
mupBug #1638425 opened: The documentation to install snapd in archlinux doesn't mention that the socket needs to be started <snap-docs> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638425>00:40
mupPR snapd#2247 opened: interfaces/builtin/mir: allow client access to /dev/shm/ <Created by albaguirre> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2247>03:44
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mupPR snapcraft#883 closed: python plugin: wheel and install in the proper order <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/883>06:33
mupPR snapd#2248 opened: tests: make refresh-undo wait a bit for the output of the restarted v1 service <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2248>06:38
Mirvnessita: hi! I'm getting 404 on my " To accept this share, please visit:" link in e-mail I got thanks to upload by mvo for me06:41
thed46im new ...i mean right now new, to ubuntu im lost07:22
mupPR snapd#2208 closed: store: add support to resume partial downloads <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2208>07:49
dholbachhey hey08:10
Mirvnessita: seems like case sensitive e-mail address detection08:21
Mirvnessita: got now with lower case e-mail address. the next problem is that the new store with support for 'content' field is not there, any ETA on deployment? it was reportedly fixed in master already during the sprint.08:23
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morphis_pitti: ping08:58
mupPR snapd#2249 opened: store: use range requests if we have a local file already <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2249>09:56
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mvoogra_: hi, I noticed there is a new rev 24 of the dragonboard gadget. do we need this for stable? it got little testing so far10:05
mvoogra_: its only in edge10:05
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mvoogra_: same for pc-kernel, do we need the one in edge?10:06
morphis_mvo, ogra_: do you guys have any insight on why networkd stores its DHCP lease inside /run where they are lost on next device boot?10:06
mvomorphis_: pitti will probably know10:07
mupBug #1638511 opened: Can't install snap in LXD container <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638511>10:08
mupPR snapcraft#872 closed: Add some further bash-completion <Created by cwayne18> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/872>10:09
bzoltanelopio: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/88410:11
mupPR snapcraft#884: Implement API packaging plugin as requested in #1638508 <Created by bzoltan1> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/884>10:11
mupPR snapcraft#884 opened: Implement API packaging plugin as requested in #1638508 <Created by bzoltan1> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/884>10:12
morphis_mvo: yeah10:12
ogra_mvo, yes to both10:13
ogra_mvo, pc-kernel adds the mmc modules to the initrd (needed by NUC)10:14
mvoogra_: ok10:14
ogra_mvo, dragonbvoard just adds a tty0 console arg so all arm images are consistent10:15
Subhashcan anyone guide me how to change library path after prime stage in snapcraft snap process. Thanks in advance10:16
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femmewhat is the current ubuntu core release?10:22
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Son_Gokuzyga, systemd mounts support setting an SELinux context10:26
zygaSon_Goku: how can we do this?10:27
zygaSon_Goku: what should be in the unit10:27
zygaSon_Goku: I'll make that happen10:27
zygaSon_Goku: (good morning)10:27
zygaSon_Goku: (long night)10:27
Son_Gokuunder the [Mount] section10:27
Son_Gokuadd 'Options=context="system_u:object_r:snappy_var_lib_t:s0"'10:29
zygaSon_Goku: trying10:29
Son_Gokuit's essentially a mount option10:29
Son_Gokuwith the mount command, this is done as the following command10:29
Son_Gokumount -o context="system_u:object_r:snappy_var_lib_t:s0"10:29
Son_Gokuthat overrides/enforces a default label10:30
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zygaSon_Goku: just fiddling, should have a patch in a sec10:34
Son_GokuIt'd probably be better if systemd had a specific SELinuxContext for mounts, but it doesn't :/10:35
Son_Gokusomething for your systemd guys to add, maybe10:36
zygaSon_Goku: ok, I just pushed something to f2410:39
zygaSon_Goku: tell me if that what's you expected10:39
zygaSon_Goku: didn't build it yet10:39
zygaSon_Goku: can you update f24 to have the right commit ID for the polcy?10:39
