
diddledanit's not clear how much they've used from WordPress' app but they have admitted to using some of it (their chief said something like using WordPress code as a library)00:00
m0nkey_Isn't it GPL?00:03
m0nkey_So all Wix have to do is release their code, minus any propriety stuff.00:03
penguin42who said they were allowed to exclude the proprietary stuff00:04
diddledanwell that's the thing. any code in the app linked with the gpl code, whether it's proprietary or not, must be made available to end-users00:04
zmoylan-pithe thing with the gpl is that it is perfectly legal to do certain things with the code.  this doesn't mean the community won't drop on you like a tonne of bricks00:06
* diddledan sits on wix00:06
=== deadk is now known as e
=== ghostel is now known as christel
foobarrywow stallman continues to be a douche09:04
foobarryended up on his website full of unpalatable opinions09:04
foobarrythe one i recently read is unrepeatable09:05
popeynew ones or old ones?09:08
foobarryunrepeatable one is old and may be well know09:10
foobarrybut he continues to write offensive new stuff09:11
foobarrytoday about downs syndrome09:12
foobarryanother classic stallman "I therefore urge you to do as I did, and have no children. "09:15
foobarry"When older, often I saw parents rebuke their children for playing with me, or even in my vicinity, assuming it would bother me — without waiting to see if I objected."09:15
foobarryit doesn't take more than a few seconds to see what a walking contradiction this man is09:17
popeyI can see the point he's making about downs, but he's pretty inarticulate about it09:18
popeytypical lack of empathy09:18
popeyhe can be quite awful.09:26
JamesTaitGood morning all! Happy Tuesday, and happy Extra Mile Day! 😃09:32
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:13
=== layke is now known as Guest61475
=== Guest61475 is now known as ajksdjadk
diddledanthe video is fun12:03
diddledanpinch, punch, oneth of the munth12:19
diddledanclick bait headline make me angry12:37
diddledanlatest one: https://twitter.com/Sophos/status/79343119868926361612:38
diddledan"Do this one thing to protect your social media accounts"... and you'll never guess what happened next!12:38
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
SuperMattHave we reduced proper security practicses to clickbait?12:40
diddledanseems so12:41
diddledanthe other related thing I hate is articles that list things over several click-through pages to force you to load a new set of adverts by clicking through to the next page12:42
diddledanhaha, a government report cites the thread of "script kiddies"12:44
zmoylan-pibut because security practices change all the time how do we expect technots to keep up?12:44
diddledanwhy do we have to use the word "cyber" all the time for hacking activities?12:45
diddledanfrom that report: " cyber attacks are growing more frequent" and "From the most basic cyber hygiene, to the most sophisticated deterrence, we need a comprehensive response."12:46
diddledanwtf is "cyber hygiene"?12:46
diddledanomg, cyber skillz! " through stronger defences and better cyber skills"12:46
zmoylan-piwhen you run a system that connects to nothing whatsoever?12:46
diddledanpaging Mr Trump: "The cyber threat impacts the whole of our society"12:47
zmoylan-pia new macbook for example :-P12:47
zmoylan-pidoes it affect stallman? :-)12:49
Azelphurali1234: you about? Have a problem that'd be right up your street I think, volume buttons on my GPD Win don't work, don't show up in xev, evtest, showkey... :< any ideas?12:56
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
diddledancat doesn't know how to door: https://twitter.com/EmrgencyKittens/status/79346387942260736114:46
zmoylan-pithat's just cat making maximum disturbance for humans...14:54
zmoylan-piin the meanwhilest... https://twitter.com/angryearthling/status/793465866587340800/photo/114:54
diddledanaww, she cute14:55
SebthreeBQM10HD hi16:01
daftykinshow rude, amazon refuse to ship us TVs now17:05
daftykinsstandard tanktop ;) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/28n8vfhr1wsbgbe/AADRmcil_SYy5ZNyP1jZxSGaa?dl=017:05
diddledan\o/ dust bunnies17:14
diddledanMicrosoft really are shifting their target audience these days... https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ThW7iTwp/err.png18:04
daftykinshere comes the fun ;)18:05
diddledanisn't that a song? "here comes the fun.. doo dm, doo dm."18:06
diddledanso, googley chrome on my windows system is more broken than a broken thing that broke18:07
daftykinsyou must be doing it wrong!18:07
zmoylan-pitry not to be spied on that way? :-P18:08
* penguin42 discovered there's a bakery in York doing Orange and chocolate danish pastries; they're wonderful19:29
penguin42I think they may have even been orange curd19:29
zmoylan-piif it's popular surely you can get them more locally?19:30
* penguin42 has never seen such a confection before19:30
zmoylan-pihttp://www.thedailymeal.com/recipes/chocolate-orange-pastries-recipe chocalte and orange pasteries turns up quite a few entries...19:32
* zmoylan-pi wonders how many terry's chocolate oranges are sold every year... :-)19:33
DJonespenguin42: I've just been pointed towards making green tomato cake, sounds wierd, but is supposed to be similar in taste to carrot cake19:33
penguin42DJones: Neither of which appear to me19:34
* zmoylan-pi remembers having to explain cheesecake to some norwegian friends who'd never heard of such a thing...19:34
penguin42zmoylan-pi: I've had many chocolate and orange things, but this was a wonder19:34
DJonesMe neither, I hate carrot cake19:34
DJonesMay just make green tomato chutney, although it takes days to get rid of the cooking smell19:34
DJonesBoiling vinager smells like trying to refract crude oil19:35
=== ging_ is now known as ging

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