
smosernacc, ugh.00:28
smoser11/01/2016 15:18:41 - DEBUG:Setting importer/ubuntu/devel branch to 'importer/ubuntu/breezy' (6de0c9f7d926b4c1f434bf5508eaeb675c29fea8)00:28
smoserlooks like something amuck00:28
naccsmoser: um, shouldn't you have reversed the list?00:34
naccsmoser: quick debug shows zesty is the last entry00:34
naccsmoser: feel free to fix and push yourself00:35
smoserapparently yes00:35
smoseri swear i looked at that00:35
naccsmoser: need to walk the dogs :)00:35
naccwell, you're explicitly sorting on version by number00:35
naccso that will come through in ascending order, aiui00:35
naccand then needs to be reversed for the names00:35
nacci would do that in the caller, though00:35
smosercan i push that ?00:35
naccin case the API is useful on its own later00:36
naccyou should have write access to the importer tree, yeah00:36
naccsmoser: yeah, you're in the ownership group00:36
smosernacc, pushed the most simple fix for now00:42
naccsmoser: thanks!00:55
smoseryour idea was not bad, but required more code change than i wanted right now00:56
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cpaelzerdaylight savings sucks, a.k.a. too early good morning :-)04:20
Unit193+1 to the former.04:20
cpaelzerhi, does forgetting (my bad) to include the orig tgz on a merge dput qualify to use dput --force after rebuilding with -sa (no need for an ..ubuntu2 for that right)?06:44
cpaelzerlast cycle my merges were all uploaded by others, since I got permissions I only had fixes so I missed to add the orig tarball to the upload06:45
cpaelzereasy to fix, but I'd at least hear one person say "yes dput force is ok in that case"06:46
RAOFcpaelzer: dput --force is, AFAIK always fine - launchpad will just reject your upload if its not.06:52
cpaelzerRAOF: I thought that it'd be ok, but on any --force I'm shy using it the first time :-)06:54
cpaelzerRAOF: thanks06:54
RAOFYup, better to be sure!06:54
RAOFFor us, --force only disables local checks. We don't have the access DDs have to the submitting filesystem, so we can't use things like dcut (and we don't have to be as careful ☺)06:55
cpaelzerI'm good with less power to screw things up atm :-)06:58
LocutusOfBorghi pitti can you please run xapian-core libsearch-xapian-perl testsuite against -proposed pocket?07:26
sil2100pitti: hey! I'm trying to get the new dbus package pushed through -proposed since over a week, but I see that there's still a lot of tests that are 'Test in progress' since that time and not really getting executed08:08
seb128mardy, they, that signon-ui bug you just commented on, did you see that Lan_ey already added debug logs in previous comments?08:42
mardyseb128: ouch, indeed08:44
mardyseb128: and actually the problem this guy is reporting is slightly different...08:44
Laneymardy: I'm having that bug again atm as it happens09:19
LaneyI've just been minimising the window though09:19
Laneyif you close it it just comes back09:19
mardyLaney: seems like I forgot some check when migrating signon-ui from webkit to oxide, I'll fix that09:20
Laneyphew, thanks09:20
cpaelzerrbasak: for our discussion on passing through proposed and the binary dependency becoming uninstallable10:10
cpaelzerrbasak: is the ordering of uploads strict so that I can upload the dependent one right away?10:11
cpaelzerrbasak: or do I have to wait until it shows up in update-execuses10:11
cpaelzerI want to avoid it gets rebuild too early10:11
cpaelzerand by that misses to pick up the new abi10:11
rbasakcpaelzer: you either need to wait until the binaries are published in the proposed pocket, or the build depends needs to be versioned.10:14
rbasakWe don't usually used versioned depends for this kind of thing, so I guess then ordering matters.10:14
cpaelzerrbasak: yeah it is only versioned in the sense that it depend on a virtual ABI package, but that only gets there once the former is build10:15
cpaelzerrbasak: thanks - so I'm gonna wait with the follow up dput until it shows up10:16
dokozul: monasca-statsd has a copyright owner not mentioned: Copyright (c) 2012, Datadog <info@datadoghq.com>11:09
dokozul: you also only packaged the python2 libs, not the python3 ones ...11:09
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pittisil2100: sprint, no IRC time -- is it queued? http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running is full11:32
sil2100pitti: didn't check, but even if - is it possible those are *still* queued after 11 days of waiting?11:33
pittisil2100: oh, no; then they were probably victim of some cleanup/bug11:34
pittisil2100: requeueing them now, but it'll take some time to catch up with the queue11:35
sil2100Thanks! :)11:36
pittisil2100: not the "always failed" ones as they aren't blocking/relevant11:36
