-multiarch11:06
maxiideapadhey i have one question. Could anybody assist me with it?11:08
lassegs[m]maxiideapad: just ask, you know :)11:08
Tims_Techlassegs[m], I used the -rf option :p11:09
Tims_TechI am using testdisk now11:09
Tims_Techto scan :p11:09
wafflejockxubuntu42d, I think the software center is just a front end for apt-get/apt-update so if your apt sources doesn't contain references to repos that serve i386 packages then doing a sudo apt update, should get the list of packages that don't include i38611:09
whothehellamiwafflejock, thank you for all your help. I'll have a look at these commands later11:12
xubuntu42dwafflejock, I do "sudo apt upgade" but USC still offers :i38611:13
xubuntu42dI've done11:13
wafflejockxubuntu42d, did you do sudo apt update first? update gets package listings, upgrade tries to upgrade installed packages11:13
wafflejockxubuntu42d, also check out your cat /etc/apt/sources.list possibly stuff about i386 in there still, really not sure just throwing out some ideas :)11:14
xubuntu42dsudo aot update, of couse11:14
xubuntu42dsudo apt update, of course11:15
FireStrikerhey guys11:16
FireStrikerhow do i uninstall doom3 installed from the .run into the defult parth which is '/usr/local/games/doom3'11:17
wafflejockwhothehellami, no problem good luck with that too it is a bit of a mess to get working from what I saw but depending on what you're using it for might be worth it :)11:17
Ben64FireStriker: see if the run has an uninstall thing11:17
SircleI plugged 2 dvi cards (one with 2 ports and one with 1). The first one gave 2 displays ut not the third one. I was using nvidia 340.96 driver. When I switched to nouvea drivers I got the third display but  my mouse display disappeared. Any clues on ubuntu?11:20
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FireStrikerBen64: nope no uninstall on the run11:27
ballpenhey anyone who uses unrealircd? :11:27
FireStrikergood question it looks nice11:28
ellihi, how install Pantheon 0.4 ? new elementary OS desktop Loki11:30
wafflejockFireStriker, basically the .run file can do whatever when you execute it, it isn't a .deb file so you don't install/uninstall with dpkg which is the package manager built into ubuntu... long story short you just need to find what the .run file changed and revert the changes (likely just copied files somewhere but hard to say)11:32
wafflejock!elementary | elli11:32
ubottuelli: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.11:32
FireStrikeri know where it is i just need to know how to deleat them so i can reinstall in a diffenct parth11:33
elliubottu: its ubuntu channel? i need install for ubuntu11:33
ubottuelli: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:33
ellijoin  #elementary11:33
FireStrikerits in /usr/local/game and /usr/local/bin11:33
wafflejockelli, are you running Ubuntu or Elementary? if elementary ask in that channel if Ubuntu this is the right place for support11:34
elliok thanks11:34
ellii need install for ubuntu11:34
FireStrikerneed to remove the doom 3 file in /usr/local/bin11:34
wafflejockelli, have a link for Pantheon 0.4 I don't see it in the packages in the default repos11:34
FireStrikerand remove doom3 and doom3-doom3-dedicated files in /usr/local/bin11:35
FireStrikerhangon its doom 3 folder in /usr/local/games11:35
wafflejockFireStriker, many times the binaries are just linked there you may want to use ls -al /usr/local/bin to see if the doom file is linked from some other location, to remove files you can use rm, if you need to remove as root can use sudo rm but be careful with what you're removing that way can delete important parts of your system11:36
elliwafflejock: thanks11:36
FireStrikerik i fucked my install of lubuntu using the mv commnad moving pk4's into that file11:37
FireStrikerit keept throwing errors and not doing anything so i dont knwo what happned11:37
wafflejockFireStriker, yeah it's best to just use things in the default repos, then install and removal typically goes fine, also watch language in here or can get kicked by ops11:38
wafflejockFireStriker, if it isn't in the repos then have to trust whoever you're getting packages from but still best to only install things packaged for your particular version of Ubuntu otherwise can have dependency problems or conflicts with different versions of things installed11:39
xjkxI'd like to verify the safety of a file, but I dont know how, am I to download an anti virus ? I use ubuntu, and Google Chrome no longer offers a version for 32 bits computers, only 64 bits. But I found an older version, in 32 bits, in archive.org but that's not official, so...how can I even test this file ? I have no other way, because Netflix only works right in Chrome, and chromium, that we can get in apt-get, it doesn't work, they mention a plugin but apt11:39
akikxjkx: if you change the http user agent of firefox to chrome, you can use netflix with it11:40
FireStrikerit works it might not be for 16.04 as it was last updated 2007 or something but it works it just a game thing that needs the pk4s move into it so how do i use the rm command in a way that wont screw up my install of ubuntu11:40
tomreynrm: don't delete files which are required by the operating system or applications, or which contain data or code still required.11:42
tomreyni mean FireStriker11:42
wafflejockFireStriker, there are no guarantees when you are removing things from the system especially as root, there's no way to be 100% safe when deleting things that way hence the suggestion about where/how to install things, rm just removes a file from the filesystem but if that's a critical file then you'll have problems11:42
tomreyngeneric question, generic answer11:42
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:43
xjkxakik: I didn't understand what you said,  you want me to use firefox ? It doesn't work, I think11:43
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com11:43
FireStrikerhow do a !pastebinit11:44
tomreynxjkx: use firefox with user ganet switcher add-on, load an updated list of user agents, and set the user agent to be chrome11:44
FireStrikeri am new11:44
FireStrikerlike rly new11:44
tomreyn!temrinal | FireStriker11:44
tomreyn!terminal | FireStriker11:44
ubottuFireStriker: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:44
xjkxtomreyn: I'll try that thanks11:45
cypher__i have some problems while installing gcc and g++!11:45
akikxjkx: http user agent is the string your browser sends to the remote www server11:45
tomreynFireStriker: you need to use pastebinit from a temrinal11:45
wafflejockFireStriker, you can basically type somecommandhere | pastebinit, and it will give you a link with the output from your command11:45
akikxjkx: it's an identifier of your browser name and version11:45
Ben64cypher__: ok11:45
FireStrikeri kow i have a termial up i want to know what i type and what i need to instal? to get it to run that command confued me11:46
FireStrikerthe bot command11:46
FireStrikeroh dear11:46
FireStrikersoz kow was going trying to say know11:46
xjkxakik, tomreyn, so basically, Netflix would work in firefox, but they're bitching me to get chrome11:46
wafflejockFireStriker, sudo apt install pastebinit, if you want to install that package11:46
tomreynxjkx: that's what akik said, i know nothing about it.11:47
akikxjkx: after you change the user agent, there's no bitching11:47
xjkxAlright, thanks11:47
FireStrikerlet me start aign lol11:47
FireStrikeri fell like iam being a dick now11:48
FireStrikersoz if i am being a dick11:48
mikubuntui thought i had a great idea, to just do a side by side fresh install which would preserve all my data on a partition but when i started the installation i got to this point and chickened out bc it looks like i might still have trouble accessing my (old) files -- https://goo.gl/photos/w5oMhxn45en6xbiSA11:49
akikxjkx: although i can't be certain if this method works with the 32-bit firefox11:49
FireStrikerok the .run from doom 3 installs to /usr/local/games in doom3 which it makes. there is 2 files in /usr/local/bin that is from it. what do i do to uninstall it11:49
Ben64FireStriker: basically, nobody here knows what to tell you because we don't support stuff that isn't in the ubuntu repositories. you were here earlier trying to install doom using that run file. you're pretty much on your own on this.11:49
xjkxakik: I'll find out in a bit11:49
FireStrikeri want to know how to remove files11:49
Ben64"rm" removes files, good luck11:49
wafflejock!rm | FireStriker11:49
ubottuFireStriker: The Unix 'rm' command removes files and directories from the filesystem. It is an extremly powerful tool, and you should not run 'rm' commands unless you fully understand them. Do not run arbitrary 'rm' commands you see online. For a beginning guide on using terminal commands, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:49
tomreynxjkx: http://askubuntu.com/questions/828286/now-that-i-have-firefox-49-how-do-i-watch-netflix11:50
tomreyn"Edit 2: This also works on 32 bit Ubuntu! Woo hoo!"11:50
tomreynxjkx: be sure to also tell netflix that the experience sucks11:51
mikubuntui wish i could just get help fixing the system that broke several months ago after doing a software update (it might have been an upgrade from 14.04 to 15.10)11:51
Ben64mikubuntu: 14.04 doesn't upgrade to 15.1011:51
FireStrikeri am trying to get help on the commands becuase i am new i dont know much, but i am learning fast i seems falry state foword but i want to dobble check so i dont screw up enother instal of ubuntu/lubuntu11:52
mikubuntuBen64: maybe i did it in steps? i know i had 14.04 and the installer says i have 15.10 on the hdd -- https://goo.gl/photos/JEP6BHF7eqahvowt511:54
IranyHow do i set to Nemo instantly enter my SSH server?11:54
wafflejockFireStriker, problem is no one here can tell you what to delete exactly to clean up what that script did so we can tell you how the tools in the system work but can't guarantee anything about how you use them in this case, with .deb files installed with dpkg there is a clear way to remove and stuff in the repos has been tested to work with the system everything else can't really be recommended or supported11:54
Ben64mikubuntu: ok well do you have an actual question anywhere11:55
gnu2my gt730 won't output to vga after X is init, just black screen11:55
wafflejockFireStriker, with .deb files you use dpkg to install and dpkg has a list of all packages it installed and can tell it to uninstall some package and it knows where the files are and has any scripts for cleaning things up, with .run could do anything and in this case seems it has no uninstall11:55
FireStrikerok let help you a bit its in /usr/local/games in a folder called doom3 would the command go a little like this? 'sudo rm /usr/local/games/doom3'11:57
gnu2my gt730 won't output to vga after X is init, just black screen11:58
mikubuntuBen64: more of an appeal than a question. i'd like to get help restoring the system that broke on update several mos ago. (black screen)11:58
xjkxtomreyn, akik, firefox worked :o ty11:59
wafflejockFireStriker, if doom3 is a file it will work if it is a folder you need to use the -rf flags with rm like sudo rm -rf /directory/i/want/gone/forever, be awful careful with that one though a bad path and you can really destroy your system fast :)12:00
gnu2my gt730 won't output to vga after X is init, just black screen12:00
gnu2my gt730 won't output to vga after X is init, just black screen12:00
FireStrikerik so use "sudo rm -rf /usr/local/games/doom3" and make shore i dont bugger it up12:01
wafflejock!patience | gnu212:01
ubottugnu2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:01
gnu2my gt730 won't output to vga after X is init, just black screen12:01
gnu2my gt730 won't output to vga after X is init, just black screen12:01
gnu2my gt730 won't output to vga after X is init, just black screen12:01
gnu2my gt730 won't output to vga after X is init, just black screen12:01
wafflejockFireStriker, yah just be very careful with that since could remove anything and will be recursively deleting any sub folders12:01
* gnu2 's question is like the sun: it keeps shining12:02
FireStrikerany subfolder inside doom3 or if i bugger up inside of local12:02
FireStrikeralso is case and all of that allgo12:02
younderWhy is brazro not in the repository for 16.04?12:03
mikubuntui wish i could just get help fixing the system that broke several months ago after doing a software update (it might have been an upgrade from 14.04 to 15.10)12:03
wafflejockyounder, brasero ?12:04
wafflejock!info brasero12:04
ubottubrasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.12.1-1ubuntu5 (yakkety), package size 170 kB, installed size 1109 kB12:04
younderwafflejock, yes the CD burner stuff12:05
wafflejockyounder, it's in there just had spelling wrong I think12:05
wafflejock!info brasero xenial12:06
ubottubrasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.12.1-1ubuntu3~16.04 (xenial), package size 171 kB, installed size 1109 kB12:06
younderwafflejock, DOH12:06
wafflejockyounder, yeah I think of it as z sound too easy mistake :)12:06
