
felshi All  -  help... !  I know nothing about this and an screwed as the guy who normally does this is awol -  I need to setup mapping for nginx00:41
felsI 've mapped it according to a link i found but its' not honouring the mapping . please help!!!00:42
tomreynget prof help if this is too heavy for volunteers00:48
felslol - we have to start somewhere - so might as well start here .... i really need to get thsi running ..00:50
tomreynfels: how many employees are there in this company00:58
felswhich one ?00:58
felstomreyn: ?00:58
tomreynthe one you're trying to get the nginx stuff fixed for00:58
fels2 - its a stat up00:59
tomreynso you are one founder and the other foudner is absnet without leave?01:00
tomreynwell that's more of a conclusion than a question really.01:00
tomreynyou should put your configuration on a pastebin01:00
tomreyn!pastebin | fels01:01
ubottufels: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:01
tomreynsince this will make it public to thew world, before you paste it there, you should redact sensitive info01:01
tomreyni.e. maybe replace domain names, peoples names in comments, ip addresses etc.01:02
tomreynand then explain what you need to map where, and how you can tell that it does not currently work.01:03
felstomreyn: no - I'm not the founder - just hte helpful guy that got roped in :)01:03
tomreyni see01:04
felswhen you put multiple names in the .conf file do you seperate it with  SPCE ? eg :   server_name JOE.mainsite.com BLOGSS.mainsite.com ?01:06
tomreynbut you end the line with a ;01:07
fels(great - tomreyn thanks01:10
tomreynyou can use "sudo nginx configtest" to check whether your configuration files' syntax looks fine.01:11
felsThnks tomreyn- That will come in handy -  what if i need that to map to JOE.mainsite.com/SOMETHING ?01:12
tomreynare you saying that you want all http requests directed to http://JOE.mainsite.com to go to http://JOE.mainsite.com/SOMETHING instead?01:13
felsis that possible ?01:14
tomreynfo sure, as long as requests to http://JOE.mainsite.com actually end up on the server you are working on01:14
tomreynso withint the server{} block add a location{} block. and in this 'location' block, add a 'return' statement01:18
tomreynserver { ...; location / { return 302 http://JOE.mainsite.com/SOMETHING ; } ... }01:19
tomreynroughly this, fels01:19
felsthank you tomreyn01:19
tomreynthis wont redirect requests initially made to http://JOE.mainsite.com/xxx or to httpS://JOE.mainsite.com though01:20
tomreyni.e. only requests for the main web page at the / URI will be redirected01:21
tomreynso it's quite late here, and i really need to get some sleep. AKA, good luck.01:23
felsok tomreyn thks for the help -01:27
felswhere ar you based ?01:27
tomreynto the south east01:29
Guest63015does anyone know how to setup minidnla with an external hard drive?02:38
LehthanisI need some help with hosts and postfix/ptr record settings...my ptr record is mydomain.com but my postfix myhostname setting is servername.mydomain.com and my hosts file lists the ip address as servername.mydomain.com also.02:41
Lehthanisits a web server that hosts multiple domains...so do I need to change my ptr record to servername.mydomain.com or change my hosts file to remove the servername?02:42
Lehthanishttp://hastebin.com/okixudaral.css here's my /etc/hosts file02:51
Lehthanisedited to protect the guilty (xx.xx.xx.xx is my ip address and my real domain names and server name is in there)02:52
Lehthanisalso...servername is not www...should it be?02:52
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cpaelzerrbasak: I've seen your mysql upload blocked on dovecot09:43
cpaelzerrbasak: I quickly looked at the actual fail and I'm not convinced that is sql related at all09:43
cpaelzerrbasak: the new dovecot is uploaded now but the queues are rather full09:43
cpaelzerrbasak: if you have the power you might just try to re-run that test to check if it is a transient error09:44
cpaelzerrbasak: I have seen the dovecot 2.2.25 autopkgtests succeed in zesty on Monday morning09:44
cpaelzerrbasak: but that was on amd6409:44
rbasakcpaelzer: thanks, I hadn't noticed. I'll look.09:48
YuxKukMohi! can anyone here tell me how can i setup the apache server to listen only on 443 port ?10:00
YuxKukMothank you10:00
rbasakcpaelzer: that failure looks familiar. I think it's a test instability. I requested a retest, thanks.10:02
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rbasaksmb: do you have an opinion on bug 1321144 please?12:28
ubottubug 1321144 in xen (Ubuntu) "/etc/default/grub.d/xen.cfg only works on english language system" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132114412:28
rbasakSounds like something you would have hit by now?12:28
rbasakAlso bug 135251212:28
ubottubug 1352512 in xen (Ubuntu) "typo in /etc/default/grub.d/xen.cfg - no automatic boot of xen after reboot" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135251212:28