* pitti off again11:36
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GunnarHjpitti: Hi Martin! When there are .mo files for a textdomain in both /usr/share/locale and /usr/share/locale-langpack, gettext seems to use the former. Shouldn't the one in /usr/share/locale-langpack have precedence? The reason for to my question is apt, more precisely comment #7 in bug #1637801.12:13
ubottubug 1637801 in gettext (Ubuntu) "Incorrect Russian translation of "apt list --upgradeable" results" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163780112:13
zuldoko: thats because there isnt any python3 support for it yet12:30
rbasakcyphermox: would you mind handling bug 1629644 please? It's a (rather late) claimed regression in your SRU of 0.4.9-3ubuntu7.5.12:38
ubottubug 1629644 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu) "Trusty: failure to detect device with 0.4.9-3ubuntu7.5" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162964412:38
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rbasakpowersj: FYI, bug 1635929 is a dupe - I've marked it. Downgrading from MariaDB 10.0 to MySQL anything is broken.12:56
ubottubug 1490071 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1635929 MySQL 5.6 refuses to install on systems that have had MariaDB 10.0 installed, preventing users from reverting to MySQL without manual intervention (aka mysql flag file system needs a redesign)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149007112:56
rbasak(not supported upstream)12:56
dokoMirv: I promoted llvm-toolchain-3.9. please do the next mesa update using this version13:00
rbasakcyphermox: also I'd appreciate some help triaging bug 1636145 please.13:01
ubottubug 1636145 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu) "multipath: Unrecognised multipath feature request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163614513:01
dokojbicha: are you going to look at the pcre3/pcre2 transition then?13:28
jbichadoko: I think that's beyond my abilities as I don't think Debian or the upstreams are trying to make that transition now13:41
jbichaand the list of affected packages is extensive13:42
Mirvdoko: tjaalton will be happy to do so13:42
dokoahh, again the wrong T.13:43
powersjrbasak: thank you13:58
tjaaltondoko: sure thing, once mesa 13 is ready14:06
tjaaltonturns out 12 wasn't too happy with 3.914:06
tjaaltonat least some games aren't14:06
cyphermoxrbasak: done, thanks.14:16
mardyLaney: hi! When you have some time, can you please try https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2135 and see if it fixes the issue?14:17
* cyphermox goes back to the salt mines (network at Plumbers has been terrible, not sure if it will be any better today)14:17
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rbasakcyphermox: thank you!14:41
caribouIs there any reason why there is no warning of the fact that "atp-get upgrade" is running when the user decides to turn off the computer (using the GUI) ?14:43
rbasakslangasek: any opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/squid3/+bug/1613914/comments/4 please? Amos is upstream and active in Debian packaging of squid now too. His opinion contradicts your upload in 3.5.12-1ubuntu4 I think.14:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1613914 in squid3 (Ubuntu) "squid upgrade fails when user has custom cache_dir" [High,Confirmed]14:45
cpaelzercaribou: not technically I gues seeing this http://askubuntu.com/questions/771227/how-can-i-get-a-warning-before-restart-shutdown - while clearly it needs tests/polishing it seems to be able to do what you want14:48
cariboucpaelzer: ok, I'll check this one out14:48
cariboucpaelzer: this situation hosed my wife's laptop : it would not reboot and got a kernel panic on each reobot14:49
cpaelzercaribou: there are different suggestions on http://askubuntu.com/questions/702156/prevent-ubuntu-from-shutdown-before-background-automatic-updates-complete14:51
cpaelzercaribou: an adaption of the case I linked before for apt/update-manager and such14:51
cpaelzercaribou: I sometimes wonder if it is destiny that such things always hit family members of developers of if there are more out there14:52
Laneymardy: OK, it'll have to be tomorrow though because I'm not at that computer right now14:55
cariboucpaelzer: I got the _notorious_ cellphone picture of a kernel backtrace as a bug report :)14:58
rbasakI wonder if that's a consequence of unattended-upgrades being enabled by default.14:58
caribourbasak: not in my case, landscape was running the upgrade14:58
rbasakPrior to that, update-manager (or whatever the GUI stuff is) fired up, and at that stage it was obvious.14:58
