menn0 | axw: review done | 00:01 |
axw | menn0: thanks, I'll run up a 1.25 env and test on there before I land | 00:50 |
menn0 | axw: great, thanks | 00:56 |
menn0 | axw: thanks for the edits | 01:42 |
axw | menn0: so 2.4 handles the "_id $in [...]" method well - it completed instantly. using Bulk isn't terrible though, it takes 3 seconds to remove 10000 docs | 01:42 |
axw | menn0: so I'm inclined to just use Bulk for simplicity | 01:42 |
menn0 | axw: that SGTM | 01:43 |
axw | menn0: np | 01:43 |
axw | cool | 01:43 |
menn0 | axw: 3s for 10000 docs locally or on azure? | 01:43 |
axw | menn0: on azure | 01:43 |
axw | one last test with 2.0 on a fresh VM | 01:46 |
menn0 | axw: that seems like it should be fine to me | 01:54 |
axw | menn0: cool. I'm just going to test on the exact same VM size, with mongo 3.x/wiredtiger without waiting for things to go pear shaped this time. should be a better comparison | 01:55 |
axw | if it's the same I'll shipit | 01:55 |
menn0 | axw: +1 | 01:55 |
wallyworld | axw: when you have time, a small one, no rush | 03:07 |
axw | wallyworld: what is the "elsewhere" that tests the same functionality? | 03:10 |
wallyworld | axw: test cases in testChangeRemoteApplications | 03:10 |
axw | wallyworld: LGTM | 03:13 |
wallyworld | ty | 03:13 |
wallyworld | axw: this line causes this bug . I think we should just remove that series check entirely from ParseBinary? The bugs happens when you have a juju agent running on a system without zesty in its distro info data and the agent tries to parse zesty tools | 03:47 |
mup | Bug #1637079: Upgrade stuck due to out-of-date distro-info-data package <canonical-is> <eda> <juju:Triaged by alexis-bruemmer> <> | 03:47 |
axw | wallyworld: SGTM, but does removing that get you all the way? | 03:48 |
wallyworld | i think so, will check a bit more closely to try and be sure | 03:48 |
axw | wallyworld: we should be changing the binary format to replace series with OS at some point. there's no need for separate agent binaries per series | 03:51 |
wallyworld | axw: oh tell me about it. bootstrapping on aws is sooooooo because it uploads i think 3 copies of the tools tarballs, one for each of a few series. takes forever | 03:54 |
wallyworld | maybe a 2.2 thing | 03:54 |
axw | wallyworld: seriously? I thought we fixed that to just upload one, and have the controller explode it into the various series | 03:55 |
axw | if we're uploading multiple times, I think we can fix that without changing the format at least | 03:56 |
wallyworld | hmmm. maybe. i haven't checked in a while. maybe the tarball has grown so large it still take sages | 03:56 |
axw | it does take a long time | 03:56 |
wallyworld | on ADSL yeah it does :-( | 03:56 |
wallyworld | axw: two small ones for whenever | 04:47 |
wallyworld | axw: thanks for reviews. there's little that can be done for other usages of GetOSFromSeries() in juju - all cases require the OS to make a decision about something wrt cloud init and such. so i'll just update the deps | 05:14 |
axw | okey dokey | 05:15 |
wallyworld | damn, pulling in tip of utils breaks other apis, sigh | 05:23 |
rogpeppe | anyone know ModelMachineInfo.Status is instance status or agent status? | 09:21 |
rogpeppe | anyone around that may be able to do a review of a change to testing/checkers to ignore time zones when comparing times? | 10:13 |
rogpeppe | dimitern: ^ | 10:14 |
dimitern | rogpeppe: looking | 10:32 |
rogpeppe | dimitern: thanks! | 10:32 |
rogpeppe | dimitern: are you all at the sprint this week? | 10:33 |
dimitern | rogpeppe: thankfully, no :) | 10:33 |
rogpeppe | dimitern: :) | 10:33 |
rogpeppe | dimitern: just it seem very quiet here atm | 10:33 |
dimitern | rogpeppe: LGTM, but I'm curious - why was that needed? | 10:33 |
rogpeppe | dimitern: just a test failure due to two times being different only in zone (we were using UTC, bson unmarshals as local) and i got fed up. i've wanted to make this change for ages :) | 10:34 |
dimitern | rogpeppe: quiet yes.. I'm tasked with making sure develop merges OK into staging though, so I haven't noticed :) | 10:34 |
=== Guest79971 is now known as ahasenack | ||
=== ahasenack is now known as Guest85272 | ||
perrito666 | morning all | 12:07 |
zeestrat | Hey, when is 2.0.1 coming to the juju/stable PPA? | 12:52 |