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performerhei, why my znc can't connect ? on root it's say it's already running12:10
younderwafflejock, anyhow it will have to wait the local ubuntu repository at trivini.no is down12:11
asus-x33can i hel you??12:12
FireStrikerwafflejock: is this command currect with no typos upto /doom312:12
FireStrikersudo rm -rf /usr/local/games/doom3"12:12
wafflejockFireStriker, yeah (no double quote at the end) will blow away that folder no taksie backsies :)12:13
FireStrikerthanks its gorn without killing anything else12:14
ztaneargh someone should fix the do-release-upgrade so that it *flushes* input buffers before it asks for a new question...12:16
wafflejockFireStriker, yeah probably fine but anytime you remove something from disk like that you really don't entirely know everything is working fine until you reboot because things can remain in RAM that are no longer on disk, you should be fine I think here but just saying in general12:16
FireStrikerit has destoryed the file and it looks like that was all it toched12:17
FireStrikerso the 2 files in /usr/local/bin may go when i reboot?12:17
wafflejockFireStriker, no it won't automatically get rid of more stuff when you reboot I just meant for example if you launched firefox then deleted the firefox binary you could keep firefox running, or if you deleted some system config files you wouldn't notice until those config files are read again12:18
SircleTazmain:  line 43 https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8923064 errors while create xorg. After lightdm restart, plasma does not starts.12:18
wafflejockFireStriker, regarding the files in /usr/local/bin you would have to still delete those manually as well, if they are just files you can use rm without the -rf though12:19
FireStrikerhangon can i open the termanl in the /usr/local/bin and deleate doom3 and doom3-dedicated like "sudo rm doom3"12:20
FireStrikerthat makes it a little safer right?12:21
FireStrikerif not the command will be "sudo rm /usr/local/bin doom3"12:22
wengremove game12:22
wengremove game suites12:22
wafflejockFireStriker, yeah you can navigate into the folder first and then use a relative path if you want it is a little bit safer since you can't accidentally hit enter too early and delete something else12:23
wafflejockFireStriker, so long as you aren't using -rf it's a little safer already since it won't delete directories12:24
FireStrikercommand right?12:24
wafflejockFireStriker, you would want slash before the file too like sudo rm /usr/local/bin/doom312:24
FireStrikerso termal in file it would be /doom3 right12:25
FireStrikeror just doom312:25
wafflejockif you already cd to the folder just doom312:26
FireStrikerthanks for the help12:27
wafflejockFireStriker, when you start a path with / it assumes you mean the root of the filesystem if you do ./ the dot means current location if you don't start with a slash or dot slash it is relative to the current folder (can pwd to see the current directory path)12:27
wafflejockFireStriker, no prob12:27
=== MaiTitos is now known as furnicute
gnu2my gt730 won't output to vga after X is init, just black screen12:36
gnu2dmesg: http://pastebin.ca/373394612:36
gnu2Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.ca/373394712:36
gnu2my gt730 won't output to vga after X is init, just black screen12:36
gnu2dmesg: http://pastebin.ca/373394612:36
gnu2Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.ca/373394712:36
snfgfhow can i launch a serial terminal on /dev/ttyUSB0 without GNU screen?12:47
lordcirthsnfgf, http://www.cyberciti.biz/hardware/5-linux-unix-commands-for-connecting-to-the-serial-console/12:51
lordcirthI'd just use screen, though...12:53
lordcirthsnfgf, here's more: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Working_with_the_serial_console#Connect_using_a_terminal_emulator_program12:54
snfgflordcirth, thanks, but most of those commands don't seem to be accessible to me, i am installing screen under my $HOME12:59
snfgfbut! even though I use --bindir=$HOME/software/bin12:59
snfgfi get the error message12:59
snfgf /usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file '//bin/screen-4.4.0': Permission denied12:59
rthorntonpresumably the uname -r13:00
rthornton is a patched kernel w.r.t. the recent discovery of a 2005 era kernel bug CVE-2016-5195 privilege-escalation?13:00
=== Orphis_ is now known as Orphis
=== afru_ is now known as workfro
BluesKajHi folks13:11
OerHeksheya BluesKaj13:11
vladpjust upgraded to yakkety yak and now my desktop won't show... tried xfwm4 --replace and playing with window manager but nothing helps. anyone has any ideas ? screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/9mdDNJi.png13:12
vladpand I can only click in the upper left corner of the desktop o.O13:13
OerHeksstrange, i see a desktop @ http://i.imgur.com/9mdDNJi.png13:15
vladpOerHeks: I think I chose the wrong words, what I meant to say is: my desktop is full of files and icons, but now nothing will show except for Plank and upper panel13:16
vladpOerHeks: and I can only right click in the upper left corner, nowhere else13:16
BluesKajHi OerHeks13:16
MonkeyDustvladp  looks like a decent desktop, what more do you want to see13:17
wengI like unity13:18
vladpMonkeyDust: all of this: http://i.imgur.com/9R7aWS1.png13:18
vladpsomething went wrong after the upgrade T_T my background wont update etc.13:19
MonkeyDustvladp  yes, that's the filemanager13:19
MonkeyDustvladp  oh, i see, all the documents on the desktop13:20
wommy PATH got suddenly messed up (/bin was missing), and this happened while I was installing vagrant and virtualbox - I'm just curious that why this happened? any ideas?13:22
vladpMonkeyDust: it worked before the upgrade though... here's an example when I try to right click on a wallpaper suggest by variety: https://i.imgur.com/IFEeAk7.png13:22
helpmeplzis it a good idea to take someone else's business name as my domain name and use a different top level domain?13:22
vladphelpmeplz: no13:23
helpmeplzbut my initials are the business name13:23
OerHekshelpmeplz, not really an ubuntu issue13:23
helpmeplzwhere should I go then13:24
vladphelpmeplz: I think in your heart you already know the answer, follow your heart :)13:24
SchrodingersScat!offtopic | helpmeplz13:26
helpmeplzhar har har13:26
ubottuhelpmeplz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:26
=== weng1 is now known as weng
wommy PATH got suddenly messed up (/bin was missing), and this happened while I was installing vagrant and virtualbox - I'm just curious that why this happened? any ideas?13:30
JammaHello guys! I have a problem with my laptop running ubuntu. It doesn't find my wifi even if it usually does with no problems13:33
SchrodingersScathelpmeplz: which, I'm actually curious and willing to discuss it a little, if you make it into #ubuntu-offtopic13:34
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wengJamma: try  reset your wifi router13:36
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JammaI'll try, but it's weird because it works great on the other devices13:38
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ambarwariagusGood night Mr. Mrs.13:44
ambarwariagusAny someone in this room?13:45
ambarwariagusI have a question about python in ubuntu13:46
pragmaticushi, i'm on ubuntu server 14.04, trying to install libgeotiff-espg, but it cant find the package, normally it has to be in the default sources, any ideas?13:49
wenggoogle it13:50
wengthen wget the url13:50
wengdpkg install13:50
kostkon!info libgeotiff-espg trusty13:51
ubottuPackage libgeotiff-espg does not exist in trusty13:51
pragmaticusfound this url https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgeotiff-epsg/1.4.0-113:51
DJonespragmaticus: Looks like it might be part of http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libgeotiff-epsg13:51
wengjust wget it13:52
wengor curl13:52
wengbut it may be not secure13:52
pragmaticusshould i wget this url http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libgeotiff-epsg?13:53
DJonespragmaticus: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libgeotiff2 Looks like it includes the file, maybe just install that package13:53
kostkon!info libgeotiff-epsg trusty13:53
ubottulibgeotiff-epsg (source: libgeotiff-epsg): GeoTIFF library -- EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.4.0-1 (trusty), package size 534 kB, installed size 5220 kB13:53
pragmaticusDJones, i'll try your approache, how did you know that it's part of the geotiff2 package?13:54
kostkonpragmaticus: try enabling the multiverse repo13:54
DJonespragmaticus: Just searched on packages.ubuntu.com to find files related to the file13:55
pragmaticusDjones, thanks.13:55
testver aetos.irc.gr13:56
wengwget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/160030060/libgeotiff-epsg_1.4.0-1_all.deb13:56
wengsudo dpkg -i libg*.deb13:56
OerHeksweng, wrong advise13:56
OerHeksand it is solved by now, read back please13:57
pragmaticuskostkon, FYI enabled multiverse and can now install libgeotiff-epsg. Thank you all!13:59
kostkonpragmaticus: :)14:00
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QuiqueHemos some one spic espanish14:21
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ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:22
Guest91634Gracias w14:22
jagdish/ join #ubuntu14:23
carbineHello everyone.14:30
SchrodingersScatcarbine: hello14:30
carbineI hate to be a thorn in anyone's side this early in the morning (depending on where you are located), but has anyone had issues with waking from a suspend?14:31
MonkeyDustcarbine  start from the beginning, what are the symptoms14:31
carbineWhen I either manually suspend, or close the lid causing a suspend, upon wake (by pressing any key) I get a black screen with a non-blinking cursor. I can ctrl+alt+f[num], but the display will freeze once I do that. I am using an Acer Z5WAH running a nearly fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04.14:33
carbineI have an error report on my screen that I wish I were able to copy/pastebin14:33
carbineWell that went exactly as expected lol14:42
carbinehttp://pastebin.com/v8ezqQtE - dmesg14:46
carbineThis appears as if it may be a graphics driver issue14:47
carbineAccording to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend, if I run into a second "hash matches" in my dmesg, that device is probably the culprit with my suspend issues.14:48
lieferLets say i have 2 harddrives that i want to run in RAID. Would it be possible to have it setup such that each hdd has 2 partitions (a1, b1, a2, b2) and have partition a1 and a2 mirror/replicate eachother but b1 and b2 not (that is, b1 and b2 is set up to give maximum space)14:54
akikliefer: short answer is yes14:55
lieferakik, and the long answer? :D14:55
akikliefer: you can create a mdadm setup to do that14:56
akikliefer: was just thinking that it's not always easy :)14:57
lieferi will look into mdadm thank you14:57
kk4ewtthough i would have a1 mirror to b114:57
kk4ewtthen a2 and b2 be separate14:57
kk4ewtthat way you you have the raid mirrored in case a drive crashes14:58
akikkk4ewt: i think he meant the numbers to mean the separate disks14:58
kk4ewtyes but he is mirroring drive A 1 to Drive A 214:59
kk4ewtwhich if drive A dies he is hosed14:59
lieferi meant to have the same data mirrored on the each of the two physical hdd's15:00
liefersorry if that wasnt clear15:00
akikliefer: yes it wasn't clear15:00
akikliefer: so you could've said mirror sda1 to sdb1 and keep sda2 and sdb2 non-mirrored15:03
IranySomeone know how to fix this: "Tor unexpectedly exited" ?15:03
lieferi should have just asked if it was possible to mirror just partitions in a RAID setup, instead of entire disks15:04
akikliefer: yes :)15:04
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=== Irany is now known as Recker
Fensterhey guys15:15
FensterI was in here the other day and some guys helped me copy contents to an external drive using rsync15:15
FensterI was hoping I get some help copying them back15:15
FensterI have the source and destination15:15
Fensterjust need the rsync options15:15
kk4ewtdo you have the instructions from the other day?15:16
Fensterno, I dont believe my irc client is logging :\15:17
SircleCan anyone refer to a detailed newbie guide for multiseatx?15:17
Fensterbascially I just want to take all files in  root dir of a USB drive and transfer to a folder called Old Windows Files15:17
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MonkeyDustFenster  use the find command command15:18
FensterI did something like this:  rsync -avh /home/usr/dir/ /media/disk/backup/15:19
Fensterwe'll see how it goes15:19
kk4ewtso reverse that15:22
Fenstersome have alrady been transferred... will rsync overwrite?15:22
Fensteror duplicate?15:23
wafflejockFenster, see man rsync, Rsync finds files that need to be transferred using a "quick check" algorithm (by default) that looks for files that have changed in size or in last-modified time.15:23
helllojesus12can someone help me with tomcat 7 installation?15:24
helllojesus12I am getting an error with tomcat7.service when I try to install using apt-get install15:24