caribourbasak: so maybe landscape triggers a different behavior14:59
caribou(I had forced a landscape upgrade to *fix* the DirtyCOW issue)14:59
rbasakcaribou: I feel there should be a bug somewhere for this. This kind of race is pretty bad for users.14:59
caribourbasak: indeed14:59
caribourbasak: the kernel backtrace was pointing to a missing superblock so it looked more like a dead HDD than just a failed kernel upgrade15:00
dokoLaney, seb128: what's the future of ubuntu-kylin-software-center?15:08
LaneyAsk the Kylin team15:08
seb128what Laney said15:08
dokohmm, who is this?15:09
naccsmoser: apport went from 13404 to 14636 KB by adding pristine-tar and upstream branches15:15
naccrbasak: --^15:15
smoserhow many tarballs is that15:18
naccsmoser: 12215:18
smoserand do you have a branch that i can try ?15:18
naccsmoser: i think i sent it to you yesterday?15:18
naccone sec15:18
rbasaknacc: I think what I dislike about that approach is that it adds state (the pristine-tar branches themselves). If we decided we wanted to change how it's done, we'd be in a pickle because a simple update to the tool might not be enough - we'd have to modify the state too. OTOH, grabbing it from Launchpad on the fly involves no additional state.15:19
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naccsmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~nacc/usd-importer/+git/usd-importer/+ref/orig_tarball15:19
naccrbasak: absolutely, i understand, smoser just asked for the data15:19
naccrbasak: the biggest advantage, as i see it, is that it follows debian15:19
smoseri dont follow your comment15:20
smoser"we'd have to modify the state too".15:20
naccrbasak: and it's really not trivial to go from a an arbitrary srcpkg and (upstream) version to a tarball15:20
naccrbasak: doable, but not trivial :)15:20
smoserif we decided the pristine tarballs are not useful, then we can delete them from the git repositories and git gc and change tools to not use them.15:20
rbasakDebian isn't married to pristine-tar though. It's just one of the dozen ways they do it.15:20
smoser(note, i'm pretty sure we can arbitrarily *add* the pristine tarballs at any point also, and not affect any thing)15:21
smoserother than size15:21
naccsmoser: sort of -- it would need a different implemetnation to go back to the beginning of time for one branch15:22
naccsmoser: but theoretically possible, yes :)15:22
Laneydoko: #ubuntukylin-devel AFAIK15:22
naccrbasak: yeah, I understand -- again, not suggesting it to merge even15:22
naccrbasak: just that it's there, and does seem to work15:22
smoserrbasak, can you explain further what you dont like ? we'd not be "married" to it in any way either.15:24
rbasaksmoser: it feels brittle to me to rely on it in the tooling. I don't particularly object to having pristine-tar branches in the imported tree however.15:25
rbasaksmoser: brittle in the sense that it is imported in a particular way (the choice of pristine-tar, the format/version pristine-tar is using, the format/version of the tarballs and compression, etc) and then tooling must stick to that. OTOH, doing it afterwards from Launchpad involves none of that, and can be changed much more easily later.15:25
naccrbasak: i'd never rely on it; if it's there, i'd use it and probably double-check the hashes match against a known good dsc15:26
naccrbasak: and i'd fall back to a cache15:26
rbasakI accept that in practice it is said that this hasn't yet been an issue with pristine-tar in particular. However, there's still a possibility, and there is none with a state-free system.15:26
naccor v.v.15:26
smosertheres not any real need to double check hashes15:26
smoserlaunchpad wont let you upload the bad one15:27
naccsmoser: there is if you can usd-build from any directory15:27
naccsmoser: remember, pathological :)15:27
smoseri dont follow15:27
smoserthere is a difference from the hash being different15:27
smoserand the tarball contents being different15:27
rbasakI guess I mainly don't understand any real world practical benefit to doing it with pristine-tar over a direct method. If there is, then that's fine, and I still have no objection to the branch being there.15:27
smoserno reliance on network is the benefit15:28
naccsmoser: the uploads will get rejected, yes15:28
smoseralso i guess with prisitne tar baranch we probably get upstream/ tags also15:28
naccsmoser: so in effect it's the same; but i'd like to detect badness of that type earlier15:29
smoserwhich is a benefit15:29
naccsmoser: yes, we do15:29
smoseras without that, you coudlnt even create the orig tarball if you wanted.15:29
smoserwell, not trivially anyway.15:29
naccsmoser: without the upstream tags?15:29
smoserwhere as with the tag, if you didnt' care about the tar hash matching, you can 'git archive'15:29
