
jrwrenWhat is the scariest data type?00:26
jrwrenA BOOlean00:28
cmaloneyrick_h___: Where are you?13:52
jcastrorick_h___: wait lol wtf the bears won?14:08
cmaloneyjcastro: It's 2016. Strange things happen14:34
greg-gcmaloney: I loved seeing that people were going as 2016 this year by being that dog in a burning house saying "It's fine."15:28
cmaloneygreg-g: Yeah15:34
rick_h___cmaloney: Bucharest16:16
rick_h___jcastro: yea wtf...how did that happen? We're not going to get the first pick in the draft with winning.16:16
cmaloneyYea, what's the point of even playing?16:18
rick_h___cmaloney: exactly, can't we just forfeit our way to 1 and 15?16:19
cmaloneyunrelated: JoDee and I are so sports-oblivious. We tried to go to Chili's in Rochester but they had no power. So we went up the street to Rochester proper to a "bar with food" (Too-Ra-Loo).16:19
cmaloneyNot realizing that this weekend was Michigan / Michigan State16:20
jcastroyou're lucky uou don't live in ann arbor16:20
cmaloneyFood was good though16:20
cmaloneyjcastro: Oh I know16:20
cmaloneyI'm pretty sure it's Dream Cruise-levels of idiocy on the roads16:21
jrwrenactually, game was in east lansing. Ann Arbor was beautiful during the game on Saturday ;]16:21
cmaloney"took me 50 minutes to go to the 7-11 on the corner"16:21
jrwrenI found 30min free on a parking meter. ;]16:22
cmaloneyThere wasn't a queue?16:22
jcastrowell, in AA you're surrounded by them even if there's not a game16:22
jcastrothough they tend to go back into the walmarts at the end of the day16:22
cmaloneyjcastro: You're the one living there. ;)16:22
jcastroIt's pretty awesome every day here except football saturdays16:22
cmaloneyPretty sure they were insufferable on Saturday.16:24
cmaloney(and it wasn't bad. People were friendly and what-not. Just reminded us of the time wewent to Abuelo's during sweetest day and wondered why there were so many couples dressed up)16:25
cmaloney<- clueless16:25

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