
=== JanC is now known as Guest84922
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== phunyguy is now known as phunyghoul
gasconheartI run Ubuntu Server on a regular PC, I've been running it for months or perhaps more than one year. Recently it crashed seemingly on its own, twice, one 24h after the other10:57
gasconheartit crashed and froze, it went unresponsive, I had to take this photograph: http://www.gasconheart.cu.cc/crashscreenshot/10:57
gasconheartI need some help understanding those messages; thank you very much10:58
ikoniagasconheart: so thats a kernel panic11:03
ikoniathats the stack trace from the panic, the bit on screen is showing the filesystem details in memory11:04
taliptakowhy shouldnt i manage my server from root account ?11:32
RoyKwell, obviously, you can11:33
RoyKbut it's more common to use sudo these days to allow for logging who did what11:33
RoyKalso, allowing ssh logins to root, especially with password authentication isn't really a good idea - should work well with keys, though11:34
taliptakoactually i just have LEMP stack on my Ubuntu 16.04 server and i intalled those software as a root11:35
ikonia"E" ?11:35
taliptakonow i had little problem about file permissions11:35
ikoniaif you installed them using the package manager, the permisions should be fine out of the box11:35
taliptakoi wonder if this cause because i installed all softwares as a root account11:35
ikoniataliptako: did you install using the ubuntu package manager ?11:36
taliptakoof course i installed with apt11:36
ikoniathen the only way to use that is with root privileges11:36
ikoniaso how can that be the problem ?11:36
taliptakobut maybe its different to do things from root account or with sudo11:36
taliptakoi dont know11:36
ikoniano, it's not11:36
ikoniawhat is the "E" in lemp ?11:36
taliptakohmm i have interesting problem11:37
taliptakolet me explain maybe you can guess :)11:37
ikoniajust tell me11:37
ikoniaI'm not playing a game, I'm trying to understand your setup11:37
ikoniawhat does the "E" in lemp stack reference11:37
taliptakoi have website and i'm using php and visitors uploading images okey and i save them to uploads/ folder i create a folder for all images for example /dog/1.jpg also i create conversions folder in dog folder  /dog/conversions/230x300px.jpg(example)11:38
ikoniaok - so you're not answering my question11:39
taliptakoi resize images and putting them to conversions folder and i resize them with php-gd library of course11:39
ikoniaI'm afraid I can't help you11:39
taliptakoconversions folder owned by root11:39
taliptakojust conversions folder all my others folders files doesnt have this problem but images resized with php-gd owned by root11:40
taliptakoand when i try to delete them its causing the permission denied problem11:40
taliptakoNginx - php - mysql ikonia11:40
ikoniaso you actually don't understand what you're saying then11:40
ikoniaLAMP = Linux Apache PHP Mysql11:40
ikoniaLEMP = Linux ??? Mysql Php11:41
ikoniaso what's the E ?11:41
taliptakolook here11:41
ikoniajust answer the question11:41
ikoniaactually, I can't be bothered11:41
ikoniagood look sorting yourself out11:41
taliptakoWe go with LEMP due to the pronunciation for Nginx: Engine-X (en-juhn-ecks). Think of how in English, the article an is used instead of a for hour even though it begins with a consonant.11:41
RoyKikonia: E for Evangelist :D11:43
RoyKtaliptako: that should be LNMP, though, since nginx is spelt with an n...11:45
RoyKand btw, don't use mysql if you can use postgresql :P11:46
taliptakoi dont care11:46
taliptakoif its lemp or lnmp :)11:46
RoyKhm - windows, iis, mysql and php, that should be like wimp, right? ;)11:47
gasconheartikonia: thanks for your reply11:48
ikoniagasconheart: no problem11:49
gasconheart(I'm looking after a kid over here)11:49
gasconheartikonia: some guy here suggested it might be related to the dirty cow vulnerability11:49
ikoniagasconheart: not sure how they could make ANY guess based on that single bit of output of a stack trace11:49
gasconheartis there anything that might point to dirty cow?11:50
gasconheartI check my logs all the time, almost paranoidly, I found no strange logins11:51
gasconheartI am close to 100% positive it was not a hacking attempt; does anything in that screenshot suggest otherwise? thanks11:53
=== Biokee is now known as Guest5424
taliptakosoo guys there is no difference using sudo or directly writing commands as a root ?12:09
taliptakofor sure ?12:09
andoltaliptako: You usually end having different environment variables set, which might affect how the commands run.12:17
ikoniagasconheart: that screenshot suggests nothing12:18
bor691hello, i'm having trouble changing /etc/sshd_config (it doesn't affect anything even after reboot) on ubuntu server 14.04. i check the value with sshd -T after modifying the file but still shows the old value...13:50
ikoniabor691: what value are you changing13:55
bor691i intended to do a reverse tunnel that binds to non-local interface , some questions in serverfault and askubuntu suggested changing gatewayports13:56
bor691but after that didn't work i tried setting passwordauthentication no13:56
bor691just to test if it changes , but it didn't , sshd -T shows no and i can still login via password, even after restarting the service and rebooting the server13:57
bor691is there a way to get address of the loaded config file ? is it possible that i'm chainging the wrong file ? (i was modifying /etc/ssh/ssh_config , and verified that the file is saved with the new value)14:01
ikoniabor691: you need sshd_config14:01
ikoniassh_config is the client14:01
bor691now i feel like an idiot :| tnx14:02
ikoniano problem, easy to miss it, nothing silly about it14:03
=== nchambers is now known as Frankenstein
=== pavlushka is now known as skywriter
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al_nz1Anyone here using Nagios?18:45
al_nz1I want pretty graphcs18:50
al_nz1network graphs :-)18:50
spammyal_nz1:  I use icinga19:01
spammya fork of nagios19:01
al_nz1Hi spammy. I only went with nagios because it seems widely known19:01
al_nz1and I hoped well supported19:02
al_nz1bit of a steep learning curve so far19:02
spammyicinga is in Ubuntu's repo19:02
spammyworks like nagios19:02
spammywell supported19:02
al_nz1ok. I will take a look19:02
spammyI've also been playing with Zabbix, it seems a bit easier than Nagios/Icinga19:04
spammyyou can add hosts etc. in gui19:04
spammywhich is nice19:05
al_nz1yeah - that would be nice19:05
spammythere's a PPA for Zabbix19:05
al_nz1easy is better at this point19:05
al_nz1is it in repo?19:05
spammyin a PPA repo....hang on, I'll look it up19:06
spammywhoops....my bad, not a PPA but a zabbix official repo19:08
spammyUbuntu steps to install repo are at the end19:09
spammythen follow these instructions...19:09
spammyor the postgres one, depending on which db flavor you want19:10
al_nz1why the heck do I not have a httpd.conf on apache219:37
al_nz1find / -name httpd.conf is empty19:37
Picial_nz1: its /etc/apache2/apache2.conf conf for whatever reason19:38
al_nz1just found that in google19:38
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
al_nz1I am getting Forbidden: You don't have permission to access /nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/show.cgi on this server.20:59
al_nz1How do I resolve this on ubuntu16 / apache220:59
tsimonq2al_nz1: 16.04 or 16.10?21:03
al_nz1tsimonq2: 16.0421:57
al_nz1but I have restarted the installation of nagios from scratch21:57
al_nz1you still about tsimonq222:38

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