rbasaksmoser: no reliance on the network? You need to clone the git repo. Have usd-clone grab the orig as well if you like.15:30
smoserthose two events are likely hours apart15:30
naccso there needs to be network at some point15:30
nacccertainly at clone15:30
nacci think smoser is saying there doesn't need to be at build as well15:31
nacci still think this is not a typical use-case :)15:31
rbasakRight, but if the orig is grabbed at clone time, then it's available.15:31
nacc*what* orig, though15:31
smosersure... and just for fun, you'll grab all orig tarballs :)15:31
naccwe don't know what is about to be built at clone time15:31
rbasakAnd if he wants all available orig tarballs from pristine-tar because then it's cloned, then fair enough, but no need for our tooling to do it that way by default - it's a separate use case.15:31
nacci did ask for a bug :)15:31
naccrbasak: there isn't a case where an orig tarball gets *added* to a package and the upstream version is the same? if we were to do that in an ubuntu package, i think the cache doesn't work -- also how does that work in practice (what tells dpkg-buildpackage there is a second orig tarball to use)?15:35
rbasakThat's a good question. If it were up to me, I wouldn't permit that. But I don't know what Debian/Launchpad do.15:36
* rbasak wonders if cjwatson might know ^15:36
naccrbasak: ack, just working on usd-build and gets all these kinds of questions :)15:36
nacccjwatson: or, generally, if you have some advice on the 'best way' to work from an arbitrary source pacakge directory to the orig tarballs needed to build that package15:37
naccrbasak: ah, it seems it looks for .orig-component.tar.ext15:38
naccwhere component is a well defined regex15:39
naccand is used to name the subdir15:39
naccrbasak: but given only an unpacked source pacakge, i see no way of determing that :/15:40
naccand i've forgotten how to type, clearly too :)15:40
naccrbasak: let's assume it's not allowed for now15:42
naccas it's giving me a headache too early in the morning :)15:42
ashcellHello everyone and appdevs, I am currently working on the Telegram app but I am having some trouble getting an executable when building the latest (https://code.launchpad.net/~libqtelegram-team/telegram-app/telegram). It builds fine on 16.04 but on 16.10 I keep getting "../telegram-app/build_desktop/lib’: No such file or directory". Has anyone else come across anything similar on any of your apps? Any help would be appreciated.15:51
smosernacc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23416635/15:54
smoserthat is the whole list of 'server-cares' (minus ruby, which i just removed, and 'linux', which i feel like just special casing out)15:54
naccsmoser: awesome! can you file bugs for the ones that are not DownloadErrors (and maybe one bug for the DownloadErrors)?15:57
bdmurrayjuliank: Could you have a look at bug 1592817?16:10
ubottubug 1592817 in python-apt (Ubuntu) "gdebi-gtk crashed with ValueError in update_interface(): could not convert string to float: '0,0000'" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159281716:10
juliankaargh, not one of those16:10
juliankI assume it's one of our all time favourite string formatting bugs in apt16:11
juliankbdmurray: That should be fixed in a reasonably current apt, but that user still runs an apt from early june16:12
bdmurrayjuliank: could you be more specific about reasonably current?16:13
naccsmoser: thanks! i'm guessing that LP: #1638614 is me assuming i can extract authorship correctly and not handling when that fails16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1638614 in usd-importer "linux-base, module-init-tools fail import: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163861416:13
naccsmoser: LP: #1638612 is going to need a parent overrides, i think16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1638612 in usd-importer "golang-golang-x-net-dev fails import: AssertionError source pkg version != changelog version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163861216:13
naccsmoser: as it's published incredibly poorly :)16:14
naccsmoser: that particular publish implies an epoch change, which wasn't done16:14
bdmurrayjuliank: I seem some with 1.2.14 which is in xenial-proposed.16:14
juliankNo, there were fixes all the time. But the one that was actually released in 16.10 should probably be fine. I'll look at the code now, but there were a lot of fixes in later 1.3 releases.16:14
smosernacc, i'm just the messenger :)16:14
juliankbdmurray: It should not happen at all in 1.216:14
naccsmoser: ack, mostly just notes to myself16:15
juliankUnless you set the locale with C++ functions16:15