zygaSon_Goku: I just want to be in sync with you10:40
Son_Gokuyes, give me a sec10:40
mupPR snapd#2250 opened: Range requests but no snap logging <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2250>10:41
Son_Gokuzyga, also, what creates the ~/snap directory?10:44
zygaSon_Goku: snap10:46
zygaSon_Goku: cmd/snap10:46
zygaSon_Goku: the snap run command specifically10:46
zygaSon_Goku: snap confine tries as well but by now snap run already did it10:46
Son_Gokupolicy commit updated10:48
zygaSon_Goku: I fixed the patch10:50
rvrogra_: Still no wifi in the raspi 3 image10:50
ogra_rvr, i just had it working for the first time ... but i went afk for like 10min before pressing enter and i had a cable plugged in to eth when i booted10:51
mupPR snapd#2251 opened: interface hooks: snapctl get-attr and set-attr (phase 3) <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2251>10:51
ogra_(disabling eth0 and configuring wlan0 worked fine then) ...10:51
ogra_might be that the system is under high load on boot10:51
zygaSon_Goku: trying, fingers crossed :)10:56
zygaSon_Goku: lis 02 12:57:47 fedora24 audit[1]: USER_AVC pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=system_u:system_r:init_t:s0 msg='avc:  denied  { reload } for auid=n/a uid=0 gid=0 cmdline="systemctl daemon-reload" scontext=system_u:system_r:snappy_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:system_r:init_t:s0 tclass=system10:58
zygaSon_Goku: we just need this I think10:58
mupBug #1638524 opened: /etc/modprobe.d adds one to much directory level <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638524>10:59
Son_Gokucan you do the ausearch thing to give me the .te file lines?11:01
zygaSon_Goku: the thingh is, I don't get the denial this time11:01
Son_Gokuthat's because it was a soft-fail11:02
zygaSon_Goku: it's not like I get the usual selinux thing there11:02
Son_Gokuor perhaps, do you not have setroubleshoot-server installed11:02
zygasealarm -b shows nothing11:02
Son_Gokuone of the two11:02
zygaI do have it11:02
zygait's just not triggering11:02
zygait must be something that's specified by the policy as, not undefined by the policy (just a hunch)11:03
zyga(as denial)11:03
zygado you have any ideas where that might be?11:03
* Son_Goku shrugs11:05
Son_Gokuwe're really in the weeds now11:05
zygaSon_Goku: I think the weeds (for hello-world) are shallow,11:06
zygaI'm trying to grok what might be going on now11:06
zygaSon_Goku: could that be a dbus request for systmed to reload?11:08
Son_Gokuselinux covers that too...11:08
zygajdstrand: does this ring any bells vvvv11:08
Son_Gokucontexts apply to literally everything11:08
zygalis 02 12:57:47 fedora24 audit[1]: USER_AVC pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=system_u:system_r:init_t:s0 msg='avc:  denied  { reload } for auid=n/a uid=0 gid=0 cmdline="systemctl daemon-reload" scontext=system_u:system_r:snappy_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:system_r:init_t:s0 tclass=system11:08
zygaSon_Goku: we should ask on selinux channel (maybe you already did)11:09
Son_GokuI don't know why you're not there :P11:09
Son_Gokuand no, I haven't yet11:09
Son_GokuI'm still trying to work out why the homedir transition isn't occurring automatically11:09
Son_Gokuzyga, you *really* should be in #selinux11:18
Son_GokuI'm getting asked questions I don't know the answers to11:18
mupBug #1638529 opened: Auto-connect is not working for connection between network-manager and modem-manager <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638529>11:20
samplejavahi there guyts11:28
samplejavai'm just trying to snap a java application11:29
samplejavai have the -jar file and i want to create a snap package but i am unable to properly install java along with the package11:29
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samplejavamy snapcraft.yaml looks like this:11:31
samplejavathe app is just a window poping up a hello world message11:33
didrockssamplejava: hey! I would try using the jdk plugin from snapcraft. This one will do the correct things to stage a local jvm that could be used by your jars11:35
samplejavaso adding it as a part?11:36
didrocks(also, I think you did notice that you had a typo in default-jdk stage-package)11:36
didrockssamplejava: one part with plugin: jdk instead of copy11:36
didrocksand use stage/snap keyword to copy the files you need11:36
didrocksif you are using maven build system, you can also look at using this plugin11:37