minsubcan you show me the logs15:25
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helllojesus12Its an error related to dpkg. I tried reading some of the threads on stackoverflow but I did not really understand some of it.15:25
helllojesus12Sure minsub15:25
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No_WifiI recently moved to Ubuntu 14.04 from windows. I am not able to access wifi when booted into ubuntu. I use a lenovo yoga 2 13 laptop with network driver intel wireless 7260. rfkill gives wireless and bluetooth as hardblocked.15:27
No_WifiCan anyone help?15:28
helllojesus12minsub, here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/Fhbv6wdM15:28
helllojesus12This output is from systemctl status15:28
helllojesus12minsub, here is the output from journalctl -xe: http://pastebin.com/mz9eBdWM15:30
dojiNo_Wifi, have you tried to see if the interface is recongnized? try 'ip link' in the command line and see if the wifi interface is there15:32
dojiif not, you are probably missing a driver15:32
helllojesus12any help with tomcat7 installation is appreciated.15:33
=== ImpeccableEyes is now known as UrsaTempest
No_Wifiwlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 100015:33
dojistate DOWN15:34
No_WifiYeah. It's recognized tho, right?15:34
MonkeyDustNo_Wifi  try with ifup15:34
dojiso try sudo ip link set wlan0 up15:34
No_WifiTried. Still DOWN.15:35
dojidid it give any output?15:35
No_WifiNo output.15:35
SircleCan anyone refer to a detailed newbie guide for multiseatx?15:35
gnu_my gt730 won't output to vga after X is init, just black screen (Both VGA and DVI). Once screen goes black, can connect to SSH, but won't create shell.15:36
gnu_dmesg: http://pastebin.ca/373394615:36
gnu_Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.ca/373394715:36
gnu_please help15:36
gnu_once X comes up it is BLACK on DVI and BLACK on vga15:37
No_Wifi:doji I tried sudo ifup wlan0. Gives 'Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.'15:37
doji:No_Wifi hm, well the easy way didn work. So you might have some work configuring the wifi. You can reference this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConfigurationCommandLine/Automatic#Wireless15:37
wafflejock!nomodeset | gnu_15:37
ubottugnu_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:37
wafflejockgnu_, you may want to use that boot param so you can get back to the graphical interface using just basic drivers then can try clearing out any installed drivers and just use the additional drivers dialog to install the nvidia packages15:38
gnu_ubottu: the splash screen works, it only goes black when X comes up15:39
ubottugnu_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:39
gnu_wafflejock: im on ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS15:39
gnu_there is no additional drivers dialoge15:39
wafflejockgnu_, version isn't supported anymore15:39
No_Wifi:doji Okay I'll try that then. Seems like a lot of work.15:39
gnu_never the less It is above the minimum for the nvidia driver15:39
doji:No_Wifi , the nice thing about linux is that usually with some work you can actually fix the problem :) and after a while you start enjoying the process15:40
gnu_Linux version 2.6.24-3215:40
gnu_X.Org X Server
gnu_module-init-tools version 3.3-pre1115:40
gnu_ldd --version  :  ldd (GNU libc) 2.715:40
gnu_/usr/local/lib/libvdpau (version 0.2)15:40
gnu_ 15:40
MonkeyDustgnu_  next time, use a !pastebin15:41
jelly2.6.24 is a horribly old kernel from like 2009.  Expecting a card from 2014-ish to work well is not reasonable15:42
wafflejockgnu_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases support ended May of 2013 if you are installing your own source then you'll have to deal with issues, don't drop multiple lines here like MonkeyDust said just use a paste site or ubuntu forums or the ubuntu stack sites15:42
MonkeyDustjelly  what's the output of    cat /etc/issue15:42
gnu_wafflejock: I cant deal with the issues15:42
jellyMonkeyDust: I'm talking about gnu_'s system.15:42
gnu_I can't get it to fucking work15:42
=== johnc4510 is now known as Ghoulish
gnu_there is no error in Xorg.0.log15:42
MonkeyDustgnu_  mind your language15:42
gnu_nothing in dmesg15:42
dojioh btw, No_Wifi. If you are not to keen on the ubuntu version you are using. Try and see if a more up to date livedisk autodetects the interface. (run in preview mode)15:42
gnu_MonkeyDust: cunt15:43
gnu_bet you're a hillary voter15:43
gnu_voting for a fucking cunt15:43
gnu_fuck you15:43
* jelly already had to +q them in #debian15:43
wafflejockgnu_,  your method of searching for help is mind numbing15:43
wafflejockgnu_, good luck15:43
gnu_wafflejock: I allready asked here15:43
gnu_no one could help15:43
gnu_no error msgs15:43
MonkeyDustgnu_  glad i could help, your humble servant *bow*15:43
gnu_just a black screen15:43
Sirclehow to see how many mice and keyboards I have?15:43
gnu_dmesg says all is wel15:43
gnu_xorg log says everythings working great15:44
all-cloudshello! I've upgraded recently to 16.04 (32 bit) and for some reason every boot takes very long time (I've got SSD)... I noticed that on one of the windows (CTRL+ALT+1 or 2... up to 7) shows that there are inode checks and clean ups... anyone could give me a hint of what is happening? How to fix this slow boot?15:46
ikoniaall-clouds: define "long time"15:49
akikall-clouds: have you checked dmesg for errors?15:49
ikoniaall-clouds: your file systems get checked either upon error or ever certain ammount of mounts,15:49
ikoniayou could just be seeing a file system check15:49
all-cloudsikonia: long time... maybe 1 minute or 2? I did not time is :) I just know it used to boot up in seconds and now I can go and do a banana shake and come back to a booted system15:51
VN7anyone here can tell me my ubuntu 16.04 have wrong time and date and no wifi, but gets it on restart???15:51
all-cloudsakik: yes, I did check, and found no errors... any way to do this automatically? not needing to read all the logs? like grep "error" ?15:52
ikoniaall-clouds: remove the boot splash and watch the boot up15:52
ikoniaall-clouds: see exactly what is going on15:52
all-cloudsikonia: see a file system check @ each boot? (I knew there are file system checks every once in a while, however this happens each time)15:53
ikoniaall-clouds: so that suggests your file system is being corrupted15:53
ikonialook at the shutdown process15:54
all-cloudsikonia: how can I remove the boot splash?15:54
ikoniaall-clouds: modify the grub boot, or just hit escape when you see it start to display the boot splash15:54
all-cloudsbefore I reboot, is there any other way to see what happened at boot time? to see if there was a file system check and why it happens each time?15:55
ikoniaall-clouds: what is the problem with hitting "escape"15:56
ikoniawhy would you not use that15:56
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all-cloudsikonia: I will, sure thing :) I am just happy the system is now running and feel awkward to have to restart it :)15:56
Sirclethere was a utility that detected mouse/keyboard etc when pluged (live). Can anyone recall?15:56
ikoniaall-clouds: you feel awkward hitting the reboot menu15:57
ikoniaall-clouds: but yet you want to know why it's slow booting. you may need to assess your approach to troubleshooting15:57
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wafflejockall-clouds, there are packages that will record all the boot up sequence info and show you a graph of the timing of everything but need those installed before the boot I believe15:57
wafflejock!info bootchart | all-clouds15:58
ubottuall-clouds: Package bootchart does not exist in yakkety15:58
wafflejock!info bootchart xenial | all-clouds15:58
ubottuall-clouds: bootchart (source: bootchart): boot sequence auditing. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.90.2-8ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 10 kB, installed size 96 kB15:58
all-cloudsakik, ikonia: thank you for now! let's see the boot15:58
all-cloudswafflejock, ubottu: thank you!15:58
wafflejockhmm apparently isn't in yakkety no prob15:58
ioriaall-clouds, you can check /var/log/boot.log   ;   you can run   systemd-analyze blame  or boot in text mode15:59
for{}man systemd-analyze15:59
ikoniahe doesn't need any of that15:59
ikoniahe just needs to boot and see what triggers the file system check15:59
for{}systemd-analyze plot will generate a svg15:59
ikoniais it an unclean disk, a time based check, an incosistency etc,15:59
carbineSo I have narrowed down my suspend issues to my graphics driver.15:59
carbineIf I wake from suspend while using mesa, no issue. If I wake from suspend using nvidia-340, issues.16:00
for{}ikonia, could you recommend me a dark theme for 16.10?16:00
ikoniafor{}: no16:00
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gnu_my gt730 won't output to vga after X is init, just black screen (Both VGA and DVI). Once screen goes black, can connect to SSH, but won't create shell.16:05
gnu_something to note: with X not on I can ssh in. Once X is on and goes black, I get an SSH greeting, password prompt, but when I enter the password never a login: it hangs.16:05
ikoniagnu_: if it won't create a shell, thats unlikley something to do with X16:05
ikoniagnu_: look in the auth log and xsesion errors log16:05
all-cloudsikonia: hello again & thx for the 'escape' tipp... I saw: "A start job is running for dev-disk-by\x2duuid-****.device ----- and it took 1min 30 sec16:06
ikoniaall-clouds: did you not get any more detail than that ?16:06
all-cloudsikonia: nope... as soon as that finished, the system booted up in seconds16:07
gnu_ikonia: where is the xsession errors log?16:07
gnu_I found the auth log16:07
ikoniagnu_: in your home dir16:07
ikoniagnu_: also look at the system xorg log16:07
all-cloudsikonia: I did restart twice and the same thing happened16:07
ikoniaall-clouds: look at the boot log see if that goes into more detail,16:07
ikoniaall-clouds: this is just an SSD right ?16:07
ikoniaall-clouds: not raid or anything like that16:07
gnu_system xorg log says nothing16:08
ikoniagnu_: it has no "EE" line16:08
akikall-clouds: you could run the smartctl from smartmontools to check whether it reports any problems16:08
ioriai bet on swap or a disk partition  ; ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid16:09
addtruPlease provide some recommendations on the following situation: I did install Linux Mint 18 KDE. While configuring a DSL connection, it was connecting and disconnecting continuously. “sudo apt-get update” resulted in ”waiting for headers” for a very long time for each repository. “sudo ping www.google.ro –c 3” resulted in “0% loss”. Another weird thing is that on Firefox, no Internet address is working, except Facebook,16:10
addtru which is working fine, and Google, which is working very limited (I can have search results, but clicking on any of the results does not work). I had these issues also on installations of Kubuntu 16.04 and Kubuntu 16.10, and on two different computers (fairly old, but still working, one desktop computer with 4 GB of RAM, and a Toshiba satellite with only 1 GB RAM). For the moment I did fall back on the old Linux Mint 17.3 KDE, where eve16:10
addtrurything is working smoothly. Thank you! Best regards, Adrian Romania16:10
ikoniaaddtru: we don't support mint here, sorry16:10
all-cloudsikonia: yes, it's a simple and only one SSD (which run well with ubuntu 12.04 on 32 bits)16:11
ikoniaall-clouds: ok, so as ioria says look at the disk uuid (you'll see it the fstab) and see what file system is the problem16:11
jameslgnu_▸ why can't you upgrade?16:11
all-cloudsikonia: I've read through boot.log, I could see no errors... what should I look for in there really? (it's not that long)16:12
gnu_(EE) Failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0)16:12
gnu_ikonia: that's the only one16:12
jameslbut why aren't you upgrading to a more recent distro16:12
ioriaall-clouds, can you paste ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid      and /etc/fstab ?16:12
gnu_ Xorg.0.log (should it be Xorg.log? that doesn't exist, just the .0. etc)16:12
addtruikonia:   mint is based on ubuntu, that is why I asked16:13
ikoniagnu_: why is something linked against /usr/local16:13
ikoniagnu_: I was just reading your scroll back, nothing in ubuntu is /usr/local16:13
ikoniaaddtru: try the mint support channel16:13
gnu_ikonia: I had to install libvapau 0.216:13
gnu_compile, make , make install16:14
gnu_it put it in /usr/local/lib iirc16:14
ikoniagnu_: what video module is being loaded16:14
ikoniaas in xorg video card module16:14
gnu_ikonia: how do I find that out?16:14
ikoniagnu_: what video card module/driver did you configure it to use16:14
gnu_xorg.config ?16:14
gnu_I just had the nvidia driver install do it16:14
SircleI am few commands away from setting up a multiseatx. Can anyone help? https://pastebin.mozilla.org/892311816:15
ikoniagnu_: how did you install the nvidia driver16:15
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gnu_ikonia: chmod 755 NVIDIAblablabla370.bla.run16:16
gnu_ ./NVIDIAblablabla370.bla.run16:16