smoseri filed all those failures16:15
bdmurrayjuliank: here's an example - https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/752e2da8-a0f3-11e6-8735-fa163e839e1116:16
juliankbdmurray: The bug in question should be a duplicate of bug 1611010 - that fixed the problem16:18
ubottubug 1611010 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Xenial) "yakkety desktop - non-english installation crashes with /plugininstall.py: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161101016:18
juliankOr well, the commit fixing that bug also fixed the other one16:18
bdmurrayjuliank: so its fixed in yakkety, but not xenial then.16:20
juliankbdmurray: I can't see the xenial instance, but I specifically did not merge any of that stuff because it only happens if your app calls std::locale::global16:21
juliankWhich we switched apt to at some point in the 1.3 series from setlocale()16:21
juliank(WRT can't see: I just filed a request for access to the error tracker, but that needs manual approval)16:23
bdmurrayjuliank: there you've been approved16:24
juliankThis is kind of weird that this happens16:24
bdmurrayIt also happens w/ the release upgrader - bug 163321916:25
ubottubug 1633219 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrade to yakkety fails due to non-us locale" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163321916:25
juliankbdmurray: Ah I might have been confused a bit when doing the later 1.2 releases, I actually cherry-picked the first "prevent C++ locale formatting" commit.16:26
juliankSo, I'll take a look if I can cherry-pick that into 1.2.y for xenial16:26
juliankThat said, we still need to get 1.2.15 in first :/16:26
bdmurrayjuliank: that'd be great.  Do you mean 1.2.14 which is in -proposed or something newer?16:27
juliankbdmurray: 1.2.14 has been superseded by 1.2.15 in the queue16:27
bdmurrayOh, I can help with that too16:27
jbichacould we get a rebuild of devscripts so that zesty is default instead of yakkety?16:29
juliankbdmurray: That would be great. Once we have 1.2.15 in (which accumulates 4 months or so of bug fixes :/) we will start seeing smaller (hopefully) monthly updates.16:31
juliank1.2.15 was far too large, but I never managed to upload the individual bug fix releases corresponding to the 1.3 preview releases (it really should have been 4 releases or something)16:32
juliankbdmurray: I think I got all the patches in https://github.com/julian-klode/apt/compare/1.2.y...julian-klode:for-1.2/locale?expand=1 - Now I'm waiting for travis to check if it actually compiles and passes tests ...16:44
juliankIf it does, I'll build a 1.2.16~rc1 source package or something and put it in the apt 1.2 PPA for testing.16:45
juliankHmm, that requires more work: It does not find std::put_time()16:46
juliankProbably missed the include from another commit :/16:47
juliankgtg now, but will be online again in approx 30 mins16:48
juliankbdmurray: Do we still want to do some upgrade tests with apt 1.2.15 on desktop, or is one month without hiccups on (small) server OK?17:18
juliankIf anyone has not upgraded xenial in a while, now (= soon) is the time to install 1.2.15 from proposed and check that it works for you too :)17:19
smoser11/02/2016 17:19:31 - DEBUG:stderr: gbp:error: Upstream tag 'upstream/0.1.0_bzr54' already exists17:20
naccsmoser: using my branch?17:21
smosersort of.17:21
smosersome local cchanges, but i dont think related17:21
juliankOtherwise, I'll give the build another week on my server and then go to verification-done (then we basically have 5 weeks of unattended upgrades not messing things up) :)17:21
naccsmoser: it should only try to tag an upstream (import it at all) if the tag doesn't already exist)17:22
naccsmoser:         if (orig_tarball and17:22
nacc            self.get_tag_reference(upstream_tag_name) is None17:22
nacc           ):17:22
naccsmoser: ah, is it possible your upstream version doesn't comply with debian?17:22
naccsmoser: is it an ubuntu only package17:23
smoserwell, this was curtin17:23
smoserbasically upstream snapshots17:23
smoserno actual upstream releases17:23
naccah ah17:24
naccgbp turns ~ to _17:24
naccwe don't17:24
naccfor that particular check17:24
naccsmoser: change that upstream_tag_name assignment to17:24
naccupstream_tag_name = USDGitRepository.git_dsc_commit_tag('upstream/%s' % srcpkg.version.upstream_version)17:25
naccor so17:26
naccsmoser: fyi, usd-clone is incompatible with xgit17:27
naccnot sure why yet17:27
naccsmoser: rbasak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23417200/18:03
naccsmoser: i don't think it makes sense to use a cache like MP: #309876 does for the importer, if the builder has a cache18:04
naccsmoser: i'm not sure what problem the importer cache solves18:05
