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RAOFGAH! CachedPtr strikes again!06:57
RAOF...and EOD>07:02
alan_ggreyback: I've been poking around miral-qt again. Fixed (subject to review) some stuff that needed fixing.11:08
greybackalan_g: ack. I've just opened the queue11:08
greybackalan_g: looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/miral/remove-some-modules-Unity-Application-dependence-on-libmirserver-dev/+merge/309593 - you move the mirserver dependency into a small helper utility - is that all you will do with that, or have you further plans?11:12
alan_ggreyback: it's a process, I first want to isolate the precise features that are being used, and then review how (or if) they should look in libmiral. I suspect some are not yet stable enough and am wondering about an "experimental" library to move them to for now.11:16
greybackalan_g: ok. Wanted to be clear on the direction11:22
alan_gSure. In this case it makes it clear how little of the mir/scene/session.h interface is used.11:27
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alan_ggreyback_: just wondering... why does Mir "Need api for client to inhibit screen dim/off" when AFAICS it is no more involved than in "cut&paste" or "drag&drop"?16:12
greyback_alan_g: you could look at it that way, yes. But I believe copy&paste/dnd were designed with as little mir involvement due to the content-exchange aspect.16:14
greyback_whereas this strikes me as very close to mir's existing functionality - display configuration16:15
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alan_gBut repowerd manages screen dim/off. The only thing needed is "what's the current app?"16:17
alan_gWhich is almost the same as C&P16:17
greyback_I'd say current focusedwindow more than current app, but you point remains16:18
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=== JanC is now known as Guest13101
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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