ikoniaso you pulled it direct off the internet rather than the ubuntu supported builds/versions16:16
gnu_as always for the last many years16:17
ikoniaso you've got 3rd party modules you compiled and direct bleeding edge nvidia modules from the internet16:17
gnu_my ubuntu version doesn't have any driver widget16:17
ikoniagnu_: what ubntu versions is this ?16:17
ikoniaooh, unsupported16:17
ikoniaI missed that, sorry, I'm out, we won't support 8.04 any more16:17
gnu_I will take this as a personal insult16:18
gnu_ikonia: if I ever meet you16:18
ikoniait's not, but ok16:18
gnu_and since I cannot develop my game anylonger16:19
gnu_this too, I will lay at your feet16:19
gnu_it is your choice16:19
ikonia8.04 is unsupported,16:19
gnu_it doesn't matter to me16:19
gnu_you will not help me16:19
ikoniait does to this channel16:19
gnu_it doesn't matter to me16:19
ikoniawe only support current 'in support' official ubuntu releases16:19
gnu_this is a matter between you and I16:19
gnu_and you dissapoint me16:20
gnu_you are not sorry16:20
gnu_yet you use the word lightly16:20
ikonialets leave it there,16:20
gnu_perhaps you will be made to know what it is like to feel regret16:20
gnu_and then you will say the word again, but it will have no meaning to the ears that hear it, as you have previously abused it16:20
ikoniagnu_: enough now please16:21
gnu_like a boy crying wolf.16:21
gnu_I just want my screen to not be black.16:21
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gnu_and to beable to continue to develop my opensource game.16:21
ikoniagnu_: I appreciate that,  but you need to move to a supported official ubuntu version16:21
ikoniaother than that, this channel can't help you16:21
destiniwhat the fuck is going on here?16:21
ikoniadestini: please don't swear16:21
gnu_destini: nvidia16:21
gnu_nvidia drivers not working16:21
ikoniagnu_: enough, we are not supporting 8.04 here, please stop16:22
gnu_no, I want this to work16:22
gnu_8.04 worked fine forever, and it meets the minumum requirements:16:22
destinican i use 'heck' for what i said earlier...?16:22
destiniwhat the heck?16:22
ikonia!topic | destini16:22
ubottudestini: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:22
ikonia!guidelines | destini16:22
ubottudestini: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:22
destiniI have my own channel, and my own topic too...16:23
destiniDont teach me16:23
kk4ewtgnu_,  so it doenst matter to you that if you did create your game no one else could use it16:23
ikoniakk4ewt: he's muted, he can't speak any more,16:24
ikonialet it go16:24
kk4ewtyes sir16:24
all-cloudsioria, ikonia: I have two partitions, sda1 (ext4) adn sda5 (swap) and in the message I saw @ boot time "A start job is running for dev-disk-by/x2duuid" the uuid is the one for the swap partition (4 GB)16:30
ioriaall-clouds, can you paste ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid      and /etc/fstab ?16:30
ikoniaall-clouds: ok, comment out the swap partition in fstab, and reboot16:30
ikonia(you can do ioria's request first if you want)16:30
ioriaall-clouds, you can run sudo blkid to check the uuids, or you can change the uuid with the sdax16:31
all-cloudsioria: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid gives       lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Oct 29 17:01 92386387-1cda-4da2-aae7-525dec26b285 -> ../../sda5         lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Oct 29 17:01 9658f381-e022-4f56-b2bb-b493ccdc4c3b -> ../../sda116:33
carbineSo I'm having an issue waking from suspend. The issue only happens when I'm using my nvidia drivers, and does not happen when using intel (via nvidia-prime). The issue happens when I wake from suspend via keypress. The monitor gets power, then goes to a black screen with a non-blinking cursor. Ctrl+alt+F[num] works but freezes on change.16:33
mahakal_hello guys,which light honeypot  machines can i try on my 4gb-500gb laptop?16:33
ikonialight honeypot machines ?16:34
mahakal_yeah,because i have 4gb ram in laptop16:34
carbineAcer Z5WAH, GeForce 820m using nvidia-340 (340.89)16:34
ikoniamahakal_: what is a light honeypot machine16:35
ikoniamahakal_: a honey pot can be something as simple as a web server16:35
mahakal_oh yes i mean software....16:35
ikoniamahakal_: just put a webserver up with some fake files on16:36
all-cloudsioria: and fstab has: # / was on /dev/sda1 during installation UUID=9658f381-e022-4f56-b2bb-b493ccdc4c3b /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1           AND         # swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation UUID=48475cb9-b9b8-4670-94e9-0be1e7d2febe none            swap    sw              0       016:36
mahakal_light means which doesnot consume system resources.....16:36
snfgfhow do i connect to an open wifi network from the command line?16:36
ioriaall-clouds, the swap uuid is wrong16:36
ikoniamahakal_: not going to get lighter than a web server16:36
mahakal_ok,,but is not there anything like this supported officially by linux16:37
ioriaall-clouds, please, run sudo blkid and paste the result16:37
ikoniaweb servers are supported officially by linux16:37
ioriaall-clouds, install pastebinit or go to paste.ubuntu.com16:37
mahakal_ok ikonia,,one more question16:38
kosmos890How do I upload files into /var/www/html using vsftpd? I was able to upload files only into my home16:38
carbinekosmos890: Directory permissions16:39
mahakal_can i use appache webserver  on normal ubuntu pc means not server edittion16:39
carbinehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23398127/ - dmesg from suspend issues16:40
wafflejockmahakal_, yeah16:40
MightyKingHow can i 'locate' in a specific directory?16:40
jattmahakal_: yes but lighttpd is better as as small webserver16:40
lordcirthmahakal_, yes, Ubuntu Desktop and Server are mostly just different package sets.  Install whatever you want16:40
lordcirthMightyKing, use find16:40
ikoniamahakal_: yes16:41
all-cloudsioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23398129/16:41
ikoniamahakal_: the fact that you are asking these quetions suggests you are not ready to hold a honey pot16:41
jatt!info lighttpd16:41
ubottulighttpd (source: lighttpd): fast webserver with minimal memory footprint. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.39-1ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 252 kB, installed size 873 kB16:41
mahakal_ikonia..."you are never ready until someone give you a push"16:41
ikoniamahakal_: no16:41
ioriaall-clouds,  you may need to edit /etc/fstab and replace, for sda5 swap' the uuid with that : UUID="92386387-1cda-4da2-aae7-525dec26b285"16:42
ikoniayou don't seem to understand the basics of using your machine16:42
ikoniabut thats up to you16:42
MightyKinglodrcirth how the syntax look like?16:42
mahakal_ikonia,i am a student ....so i do not fear from any virus or trozan ......16:43
ikoniamahakal_: you appear to be saying random words16:44
mahakal_yeah ,i am ,But it would be very kind if you would suggest me something important16:44
ikoniamahakal_: I've already told you what to do ?16:44
ikoniawhat more "important" do you want ?16:45
ikoniahello id16:45
mahakal_like any book ,website to follow...16:45
all-cloudsioria: thanks, fingers crossed :D rebooting16:45
ikoniamahakal_: about what ?16:46
all-cloudsikonia: thank you too!16:46
ikoniaall-clouds: ioria hooked you up, he's your man here16:46
mahakal_regarding learning about malware analysis stuff..16:46
ikoniamahakal_: this channel is for ubuntu support, sorry16:47
mahakal_hahah..ok..thanks you very much..have a good day16:47
th0rmahakal_, tldp.org16:47
numnumi am trying to download a torrent with transmission and whne i test the port it says closed.. what to change ti to/how to open the port/whare do i ask this questions16:47
all-cloudsikonia, ioria: many thanks! finally, no more waiting time :D16:48
ioriaall-clouds, it's ok , you're welcome16:49
all-cloudsioria: thanks for the pastebinit too!16:49
ioria!paste | all-clouds16:49
ubottuall-clouds: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:49
ioriaall-clouds,  you can also use cat file | nc termbin.com 999916:49
all-cloudsioria: I hope to keep that in mind, I have pastebinit for now :) thank you!16:50
kosmos890carbine: html folder has 755 permissions16:50
ioriaall-clouds,  that's 'cause read outputs on the channel it's not easy16:50
ioriaall-clouds,  no problems16:50
numnumhow to open ports?16:52
ducassenumnum: set up port forwarding on your router16:52
Sircle following this https://2buntu.com/articles/1514/multiseat-in-ubuntu-1410/   got me this with "..."  what should I do with inappropriate addres?  /sys/devices/pci0...00:00:14.0/usb3/3-3/3-3.2/3-3.2:1.0/0003:046D:C00C.0013/input/input2916:52
numnumi am using my phone for wifi and it says 51413 is closed on the transmission network tab16:52
numnumi use linux no firewall16:53
wafflejocknumnum, like ducasse said if you need the device to have data forwarded from your WAN IP on the router to some LAN IP you use port forwarding on the router, not an ubuntu issue though16:53
numnumi dont think youunderstand.. i do nto have any router involved... i use my phone hot spot16:54
wafflejocknumnum, could be that the cell network blocks certain ports but linux itself isn't going to be blocking them by default16:54
EmranEbHi everyone16:55
lordcirthEmranEb, hi16:55
numnumi will try to chnage ports...16:55
EmranEbwhats going on here?16:55
wafflejockEmranEb, this is just a support channel16:56
wafflejockEmranEb, if you have issues or want to help this is the place16:56
EmranEbno im want to just chat !16:56
wafflejockEmranEb, can check out the #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic chat16:57
numnumit says port 80 is closed as well16:57
jmaderowhat's the name of the sound applet in Ubuntu 16.04?16:57
ioria80 is apache iirc16:57
wafflejockioria, yeah just web in general16:57
numnum80 is http no?16:57
ioriai see16:58
wafflejockwhen you use a browser it is port 80 by default16:58
lordcirthnumnum, to clarify, you are trying to access ports on your Ubuntu system, from where?16:58
ducassenumnum: are you running a web server?16:58
unixuserI have a kernel oops with the nvidia driver when it starts up: http://pastebin.ca/3734039    card: gt730. Happens when X turns on, screens go blank16:58
numnumi am trying to download torrents form my transmission application on my ubuntu ,echine on my laptop that gets his wifi form a hot spot form my g3...16:59
lordcirthnumnum, ok, then your g3 is running NAT and you'll need to port-forward on there, and we can't help you with your phone.16:59
numnumi am not runing a web server16:59
ducassenumnum: then port 80 would be closed anyway.17:00
lordcirthAnd that's assuming that your carrier doesn't firewall that, which they might17:00
numnumhow tha fuk do i port forword on a phone :P17:00
ducassenumnum: watch your language17:00
unixuserLinux version 2.6.24-32,  X.Org X Server,  module-init-tools version 3.3-pre11, ldd --version  :  ldd (GNU libc) 2.7, /usr/local/lib/libvdpau (version 0.2)17:01
lordcirthnumnum, I've no idea, and personally I wouldn't try.  You can still torrent without port forwarding, it's just a bit slower to start up.17:02
bimolinuhm is this the support chat of Ubuntu?17:02
ducassebimolin: yup17:04
unixuserI have a kernel oops with the nvidia driver when it starts up: http://pastebin.ca/3734039    card: gt730. Happens when X turns on, screens go blank17:04
numnumthe thing is my torrents dosnt even start up17:04
helllojesus12Hi can someone help me with tomcat installation?17:04
helllojesus12!pastebin ● tomcat7.service - LSB: Start Tomcat.17:05
helllojesus12   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/tomcat7; bad; vendor preset: enabled)17:05
helllojesus12   Active: active (exited) since Sat 2016-10-29 12:48:51 EDT; 15min ago17:05
helllojesus12     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)17:05
helllojesus12Oct 29 12:48:51 lola-is-great systemd[1]: Started LSB: Start Tomcat..17:05
ubottuhelllojesus12: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:05
helllojesus12Oct 29 12:50:10 lola-is-great systemd[1]: Started LSB: Start Tomcat..17:05
bimolinOh great! Well hello everybody! Hope you are having a good day. So, I need your help with installing Lubuntu on my old notebook.17:05
ducasse!paste | helllojesus1217:05
ubottuhelllojesus12: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:05
ducassebimolin: what's the problem?17:06
unixusermtn: I have been a debian user and game dev for 10 years17:06
helllojesus12This is the error I see when I start to tomcat717:06
helllojesus12I had to manually change the jvm dir in /etc/init.d/tomcat717:07
bimolinOk, I used a usb for the install. Made it bootable with UBDC. So I plug it, choose to boot from USB then choose Install option. So the install window pops. When I reach the tab to enter my Id and password it crashes with an error : malformed line 1 in source list17:08
wafflejockbimolin, sounds like maybe a corrupt download/transfer to the USB17:09
ducassebimolin: iirc, there is a "check install media for defects" option on the boot menu, can you try that?17:09