dimitern | mgz: ping | 13:27 |
mgz | dimitern: yo | 13:30 |
dimitern | mgz: hey, I've been watching the last few CI runs on develop | 13:31 |
dimitern | mgz: any idea about the build errors? | 13:31 |
mgz | the last few? | 13:31 |
mgz | the earlier ones were from balloons changing the packaging branch | 13:31 |
mgz | but those should be gone with the latest builds? | 13:32 |
mgz | hm, something new | 13:32 |
dimitern | latest one still has a few: | 13:32 |
mgz | also those results are misleading | 13:33 |
mgz | hardly anything actually ran | 13:33 |
mgz | there was talk about poking around with S3 on friday, I'll look and see what actually changed | 13:34 |
dimitern | ok | 13:34 |
dimitern | mgz: do you think we could merge develop into staging today, or we need a bless first? | 13:35 |
mgz | ideally we get a bless, but of the last 10 runs most have failed due to non-juju code reasons | 13:35 |
balloons | we do need a bless. I was hoping a PR would land so we'd get a testrun -- really nothing has landed? | 13:36 |
balloons | ohh, no, it landed.. I see, weird | 13:37 |
mgz | stuff has landed, we're stuck on the build/publish step | 13:37 |
mgz | of xenial ppc64 build at least is blocking things | 13:37 |
mgz | perhaps other stuff? | 13:37 |
* mgz goes to clean up ppc64el-slave | 13:37 | |
mgz | which stilson are you today... | 13:38 |
mgz | hm, 05 isn't actually out of disk | 13:40 |
mgz | dimitern: I deleting a bunch of things from that machine and am trying a rerun of the ppc64 build job | 13:47 |
dimitern | mgz: +1 | 13:47 |
mgz | that should unblock various things, obviously we have some config issues as well | 13:47 |
mgz | as the jobs that failed shouldn't run before publish I presume | 13:47 |
SimonKLB | who's involved with the juju charm store development? | 13:54 |
SimonKLB | i renamed a user to use it's username for a team instead, launchpad seem ok with it, but it's not possible to make the changes migrate to the juju charm store | 13:55 |
SimonKLB | or at least im not sure how to do it | 13:55 |
natefinch | rogpeppe: ^ | 13:56 |
mgz | ah, standup is a different hour | 13:57 |
mgz | thanks clocks... | 13:57 |
natefinch | haha | 13:57 |
natefinch | I laugh, but ours changes next week | 13:58 |
mgz | yeah, then standup time will move again | 13:58 |
mgz | hm, no katco today? | 14:01 |
mgz | she appeareth | 14:02 |
mgz | dimitern: standup! | 14:04 |
mgz | also... other people who are around? | 14:04 |
katco | dimitern: macgreag1ir: voidspace: frobware: standup time | 14:04 |
voidspace | katco: oh, screw - our clocks changed and I forgot that changed standup time | 14:05 |
voidspace | katco: omw | 14:05 |
katco | no worries! | 14:05 |
katco | dooferlad: standup time | 14:06 |
dimitern | katco: isn't it in an hour's time? | 14:07 |
natefinch | nope, you guys had daylight saving end and we haven't yet | 14:07 |
mgz | dimitern: clocks, they are a changin' | 14:07 |
natefinch | next week it'll be back to the same time | 14:07 |
natefinch | since we end our saving time next week | 14:07 |
natefinch | huzzah | 14:07 |
katco | dimitern: confusion abounds | 14:07 |
dimitern | oh I see | 14:07 |
dimitern | omw then | 14:07 |
rogpeppe | SimonKLB: I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "i renamed a user to use it's username for a team instead," | 14:09 |
=== hml_ is now known as hml | ||
rick_h___ | rogpeppe: in SSO you can change the user be but that blows up on the chsrmstore without manual intervention | 15:11 |
rogpeppe | rick_h___: yeah, we discussed it by PM | 15:11 |
rick_h___ | Ah cool | 15:12 |
rogpeppe | rick_h___: my question above was because i found the grammar hard to parse | 15:12 |
SimonKLB | my bad \o | 15:15 |
SimonKLB | rick_h___: would deleting the user be sufficient? because i only have some test-charms pushed | 15:16 |
SimonKLB | do whatever is the easiest for you guys | 15:16 |
voidspace | dimitern: so for maas 2, "not_networks" needs to be changed in gomaasapi rather than in juju | 15:21 |
dimitern | voidspace: for maas 2.1 only IIRC - let me double check | 15:22 |
voidspace | dimitern: according to bug 163919 it's maas 2.0 | 15:22 |
mup | Bug #163919: didyouknow plugin bug <Exaile:Invalid> <> | 15:22 |
voidspace | uhm | 15:22 |
voidspace | bug 1636919 | 15:22 |