popeyjdstrand: bug 1598309 (your comment #4) is affecting me. I have a snap which barfs accessing /dev/snd/seq. Is there anything I can do other than use --devmode?11:38
mupBug #1598309: The aplay command doesn't work <snapd-interface> <xenial> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1598309>11:38
samplejavain fact it is only an old .jar file which used to work but my users always complain about needing to install jdk on fedora, ubuntu, and so on11:38
samplejavaif i can manage this for them...11:38
samplejavanoticed the typo, but the error remains...11:39
samplejavaSomething like this: /snap/jsignpdf/x8/command-jsignpdf.wrapper: 7: exec: java: not found11:39
didrockssamplejava: yeah, that's because you didn't export JAVA_HOME and such11:39
didrockswhich is what this plugin is doing11:39
didrocksif you look at the jdk plugin, it's just creating a small wrapper with simple env variables11:40
didrockspointing up JAVA_HOME and PATH to your local jre/jdk install11:40
didrocksyou can do this as well11:40
didrockssamplejava: this is what the plugin is doing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23415767/11:41
didrocksthe root variable is $SNAP in your snap environment11:41
samplejavai will have to review the docs11:42
samplejavabecause i bet that i am not understanding11:43
didrocksyour java is local to your snap11:43
didrocksso you need to override some variables to point to it11:43
didrocksthat's what the plugin is doing for you11:43
didrocks(here, the jdk plugin)11:43
samplejavaokey, so you mean modifying my plugin from plugin: copy to plugin:jdk would do the trick11:43
samplejavaor ill need to add a new part11:43
didrockscorrect, just modigyin your plugin to plugin:jdk11:44
didrocksthen, you need to use "stage" and "snap" keywords to ship your files11:44
samplejavastage and snap11:44
samplejavaokey ill try11:44
didrocksyeah, that's the part you should look into the doc :)11:44
didrockshttp://snapcraft.io/docs/build-snaps/syntax could be a good start11:45
samplejavagot  it11:45
didrocksalso ;)11:45
samplejavayou were faster11:45
didrocksgood luck, do not hesitate if you have any blocker!11:46
samplejavahope not11:46
samplejavai love the philosophy11:46
samplejavathinking about deploying elasticsearch and so on similarly11:46
samplejavalooks great really11:46
Son_Gokuzyga, I've bumped the policy again, this time hopefully fixing the homedir issue11:50
Son_GokuI'm going to take a little break on this11:50
Son_Gokuif you find issues, file them on the GitLab project11:51
Son_Gokuzyga: https://gitlab.com/Conan_Kudo/snapcore-selinux/issues11:55
zygaSon_Goku: thank you11:55
Son_Gokuzyga, also, if you need help deciphering SELinux issues, #selinux is a good place to be11:58
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jdstrandpopey: as of today, you need to use devmode. I've added a card to implement it, but it is prioritized behind other cards. you (or someone else) could create a PR for 'alsa' if you don't want to wait11:59
samplejavaim sorry didrocks12:02
samplejavadon't see the difference between stage and snap12:02
samplejavai have defined a fileset called binaries which includes all the -jar files in my folder (- blabla/*)12:03
didrockssamplejava: stage is for the stage step (what's ending up in the stage/ directory), snap is for the prime/snap stages (in the prime/ directory). See http://snapcraft.io/docs/reference/snapcraft12:03
didrockssamplejava: if you don't know what to put, it's probably because you need both (refering to the same fileset)12:03
* didrocks goes for a run, will be back later12:05
jdstrandzyga: I don't, no. tyhicks may have an idea, but I suspect Son_Goku is right about #selinux12:05
Son_Gokuzyga & jdstrand: also this can be helpful: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/SELinux_Users_and_Administrators_Guide/12:06
Son_Gokujust for understanding the concepts and stuff12:06
zygatyhicks: do you think we can get someone with selinux brains to help us bootstrap snapd confinement (not interfaces)?12:06
zygatyhicks: to the point where snapd itself is confined and runs correctly on f24+12:07
femmezyga: I was thinking about something related, snap support in subgraph os which uses a system sandbox called oz12:09
zygafemme: if you are interested in expanding and improving security subsystems in snappy then we have space where you can do that12:12
zygafemme: the code is very modular already12:12
