
ba55I just installed MATE onto a Pi 3. When i click install software updater gives: Check if you are using third party repositories. If so disable them, since they are a common source of problems.03:50
ba55Furthermore run the following command in a Terminal: apt-get install -f. running that command errors out withdpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 14159 package 'libtopmenu-client-gtk3-0':03:50
ba55 newline in field name 'St'03:50
ba55E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)"03:50
mate|38695anyone here has root ubuntu08:53
alkisgWe all have08:56
mate|38695i need08:56
mate|38695to learn some basic code08:57
alkisgWhat code?08:57
mate|38695some codes on ubuntu08:57
mate|38695and root08:57
mate|38695like ls08:57
mate|38695ls -all08:57
mate|38695can u help me with one08:58
mate|38695ubuntu root08:58
mate|38695do you have irc channel08:58
mate|38695or server08:59
mate|38695on irc08:59
alkisgDo you mean that you want to learn to use the terminal? You can find tutorials for that in google, no need to use IRC for that.08:59
mate|38695i want to practice09:00
mate|38695not google09:00
mate|38695i have all the codes but just practice09:00
mate|38695I already learnt09:00
alkisgWhat "putty"? Is that ssh client for windows?09:01
alkisgAnd you are looking for an ubuntu server to connect to, to test commands?09:01
alkisgUse virtualbox with an ubuntu live cd09:01
alkisgGoogle for "install virtualbox on windows"09:02
alkisgIt's not related to #ubuntu-mate at all09:02
mate|38695do you have irc scanner09:02
mate|38695is this channel deal with root09:03
alkisgDon't use personal messages, only use the channel09:04
mate|38695i need ubuntu to scan thats it09:06
alkisgTo crack wireless networks?09:06
mate|38695and smtps09:06
mate|38695i dont have app or scanner to do that wireless09:07
mate|38695anyone here has ubuntu09:10
alkisgmate|38695: that's the wrong question, ask this instead: "anyone wants to help me install virtualbox on windows"?09:12
alkisgAnd the answer is, "google for a tutorial or ask in #windows or in #virtualbox"09:12
mate|38695i can scan with virtualbox09:13
mate|38695scan zimbra and smtps09:13
mate|38695listen ubunto root if i get it , it easy and fast09:13
mate|38695soemthing like09:14
mate|38695root welc0me
mate|38695ip user plus pass09:14
rootmananyone here has ubuntu root10:34
rootmananyone here has ubuntu root11:24
rahtgazwhat do you mean rootman?11:25
alkisgHe wants someone to provide him root access to his ubuntu box11:25
alkisg...go figure11:25
rahtgazyour question doesn't make much sense. So why don't you start by what is the problem exactly?11:29
alkisgSee irclogs, he explained it before you joined11:29
rahtgazlikely a troll or a very confused human being. *ignoring*11:36
dcjHey everyone, can someone please assist me in installing M9 370X graphics drivers on Ubuntu (dual booting on macbook pro).11:58
ouroumovforum is down15:23
=== johnc4510 is now known as Ghoulish
ouroumovforum is back15:37
humanhello everyone!20:06
=== human is now known as Guest18855
Guest18855is this chat dead?20:07
alkisgNope, it's alive20:26
jamessral__Is there a published contribution guide?21:51
jamessral__How does one get started contributing code to UbuntuMATE?21:51
mate|31606New version of Firefox won't let me change the default home page. Why?23:24

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