[07:09] good morning o/ [07:54] o/ good morning praisethemoon [07:55] * pavlushka was hitting tab after typing g to auto complete [08:00] XD [08:00] pavlushka, how is it going? :D [08:24] praisethemoon: it is going ok except the part of cooking rice for me. [08:25] oh my [08:25] i love rice [08:25] pavlushka, cook me some rice :( [08:25] I want Sushi [08:25] * praisethemoon is sad [08:26] yeah, when I am hungry, I feel sad too :( [08:30] :'( [08:39] nuuuu [08:39] he left me ;-; [09:31] Naeil, o/ [09:34] Hello praisethemoon :D [09:55] how is it going Naeil o/ [10:03] as usual :D what about you :D [10:21] tired :( [10:21] been playing video games for too long last night [10:21] now im regretting not sleeping earlier [10:21] :( [10:31] hahahaha I know that feel [11:02] .. <3 [13:28] elacheche, are you here with us today? [13:30] Yep praisethemoon [13:30] how is it going elacheche ? [13:53] Good praisethemoon [13:53] :) [14:21] elacheche, you said that'll send an email to the mailing list yesterday .. if I recall correctly [14:24] Yep.. I had an emergency by night, and was little bit sick too, you can guess, I didn't open my laptop :/ [14:43] elacheche, oh sorry to hear that :/ hope everything went well [14:44] I thought you might've sent it to another ML or something ^^ [14:54] x) [16:51] * elacheche is looking for anyone to challenge him in a Clash of Codes (CodinGame) before he'll go home.. [16:54] elacheche, what's that [16:56] check pm :)=