zygafemme: and it's designed for runtime choice and can easily support many things12:14
popeyjdstrand: ok, thanks.12:15
mupBug #1638537 opened: snapd eats 100% CPU for about 5 minutes on first boot causing a load of >2.0c <Snappy:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638537>12:21
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kalikiana_jdstrand: Hey. I'm making the changes suggested in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2225 but I gather I'm not fully clear, as now I'm seeing 'snap "ubuntu-core" has no slot named "lxd"' after I changed the declaration and removed it from builtins12:39
mupPR snapd#2225: Implement lxd-client interface exposing the lxd snap <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2225>12:39
kalikiana_Updating the tests atm which may or may not yield some hints12:41
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mupBug #1638558 opened: interface to register and talk to well defined name on dbus session bus <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638558>13:06
mupBug #1638524 changed: /etc/modprobe.d adds one to much directory level <Snappy:Fix Released> <ubuntu-core-config (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638524>13:12
bzoltanelopio:  are you sprinting too?14:14
tyhickszyga: hey - who did you have in mind for that?14:21
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mupPR snapd#2252 opened: interfaces: add unconfined access to modem-manager <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2252>14:39
tsdgeosany idea what's wrong in here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/23416363/14:40
jdstrandChipaca: hey, do you know who I should talk to about testsuite failures when running run-checks locally? http://paste.ubuntu.com/23416405/14:49
* Chipaca looks14:49
jdstrandChipaca: these failures have been around for a while now14:49
Chipacajdstrand: I don't see those; how're you running things?14:50
Chipacajdstrand: you can talk to me for example :-D14:50
jdstrandChipaca: I just do ./run-checks14:51
Chipacajdstrand: in what environment?14:51
jdstrandChipaca: now, my environment is that I have the lxd snap installed, then created a container for snapd developement14:51
Chipacajdstrand: on what branch?14:51
jdstrandit is every branch, but I'm trying master now14:52
Chipacajdstrand: so the next question is what version of snapd and core and lxd you're on :-D14:52
jdstrandyes, same thing on master14:52
jdstrandsnapd 2.16ubuntu3. ubuntu-core 423, core 6, lxd 241 (2.5)14:53
jdstrandsnap-confine 1.0.43-0ubuntu1~16.04.1 (if you need that)14:54
jdstrandChipaca: fyi, same error if using a system container or setting TMPDIR=~/tmp15:10
Chipacajdstrand: ubuntu-core *and* core?15:10
jdstrandwell, yes15:10
Chipacajdstrand: you've been having fun!15:10
jdstrandI installed core cause I was excited to use it, then I couldn't remove either15:10
Chipacajdstrand: you should be able to remove the one you're not using15:11
Chipacajdstrand: but that might depend on which one you're using15:11
jdstrandChipaca: I'd love to get rid of ubuntu-core. how will I know that it isn't being used?15:12
Chipacajdstrand: you could try "snap disable ubuntu-core; snap remove ubuntu-core"15:12
jdstranddisable first15:13
jdstrandthat did it15:13
Chipacajdstrand: that's exploiting a bug to fix a different bug, but yes :-D15:13
jdstrandnice! :)15:13
Chipacajdstrand: what does snap --version say?15:14
jdstrand$ snap --version15:15
jdstrandsnap    2.16ubuntu315:15
jdstrandsnapd   2.16ubuntu315:15
jdstrandseries  1615:15
jdstrandubuntu  16.0415:15
jdstrandok, with just core installed and disabling then re-enabling lxd to restart everything, same issue15:16
jdstrandChipaca: shall I install snapd 2.17 from the ppa?15:16
Chipacajdstrand: that would be helpful, but only if you don't mind then being stuck on it15:17
jdstrandit's fine15:17
jdstrandChipaca: I have to step away for a little bit. I'll try snapd 2.17 and circle back15:18
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kalikiana_Hey jdstrand. After making the changes you suggested in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2225 I'm seeing 'snap "ubuntu-core" has no slot named "lxd"' when doing 'snap connect', I'm guessing removing it from builtins I might have to add it somewhere else?15:25
mupPR snapd#2225: Implement lxd-client interface exposing the lxd snap <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2225>15:25