bimolinRight away!17:10
bimolinwafflejock : Thats what I thought too, wanted to try everything else before starting all over again17:11
bimolinducasse: Check finished, found 1 file with error17:12
ducassebimolin: ok, try writing the usb again17:13
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XtremeGuys, I have a interesting problem. Short version "Can i extend my monitor on mirror mode over network"? Long Version: I have a linux machine which is connected to projector, i would like to cast/mirror my desktop on that projector remotely, how can i do it?17:27
akikXtreme: maybe with a google cast dongle?17:28
bimolinducasse: So finished with writing the usb again, check for errors, found 1 again.17:28
Xtremeakik, dont want to purchase anything...17:28
XtremeI am sure atleast one tool will be there in linux to do that.17:29
akikXtreme: ok maybe some remote desktop client running on the projector connected machine that connects to your other machine17:29
ducassebimolin: could be a bad download. either download again or try another usb.17:29
bimolinducasse: I downloaded it from the official site, torrent one. Should I try something else besides torrent?17:30
wafflejockXtreme, basically what akik said here http://serverfault.com/questions/100174/clone-a-xorg-session-remotelly17:30
helllojesus12Hi, can someone help me with a tomcat7 installation? I have tried multiple times by reinstalling, clearing all the libraries, messing with /etc/init.d/tomcat and tomcat7.service files...17:30
helllojesus12I am still getting the same error when I try to start a service.17:30
ducassebimolin: hmm, torrent should be checked automatically. do you have another usb stick?17:30
wafflejockXtreme, honestly if the projector has HDMI chromecast are like $30 and would be less power hungry than most machines but just depends on how much you plan to use it if it's worth it17:30
akikXtreme: x2go is pretty nice for remote desktop connections17:30
bimolinducasse: Yep, I'll try on another usb17:31
Xtremeis there any option where i dont have to log into the projector machine and connect to host?17:31
Xtrememore like just "cast" it?17:32
XtremeSay, i have some projector server installed.17:32
phenomHas anyone noticed issues with x applications freezing under 16.04?17:33
Xtremeand i am just connecting to it from client machine and extendint display.17:33
phenomI have multiple laptops and at least 2 of them keep freezing up on me.17:33
phenom14.04 was fine17:33
wafflejockXtreme, I've seen programs setup to run remote displays but typically just accept video or image uploads to be shown don't think I've seen one that casts a screen17:33
someone235hi, I ran this cmd: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3000 , but I still can't get response from port 80. When I run "curl localhost:3000" I get response. Someone has an idea?17:34
Xtremesomeone235, you cannot have NAT on localhost.17:34
Xtremewafflejock, hmm.17:34
Xtremewafflejock, akik i think x2go can do it.17:35
phenom16.04 has been nothing but problems17:35
wafflejockXtreme, actually my octopi setup is using some mjepstreamer to stream something I can load in VLC that works ok but just comes from a webcam not sure it can capture desktop17:35
Xtremewafflejock, interesting..17:36
Xtremecan we give it a try?17:36
wafflejockXtreme, hmm looks like the package isn't part of the ubuntu repos and I'm not seeing an input type for it for getting the video from the desktop anyhow actually it's here if you're curious https://github.com/jacksonliam/mjpg-streamer17:37
kirkinsDoes anyone know how updating the official ubuntu PPA works? For example I'm looking at a program that is updated on 16.10 branch but not 16.04. Is it a matter of testing that the new versions of programs work before updating them?17:38
jattdon't mix repositories17:38
kirkinsI don't want to I'm asking about the governance process17:38
Xtremeakik, okay. x2go doesnt work for me17:39
Xtremei cannot mirror display over ssh?17:40
kirkins@Xtreme sry if you already know this but I didn't see what you said before. x2go doesn't work with unity17:40
kirkinsactually one of the reasons I stopped using unity17:40
Xtremekirkins, :) i am not using unity17:41
XtremeBut no, this is not what iw ant.17:41
Xtremei want to cast my display.17:41
Xtremewafflejock, http://serverfault.com/questions/100174/clone-a-xorg-session-remotelly17:45
Xtremecan i automate the process on projector machine via ssh?17:45
ubuntu-matehi everyone?17:46
ubuntu-matedo you know kimchi?17:46
phakohello. Since I upgraded to 16.10 I get random shutdowns with no visible reasons in journal whatsoever... it seems to be a bit more stable when going back to 16.04's 4.4 kernel. anyone heard of that before? Can't find anything on the interwebs :-/17:47
jattrandom shutdowns might be caused by faulty hardware17:48
phakojatt: thought that would be a weird coincidence with the upgrade17:48
phakobut right, I could probably start with a memory check17:49
jattyes that would be good17:49
hz_Hi, I need to login in ubuntu 16.10 through root account while startup17:49
hz_any help from u guys ?17:50
=== root____3 is now known as lotusX
OerHekshz_, root account is disabled in ubuntu, why do you *need* that?17:52
jatthz_: read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:53
OerHeksyeah, wreck your system :-D17:53
XtremeWould it be funny if a hacker hacks into a root account of a server only it find its fully jailed?17:55
Xtremehe cant do anything other then "Echo"17:55
Xtremehe cant do anything other then "Echo"17:55
bumblefuzzcan anyone shed light on the security of installing and using java?17:55
jattno security concerns17:56
XtremeYup, it non-existent.17:56
OerHeksbumblefuzz, use the openjdk version from our sources, that is safe.17:56
OerHeksnot that java is safe, but installing is.17:56
XtremeOerHeks, isnt openjdk slower in performance?17:57
Xtremealso, things like "openfire" dont work on openjdk, but they do on java17:57
bumblefuzzthis is what I'm being asked to install: https://www.java.com/en/download/windows_offline.jsp17:57
OerHeksXtreme, i have no info on that17:57
=== fgdgf is now known as radulenve84
bumblefuzzI've always heard how notorious java is for poor security17:57
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bumblefuzzand how they recently decided to discontinue web support or something17:58
OerHeksbumblefuzz, that is windows, you are in the ubuntu linux support channel17:58
Xtremebumblefuzz, are you new to Linux?17:58
bumblefuzzno, I know how to install the linux equivalent17:58
Xtremeand bumblefuzz, you are mixing things up.17:58
bumblefuzzI was just pointing to what I was being asked to install17:58
jattthere is no exploit out there in java that gives you root privileges, so from that's standpoint  it's secure17:58
bumblefuzzsince I'm unfamiliar with the security aspect of things17:59
OerHeksbumblefuzz, oke, then do not mix windows stories with linux17:59
Xtremebumblefuzz, windows is insecure17:59
Xtremeeverything that runs on windows is insecure17:59
bumblefuzzso it's nothing to do with java then?17:59
Xtremejatt, what if there is a kernel vulnerability?18:00
OerHeksoracle java binairy blop perhaps, we support openJDK18:00
bumblefuzzI see18:00
bumblefuzzso I'm secure installing OpenJDK, basically18:00
OerHeksyes, there is a nice java wiki too18:02
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.18:02
bumblefuzzand can you clarify what you meant by saying that java isn't necessarily safe but installing is?18:03
bumblefuzzin other words, what other security considerations should I look at before installing java?18:04
jattyou can configure the level of security (restrictions) for java applications, so if you have concerns you can set a very high security level, see https://www.java.com/en/download/help/jcp_security.xml18:05
jwarren_Hey folks, I'm slightly confused. I'm running an old desktop as a media server. I just installed Nginx to proxy the media server. I stopped the apache2 service and started Nginx, but on port 80 I'm somehow still getting the apache2 "welcome" page. Is there something else that I need to disable? Nginx is successfully running without errors on port 80. I'm stumped.18:09
Frankyonegents any nice radius server that I can install on ubuntu?18:12
Walexjwarren_: use 'lsof -i tcp' to see which proceesses have port 80 in LISTEN state.18:12
jatt!info radiusd-livingston18:12
ubotturadiusd-livingston (source: radiusd-livingston): Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1-21 (yakkety), package size 69 kB, installed size 199 kB18:13
WalexFrankyone: several, just do 'apt-cache search radius'18:13
ro63r1what is the comand for installing chrome18:13
MonkeyDust!find chrome18:13
ubottuFound: chrome-gnome-shell, chromium-chromedriver, chromium-lwn4chrome, mkchromecast, python-pychromecast18:13
MonkeyDustro63r1  i's not oin the repos, you i guess you need an external source, not a command18:14
jwarren_Walex: Ahh, I think it was Chrome caching the Apache page. I just did another refresh and it's showing the Nginx page. Thanks!18:14
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ro63r1I have dounloaded it but it will not let me install it18:15
nicomachusro63r1: did you apt-get update?18:17
ubuntu899sudo logkeys -s ceases to function once the computer is shut down.  How can I fix this?18:18
ubuntu899Can someone help with the logkeys command?  It ceases to function once the computer has been shut down.18:21
OerHeksubuntulog, really?18:22
FrankyoneI noticed that the keyboard does not match18:23
Frankyonehow can I change it?18:23
my-friendHello, how do I remove xfce4 including all the dependencies that where installed during install ? Something more effective than apt-get remove --purge xfce* . . .18:24
lordcirthFrankyone, are you running it manually or enabling it in systemd?18:25
ro63r1just did nicomachus18:26
knobHello, I am trying to install a hp printer.   I downloaded the HPLIP automatic installer.  Ran the script, and it's telling me that I am missing pyqt5-dbus and pyqt5   .... can I install these manually?18:27
OerHeksmy-friend, what desktop do you want left, removing one can be a pain, there are different howtos like http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/pure-kubuntu-15-10/18:27
MonkeyDustmy-friend  is this useful http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu18:27
ducasseknob: why not just install the hplip package from the repos?18:28
knobducasse, .... with.... apt install hplip?18:28
akikmy-friend: i think there's a nicer way to do it but i went to /var/log/apt/history.log and read the file. it lists all the packages that were installed at one installaton time18:28
ducasseknob: yes18:28
knobducasse, ok... trying it in a sec18:29
ro63r1it sais that it is waiting to install18:29
my-friendThanks guys!18:29
akikmy-friend: maybe "apt-get remove --auto-remove packagename"18:31
knobducasse, it's telling me it's already the newest verion...   yet the printer doesn't "print".   It shows up on this machine, yet print Test Pages go into nothingness.18:31
OerHekshe is crossposting in #debian, haha18:31
imran-ubuntui need to install libpng12-018:34
imran-ubuntuany idea how?18:34
OerHeksit is part of libpng iirc18:35
OerHeks!info libpng18:35
ubottuPackage libpng does not exist in yakkety18:35
OerHeks!info libpng xenial18:36
ubottuPackage libpng does not exist in xenial18:36
ducasse!info libpng12-018:36
ubottuPackage libpng12-0 does not exist in yakkety18:36
OerHekscurrent is 16-1618:37
OerHeks!find libpng18:37
ubottuFound: libpng-dev, libpng-tools, libpng16-16, libpng++-dev, libpng-sixlegs-java18:37
iorialibpng12-0 is for trusty18:37
ioria!info libpng12-0 trusty18:38
ubottulibpng12-0 (source: libpng): PNG library - runtime. In component main, is required. Version 1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.2 (trusty), package size 115 kB, installed size 309 kB18:38
=== Gabbo is now known as Guest69696969
ausjke_on ubuntu 16.04 my desktop now has issue with mouses, on average every 10 clicks there are about 3 clicks are not recorded, so I have to keep clicking. this happens in recent weeks and yes I tried various usb mouses.18:48
imran-ubuntuwhere shall i find this libpng12-0 to install?18:49
ausjke_running "xev" to test and it's the same, i.e. 30% clicks are missed, sucks18:49
ausjke_never had this issue in all other ubuntu releases in the past18:49
carbineIs anyone here willing to suffer through debugging suspend issues with me? :P18:50
Guest69696969ausjke_, does this behaviour occur when you boot from a live distro?18:54
Sonny_I'm trying to install Ubuntu but keep getting the error message "Invalid ROM contents" could anyone help me?18:54
Sonny_Im super new to Linux in general and am lost18:55
Guest69696969Sonny_, radeon video?18:55
Sonny_I've got a Radeon video card, yes18:55
Sonny_R9 380 to be exact18:55
Sonny_and fx 8350 at 4.0, cpu.18:55
Guest69696969Sonny_, have you tried nomodeset at boot as an option?18:56
linociscoLibre office Calc has bug after full screen mode18:57
Sonny_Guest69696969: No, I haven't. Where do I select that option? In the BIOS? I currently am on Windows 1018:57