naccregular users will never run the importer, ideally18:05
smosernacc, if your argument is "regular users will never use it, so remove it". then we can just delete the whole thing ?18:07
naccsmoser: delete what whole thing?18:07
smoseras regular users wont use it.18:07
naccsmoser: i think you're being a bit ridiclous18:07
naccthere are two use cases18:07
naccone is the server team maintaining git repositories18:07
naccthat's the importer's job18:07
naccnothign else18:07
naccthe other is building pacakges using those repositories18:08
smoserwhen working with the importer, having the cache of downloaded things is quite useful.18:08
naccthat is *not* the importer's job18:08
smoserand your pristine-tar branch changed the behavior from caching into the output directory to downloading into a tmpdir18:08
naccsmoser: why does your commit mention git and gitwd not existing? they are still present18:08
naccsmoser: that's not merged18:08
naccand currently won't be18:08
smoserthats fine.18:08
smoserits an option, just like '--lp-user'18:09
naccit doesn't make sense to send a MR against master18:09
naccwhen it doesn't apply to master18:09
smoserwhich , running on infrastructure would never be needed.18:09
smoserit does still apply to  master.18:09
smoserits still quite useful18:09
naccthe commit message is wrong18:09
naccit refers to things that aren't true in master18:09
smoserit makes my re-run using your branch take substantially less time, and saves 51G of download18:10
smoserthe commit message is correct...18:10
smoserwhat did you think was not ?18:10
naccpreviously get with the pkg/git/ and pkg/gitwd/18:10
naccthat is *not* true in master18:11
smosersure.. previously, before this commit18:11
smoserbefore the --dl-cache commit, downloads went into pkg/18:11
smoserand then there was a pkg/git and pkg/gitwd18:11
smoserthat is true.18:11
smoserand the change is to instead put them to a tempdir or to the --dl-cache dir18:12
naccok, my reading of your commit message is that it suggest there was a change of behavior that you're fixing18:13
naccwhen in fact, you're changing behavior18:13
naccit could be *way* clearer :)18:14
naccI still don't think a download cache matters *except* for your tests of importing the world18:14
smosereven importing a single package18:15
smoserit does. if it fails for some reason.18:15
naccmaster still uses pkg/git and pkg/gitwd, so it'ss till cached in pkg18:15
smoserfirefox or linux for example, are multi-multi-gig downloads18:15
nacci think what you're actually doing is suggesting an alternative implementation to what is done in my branch?18:16
smoserif you have access to dsc files and orig tarballs, put them in a dir and point the thing at it.18:16
smoserwell, due to a change in your branch, i was forced to do *something*18:16
nacca branch that is *NOT MASTER* :)18:16
smoserbut what i was doing before was linking these files into the <pkg>/ dir so they'd get used.18:16
naccand you are asking to merge to master18:16
smoserwhich was much less clean than this18:16
smoserso this solves cleanly for both cases.18:17
naccbut is wholly unnecessary in master as it is right now, afaict18:17
smosersort of. sort of not.18:17
naccyes, that's why i think your commit message is wrong :)18:17
smosercurrently, the directory cannot exist18:17
naccyou have a good point, just put it in the commit message18:17
smoseror if it does, it must have git and gitwd/18:17
naccsmoser: do you get my point, though? you have two reasons to include this into master, one of which has nothing to do with master itself, but a hypothetical change to the code18:20
naccwhat's interesting is this download cache can't be used by usd-build as currently written, because usd-build's cache is organized18:21
naccmight not be a big deal18:21
naccand, afaict, this only really impacts the importer side, when starting from an empty repository, which will be a rarity18:22
naccrelative rarity18:22
naccand doesn't help the actual empty repository case either, right?18:22
smoserusd-build's cache is organized ?18:23
smoserwhat does that mean ?18:23
naccsmoser: to make it actually usable (as i need to konw the tarballs in there are good, I also need dsc files, etc.), so we have it organized as .git/build_cache/<srcpkg>/<upstream version>/18:24
naccso I can go find the DSC file in there and see if the hashes of the tarballs match (or if they are even present)18:24
smosernacc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23417260/18:26
smoseroh. i see.18:26
naccsmoser: that's way better, thank you very much18:26
smoserupstream_version does not seem terribly important there i donthink.18:26