mup | Bug #1636919: MAAS machine selected with space in violation of constraint <ci> <jujuqa> <maas-provider> <networking> <juju:Triaged> <MAAS:Invalid> <> | 15:23 |
voidspace | dimitern: ah, no - it's an api change as well | 15:23 |
voidspace | dimitern: (for gomaasapi) | 15:23 |
voidspace | dimitern: juju needs to pass a slice of strings not a string | 15:23 |
dimitern | voidspace: according to - not_networks is still acceptable for API 2.0 | 15:23 |
voidspace | dimitern: I've pinged mpontillo on #juju (canonical) | 15:24 |
voidspace | dimitern: no response yet, but I'll check with him | 15:24 |
voidspace | dimitern: what maas API version do you see with 2.1? I don't have 2.1 setup | 15:25 |
dimitern | voidspace: I've checked the source, but as for 2.1 API docs - still mentions not_networks and not "not_subnets" | 15:26 |
dimitern | voidspace: I guess the docs were not updated recently | 15:26 |
voidspace | dimitern: well, if they're incorrect for 2.1 they could be incorrect for 2.0 as well... | 15:26 |
mgz | dimitern: I filed bugs | 15:26 |
voidspace | dimitern: I'll find out | 15:27 |
voidspace | mgz: the maas guys are at the sprint - as far as you know is "not_subnets" correct for 2.0 or only for 2.1? | 15:27 |
mgz | for both | 15:27 |
dimitern | voidspace: If all else fails, use the source :) | 15:27 |
voidspace | dimitern: so you're saying that according to the source, "not_networks" is correct for 2.0? | 15:27 |
voidspace | we don't officially support 2.1 yet anyway ;-) | 15:27 |
mgz | bug 1637009 probably what you're most interested in | 15:28 |
mup | Bug #1637009: [2.0,2.1] Node acquisition constraints API documentation needs to be updated to match reality <MAAS:In Progress by mpontillo> <MAAS 1.9:In Progress by mpontillo> <MAAS 2.0:In Progress by mpontillo> <> | 15:28 |
* voidspace goes to checkout maas | 15:28 | |
dimitern | voidspace, yeah - I can confirm on the actual 2.0 vmaas here.. | 15:28 |
voidspace | dimitern: ah, so that's in contradiction to the bug that mgz just linked to | 15:28 |
mgz | bug 1637182 and bug 1637192 also relevent | 15:28 |
mup | Bug #1637182: Help and documentation 'list of unicodes' inconsistent <MAAS:In Progress by mpontillo> <MAAS 1.9:In Progress by mpontillo> <MAAS 2.0:In Progress by mpontillo> <> | 15:28 |
mup | Bug #1637192: [2.0,2.1] Allocate using subnets or not_subnets with space fails <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <MAAS 1.9:Triaged by mpontillo> <MAAS 2.0:Triaged by mpontillo> <> | 15:28 |
mgz | and bug 1636250 | 15:30 |
mup | Bug #1636250: [2.1] machines allocate API returns a random machine if incorrect - parameters are used <MAAS:Fix Committed by andreserl> <> | 15:30 |
mgz | not_networks is accepted and silently ignored on 2.0 and 2.1 | 15:31 |
dimitern | mgz: not quite: | 15:31 |
dimitern | mgz: for 2.1 - | 15:33 |
dimitern | but I'll test it with the MAAS CLI manually on both | 15:33 |
mgz | what am I looking for there dimitern? | 15:33 |
mgz | I only see (wrong) docstring matches for your grep | 15:34 |
mgz | also, bugs document the pretty extensive testing I did for this across three maas versions | 15:35 |
dimitern | mgz: I've tried `$ maas 21-root machines allocate dry_run=True not_subnets=space:0 verbose=True` on 2.1 and got `unorderable types: Subnet() < Subnet()` | 15:37 |
dimitern | with not_networks there's no error, but it doesn't seem to work | 15:38 |
mgz | dimitern: see bug 1637192 as linked above | 15:38 |
mup | Bug #1637192: [2.0,2.1] Allocate using subnets or not_subnets with space fails <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <MAAS 1.9:Triaged by mpontillo> <MAAS 2.0:Triaged by mpontillo> <> | 15:38 |
mgz | there's a bit more background to that that's on a maas mailing list | 15:39 |
mgz | but I think the bug has the conclusion at least | 15:39 |
mpontillo | dimitern: the 'unorderable types' one is a bug in the error message. what we're trying to do is render a string that says something like "failed to match constraint: xyz", but when we go to figure out what to put in xyz we crash ;-) | 16:33 |
mpontillo | dimitern: clarifies the docs | 16:34 |
dimitern | mpontillo: cheeers! :) | 16:34 |
mpontillo | dimitern: but yeah, I can confirm that going from 1.x to 2.x we renamed the '[not_]networks' constraint to '[not_]subnets'. MAAS 2.1 was also recently changed to reject unknown constraints. | 16:39 |