=== VLR is now known as ViciousLooRoll
ausjke_Guest69696969: don't know, have not used livecd for years...18:57
Guest69696969no, when you first boot ubuntu(from dvd/usb) hold down shift(I think) and it will prompt you. then you should see F6 to change options18:58
ausjke_i am pretty sure it's new, like in 4 weeks at most18:58
Guest69696969Sonny_, see this post...second reply. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313218:58
Guest69696969ausjke_, then go try it and determine if it happens there18:58
ausjke_this mouse problem is driving me crazy, in fact I just crashed one as it drove me out of control, i had to click multiple times once a while18:58
Guest69696969ausjke_, another pc would be a worthy test too, incase your usb innards are failing18:59
ausjke_Guest69696969: i had windows as dual-boot but had not used it for 2+ years, will try mouse under windows to make sure it is not a usb-port issue19:00
Guest69696969ausjke_, try the live boot too. it will give you a strong clue19:00
ausjke_Guest69696969: curious, why? isn't it the same as installed19:00
Guest69696969im trying to help you19:01
Guest69696969or i can waste time typing out why.. :P19:01
KingsQuestis that what is this being logged does?19:01
Sonny_Guest69696969: so im seeing here that it says to change some options in the live CD pre-install and it does not even let me run Ubuntu off the flash drive19:02
Sonny_It gives me the same error when I try to boot from the flash drive19:02
Guest69696969Sonny_, so you're saying you don't get ANY video...at all? just boots then sudden error?19:02
Sonny_It's a black screen19:02
Sonny_I can show you the error, 1 sec19:03
Sonny_Don't mind the crappy quality, phone pics aren't the best for me :(19:03
Guest69696969Sonny_, i think it has more to do with the error below19:04
Ben64indeed, whatever sdc is has a problem19:04
Sonny_Ahh, okay19:05
Sonny_So what exactly should I google?19:05
Ben64nothing, whatever drive sdc is is messed up19:06
Guest69696969Sonny_, possible the sata devices are faulty?19:06
Guest69696969Sonny_, sdc means /dev/sdc... a device in your rig19:06
Netekhi all, can somebody tell me if bash would be the correct use for creating a script that enables me to combine both https://easyengine.io/docs/commands/site/create/ and https://easyengine.io/docs/chroot-sftp-easyengine/ into 1 command?19:08
Sonny_Sata devices are fault?19:08
cuddylierDoes anyone know how to 'su' into a user from root that doesn't have a passwd entry? I found a command earlier that did it but can't find it again.19:08
Sonny_Does that mean my sata cable..?19:08
Sonny_I recently just got a new SSD?19:08
Sonny_maybe that's it?19:08
madd_stepSonny_ maybe this will help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/228927/boot-failure-failed-command-identify-packet-device19:08
Guest69696969Sonny_, perhaps.. pull out all but one to test19:08
Guest69696969leave the one in you intend to install on19:08
Guest69696969then see if the error happens19:08
Guest69696969when i say pull out, i mean disconnect data cable. :)19:09
Drugowhat's the name of the default gtk theme in ubuntu mate?19:09
Guest69696969Netek, looks that way yup.19:10
ioriaSonny_, how did you do the usb media ? i mean, with what program ?19:10
Sonny_I used Rufus19:10
ioriaah, ok19:10
NetekGuest69696969 ok, I will take a look at bash coding and see if I can understand it enough to do what I need. Thanks19:11
Guest69696969Netek, those are simply lines meant for bash. putting them into a script should be straight forward19:11
ioriaSonny_, how may disks do you have on your system ?19:11
Sonny_1tb HDD and 240 gb SSD19:11
Sonny_Nothing on the SSD yet19:11
=== ShoaibJahejo is now known as jahejo
ioriaSonny_,  so sdc is (probably) your usb19:12
NetekGuest69696969 I never scripted anything in bash before so I shall have a look and learn how this is done, thanks again19:12
Sonny_But Im using the usb to boot?19:12
ioriaSonny_,  yes, i guess19:13
Sonny_Is there a way to install the OS straight onto the computer without having to use a usb / cd ?19:13
Sonny_Because I already have everything backed up19:13
Sonny_Just need to install ubuntu19:13
Guest69696969Sonny_, yes. PXE. you shouldnt need to tho19:13
Sonny_well I mean19:14
Sonny_this isn't working for me so can I do that?19:14
Guest69696969Sonny_, try another usb stick?19:14
KingsQuestdoes that unbust19:14
Guest69696969your install media may be faulty hence the error19:14
Sonny_I've only got the one19:14
ioriaSonny_, it's a desktop, right ?19:15
Sonny_So what is PXE?19:15
ioriaSonny_, try to switch the sata cables19:15
linociscoLibre office Calc has bug after full screen mode19:15
Sonny_Switch them off?19:15
Sonny_you mean, unplug them?19:16
ioriaSonny_, yep, https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=17433519:16
ioriaswitch, not unplug :þ19:16
Sonny_Wait, switch?19:17
Sonny_So just get a new sata cable, you mean19:17
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Sonny_or switch the ones from SSD and HDD?19:17
cuddylierHow do I specify the shell when using 'su'?19:17
ioriaSonny_, no read #6 post19:17
cuddylierE.g. if I want to specify bash19:17
Guest69696969i wager the thumb drive is faulty. if switching cables helps, great. but if it doesnt19:18
Guest69696969cuddylier, man su... its top entry19:19
cuddyliergot it yep19:19
KingsQuestubuntu mainline kernel get updates how often ?19:20
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SircleIs it possible to have multiseatx with a card of 4 ports (but one physical video card)? such as http://www.nvidia.com/object/product_quadro_nvs_450_us.html OR I have to have 4 different cards ?19:23
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calleMHello, i hope some1 is here to answer my questions. Its about AMD Drivers.19:35
yoshimitsui have a quick question19:36
Guest69696969make it quick19:36
yoshimitsui just installed ubuntu 16.04, right after i clicke don restart, it went to a blank screen and hung, so i manually restarted it19:36
yoshimitsuit works fine, it updated and everything19:36
yoshimitsuit reboots now too19:36
yoshimitsujust that initial reboot didn't work19:36
Guest69696969so it hasnt happened since?19:37
yoshimitsuany worries?19:37
yoshimitsuGuest69696969: no19:37
Guest69696969if its a one-off i wouldnt19:37
Guest69696969yoshimitsu, you can disable the splash screen if you like. this way you can watch the logs as the system boots or shuts down.19:37
yoshimitsuhow do i do that?19:37
Guest69696969sec...gotta remind myself19:38
yoshimitsuioria: hit escape?19:38
ioriayoshimitsu, yup19:38
yoshimitsuk brb19:38
Guest69696969uhh no19:38
Guest69696969thats only for one off... if you want it permanent until disabled esc wont cut it19:39
Guest69696969ah well. :)19:39
calleMI have AMD 7950 and using Ubuntu 16.04 , and i cant even use flgrx. And i think AMDGPU-Pro driver isnt still out there , what can i do now?19:39
ioriacalleM, for now usinf radeon19:40
calleMexcuse me , but what do u mean with "radeon" is just brand from AMD.19:40
ioriacalleM, it's the opensource, you are probably using now19:41
nicomachuscalleM: radeon is the name for the open source AMD GPU driver in Ubuntu/Debian systems.19:41
calleMOh okay. Thank you a lot.19:41
yoshimitsuso i pressed esc on the reboot and nothing was wrong19:41
yoshimitsubut i can't seem to get anything but a black screen when booting19:41
yoshimitsulike first it's purple, then blank, then desktop19:41
yoshimitsui have the open source radeon drivers in use19:42
yoshimitsuis there a log i can check?19:42
ioriayoshimitsu, what's your issue exactly ?19:42
yoshimitsuioria: nothing, i'm making sure nothing is going wrong - the reboot after the installation froze, but everythng seems to work19:42
yoshimitsuioria: update, reboot, startup, etc.19:42
calleMnah i got the same issue. AMD Driver is ... blaergh :)19:43
yoshimitsucalleM: :)19:43
ioriayoshimitsu, it happens, if you got a desktop and can login ... that's good19:43
yoshimitsuioria: good! thanks!19:43
Guest69696969yoshimitsu, i was going to answer but you took off19:43
yoshimitsuGuest69696969: oh19:43
yoshimitsusorry :s19:43
dixsonhello, install "ubuntu-calculator-app" and does not open19:44
yoshimitsuanyway i'm going to go work out for a bit19:44
yoshimitsuthanks doods, i'll be back19:44
* yoshimitsu tips his hat19:44
ioriadixson, what is ubuntu-calculator-app ?19:46
dixsonioria, snap install  "ubuntu 16.04"19:47
ioriadixson, ah, not very good at snap, sorry19:48
titaneerhi I was wondering about the new livepatching service. So my understanding is that it works for every kernel version?19:50
ioriadixson, you can always use gnome-calculator in Advanced mode19:51
taliptakowhy i shouldnt install packages from root user ?20:04
liftedtaliptako: because you cant trust other progrmamers20:05
liftedtaliptako: their code could compromise your machine as root, it could have a backdoor20:05
liftedtaliptako: besides that, it could modify important files because as root, you are admin. so, if the programmer made a mistake, it could mess up whole system20:05
taliptakowell if i only install php nginx and mysql ?20:05
jatttaliptako: because you could hose your system20:05
taliptakoso i will just install these packages and i dont wanna create new user20:08
titaneerit is better to use sudo for installing packages rather than using root20:08
taliptakoits can cause problems ?20:08
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titaneerhi! I am getting20:22
titaneercannot change apparmor hat of the support process for mount namespace capture. errmsg: Operation not permitted20:22
titaneersupport process for mount namespace capture exited abnormally20:22
titaneerwhen I try to enable the livepatching20:22
titaneeranyone have a solution for chaning the apparmor hat thing for livepatching error?20:27
ObrienDavegive it a few minutes, someone will answer you20:27
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konradosMorning :)20:42
konradosI've just mounter a hdd, I'm not gonna disconnect it physically in any time soon. Do I need to unmount it, when I'll want to restart the PC?20:43
bekkskonrados: No.20:43
konradosDamn I got disconnected, i.e. my hexchat irc client just closed itself o.O anyway - thanks for the answer bekks ! I have one more question if I may, I mounted it to /media/something - that wasn't the right decision to call it like that, may I simply rename the folder, or should I unmount, remove folder, create a new one with a different name and then mount the hdd to this new folder again?20:47
yoshimitsuhi again20:49
titaneerHi! I restarted my computer and now for trying to enable the livepatching service i I get is: aa_change_onexec failed with -1. errmsg: No such file or directory20:55
ikoniawhatever file it's trying to reference doesn't exist20:55
BabyMaxok that "Sorry, Ubuntu 16.10 has experienced an internal error" popped up21:01
BabyMaxwhat do i do now21:01
ikoniadepends what the error is21:01
ikoniaI suggest you just click "ok" and move on unless you want to debug it21:01
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Maxarothwell i was talking about it earlier21:02
Maxarothit happened right after my screen decided to take a shit on it self21:02
Maxarothi have 2 of them21:03
ikoniaplease don't swear21:03
ikoniathere is no need to21:03
Maxarothoh sorry21:03
Maxarothit happened right after my xserver decided to crash21:04
Maxarothdetails say it was a crash21:05
titaneerafter some research I found that aa_change_onexec belongs to AppArmor, but I find it weird that it is missing21:08
ikoniatitaneer: why ?21:08
titaneeris there way to get it enabled?21:08
ikoniainstall it ?21:09
titaneernot found in app search21:09
SuperLagI'm getting ready to install Yakkety in a VM. Turns out there's a known issue with an Intel driver, that's causing VMs to crash. Thing is, I can't get to the GRUB menu quick enough to blacklist the driver before the system hangs. Is there a way to modify the grub.cfg for the install, before you do the initial reboot?21:10
bekksSuperLag: Which bug are you talking about?21:10
bekksSuperLag: And why dont you use another network card model in your vm then?21:10
ikoniatitaneer: apparmor is in the repos21:11
fuzzybear3965Can anyone explain why `find . -xtype -l` returns the list of broken symlinks in the current directory?21:11
SuperLaghttp://pubs.vmware.com/Release_Notes/en/fusion/8/fusion-851-release-notes.html - see info about intel_powerclamp in "Known Issues" section21:11
SuperLagbekks: it's not a NIC driver, it's a CPU driver21:11
titaneerikonia: yeah, apparmor is installed and running, just that I get that one of its modules file is missing21:11
ikoniatitaneer: which one ?21:12
SuperLagbtw, this applies to VMware Workstation, as well21:12
titaneerthe aa_change_onexec21:12
SuperLagbut it's not the virtualization version that's the issue, of course21:12
ikoniatitaneer: is the module actualllly called that21:13
ikoniatitaneer: looks like there was a bug on 16.04 that was fixed21:14
ikoniaI'm not actually convinced the problem is fixed though, just that situation reading the bug21:15
