
Capum321hello, where is monitors.xml?00:03
Capum321i mean, there is some issue with dual monitor which, one is full screen and the other is for general use, when used, quits the full screen00:31
lawlawlHello, having an isssue installing vmware in lubuntu, when I go to the install and run as bash in the terminal nothing happens04:23
lawlawlmight be doing this wrong, new to linux.04:23
lawlawlI have installed the normal installed to install it onto the system however now when  try to run the vmware-installer file it says no file/directory found, and wont work.04:25
lawlawlinstall *04:25
lawlawlI also, tried going to the main file from the file gui, and executing it with terminal, and nothing04:25
Capum321so you get the wrong file then04:26
lawlawlNot sure.04:27
Capum321check if its running in the background04:28
lawlawlhow so?04:28
lawlawlsorry,  still learning.04:29
Capum321when I am in trouble i just google and easy to find all the commands steps in some form of tutorial or forums answers04:29
lawlawlI have been searching google for around an hour so I came here lol04:30
lawlawlbut ill look up the command.04:30
Capum321i don't have it noted down on my mind every command so...04:30
lawlawlIt's okay, no worries.04:30
zaykosHi there is someone here to help me?04:31
Capum321i am drunk bastard could i help you?04:31
zaykosx) i try to install lubuntu right now but at the end i have a message who says me can't install the packet grub-pc or something like that?04:32
Capum321on a second computer?04:32
Capum321with windows already?04:33
lawlawlboot live and update grub should work right?04:33
zaykosNo i did install kali linux but i try to erase all things on my hard drive to install lubuntu04:33
zaykosi try he says me grub is not installed04:33
lawlawlNo need for kali install ever.04:33
Capum321so a dual boot kali and lubuntu?04:34
zaykosI'ts not a kali install men04:34
lawlawlWhat's your main os?04:34
zaykosYeah but i erase kali right now in the install of lubuntu04:34
Capum321what did you use to erase it?04:34
zaykosI don't have anything x) because of the grub crash04:34
lawlawlSo what does the pc load into when you start it up? Do you get to a grub-rescue?04:35
zaykosIn the installation it says erase all things in the disk for install lubuntu or install dual boot with lubuntu04:35
zaykosNothing a black screen with nothing04:35
zaykosI try boot repair right now but i don't know if i'ts gone a work04:36
Capum321you might have not installed grub correclty in its respective installation ste04:36
lawlawlI'm sure  if you boot the lubuntu live, install grub repair and follow the steps on it and it should fix your issue.04:36
Capum321are you afraid of your computer haunt you at sleep time?04:36
lawlawl^ :D04:37
zaykosi can't do like apt-get update it says we can't acess to lubuntu repositories04:37
lawlawlConnected to internet?04:37
zaykosYeah with an external wireless because lubuntu don't recognize my internal wireless card04:37
Capum321just get a usb with lubuntu and follow these steps....awkowrd pause04:38
Capum321how do you spell akwword?04:39
lawlawlType sudo ifconfig -l04:39
zaykoswait a minute x)04:39
Capum321wait can you login, i am lost now whats your issue again?04:41
lawlawlAnyone know where my vmx file to open the vmware-installer might be located if it's not listed in /usr/lib/vmware/(version)/vmware-installer?04:42
zaykosAnother question for you guys i have basics on linux and i don't know wich linux chose linux mint 18 or ubuntu mate 16.04?04:43
lawlawlPersonal preference, ubuntu is most universal.04:44
lawlawlMint is just as good though imo.04:44
zaykosOkay but i heard they have maybe some malwares on ubuntu installed by cannonical for spying it's true?04:45
Capum321listen, the head experts now are: option 1-rolled over a toilet seat, vomiting all night drinks, 2- still getting drunk 3-crashed on their bed with a stain on the screen still powered on.04:45
lawlawlHmm, not sure. Will have to look into that myself actually04:45
Capum321your time zone is completely off the map04:45
Capum321yeah zombie land, we lost04:46
Capum321in tha woods,04:48
Capum321sherif wood04:48
zaykosand the ifconfig option -l doesn't exist apparently04:50
Capum321what?  are you on windows you sure?04:50
zaykosyeah im sure04:50
zaykosoption -l not recognised04:50
lawlawloh you're on windows lol04:50
Capum321nah nah nah, try new search terms with install wireless driver lspci04:51
zaykosi have dev sda1 with ext4 on gparted i'ts the main part i'm right?04:54
zaykosand i have an dev sda2 extended with in the dev sda5 linux swap i'ts normal or i'm crazy04:55
Capum321thats another topic, you gonna blow your head04:55
zaykosx) yeah you give me the topic for the grub i'm try it right now04:56
Capum321zaykos, when you free, read about 'logic partitions structures dev'04:59
zaykosokay i think i'ts a good advice x) because i'm lost with efi and others stuffs too04:59
Capum321dev means sdX not developers05:00
Capum321me going to never land05:01
zaykosmy main part is an ext4 what type of mode i have not efi but what?05:02
Capum321you are not asking correctly though05:05
Capum321google 'efi partition'05:05
RatchetTheGamerHey all what's a good partition size for lubuntu13:46
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mchasardis there a lubuntu french room ?17:58
tsimonq2mchasard: There's an Ubuntu french room.18:02
tsimonq2mchasard: We don't have a Lubuntu one though, unfortunately.18:03
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:03
mchasardok thanks i already knew this ubuntu french room18:03
tsimonq2Ok. :)18:03
shawn196|R40/me facepalms23:27

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