mupPR snapcraft#885 opened: Release changelog for 2.21 <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/885>15:30
bschaeferhello, i have a snap that depends on different packages depending on architecture. Is there a way to specify architecture for packages, or optional packages?15:45
bschaeferor do i need a snap per different architecture?15:45
abeatodoes anybody know how to generate core files in ubuntu core?16:16
zygatyhicks: hey16:20
zygatyhicks: sorry for the lag16:20
zygatyhicks: I was thinking if there's anyone we can tap into to help us finish selinux in fedora for snapd16:21
zygatyhicks: not for interfaces, just for snapd itself16:21
tyhickszyga: I don't know of anyone that has the skills and the spare cycles to work on that16:22
zygatyhicks: do you know anyone with the skills that we can maybe try to get cycles?16:22
tyhickszyga: on the ubuntu security team?16:23
tyhicksnot these days16:23
tyhicksI haven't been around the selinux policy community for at least 5 years16:24
ratliffzyga: it might be possible to hire a consulting firm like Quark Security to help out with selinux policy16:52
ratliffalternately, it might be possible to rope in some graduate students if some grant money were to be offered16:52
ratliffTrent Jaeger did some analysis of the reference policy back in the day and is now a professor at Penn State - he might be able to come up with a grad student and define a mutually beneficial project16:53
jdstrandkalikiana_: sorry, I stepped away. right, so, if the interface isn't implicit and supplied by the core snap, then an app snap needs to supply the slot implementation for the interface17:04
jdstrandkalikiana_: since lxd is what provides the socket the interface grants access to, the lxd snap needs to provide the slot implementation17:05
jdstrandkalikiana_: in this specific case, the lxd service (command) that listens on the socket needs to simply 'slots: [ lxd ]' in its snap(craft).yaml17:05
jdstrandkalikiana_: then, you install lxd and you get the slot for your client to connect to17:06
elopiobzoltan: no, I'm home17:07
jdstrandzyga (cc ratliff and tyhicks): one thing that come out of the sprint that I think you may not have heard that you should be aware of is that whenever interfaces are implemented for snapd, the selinux policy for dbus will be far more open. selinux doesn't have the concept of fine-grained dbus rules. all selinux has (essentially) is 'is this process allowed to talk to that one over dbus'17:09
jdstrandzyga: the same will be true of fine-grained gsettings mediation when that lands (aiui)17:11
tyhicksthat's a good point but I think zyga is only wanting snapd confinement right now and he's not as worried about selinux policy for interfaces17:11
jdstrandtyhicks: sure, but this conversation reminded me that I needed to let zyga know that17:11
jdstrandthat's why I said "whenever interfaces are implemented" (since aiui, that isn't what they are trying to do now)17:12
tyhicksjdstrand: the same is true even for file access rules - the selinux policy for interfaces can only be as fine-grained as the labeling applied to the inodes17:12
tyhicksit isn't as easy to arbitrarily split up access to files in /home/tyhicks/, for example17:13
jdstrandtyhicks: yeah17:15
tyhicksI haven't looked at the labeling in fedora system in a while but it'd be interesting to see the output of `ls -alZ ~/`17:15
jdstrandit wouldn't surprise me if it was (predominately) the same label17:17
jdstrandlike a session label17:17
jdstrandsince that corresponds with the traditional desktop trust model17:18
tyhicksyeah, that's what I would guess, as well17:18
jdstrandChipaca: fyi, I'm back and there is no difference17:19
jdstrandChipaca: with 2.1717:19
Chipacajdstrand, time to file a bug! :-/17:19
jdstrandlet me try one more thing17:21
kalikiana_jdstrand: Hmmm you wouldn't by any chance happen to know where to find lxd's snapcraft yaml? I installed it from the store17:22
jdstrandkalikiana_: I would think it would be in the upstream source. if not, ask stgraber17:22
kalikiana_stgraber: Any idea where to find lxd's snapcraft.yaml?17:23
kalikiana_It's not in the source tree as far as I can see17:23
jdstrandChipaca: ok, so I tried it on another system without lxd involved and it worked. I'll file a bug with a reproducer17:24
mupBug #1638558 changed: interface to register and talk to well defined name on dbus session bus <snapd-interface> <Snappy:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638558>17:35