titaneeryeah I have linux mint 18 and have it all up to date and I'm getting that weird error21:15
titaneerbrb, lunch21:17
ikoniatitaneer: so you're doing this on ubuntu or mint ?21:17
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jmaderoanyone know how to run the volume applet from terminal?21:23
titaneerikonia: mint21:24
ikoniatitaneer: ok - so it's not really for this channel then21:24
ikoniatitaneer: use the mint support channel on spotnet21:24
squirreljoin #squirrels21:24
titaneerikonia: roger will try their support channel21:25
ikoniatitaneer: thanks21:25
titaneerjmadero: you could try to launch pavu from the terminal if you have that installed21:25
dotzHi. Do groups created by cgcreate are persistent (= survive server reboots) or should I put cgcreate calls into something like /etc/rc.local ?21:26
jmaderotitaneer: what is pavu?21:27
titaneerjmadero: pulse audio volume controller21:28
yoshimitsuso yeah i have tried glxgears, installed chrome, and all that, no issues - it seems the hang on reboot after install did nothing bad to my system21:28
titaneerits package name is pavucontrol21:28
wafflejockjmadero, are you trying to launch a graphical sound level control from the terminal or something that runs in the terminal? can you elaborate a bit21:29
SuperLaghmm... I thought I'd be able to switch to the terminal when the installer was running :/21:34
akikjmadero: you could control pulseaudio with pactl but it's just a command line tool21:34
jmaderoyeah I need the icon21:34
yoshimitsuwell netflix works21:36
wafflejockjmadero, on 16.04?21:36
jmaderowafflejock: yeah, but I'm not running Unity21:37
jmaderothus why I need the terminal command21:37
wafflejockjmadero, what DE?21:37
jmaderoMoksha (fork of E17)21:37
wafflejockjmadero, pavucontrol is a good one for pulse audio volume adjustment but is GUI based, pactl already mentioned can adjust at the command line but no graphical interface to it, alsamixer in alsa-utils gives you an adjustment at the alsa level I think using an ncurses based 'graphical display' in the terminal21:38
wafflejockjmadero, my guess is the unity sound indicator isn't going to work in another DE21:39
jmaderowafflejock: the gnome one does21:39
wafflejockjmadero, the package is here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound I'm pretty sure21:39
jmaderoyeah it's installed, just can't figure out the command to run it21:40
nubcakehow do i clear the shell history for root ?21:40
wafflejockjmadero, if you do dpkg -L packagename, it will list the files the package installed21:40
bekksnubcake: why do you want to do that?21:40
wafflejockjmadero, can just look for one in /usr/bin or the like that would probably be it but dunno off hand21:40
jmaderowafflejock: that's a good idea21:41
gebruikerwhat is the default font in the unity terminal?21:41
nubcakebecause i had to type some password which is now appearing in the history. i don't want that21:41
nubcakenevermind, figured it.21:42
akiknubcake: rm ~/.bash_history; history -c; exit21:43
nubcakeakik: thanks21:43
debkadi never heard that .bash_history store passwords, it is shadowed by sudo21:43
akikdebkad: it stores the password if you write it in plain text in the shell :)21:44
debkadhmm sound bad idea :D21:44
akikby accident, that is21:44
Flannelnubcake: If you have $HISTCONTROL set to ignorespace or ignoreboth, then prefacing commands with a space will cause them to NOT be stored in history (for future reference)21:45
nubcakeFlannel: thank you21:45
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ubuntu-matealright guys21:53
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migmenesesalright alright alright22:00
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gurui have a trouble22:07
guruin my ubuntu22:07
gurucould somone help me?22:07
gurucould anyone help me out?22:07
guruon a troublei a facing22:07
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guruhelp me22:09
gurui have trouble22:09
abdellahspeek you french?22:09
Bashing-omguru: State the issue . Then we see what help there is .22:09
guruwhen i boot ubuntu22:09
gurui get UUID doesnt exist22:09
sleepyheadsounds like you will have to reinstall grub22:10
gurui have seen in forums22:10
gurubut this is kind of wierd22:10
UserOO7guru ^^22:10
Bashing-omguru: Can you boot the system as is ? then we can verify the UUIDs .22:11
UserOO7LiveCD can fix for him22:11
guruthere isit22:11
gurusoo here is the thing22:11
gurui dont see dev-disk22:11
guruits just UUID22:11
guruwhen i blkid22:11
guruLABEL : system reserverd22:12
guru type: NTFS22:12
UserOO7you could always reinstall ubuntu ;-P22:12
guruthirdtime mate22:12
UserOO7./etc/fstab same uuid?22:12
UserOO7ext4 prob should be... dual booting?22:13
guruNTFS is what it shows22:13
gurupermison denied for fsta22:13
UserOO7is this machine also booting windows?22:14
gurui had windows22:14
gurubut its not allowing me22:14
guruyes it has windows22:14
guruis there anyway i can revert it atleasat to windows22:14
sleepyheadgod this is a mess!22:14
gurugod its frustarting22:14
UserOO7reinstall ubuntu grub will detect the old windows and allow you to boot to it and also give you an option for ubuntu boot... just dont fudge it up this time22:14
bekksguru: Insert a windows cd, install it.22:14
gurumy sister fucked up something22:15
guruand i dont know what to do22:15
UserOO7I'm guessing your windows partition is more important? if so use windows install disc to fix22:15
UserOO7MBR then install ubuntu again later22:15
gurubekks , windows CD not at this time22:15
UserOO7USB ubuntu livecd22:16
bekksguru: Then you cant fix your windows.22:16
guruat this moment i cant do anything?22:16
gurui am downloading windows right now :D22:16
guruand trying to boot with PD22:16
bekksWhats "PD"?22:16
guruprobably that would work?22:16
guruTYPE" SWaP"22:17
sleepyheadi remember back in the day ubuntu could be installed on a windows partition22:17
bekksguru: easy on the enter please.22:17
sleepyheadpeople used to call flash drives pendrives back then too22:17
UserOO7does your boot menu had an escape key you can bang on and try rescue boot ubuntu or even boot to windows? sometimes people put the timer to zero seconds and it basically skips the grub2 boot prompt22:17
sleepyheadare you sure you are not from the past guru?22:17
guruyeah  i have done it myself before ,sleepy head22:18
bekksguru: Which windows version did you use?22:18
sleepyheadit's 2016 here. what year is it where you live?22:18
guruwindows 7?22:18
bekksguru: We dont know? Was it windows 7?22:18
sleepyheadprobabl win 9522:19
gurui am at (initramfs) could i go to the grub ?22:19
gurufrom here?22:19
guruand then?22:20
bekksYes, then, enter the grub menu.22:20
guruwhere would i get the grub menu22:20
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bekksAfter BIOS processing is finished, prior booting.22:20
guruit goes to ubuntu advanced and system setup22:20
bekksguru: thats the grub menu.22:21
guruokay now22:21
gurui dont see windows 7 here22:21
bekksguru: Because your Windows installation is broken.22:21
guruHoly Cow22:21
cappicardgood evening. I'm trying to setup my logitech Z506 5.1 surround sound speakers. I have front speakers in the green jack, rear in the blue jack, my center/subwoofer in the pink jack.22:22
bekksguru: thats why you were told to use a windows install medium for fixing it.22:22
cappicardbut 16.10 does not play anything through the rear speakers, my center, or my subwoofer22:22
sleepyheadcappicard: go on22:22
snfgfwoah, i have a start job that'll run for 5 minutes 7 seconds before acknowledging a failure, any way i can skip this?22:22
gurui hate my sister more than TRUMP22:22
UserOO7once your in ubuntu bash promt again: sudo os-prober; sudo update-grub22:23
snfgfTrump doesn't hate your sister, Trump doesn't hate anyone22:23
bekksguru: you dont know how much Trump hates your sister, if he does at all.22:23
bekksguru: So get a windows install medium, and fix your windows, first.22:23
cappicardin windows 10, it detects i have the speakers in the blue and pink jacks. but ubuntu still treats them as line-in and mic rear.22:23
snfgfguys, how can i decrease the time a start job will wait before failing?22:24
UserOO7if you could care less about your current ubuntu install just reinstall and it will solve both problems22:24
guruwait a min22:24
UserOO7it'll put a grub entry for windows and one for ubuntu22:24
gurui am in the grub>22:24
cappicardalsamixer doesn't give me anything about number of channels.22:24
sleepyheadcappicard: no idea mate. maybe make a post in the forum?22:24
cappicardpavucontrol is of no avail22:24
UserOO7shows hds22:24
bekksguru: no.22:24
sleepyheadwho is this bekks?22:25
bekksUserOO7: you arent in the Ubuntu shell, but in grub.22:25
UserOO7yea ls shows hdds22:25
guruwell well well , it all goes in the backwards22:25
guruif i type LS , it says SL22:25
guruoh lord22:26
gurui need to reboot22:26
UserOO7sl is an awesome command, lol (choo-choo)22:26
sleepyheadso you have problems with your keyboard map too?22:26
guruok this is wierd22:26
gurui have HD122:26
guruand (hd0)22:27
guru6,5,3,2 partiions22:27
gurumissing 422:27
guruand with hd1 (hd1,msdos1)22:27
ANTI_RNMSTOP the fucking bastards who using :    "Thoughts Detecting Machine" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22:27
sleepyheadgrub post it all on pastebin22:27
sleepyheadpost it there so we can see22:28
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guruok its going to be a stupid question , how do i copy22:29
sleepyheadyou can't copy from grub. just type it in manually22:29
narupogood morning all22:29
naruposudo apt-cache search go-is-god22:30
bekksguru: Yes?22:30
kk4ewtguru fpaste your sudo fdisk -l output22:30
sleepyheadwill fdisk run in grub shell?22:31
kk4ewti think i can explain the no 4 but i need to look22:31
cuddylierI have kernel 'Linux u4 3.19.0-73-generic #81~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP' but I can't find it on any of the lists for being vulnerable to dirty cow, anyone know?22:31
kk4ewtcuddylier, yes22:31
cuddylierkk4ewet: As in you know or you know it's vulnerable?22:31
cuddylierI'm on Ubuntu 14.0422:31
gurucant find command22:32
kk4ewtyes unless you have gotten a new kernel in the last week its vulnerable22:32
gurubekks , i am on recovering windows now22:32
gurui am fed up22:32
sleepyhead14.04 is the lts version right?22:32
bekksguru: And?22:32
gurulets hope for the best22:32
guruill be back in a moment22:32
sleepyheadcuddylier: surely it was one of the first in line for an update22:33
cuddyliersleepyhead: I don't know anything about this kernel version, says last update was on 19th October22:33
cuddylierWhich I've applied22:33
cuddylierSo I should be good then?22:33
cuddylierGreat, thanks22:34
Bashing-omcuddylier: The 3.19 series is vivid's kernel (15.04) and is no longer supported . Need to get up on xenial's kernel .22:34
sleepyheadassuming you've done an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade recently just to confirm there is nothing more recent22:34
sleepyheadcuddylier: ^^22:34
cuddylierHow do I change to a different kernel?22:34
cuddylierAnd yes I did those commands22:34
sleepyheadcuddylier: why would you want to do that?22:34
bekkscuddylier: Install one, reboot, select it in the grub menu.22:35
sleepyheadcuddylier: fine. just make sure you rebooted after the last kernel upgrade22:35
cuddylierI don't know lol, just because Bashing-om said so22:35
cuddylierAnd yes I did a reboot afterwards and confirmed the kernel version changed22:35
sleepyheadcuddylier: great22:35
Bashing-omcuddylier: Try ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' see if the new kernel gets installed .22:35
cuddylierBashing-om: 0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.22:36
sleepyheadcuddylier: according to this it's supported till 2019: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases . they probably backported the fix @Bashing-om22:37
Bashing-omcuddylier: Yeah .. 14.04 is supported til 2019 ..but with HWE enabled, the kernel is not . With HWE you must keep the kernel current ,// what returns ' uname -r ' after a re-boot ?22:43
cuddylierI just tried a dirty c0w test: https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/testing-dirty-cow-cve-2016-5195/ and worked good so looks like that kernel fixed it22:44
cuddylierBashing-om: 3.19.0-73-generic22:45
cuddylierMOTD says: "* Switch to the current security-supported stack by running:22:45
cuddyliersudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-xenial linux-generic-lts-xenial22:45
cuddylierand reboot your system."22:45
cuddylierIs that what you were saying?22:45
Bashing-omcuddylier: Yepper .. run that then as that is what the system is advising you to do . I do concur .22:47
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gde33is there a reason why one cant conveniently install software or add a repository from a website?22:53
ikoniayou can22:53
gde33say I have http://debian.yacy.net/ how do I make an apt:// link from it?22:54
ikoniathats not a repo22:54
cuddylierBashing-om: It's now updated to '4.4.0-45-generic #66~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP '22:54
