
=== chesedo- is now known as chesedo
=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n
thatgraemeguymorning peoples06:40
pavlushkayes, morning peoples06:41
pavlushkamorning thatgraemeguy :)06:41
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy inetpro paddatrapper pavlushka superfly tumbleweed and everyone else08:38
paddatrapperMorning Kilos 08:40
superflyhi Kilos, paddatrapper08:45
paddatrapperhey superfly 08:45
superflywhoever thought that selling your PC could be so emotional08:52
andrewlsdHi all09:28
Kiloshi andrewlsd 09:39
Kiloswhy the dropped lips09:39
andrewlsdsuperfly's melancholic experience with saying goodbye to his PC.09:40
Kilosyeah we become attached to a good one09:40
Kilossorry superfly but there is a better one in the future for you09:41
superflyandrewlsd: you still interested in the other one?09:47
andrewlsdnot going to be able to take it off your hands :-(09:48
superflyI've advertised it on Facebook09:48
superflyhey Xethron!09:54
XethronHeya superfly09:54
XethronHow are you?09:54
XethronLong time :)09:57
superflyXethron: busy trying to get this house sold and packed up, so I can join the wife and kids in the USA10:00
Xethronoh wow, deserting the rest of us?10:05
andrewlsdXethron: we can thank the ineptitude of our Home Affairs dept (and their Visa agents)10:12
superflyXethron: Sadly, not really our choice, wife was basically kicked out the country.10:12
andrewlsd... for that.10:12
superflyXethron: ^^ what andrewlsd said10:13
superflyoh, andrewlsd, I have some more network cables for you. a 20m (I think) and a couple shorter (5-ish) ones10:13
andrewlsddefinitely our (za) loss and US's gain.10:13
andrewlsd20m will be handy for getting network to the other end of the house10:13
XethronOh wow, thats terrible!10:15
=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n
Kilosnight all. have a good day.11:05
Kilossee you tomorrow11:05
* andrewlsd is looking on bidorbuy for cheap laptop11:53
inetprogood mornings12:27
XethronAnyone here from Pretoria?12:40
pavlushkaCant remember, who voted for zsh, is it inetpro ? :)15:51
* pavlushka giving back inetpro one good morning from his good mornings as a courtesy15:52
CryterionEvening everyone16:38

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