
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
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bdxlazyPower, mbruzek: just browsing around and found this interesting pertaining to kub + lets encrypt https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kubernetes-letsencrypt-tutorial02:01
bdxthat guy is a bad ass, check out some of his other work too if you have a minute .... super cool02:02
bdxxenial+reactive+python3 jenkins refactor -> https://github.com/jamesbeedy/juju-charm-jenkins02:56
bdxjamespage: ^02:56
bdxboom https://jujucharms.com/u/creativedrive/jenkins/403:23
jamespagebdx, oh nice05:38
jamespagebeisner, ^^05:38
jamespagebdx has been busy05:38
kjackalGood morning Juju world08:08
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marcoceppibdx: I feel like I'm constantly the bearer of bad news10:12
marcoceppibdx: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins-charm10:12
marcoceppibdx: in the future, I think we should start pushing a policy of people announcing what they're working on, we're (me) are terrible at this10:12
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kjackalmagicaltrout: you should setup a ci it is supper easy (took me one evening). You just chekin something and your work is pushed to the store automagically. I have only good words to say!11:38
magicaltroutI have CI kjackal just not for charms, I'm lazy :P11:40
magicaltroutthat said, its not like I code charms for a living, so I suspect our priorities differ ;)11:41
kjackalmagicaltrout: true!11:42
magicaltroutgot knocked back by the apache mesos folk when asking about LXC support, silly people, they're missing a trick11:42
magicaltroutlooks like I'll have to learn C11:42
kjackalmagicaltrout: I hope someone from juju-qa will step up and say "kjackal you are doing this all wrong! We have this jenkins plugin that will make your life super easy!"11:43
kjackalAhhh C! Best language ever!11:43
kjackalmagicaltrout: not joking ^11:43
magicaltroutI don't believe you11:44
kjackalmagicaltrout: Everything you do with C is like DIY! Always wear protective gear and never try this at home!11:45
magicaltroutI tried extending mesos for LXC a few weeks ago, it was very much trial and more error11:46
magicaltroutit was funny they asked me what use case they were missing.....11:47
magicaltroutwhy people think application containers are the best way forward I have no clue11:47
kjackaldevelopers build these things to protect themselves from thierselves11:50
magicaltroutlike Go?! ;)11:51
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kjackalI think the story goes like this: In begining there was C. Then developers got annoyed by junior developers that were clumsy with C and they created Java for the Junior devs to play with. But then Java became too popular and quantity beat quality: It was better to have more Java junior devs that few quality C devs. One C dev said I will reboot C and add some of the features I am missing so we have Go. While most C devs are12:01
kjackalboosting C12:01
kjackalmagicaltrout: ^12:01
magicaltroutyeah, i suspect you're not too wide of the mark kjackal12:02
rockHi all. we pushed our juju charm to public charm store using launchpad juju account. when we pushed it is giving like  cs:~hareeshk/kaminario-cinder-10 . It was pushing with account username "hareeshk".  Can we push our charm by hiding "username". Please provide me information.12:22
magicaltroutrock: to do that you have to get it signed off and "recommended" by some of the charmers12:33
magicaltroutso you need to ensure it has tests, tests pass, a decent README etc12:34
magicaltroutthen it will need to enter the review queue12:34
rockmagicaltrout: Hi. Oh. For that it requires the certification right.12:41
magicaltroutwell its not certification, they just check to make sure your charm is sane12:42
kjackalrock: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/charm-review-process12:43
magicaltroutdoesn't seem to explain how to get it in the review queue though kjackal12:44
rockKjackal/magicaltrout :  Thanks.12:49
marcoceppirock kjackal http://review.jujucharms.com12:50
rockmarcoceppi: Thanks. How much time it will take to review?12:54
marcoceppirock: we're a little behind, but we'll try to take a look quickly12:54
rockmarcoceppi: OK. Thanks.12:56
bdxmarcoceppi: yeah ... this is really defeating .... the jenkins you posted doesn't even show up in the charm store ... is in not published for some reason?14:25
marcoceppibdx: it just landed14:25
marcoceppiI'm really sorry man14:25
marcoceppiwe're not going to cock this up again14:25
marcoceppiyou can expect us announcing the charms and layers we're working on, from the entire company, much earlier14:26
bdxpossibly we could make an addition to charm build where on every build it would post the charm name and author name/email to and endpoint somewhere14:31