cuddylierBut that's a 16.04 kernel? I'm on 14.04.522:54
gde33ikonia: that just further illustrates how aweful the process is22:55
ikonianot really22:55
OerHeksadd-apt-repository makes it easy with keys and all, but your repo need some manual steps, see http://askubuntu.com/questions/309390/how-to-install-the-yacy-search-engine22:55
gde33I dont get it, I want to install software. Why do I need to do more than click some link?22:55
ikoniayou've just given an invalid url and seem to blame some sort of "process" for it failing22:55
OerHeksanswer from d3vid22:55
gde33ikonia: does the aptUrl install anything or does it just add a repository?22:56
Bashing-om!hwe | cuddylier22:56
ubottucuddylier: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:57
minimecgde33: You would just add a line to your sources list folder. Like that you would get all the updates and so on... See here http://www.yacy-websuche.de/wiki/index.php/En:DebianInstall22:57
ikoniagde33: it sends the url through the package manager to tell it to "load it"22:57
cuddylierBashing-om: Ah okay, thanks22:57
gde33ikonia: what does loading mean?22:57
ikoniagde33: parse the package manifest to make the packages available in your package manager22:57
gde33minimec: I cant help but laugh when looking at that page, it makes no sense to me at all.22:58
ikoniagde33: well, if you change your attitude and actually ask for help, people will help you22:58
gde33ikonia: ok, so I then have to go to the terminal or the software center to tell it to install things from it?22:58
ikoniabut your not really inspiring people to help you22:58
Jordan_Ugde33: Apturl never adds repositories. An apturl link can only specify package names, if those packages are not in the default repositories then you need to add a repository containing them before an apturl link can be used to install them.22:59
gde33I'm wildly confused, I dont really need help.22:59
gde33Jordan_U: ah ok ty22:59
ikoniagde33: you'll need to use a software tool that is familier with the package manifests of the repo22:59
minimecgde33: Well, just forget the 'windows way' when installing software. Ijust image that you would subscribe to a podcast. So whenever a new version of the podcast is out, you would get a notification. So in our case, the 'podcast' is your software, and the notification is a software update provided by the Software Manager of your Operating System...23:01
gde33minimec: the page has instructions to add it to the crontab for updates23:01
gde33I actually had it running by downloading it to a folder and running the .sh after fighting with nautilus23:03
gde33but now it says "Either you have not installed java or it is not in your PATH"23:03
minimecgde33: I see that now. Your software is ment to run as server. So it provides a solution to check for newer version and do the update. If you keep your machine up-to-date by checking for updates yourself, you would not need these crontab instructions.23:04
gde33is it hard to turn this into a normal software package?23:09
gde33the search engine is quite nice, when it runs everything works23:09
SynfulAckhey can any tell me how to figure out more closely what this is. my /etc/ld.so.conf.d/f points to it http://imgur.com/a/ysx7m23:11
ikoniaSynfulAck: what are you actually asking23:12
ikoniaGreyFaceNoSpace_: you'll need to ask a clear question if you want help23:15
ikoniasaying "help" is like me saying "fix"23:15
GreyFaceNoSpace_@ikonia sorry i was looking for the manual command23:15
GreyFaceNoSpace_@ikonia forgot how to identify my nick23:16
minimecgde33: If you add the repository to you sources, all you have to do is 'sudo apt update' 'sudo apt upgrade' to have the newest verion installed...23:17
SynfulAckikonia, i just am unfamiliar with the /etc/ld.so.conf.d directory, ldconfig and libraries.23:18
ikoniaSynfulAck: so what do you actually want ?23:18
gde33minimec: I tried, then it didn't have a key. Actually I first try (from wiki):  echo 'deb http://debian.yacy.net ./' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yacy.list23:18
gde33minimec: this produces an error23:18
pacovcI have ubuntu 16.10 fully installed on a usb that can boot like a desktop ubuntu that is persistant.. there is an option within ubuntu to encrypt the home folder but I was looking for somone options to encrypt the entire usb...similar to how the entire usb can be encrypted on a desktop..either with luks or veracrypt...]23:18
konradosOn ##linux everybody got crazy... so I'll try here. I want to mount a device on login, I know it's about /etc/fstab, so I have this so far: http://pastebin.com/RQYJMqiL can someone look at this, please?23:19
gde33minimec: elsewhere it was suggested to use:  $ echo 'deb http://debian.yacy.net ./' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list23:19
reisiopacovc: storage is storage to GNU/Linux systems23:19
reisiopacovc: full disk encryption is the same for a spinner & a USB stick23:19
minimecgde33: Ok. So continue with the 'wget' and the 'apt-key' command... That will add the key, and the error is gone.23:19
gde33minimec: update then complaints about the lack of key, the wiki suggests: wget http://debian.yacy.net/yacy_orbiter_key.asc -O- | apt-key add - apt-key advanced --keyserver pgp.net.nz --recv-keys 03D886E723:19
ikoniaI'd question why you are encypting a usb stick running a compressed file system into ram23:19
pacovcreisio your saying there is an option within ubuntu because its not standard within the setup23:20
reisiopacovc: nope23:20
gde33minimec: which produces a messy request for root23:20
reisioit's an option in Ubuntu for convenience: some people will want it, some will not23:20
pacovcikonia your question does not answer my question :)23:20
reisiokonrados: is that output from a live OS?23:20
ikoniapacovc: no, but it's a question you should ask23:20
pacovcreisio so what are you saying?23:21
reisiopacovc: think I already said what I said23:21
gde33minimec: putting sudo in front and typing the password it gives a bunch of lines including a long empty one with bracets (?) and finally: Cannot write to ‘-’ (Broken pipe).23:21
SynfulAckikonia, how to check its integrity, i entered the buildID but nothing comes up23:21
konradosoh, hi reisio :) yes, it is from a live OS23:21
reisiokonrados: okay23:21
pacovcreisio well i don't understand it ...so you saying you can or you can't?23:21
ikoniaSynfulAck: a build id ??? entered it where23:21
ikoniaSynfulAck: what's the actual problem23:21
gde33minimec: but it shows it over 2 lines, I should have tried that first23:22
SynfulAckikonia, google, want to verify its not tampered. dont understand .so files.23:22
pacovcreisio did you write all that to say there is not an option?23:22
reisiokonrados: I'd use 'LABEL=DISK3_VOL1' for the first item23:22
ikoniaSynfulAck: it's not tampered with23:22
gde33minimec: same error23:23
reisiokonrados: for the second I wouldn't use /media/seagate/c, I'd probably use /mnt/seagate (sudo mkdir -p /mnt/seagate)23:23
minimecgde33: Ok. Do 'sudo -i' --> yourpassword. That gives you temporary root. Then do the 'wget' and 'apt-key' line without sudo. Afterwards do 'exit' to get out of temporary root.23:23
pacovcwell taht went no where...lol...anyone know about encrypted a usb that has ubuntu on it23:23
reisio/media/ is probably for dynamic mounts on your system; best to keep dynamic and static separate23:23
gde33minimec: both instructons on one line? http://www.yacy-websuche.de/wiki/index.php/En:DebianInstall23:23
minimecgde33:  one after the other. The wget line downloads the keyfile. the second one installs it.23:24
konradosok, sec, reisio ...23:24
reisiokonrados: I'd use sudo ntfslabel to rename sda1's label, though, to something not arbitrary & awful23:25
reisiothen you could use, for example: LABEL=THOMASEDISON23:26
reisiowell, actually he was an awful person23:26
minimecgde33: Oh. I See now. The first line should be enough... Basically you do the same thing two times...23:26
reisiothere you go23:26
konrados\grep reisio23:27
gde33minimec: it produces nice configuration dialogs now23:28
reisiokonrados: tu madre! :p23:28
reisiokonrados: /lastlog reisio23:28
konradosreisio - yeah, but I created a custom command in hexchat :)23:29
minimecgde33: I don't know what you mean, but as I mentioned, you only need 'wget http://debian.yacy.net/yacy_orbiter_key.asc -O- | apt-key add -' to get the key added.23:29
reisioyou sick hacker23:29
konradosI now have all the messages from you, I'll take care about it tomorrow, first I'll read https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fstab once again reisio  :)23:29
konradosThanks again!23:30
gde33minimec: Sorry, a problem occured while installing software. Package:yacy 1.90.900023:30
=== workfro is now known as afruu
minimecgde33: Sorry I am listening to that american fool called <the name shall not be mentioned>, doing a speech in phoenix.... 'China is getting away with murder...' What is he talking about...23:31
gde33welcome to the end of the internet23:32
snfgf   lolwut why does gcc contain libjava23:32
minimecgde33: Did you install 'apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless'?23:34
gde33minimec: I should have that already23:35
gde33I ran it before23:35
gde33minimec: http://pastebin.com/5VpuQ0xf23:37
gde33minimec: it seems to all of a sudden not need a whole lot of packages?23:38
minimecgde33: First of all you have a lot of obsolete packages. Do 'sudo apt autoremove' once... That will remove them.23:40
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest8327
Guest8327my firefox crashes in pine64 board23:41
Guest8327anyone can help on that?23:41
gde33minimec: wow23:41
minimecGuest8327: Can you once start it in a terminal? Maybe you get some additional information.23:42
Guest8327my firefox crashes in pine64 board23:42
Guest8327anyone can help on that?23:42
Keydnsi am wondering if someone teaches linux to beginners23:43
ikoniathere are many courses/classes23:44
ikoniaas well as documentation23:44
ikoniathis channel will help if you have specific ubuntu questions23:44
konradosIf you could suggest some book, ikonia ?23:44
ikonianot really as it depends what you're trying to do and how you want to approach it23:44
ikoniaread the reviews23:44
konradosYeah, I tried once, there were books for *complete* beginners (like what is terminal, commands like "cd", "mkdir"), or at a higher level there were things I could not quite understand, ikonia - I could not find anything between23:46
ikoniaresearch specific topics and you'll find a range of documentation23:46
konradosYes, this is what I do, but I think I miss some basics, something obvious. But, I'll try again, thanks ikonia.23:47
Jordan_U!manual | konrados23:48
ubottukonrados: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:48
minimecgde33: Reading your installation log... Why do you have 'openjdk-9-jre-headless'? Ubuntu is still on 'openjdk-8-jre-headless'? Do you have some java ppa installed?23:48
gde33minimec: I'm still cleaning out the garbage23:48
minimecgde33: ok ;)23:49
gde33minimec: I was thinking to apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless23:49
gde33but if I have 9 that isn't an option I'm gussing?23:50
minimecgde33: Depending on the ubuntu version you run, you will have version 8. That's the case for 16.04 and newer...23:50
gde33I probably do have some ppa but dont ask me why23:50
konradosThanks Jordan_U but it's about the GUI, now I want to mount drives automatically on login, and the advices I get are cryptic for me :) This is what I want - something about what drives' uuid are, what are those sdax sdbx etc... why do we need to mount drives in the first place etc. I'm just lost, and I've been working on Ubuntu for the last year, so I'm obviously missed something during this time :)23:52
gde33minimec: can the javas run side by side?23:52
minimecgde33: As far as I know 'yes'. But if version 8 is working, I would not see the need to install an older one side by side.23:53
gde33on line 74 in the pastebin  /etc/ca-certificates/update.d/jks-keystore: 82: /etc/ca-certificates/update.d/jks-keystore: java: not found23:54
minimecgde33: You would problably do some changes manually, because the yacy software would look for java @ the default location... And that would be the default version provided by your ubuntu version.23:54
wafflejockgde33, http://askubuntu.com/questions/315646/update-java-alternatives-vs-update-alternatives-config-java23:55
wafflejockgde33, can have multiple versions installed just use the update alternatives shown there to switch between installed versions so the right thing is linked into /usr/bin for java and javac (if you're compiling)23:55
minimecgde33: 'java: not found': That's why I was checking the java versions provided by ubuntu...23:58
gde33sudo update-alternatives --config java  just says there is only one candidate23:59
wafflejockgde33, yeah it doesn't install them will just let you switch between ones you have installed23:59
gde33Package openjdk-7-jre-headless is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source23:59

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