dimitern | mpontillo: so *both* 2.0 and 2.1 API only accept "not_subnets" (even if it doesn't complain in the former case) ? | 16:40 |
mpontillo | dimitern: correct, when we moved to MAAS 2.x we made that change. we also dropped legacy 'connected_to' and 'not_connected_to' constraints in 2.x | 16:41 |
dimitern | mpontillo: ok, thanks for confirming! | 16:44 |
mpontillo | dimitern: voidspace: np. also, be aware when testing this that the corresponding *positive* constraints will probably not do what you expect. that is, 'subnets' and 'not_subnets' do not filter an inverse set of machines if multiple subnets match the specifier. | 16:45 |
mpontillo | (long story short, only matching nodes *not* in a set of subnets is well-supported, if you try to pass in, for example, subnets:space:x and space x has 3 subnets, we'll try to find a node with all 3, which is probably not useful) | 16:46 |
mpontillo | but that is more of a wishlist because this works as-expected when using the interfaces constraint. | 16:47 |
voidspace | mpontillo: ok, thanks | 16:49 |
=== Guest85272 is now known as ahasenack | ||
=== ahasenack is now known as Guest84237 | ||
redir | rick_h___: yt? | 18:27 |
perrito666 | voidspace: still working? | 18:54 |
voidspace | perrito666: still around anyway | 18:54 |
perrito666 | voidspace: I am trying to determine an issue that is most likely unrelated to this but am getting a constant spam error because juju cant SetLinkLayerDevices | 18:55 |
perrito666 | voidspace: how big of an issue is that error? | 18:55 |
voidspace | perrito666: ah, I've seen that - I think it's spurious | 18:55 |
perrito666 | voidspace: apparently Its trying to use the same id for more than one thing | 18:55 |
perrito666 | voidspace: ack, I thought so | 18:56 |
voidspace | perrito666: dimitern is really the one who needs to answer I'm afraid | 18:56 |
perrito666 | yep, blame said the same but he is not here :p | 18:56 |
voidspace | perrito666: but I saw the same error when I was trying to diagnose a vsphere issue - and it had nothing to do with that error | 18:56 |
perrito666 | voidspace: yeah, same here | 18:56 |
perrito666 | :) | 18:56 |
perrito666 | spaces are blowing all over the place in vsphere | 18:57 |
voidspace | perrito666: yeah, that needs fixing - it shouldn't error out if spaces aren't supported | 18:58 |
voidspace | perrito666: if you file a bug I'll fix it ;-) | 18:59 |
perrito666 | voidspace: I dont have enough information, I believe this is actually causing a problem for me here | 19:02 |
natefinch | perrito666: what auth types does vsphere allow? | 20:04 |
natefinch | perrito666: just userpass? | 20:05 |
natefinch | anyone else know? Would be nice if our docs specified this :/ | 20:06 |
natefinch | looks like just userpass from the credential s chema | 20:07 |
voidspace | natefinch: perrito666: I've only ever *seen* userpass... | 20:11 |
voidspace | perrito666: actually, the specific issue I saw was "unrecognised type" for an interface, not id re-use | 20:11 |
voidspace | perrito666: so that is "new" | 20:11 |
babbageclunk | morning everyone! I'm in Hamilton! | 20:23 |
perrito666 | natefinch: I have the same experience as voidspace | 20:27 |
perrito666 | voidspace: I learned it was due to id reuse after digging into the code the error is completely misleading | 20:27 |
redir | babbageclunk: congrats | 20:35 |
veebers | babbageclunk: nice! Where is your final destination in NZ? | 20:35 |
voidspace | perrito666: ah, ok | 20:37 |
babbageclunk | veebers: uh, a grave somewhere I guess? ;) | 20:39 |
babbageclunk | I mean, Welly. | 20:39 |
babbageclunk | But we'll have a longish boringish interlude in Palmerston North while all our stuff is being shipped. | 20:40 |
veebers | babbageclunk: wow dark. I love it | 20:44 |
babbageclunk | veebers: I mean, Palmy's not that bad. | 20:44 |
veebers | ^_^ | 20:44 |
perrito666 | hey all, how do I pass availability zone to bootstrap? | 21:12 |
mup | Bug #1637695 changed: Charm-guide: Openstack on LXD directions do not work <juju:New> <> | 22:04 |
perrito666 | Alexis wallyworld I'll be a few mins late to the standup sorry | 23:13 |
wallyworld | np | 23:13 |
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