smoseri think i convinced my self that we need to not do the tmpdir. but by default make it point to the --directory18:27
naccsmoser: then you won't be able to clean it up, right?18:27
smoserwho is "you" in this scenario ?18:27
smoseroh. right. yeah. would not cleanup then.18:28
naccsmoser: the importer, without a dl-cache argument18:28
smoserwhich is current behavior18:28
naccsmoser: which is the default and expected use case18:28
naccright, but i'd like to be able to clean it up, if possible18:28
nacci think switching to directory would make it impossible?18:28
smosertmpdir=$(mktemp -d); usd-import --dl-cache=tmpdir18:29
smoserTMPDIR=pkg.d/dldir usd-import --directory=pkg.d pkg18:29
naccsmoser: if i don't use upstream_version there, then i have to store the .dsc file in upstream_version.dsc (or do filename munging) -- doesn't seem better18:29
naccsmoser: 'have to' becuase i need to cache the canonical sums for the tarballs somehow18:31
naccsmoser: i'm not sure i fully understand (given just master), anymore, the usecase for an importer cache. That is, right now, let's say you run the importer on a directroy and pass --no-clean. Then you run it again on the same directory later, it will just pickup where it stopped. So your case is switching directories but minimizing the files to use?18:32
nacc*to download18:32
smoserwell, that is a use case.18:34
smoserbut as it is right now, if you pass --no-clean18:34
smoserand you then change the importer and want to use again to do a from scratch18:34
smoseryou: rm -Rf <directory>/git*18:34
smoserand it says "that dir isnt empty"18:34
naccrm says that?18:35
naccoh you mean if you try to reuse directory iwth the importer18:35
naccbecause the files are there?18:35
naccyes, i assume that any sane person doing from scratch imports will18:35
naccrm -rf <directory>; mdkir <directory>18:36
naccor will use a reasonable directory (previously imported)18:36
naccthat's why we have the sanity check18:36
naccagain, this feels like an optimization for 'from scratch' imports18:36
naccwhich i know are annoying because you're doing so many18:36
naccbut not really a general use18:36
nacci mean, obviously, *the* general use -- but not for everyone18:37
naccrbasak: one flaw (security?) with the cached DSC model -- what if a pathological user chagnes that file. They will have write access to it. Upload will get rejected (afaict), but it will still succesfully build. I think that's why I was suggesting we always at least pull down the dsc from LP to verify the tarballs against?18:39
naccat which point we could drop <srcpkg>/<upstream version> altogether, I think18:40
naccsmoser: and then, if we used that for the cache by default, you'd get your sharing in the importer too; you'd just have to save off the cache before deleting .git18:41
smosernacc, i pushed up a different version.18:42
smoserwhich i think is generally better, and as is right now cleaner. but i thin it will still complain on --directory= re-use.18:43
naccsmoser: same MP?18:43
nacchrm, says updated 1 hour ago18:43
nacchttps://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/usd-importer/+git/usd-importer/+ref/download-cache ?18:44
smosertaht 1 hour ago is just wrong18:44
smoserits reading the commit time18:44
smoserand commit --amend doesnt update that18:44
nacchrm, i don't see any changes from the last MP?18:45
smoserits definitely different read the commit message18:45
naccoh i see it now, sorry18:45
naccsmoser: do you have any problem with me switching that to .git/cache or something?18:46
naccsmoser: *if* we drop git/ gitwd/18:46
smoseri dont have a problem with that no.18:46
naccok, i think your MP is good, I'll rebase my changes on top18:47
smosernacc, using your branch and that change, i'm currently at18:47
smoser$ ../summarize18:47
smoser47 total. 16 working. 31 pass. 0 fail.18:47
naccsmoser: the import-orig branch?18:48
naccsmoser: import-orig shouldn't have any functional change to the importer, really18:48
smoserwell, ih ave cherry picked your one commit and then the fix for the tag thing18:48
smosernacc, yeah, except a.) it creates new branches b.) it had a bug that we hit18:48
smoserbut other than that, yeah, no changes ;)18:48
naccsmoser: i mean to the algorithm18:49
naccso if something imported before it should import now18:49
naccand if something didn't import before it should not import now18:49
naccthe importer algorithm doesn't use the pristine-tar branch for anything18:49
smoseroutside of having bugs in your newly added logic, yes.18:49
smoseror bugs in interaction with pristine-tar18:49
naccso this is just a sanity check run?18:49
naccok :)18:49
nacci need you and rbasak to continue to come to some consensus on whether it's necessary or not :)18:50