bdxor something of that fashion14:31
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bdxmarcoceppi: why not target xenial on that?14:35
marcoceppibdx: we are14:37
marcoceppiwe will target xenial only for that charm, I'm building and uploading now14:37
marcoceppibdx: I feel soo bad, but I should check now - what other charms/layers you got in the works? I want to make sure we don't curb stomp your dreams14:47
bdxmarcoceppi: no worries, practice makes perfect14:48
bdxmarcoceppi: zuul, gitlab, documize, etherpad-lite, mailman314:49
bdxmarcoceppi: I've yet to start on zuul14:49
marcoceppibdx: yeah, I'm interested as well in gitlab, and I know Tom Barber has a start of that somewhere14:49
bdxmarcoceppi: documize, etherpad-lite, mailman3 are done minus tests14:50
marcoceppiotherwise, i'm not awayre of any of those in flight14:50
bdxI only have a start on gitlab too14:50
jhobbsbeisner: do you'll have anything around zuul?14:50
bdxI should the trout about that for sure14:51
bdxmarcoceppi: I have a reactive rewrite of kibana I've been deploying .... but I'm guessing the whole elastic stack should be consuming a base layer of some sort eh?14:52
beisnerjhobbs, only via integration with upstream gerrit + zuul.  we don't have our own zuul deployed though.14:52
marcoceppibdx: dude, that's awesome! we were jsut about to start moving elasticsearch to 5.0.0 and layered!14:52
marcoceppibdx: where's your kibana?14:52
marcoceppilazyPower: ^^14:53
lazyPowerthats great news \o/14:54
bdxhere are another few layers I've hacked up recently14:59
lazyPowerbdx - we should seriously, sync and divvy up the work on the elastic stack15:02
lazyPowerbdx - the goalpost got moved on me, and its not coming as soon as I was hoping. I'm wiling to put in some time if you are to split that work up and deliver the 5.0 elastic stack15:02
bdxlazyPower: fully down man .... I've been training up a two man charming team at work ... few hours a day ... its been great all around15:03
bdxwe would be interested in teaming up on that15:03
bdxfor sure15:03
lazyPowerword, calendar sync on thursday then to meet/greet and figure out what we need to do?15:03
lazyPoweri have some early planning docs that i need to fish up and dust of15:03
bdxtotally .... I'm in palm springs till sunday and wont be around much, lets shoot for next week sometime15:04
lazyPowerthat sounds even better15:04
lazyPoweri may need to resched due to having team members at kubecon, i'll be running support for them15:05
lazyPowerbut tentatively that sounds great to me15:05
lazyPowerexcellent :)15:05
lazyPowerbdx preferred time?15:06
bdx9am my time15:06
bdxso like an hour from now15:06
bdxdoes that work for you?15:06
bdxwant me to send you a calendar invite?15:07
lazyPowerbdx  you've got mail15:08
bdxbdxMarcoceppi: do you also have a Jenkins-slave going on?15:32
bdxbdxmarcoceppi: having Jenkins and Jenkins slave on xenial will be huge .... Lxd local provider + juju 2.0 can't really happen15:33
bdxbdxOn any other series15:33
bdxbdxFor Jenkins <-> juju ci pipelines I'm thinking it will be crucial to have this15:34
lazyPowerbdx - there's an open jenkins layer review we could use your eyeballs on15:43
lazyPowerooo and to my surprise its already landed15:44
bdxlazyPower, marcoceppi: not sure I can accept the invite -> https://s12.postimg.org/8lcvygobx/Screen_Shot_2016_11_02_at_9_10_36_AM.png16:11
bdxits on my calendar though16:11
bdxnm, git it,  accepted16:32
lazyPowerbdx - should we make this a hangout on air and invite the community at large?16:32
lazyPoweri can also reach out to my contacts at elastic to see if they are interested in participating from a curious onlooker position. They might be able to lend a body for planning and insights.16:33
bdxlazyPower: totally16:33
bdxlazyPower: my guys over here want to be part of this too16:33
lazyPowerbdx ok, let me see what i can do when jcastro surfaces. He's got all this down to a science16:34
lazyPowerthanks for agreeing to help chair this effort :)16:34
lazyPowermagicaltrout - if you're interested, you're invited toooooo16:34
jcastrowho needs help?16:35
magicaltrouti'm always interested in taking on yet more unpaid work! ;)16:36
jcastrolazyPower: hangouts on air went away, the tldr is you'd do it on youtube like how with gaming.youtube16:37
jcastrothere's a little panel for livestreaming, etc.16:37
lazyPowermagicaltrout - well i didn't mean it like that, but i appreciate the sentiment :D <316:38
magicaltroutwhatever :P16:38
lazyPowermagicaltrout - i was just thinking you likely have a stake in this as its solving little data problems too16:38
magicaltroutthis is true16:39
magicaltrouti've been abusing people at work recently over elastic stuff16:39
jcastroman this new kibana looks so sweet though16:39
