
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
Omnifrogmy internet is shit tonight01:50
OmnifrogEPB gigabit fiber seems more like dial up tonight01:51
wrstOmnifrog: that's not good02:20
wrstUnreliable much?02:20
cyberangerOmnifrog: really? Trick or Treaters streaming too much walking dead off your wifi? ;-)02:21
OmnifrogI'm wondering if it's not another smart light bulb attack02:22
Omnifrogmy desktop (this machine) is on eth02:25
Omnifrogand there are no Trick or Treaters in this neck of the woods02:25
Omnifrogtoo rural02:25
cyberangerWell that explains why I've not gotten any candy....02:26
cyberangerIoT DDoS, not that I know of. I've been keeping an eye on those.02:26
OmnifrogI already tried changing my DNS02:27
Omnifrogit helped on some sites but not others02:27
Omnifrogand netflix on Amazon Fire has sucked all day02:29
Omnifrogbuffering lasting 10+ seconds for the video feed02:30
Omnifrognot the audio though. weird02:30
Omnifrogthis was a major problem as I am in the last part of season 3 of Star Trek : Enterprise02:31
cyberangerWell, then again I'm seeing partial info of targets from the C2 protocol, maybe the issue is upstream OR the devices are inside EPB's network (leaning towards the former, EPB could null route infected accounts)02:31
OmnifrogI'm really not a fan of EPB's set top boxes02:35
Omnifrogthey skimped on those big tim e02:36
Omnifrogmaybe they have better boxes now. mine is several years old02:37
cyberangerOne can hope02:40
OmnifrogI'll go on record as saying fuck IoT though02:53
OmnifrogI never thought that was a good idea02:53
cyberangerThe way it's been done, Same02:55
Omnifroga huge part of the blame goes to Make and the tech blogs02:55
Omnifrogand the like02:56
cyberangerEh, more that security doesn't sell02:56
Omnifrogthey helped market this trash to the geek community02:56
Omnifrogthen the novices ate it up02:57
cyberangerAlongside the firewalls people don't buy, the ISP source filters ISP's don't enable, sure.02:57
Omnifrogwell, yeah02:58
cyberangerI mean, it's not just one thing.02:58
Omnifrogit takes a village to kill the internet02:58
Omnifrogbut still... thinking back to all those posts about new security cam systems on tech blogs02:59
OmnifrogI don't recall any of them making much of a fuss about security of the actual system03:00
cyberangerThat should have been secured, disable telnet03:00
Omnifrogwhat percentage of the consumer population even knows what that means let alone how to do it ?03:02
Omnifrogprobably less than that03:03
Omnifrogit's going to be a rough year for the internet03:04
Omnifrogdog videos will marry cat macros03:05
Omnifrogpeople will start putting slices of bread on more kinds of aminals03:06
Omnifrogand if Trump wins Orange will be new EVERYTHING03:07
OmnifrogI need a drink03:07
OmnifrogI'm hyperventilating03:08
Omnifrogalso, the new Bloom County book is great03:10
[Ubik]cyberanger: The block party is calling your name again.03:15
[Ubik]And yeah, security doesn't sell, until you've been compromised.03:16
[Ubik]I can tell you half our office is probably pissed off/annoyed/whatever at the security I have in place. But, if I didn't have it in place, they'd even be more pissed off/annoyed/etc. at the results. (Which, of course, they don't know and will never realize, but...)03:16
Omnifrogpeople dont appreciate or even notice what you do all too often. but you can bet your bottom they will take notice if what you failed to be03:18
cyberangerUnit193 lol03:19
Omnifrogalso s/be/do03:19
Omnifrogwtf frog? you're drunk. stop typing03:20
cyberanger[Ubik] block party calling?03:20
[Ubik]Yeah, they want you to come back down and work a little more. :P03:21
[Ubik]Omnifrog: Exactly.03:21
Omnifrogmy typing is like a translation from Asian text tonight03:21
* [Ubik] is just glad he's almost done with his midday show03:22
Omnifrogare you a stipper?03:22
OmnifrogI blame my cognitive abilities on a 2.5 year olg girl03:23
OmnifrogI was babysitting my grand daughter today03:25
OmnifrogI'm a bit worn out03:25
[Ubik]nah, a DJ on the side03:28
[Ubik]for a radio station on FM03:28
OmnifrogI was a DJ of a few years03:28
Omnifrogon an internet station03:29
* Unit193 doesn't want to picture [Ubik] as a stripper...03:29
[Ubik]cyberanger tried to pay me good money to strip at the block party tonight but I wouldn't do it03:30
[Ubik]not that I have any dignity or anything, I just wouldn't do it03:30
cyberanger[Ubik]: funny09:16
cyberangerUnit193: no you don't09:16

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