smoseroh, yeah, and the other thing... i would like to get a large set of numbers too18:50
naccright, i only ran it on one package18:50
smoserwe'll have data we can easily see how much size it adds18:50
smosercan you write down how to remove the upstream/tarball stuff ?18:50
smoserand git-gc18:50
smoserso easy compare18:50
smoser git clone <original> new18:50
smoser cd new18:50
smoser git branch -D upstream18:51
smoser git branch -D pristine-tarball18:51
smoser git gc18:51
smoseri think its something like that18:51
naccto make sure i didn't break anything, i did a master import and an branch import, so i could also check the objects18:52
naccthat *should* work18:52
naccsmoser: there is a way with to find object sizes with git-cat-file18:53
naccsmoser: not sure if that would do what you want18:53
naccsmoser: i'm going to grab lunch, i'll merge your changes and stage up the build changes after, and then look at fixing the bugs18:54
smoserso git clone <somedir>18:55
smosercd newdir18:55
smosergit branch shows nothing18:55
smosergit branch -r shows stuff18:55
smoserbut how do i tell my local repo i dont care about origin/pristine-tar18:56
smoserwhich is not a local branch18:56
naccsmoser: i think you need maybe --disassociate and then you can delete the branche in the new18:57
naccsmoser: rather than doing what you're doing, you could just create a new directory18:57
nacccp git over18:57
naccand do stuff in the new directory18:57
naccthe git repository is fully encapsulated in that dir18:58
smosersure. which is basically what git clone does :)18:58
naccyeah, but it uses tracking branches18:58
naccsmoser: ah you wanted to use --mirror, i think18:58
slangasekrbasak: I don't agree that we shouldn't migrate the directory; but maybe we should do that migration in postinst instead of preinst, and skip that migration if there's a non-default cache_dir setting?19:01
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rbasakslangasek: thanks. I've stuck it in our backlog to look into it.20:28
rbasaknacc: wouldn't such a user just be shooting himself in the foot in that case? I think that's acceptable.20:29
naccrbasak: yes, they would -- we do safety checks everywhere else and we rely on trusting only launchpad20:44
naccrbasak: in that case, we're trusting a local file20:44
naccrbasak: when we do have lp available20:44
naccrbasak: but i understand your point, was just a thought20:46
naccsmoser: so the way i do from-scratch imports, if you need them, is '-o junk'20:50
naccsmoser: not sure why that's not trivial?20:51
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naccsmoser: um, did you mean to pass workdir to func() in USDSourceInformation?21:19
naccsmoser: so ... you tested this how?21:19
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naccsmoser: pushed up the usd-build changes, you'll need to rebase that MR and i'm not sure it's really necessary21:42
rbasaknacc, smoser: we could do a hangout on this tomorrow if you like?21:52
naccrbasak: ack, would be good21:52
naccrbasak: if you have time pull master and check out usd-build21:53
naccor the paste i pointed to earlier21:53
rbasakOK, I'll take a look in the morning21:54
naccrbasak: ack21:54
hammedcan soneone give me format to get itune card , gift and circle from maga21:58
nacchammed: ECHAN?21:59
hammed<hammed> ./start 20122:01
hammed<hammed> # DUHul22:01
hammed<hammed> ./start: line 11: ./ss: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error22:01
hammed<hammed> cat: bios.txt: No such file or directory22:01
hammed<hammed> # found 022:01
hammed<hammed> ----------------------------------------22:01
hammedtell me what to do to make this work22:01
nacchammed: this is the channel for ubuntu development, I think you're in the wrong place22:01
nacchammed: maybe you want #ubuntu, but even there seems offtopic22:01
sarnold"exec format error" sounds like a mismatched architecture; like you've got an x86 binary but are running on arm or something22:03
naccsmoser: fyi, there is an active ubuntu branch for libvirt (it's now listed in Vcs-Git, iirc) for ubuntu; i do not believe we should import it23:21
naccsmoser: pcre3's failure is different than iscsitarget's23:26
naccman git-check-ref-name: 3. They cannot have two consecutive dots ..  anywhere.23:29
naccslangasek: is there an appropriate ML to ask for debian developer's opinion on an addition to dep14 for '..' ?23:33
nacclol, so is for real (i have been looking at a lot of changelogs today). dpkg-parsechangelog thinks May is an invalid month?23:52
nacc            if (exists $month_name{$8})23:52
naccpush @errors, sprintf(g_('uses full instead of abbreviated month name \'%s\''),23:52

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