lazyPowerthey did a bang up job on the 5.0 release16:39
jcastroit's like, I don't even want to use the old one at all anymore16:40
bdxjcastroyeah, we all want it16:41
lazyPowersorry they kept teasing me with getting to work on that stack :\16:41
lazyPowerwe had other bigger ticket items16:41
admcleod1dont forget fast data16:42
lazyPowersoooo free time it is :D16:42
lazyPoweradmcleod1 - que?16:42
admcleod1big, little and fast data16:42
magicaltroutfast big data?16:42
lazyPoweris there a slow data too?16:42
lazyPowerwhat about obtuse data vs acute data? now we just sound classist.16:42
magicaltrouthave you ever been introduced to Map Reduce?16:42
admcleod1irc is pretty slow data16:42
lazyPowerit was horrible16:42
magicaltroutMapR is about as admcleod1 on a good day16:43
jrwrendatabased on filesystems backed by remote block devices over gigabit is slow data.16:43
admcleod1he's such a snuggly bunny16:43
magicaltroutcurrently i'm dealing with TB's of data... on NFS16:43
magicaltroutnow that is slow data16:44
lazyPowermagicaltrout - did you use glusterfs-nfs or just plain ole nfs?16:44
magicaltroutoh, pretty much what jrwren said :)16:44
magicaltroutlazyPower: not my call, plain NFS16:44
* lazyPower nods16:44
magicaltrouteither way, if you want fast data, don't store it on NFS16:44
* lazyPower pins that message to the channel16:44
magicaltroutwell the other day I got someone complaining that copying 100GB of data on an NFS cluster on EC2 took 1 1/2 hours16:45
jrwren4.9 kernel adds supoprt for NFS4.2 COPY... so you can look forward to that speed up ;]16:45
magicaltroutthis is correct! then doing it on a machine locally took a few seconds16:45
=== lazyPower changed the topic of #juju to: Welcome to Juju! || Docs: http://jujucharms.com/docs || FAQ: http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || Review Queue: http://review.juju.solutions || Unanswered Questions: http://goo.gl/dNj8CP || Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/jujucharms || Juju 2.0 release notes: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/reference-release-notes
lazyPowerevilnickveitch - did we get 2.0.1 release notes? i thought i saw a merge email fly by on friday but i cant seem to find it16:46
jrwrenmagicaltrout: was it EBS backed? EBS can be very slow sometimes.16:46
magicaltroutyeah jrwren16:46
admcleod1magicaltrout: have you tried fastnfs?16:47
magicaltroutmy Sys Admin guy is putting his eggs into the Amazon EFS basket and waiting to migrate to that16:47
magicaltroutyou making up words again admcleod1 ?16:48
bdxhe is16:48
admcleod1yes, yes i am16:48
bdxmade me look16:48
evilnickveitchlazyPower, not any that made their way to docs - I think it was just an email to the list. i will check into that16:49
lazyPowerok thanks, i must have conflated the mail to the list with a doc pr. :) my b16:49
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evilnickveitchlazyPower, there was a doc PR to update the sources for the new release, but no notes, so your brain isn't that wonky16:52
lazyPowerevilnickveitch - how much longer before i've earned the 'mad scientist' badge?16:52
evilnickveitchI think you are halfway there16:53
lazyPower\m/,  yesssss16:53
admcleodhalfway to zeno maybe17:01
jcastrostokachu: battlemidget!17:52
jcastrohave you tried doing conjure-up, juju, and lxd all from snaps?17:52
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stokachujcastro: yea it doens't work18:47
stokachunot easily anyway18:47
stokachujcastro: https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/tree/master/snapcraft thats our snap build stuff18:49
stokachuhavent ran it in a bit though18:49
jcastroyeah, the one I'm using is also trying to launch observable kubernetes18:54
deanmanIs docker charms supported with localhost LXD setup? I've tried both the 'observable-swarm' and 'swarm20:11
lazyPowerdeanman - those bundles are old, but in short, that configuration is not supported today20:11
lazyPowerdeanman - there is work being done to make running docker containers in lxd a better story, right now you can even pilot some of that manually with lxd profiles (the lxd docker profile is available in newer lxd packages) but you'll still find a lot of limitations there20:12
deanmanlazyPower: Can you suggest a working charm to test docker locally using Juju or only safe bet is using some cloud infrastructure?20:13
lazyPowerdeanman - the only way you can achieve a layer-docker based charm working locally today is to use a VM backed substrate like KVM or VirtualBox (both on the manual provider, RIP KVM provider) so a majority of the work on those charm are performed in the cloud on aws/gce/azure20:13
deanmanlazyPower: Thanks for the hints!20:15
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob

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