
=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n
r3m0nKilos & ahoneybun  good day ;)01:02
ahoneybunthanks r3m0n01:11
r3m0nhow're you ?01:19
ahoneybunI'm good r3m0n01:48
Kiloshi r3m0n ahoneybun im ok ty and you?02:28
r3m0nKilos, 03I'm okey.. ;)02:35
pavlushkaMorning everyone :)07:22
Kilosmorning one07:22
zakipavlushka: is it possible to assigining static ip addresses to my computers using ubuntu server and manage them? like bandwidth controler.12:18
zakikhujtechi ,কিন্তু ভালো কিছু পাচ্ছি না .12:20
pavlushkazaki: so you want to control the bandwidth of a computer by assigning a static ip to that and then limiting the bandwidth?12:23
zakiyes pavlushka12:24
zakiand i want to use ubuntu server12:25
zakinow they using rhel with dhcp server, but thats outdated, and they don;t know how to manage it. so if they are any way to replace with it ubuntu server that will be great. 12:28
zakiif there*12:29
pavlushkazaki: you shouldn't post in #ubuntu specifically addressing me, what's the point doing that? no one else will engage as you've already mentioned me there.12:32
zakiআমি এখান থেকে কপি করছিলাম , ভুলবশত আপনার নাম টা সহ 12:34
zakiwb dipraw12:47
zakipavlushka: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220974812:58
zakiwb RemonShai14:31
zakihow are you?14:31
RemonShaity zaki, I'm ok. how about You...?14:32
zakime fine. :)14:35
zakiwhat are you busy with?14:36
RemonShaiটিউশনি +  নিজের পড়াশুনা।14:39
zakioky. :)14:39
RemonShaizaki, রাস্পিবেরি পাই হাতে পেলাম।14:40
zakiI was thinking you alrdy busy with that. :D my mistake. 14:41
RemonShaioh no../14:42
RemonShaiwelcome  pavlushka15:17
pavlushkaHey RemonShai , good to see you :)15:23
pavlushkaRemonShai: zaki was saying that after buying the PI, you disappeared!15:24
RemonShaiyeh ty p15:24
pavlushkaThank goodness that you are back RemonShai :p15:24
pavlushkaRemonShai: So what happened to the PI?15:24
pavlushkaHello shajalal , how are you?15:25
shajalalfine ..and you15:26
shajalalvai and you15:26
pavlushkashajalal: I am good, just trying to keep my cool, :)15:26
pavlushkamy line is very inconsistent for few days, annoying.15:30
pavlushkashajalal: if you need help on anything, do ask here, :)15:39
pavlushkaHey zaki , wb :)15:43
zakihello pavlushka15:43
pavlushkazaki: can you solve the problem?15:44
shajalalvai Zaki15:44
pavlushkazaki: have you solved the problem?15:44
zakii'm setting up ubuntu server 14.4.5 in virtual box15:44
pavlushkazaki: so far so good :)15:45
zakiand about to install 1 w or 2 windwos as client :D15:45
pavlushkazaki: but you could choose 16.04.1!15:45
pavlushkazaki: how?15:45
pavlushkaon windows client?15:46
zakiin virtual box15:46
pavlushkaat the same time?15:46
pavlushkazaki: oh, so you are running multiple instances simultaneously , got it15:46
zaki1 ubuntu server and one windows xp as client15:46
zakiyes for testing purpose.15:47
zakii'm not sure if it is posible15:47
zakithers an app named traffpro for controlling bandwidth15:47
pavlushkazaki: actually it is hard to imagine for me as I am using a single core machine, so a bit late to get on the track, lol15:48
pavlushkaah, I envy those multicore users 15:48
zakiha ha :D15:49
zakithere is an option like set an execution cap to 80% to make sure the virtual machine does not overload the host machine.15:51
zakipavlushka: i'm going to follow this thread https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151090315:54
pavlushkazaki: looks like it has a lot to read, good luck :p15:56
* pavlushka sparing himself from reading that at the moment ;)15:57
zaki hello shajalal16:09
shajalalhow to install idm software16:33
pavlushkashajalal: we dont have IDM for linux but you can try it using Wine, for Linux, the working standalone downloaders are uget, Xtreme download manager and fatrat :)16:37
pavlushkaand etc16:37
pavlushkaI use uget and Xtreme download manager.16:37
shajalaltnx bro16:43
=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n
r3m0nsorry guys, I wanna keep away for net problem.18:47
r3m0nanswer for pavlushka , no... nothing happened on pi... just buy it, I'll setup Pi PC on next month because of my financial crisis.18:52
pavlushkar3m0n: no problem :), looking forward to that setup :)18:53
r3m0npavlushka, ok...:)18:55

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