mupPR snapd#2253 opened: interfaces/builtin/mir: allow slot to make recvfrom syscalls <Created by albaguirre> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2253>17:44
jdstrandstgraber: hey, I don't seem to have any logs from containers using the lxd snap. is there something special I need to do to enable logging?17:50
jdstrandstgraber: (I'm just looking at /var/log/syslog)17:50
mupBug #1638656 opened: snapd testsuite fails when run inside an lxd container <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638656>17:53
jdstrandChipaca: ok, bug #1638656. I think I was able to rule out a whole bunch of stuff-- the reproducer I gave is for lxd from the archive so snapd/snap-confine/core/lxd/etc interactions can all be ruled out17:54
mupBug #1638656: snapd testsuite fails when run inside an lxd container <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638656>17:54
jdstrandChipaca: it is simply run the testsuite in a container and it fails17:54
femmecan you use lxc inside snaps?17:59
jdstrandChipaca: I also noticed a typo in HACKING.md: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/225418:00
mupPR snapd#2254: fix path for source files location in HACKING.md <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2254>18:00
mupPR snapd#2254 opened: fix path for source files location in HACKING.md <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2254>18:00
jdstrandfemme: an lxc interface is in development that would allow snaps to access the lxd socket18:01
jdstrandI'm not sure if that is what you were asking18:01
jdstrandbut there is also an lxd snap that can be used (I use it every day)18:02
jdstrandand with a new enough kernel, snapd, snap-confine and continer (eg, ubuntu 16.10), you will be able to run snaps inside a container from the lxd snap18:02
jdstrandpeople are working to get all that stuff into 16.0418:03
femmejdstrand: I'm trying to package a build system that uses lxc in snappy18:04
jdstrandfemme: you would need the lxc interface then. that should land in trunk in the next week or so18:05
jdstrandin the mean time, use devmode to be able to access the lxd socket18:05
femmejdstrand: so i need to use lxc *inside* the snap package, the package is going to build another package18:08
jdstrandfemme: yes, I understand. with the lxc interface, that will allow you to specify 'plugs: [lxd]' in your snap. when connected your snap will be able to connect to the lxd socket so you can drive it with the lxc command18:10
femmejdstrand: ah great, I'll wait :)18:12
mupBug #1638661 opened: Undo on failed refresh doesn't keep the previous snap intact <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638661>18:14
vigoogra_, do you know why it's possible to "snap login" repeatedly with the same account?18:21
stgraberkalikiana_: git://github.com/lxc/lxd-pkg-ubuntu, snappy-16 branch18:23
stgraberjdstrand: they'd be logged in /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/logs/ or some similar path18:23
ogra_vigo, nope18:26
vigoogra_, I'll file a bug for it18:27
mupBug #1638665 opened: User can login with "Snap login" repeatedly with the same account <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638665>18:30
wililupyI have an interresting issue that just came up....18:50
wililupySo I setup my device with Ubuntu-Core. I had to make some udev rule changes, and when I reboot, the system can no longer find the core.snap. Sure enough, I look in system-data/var/lib/snapd/snaps and only the kernel.snap is there and an empty directory named partial.18:51
wililupyAny ideas?18:51
wililupyAlso, after initial login, when I type snap list, it shows no installed snaps.18:53
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Croephaon ubuntu 16.04 it seems that /writable/ inside a snap isn't writable, is that normal?19:08
qenghoCroepha: The only place you can write is given by env variables with DATA in the name.19:12
qenghoDon't be fooled by the pathname. Some things can write there. Not snaps.19:13
Croephaqengho: ok, good to know, I had hardcoded some stuff to use /writable, worked fine before, but breaks on newer snapd19:14
Croephahmm, looks like $SNAP_DATA is version specific... is there a scheme to accessing data from previous version?19:15
qenghoCroepha: The data from previous version (if any) is copied into the place for this version. It exists already.19:16
Croephaahh, good deal, thats a smart behavior19:16
Croephai imagine there is also a garbage collection/clean-up scheme? probably when you remove older versions?19:17
