
daftykins!info nvidia-304 xenial00:26
ubot5`nvidia-304 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): NVIDIA legacy binary driver - version 304.131. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.131-0ubuntu3 (xenial), package size 20038 kB, installed size 92781 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)00:26
daftykinsmm still there00:26
Bashing-omFrom nVidia: The Linux 304.* legacy driver series is the last to support the NV4x and G7x GPUs and motherboard chipsets based on them. Support for new Linux kernels and X servers, as well as fixes for critical bugs, will be included in 304.* legacy releases through the end of 2017.00:28
daftykinsooh ty :)00:29
daftykinsguy in #kodi 'upgraded' his 14.04 LTS machine and trashed it, such foolish moves :)00:30
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:02
Bashing-omHey lotuspsychje :) .. good to read ya .04:03
lotuspsychjehello Bashing-om , did you fix the freezes?04:03
Bashing-omstill awaiting the Bios chip . any day now .. and then we see what the situation is :)04:04
lotuspsychjewelcome xXEoflaOEXx04:05
Bashing-omMe done, G nite .06:36
ducassemorning all07:21
BluesKajHowdy folks10:27
ducassehi BluesKaj10:28
BluesKajHi ducasse10:29
ducasseup early? :)10:29
BluesKajyeah an hr or so10:30
BluesKajI'll catch up on my sleep tonight ...I'll br outdoors getting some fresh air etc, raking leaves and putting stuff away for winter10:32
BluesKajso I'll probly sleep more tonight10:33
ducassebeautiful weather here today, autumn at it's best. might use the chance to clear the porch.10:33
BluesKajyeah the forecast is 11C and sunny for this afternoon,so it should be a fine day10:35
ducasseforecast says snow on friday, not looking forward to that. luckily i don't drive, so i don't have to deal with that :)10:37
Ben64748 seconds to paste the result of "md5sum $(which tcpd)"11:15
Ben64a new record11:15
Ben64(not really)11:15
pauljwHi everyone11:46
ducasse\o pauljw11:49
pauljwhey ducasse11:50
ducasseall good in your part of the world?11:50
pauljwyeah, they're in the process of paving our road, so we have something to watch from the porch... :)11:54
ducassethey've been building out fiber here recently, in the entire hill i live on... except my street. :(11:56
pauljwoh man, that stinks.11:59
pauljwi was hoping that they would do that here prior to paving, but i guess there just aren't enough of us living out here to justify the costs.12:00
ducassenot that worried right now as i've got 250mbit, but for the future it can be problematic. and i would love symmetric speeds.12:01
pauljw:)  i'm stuck with hughesnet which is better than dialup, but not by much.12:03
ducassethe tinkpad T420 is known to work well with linux, right? i'm sort-of assuming the T420s (slim) will as well...13:05
pauljwno idea, never had a thinkpad.13:18
ducassemaybe someone else here knows. i *think* that's the model people keep recommending, unsure about the 's', though.13:19
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest40424
nacci *hate* that logic, OerHeks -- "i know it's offtopic, but I couldn't find help anywhere else so I decided it was ok to be offtopic" ...16:10
OerHeksbiggest channel, i would try too16:10
xXEoflaOEXxIt takes 5 months to end support for 12.04 for now.17:11
ducassexXEoflaOEXx: yes, so it's not a very good choice to install now either. that's why i said "at least 12.04".17:14
daxoh thank god, no more upstart support in 5 months?17:39
daxoh wait no, 14.0417:39
R13oseI believe Firefox has crashed the same way I spoke the other days where if I want to change tabs or scroll down, I need to first click on the tab or scroll down and then move to a new window and back.17:41
ducassedax: now that you're here, would it be a good idea with a '!anyone' trigger for all the people who come in asking 'anyone using program x?'17:41
daxwe used to have an !anyone trigger and it went away, so I gather the consensus must be "no"17:42
ducasseok, just asking :)17:42
brunch875heh, what a silly question to make. A lot of people use the X server18:10
=== JanC is now known as Guest59232
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Ben64i miss !anyone19:11
ducasseimho there would be plenty of oppurtunities for using it, would it be considered impolite or something?19:14
Ben64thats why they removed a bunch of those kind of ones19:15
Ben64Jan 16 2014 11:26:26 <ubottu>A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:15
Ben64Jan 11 2014 02:58:46 <ubottu>Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.19:17
BluesKajsorta describes me today "-)19:17
ducasseok, those could be phrased in a nicer way. i really like the latter, though :)19:17
Ben64yeah was a good one19:17
BluesKajnot enough sleep the last 2 nights will do that19:19
ducasseooof :(19:19
brunch875there's nothing more satisfacting than booting ubuntu and doing <super>+1-2-3-4-5-619:22
nicomachus14:25 < MonkeyDust> !find privoxy19:26
nicomachus14:25 < ubottu> Found: privoxy19:26
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
blackflowHello. Anyone has any insight into security track record for Universe packages? They're supposedly maintained by the "community" but how good is that support security-wise?21:29
daxin my experience security isn't as much of an issue as flagrant breakage is21:30
blackflowdax: hrm, that table is not.... encouraging. :)21:33
daxshrug. there are a lot of CVEs not worth fixing out there21:34
daxthere's a similar one for main, might want to ponder it also21:35
=== Guest40424 is now known as IdleOne

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