qenghoCroepha: A user can roll-back your version, and get data that existed at the instant of upgrade/refresh.19:17
qenghoCroepha: Yes. That is intended, at least. Perhaps not finished being implemented.19:18
qenghoCroepha: Also, there are places defined in "COMMON" env vars, which are not versioned and remain constant across snap versions, in case something is very large or should never be versioned or for other reasons.19:19
Croephaahh, nice19:20
Croephathanks qengho, you have been a big help19:21
qenghoCroepha: Welcome! Make something awesome!19:21
Croephatrying :)19:21
mupPR snapcraft#885 closed: Release changelog for 2.21 <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/885>19:29
mupPR snapcraft#884 closed: Implement API packaging plugin as requested in #1638508 <Created by bzoltan1> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/884>19:50
wililupyok, so I found the core_383.snap in the var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps directory. So I copied it to var/lib/snapd/snaps and rebooted and the device came back up, but when I went to /var/lib/snapd/snaps, it is deleted again. Any ideas as to why this is happening?20:10
Croephawililupy: I dont really know your circumstances, but that sort of sounds like an issue that I ran into20:14
Croephacheck your jounrnalctl logs for snapd20:14
Croephasee if there are any "undo" lines, like it ran into a problem and then tried to undo them20:15
wililupyCroepha: ack20:15
Croephai think there might be a bug there somewhere20:15
Croephaalso, the root of my issue, was that the model assertions for ubuntu-image specified my custom kernel incorrectly so it was failing there20:16
mwhudsonhas anyone seen a test failure like this for snapd: https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=snapd&arch=arm64&ver=2.16-1&stamp=147810569420:22
mwhudson"2016/11/02 16:51:30 http: panic serving info failed to parse: yaml: control characters are not allowed"20:23
mupPR snapd#2255 opened: tests: improve refresh-undo test <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2255>20:25
wililupyCroepha: I see an undo for the core snap. The error after it is very vague, "No Option snap_mode in section"21:33
wililupyI also see errors for my kernel snap. For some reason, I installed it with the name the assertion is calling it, but when i look at the snap file in the writable partition, it is named kernel-x1.snap instead. I'm thinking that is why it is not showing up properly as an installed snap and why it looks like no snaps are installed on my system.21:37
Croephawililupy: ok, rebuild the image21:47
Croephaso if the name of the snap file on the system is kernel-x1.snap  then use "kernel" as the name of the kernel in your assertion21:48
wililupywill that work with the --extra-snaps variable?21:49
Croepha--extra-snaps needs to be the path of the kernel file regardless of what its called in any yaml files21:49
wililupyahh. ok.21:49
Croephaubuntu-image will open up the extra-snaps and figure out what to call it based on the meta info21:50
Croephaso, it looks like your issue is exactly what mine was21:51
Croephai think there are two bugs here, first, ubuntu-image should validate the states of everything before the image gets created21:51
Croephasecond: snapd should avoid breaking its state when it gets a strange kernel-name21:52
wililupyThat makes sense.22:08
wililupyCroepha: That worked!! Its consistant now! Thank you so much. No I just need to work on my automation script for the conversion of the image to another format, but at least I have a working image for the vendor. Thanks!22:48
Croephawililupy, yeah, no problem :)22:49
Croephawililupy: just curious, but what other format?22:58
wililupyCroepha: I work in Whitebox switches, and they use ONIE images to install NOS's, so I convert the custom ubuntu-core image into a format that is ONIE compatible.23:04
Croephaahh. gotcha23:05
Croephaare targeting ARM?23:06
wililupyno x8623:14
Croephaim in digital-signage23:15
Croephaone of us should really do a bug/pr for snappy_docs for the kernel thing23:16
wililupyhah. I've got a lot of docs on building kernel snaps through the progression of ubuntu-core. The assertion naming one is quite interresting though. Never would have thought of that and that was why it was always reverting and removing my snaps. Learn something new everyday.23:18

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