rbasaknacc: do you want to assign yourself https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1570472 in our bugwork status? I just hit it while triaging.12:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1570472 in puppet (Ubuntu) "Set systemd as default service provider" [Medium,In progress]12:34
rbasakOr did you want to drop it?12:34
zulcoreycb: when you get a chance can you have a look at the autopkgtest failure i am sooo confused now12:48
coreycbzul, sure, which package was that again?12:50
zulcoreycb: oslo.i18n and oslo.services i think12:51
coreycbzul, ok12:53
coreycbbeisner, can you promote mistral and neutron to newton-proposed please?12:53
zulcoreycb: thanks12:54
coreycbzul, is it neutron maybe for s390x?12:56
zulcoreycb: yeah but i tried reproducing yesterday and I was able to reproduce but mysql might be in a werid state on s39012:56
zuli really dont know12:57
coreycbzul, do you have an s390x instance I could use?12:58
zulcoreycb: i do12:58
felshey all13:08
felsCan someone help me setup SSL on Ubuntu 16... ?13:08
hateballfels: in what? apache, nginx?13:09
felsnginx hateball13:09
hateballfels: do you have a commerical certificate?13:09
felsyes - one was purchased -13:09
felsso the main daomin lets say SITE.com is hosted  on a differnt plan with the same company13:10
felsI have this ubuntu VM and it will have multiple submdomains eg :   api.SITE.com and app.SITE.com and stuff.SITE.com13:11
felsI would like those to be SSL secured13:11
hateballwell you define server_name in your config so that shouldnt be a concern13:11
hateballfels: so you got a wildcard cert?13:11
hateballfor SITE.com13:11
hateballUsually whatever commercial seller of certs you use has a guide for how to use them13:12
felsso 1st question - should the cert be installed on the SITE.com server ?13:12
hateballfels: Otherwise this is short and simple https://www.digicert.com/ssl-certificate-installation-nginx.htm13:12
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hateballfels: eh... the cert needs to be on any machine serving a website13:12
hateballfels: so if you api, app, etc all on different ones, they all need the cert13:13
felsthose will be on the same VM but differnt ports13:13
hateballwell, you only need your key, cert and intermediate in one place, then you have a config file for each website pointing to the certs13:14
felsmain SITE.com is on a differnt machine its  a marketing site so they not to concerned just yet13:14
hateballIf you read the link it is quite clear13:14
fricklerjamespage: not sure if I asked that earlier already, but can we get ceph 10.2.3 into xenial-updates? there's lot of important bug-fixes in that release, in particular for rgw13:15
felshateball: are you about for a few hours in case i hit  a wall ? I woudl really appreciate it13:15
hateballfels: on and off, I am supposed to be working after all :)13:16
fels:) - i understand13:16
felshateball: do i need OPen ssl ? how do i know if is installed  ?13:20
hateballfels: if you have nginx installed you have openssl13:24
felsGreat "_13:28
Andrew_jediHello folks, We are running icehouse and we may have to upgrade the kernel from 3.13 to 4.2. Do you think this can affect the openstack installation in any way?13:35
Andrew_jediI mean openstack  icehouse packages and willy kernel? Will this work?13:36
ikoniathe kernel is your hypervisor13:36
ikoniaso the kernel will have an impact to your virtualization stack13:36
coreycbzul, I couldn't recreate the autopkgtest failure.  let's see what the next run shows now that you are dumping the log file.13:38
zulcoreycb: ok13:38
Andrew_jediikonia: This is the reason why we have to upgarde the kernel, we have problems in our virtualization layer. VM is hanging.13:39
ikoniaso why did you upgrade the kernel ?13:40
coreycbzul, I'm looking at the heat failures for ocata13:40
zulcoreycb: im doing neutron....yaaay13:40
coreycbzul, k13:41
coreycbzul, cinder has some issues too so I'll take that13:41
zulcoreycb: i saw...it looks like to do something with the newer os-brick13:41
zulcoreycb: sorry :)13:41
theGoatquick syslog-ng question.....(can never get anyone in #syslog-ng to respond)  i have a huge list of subnets.  i have a large list of subnets in cidr notation....can i put those into a file, and have syslog-ng read that for the netmask filter?  i don't want to have tp manage them in the syslog-ng config file13:42
ikoniathe config file format does inlude and "include" directive13:42
coreycbzul, ah yeah so I think we need to be careful of bumping deps before they land in upper-constraints (os-brick)14:04
zulcoreycb: yeah14:05
zulcoreycb: was a bit overzealous14:06
coreycbzul, bug 163857614:08
ubottubug 1638576 in Cinder "ocata unit test failures with os-brick 1.7.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163857614:08
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biniahi all14:17
biniagot a slight problem14:18
biniaby stupid mistake deleted daemon system user from 16.04 server14:18
biniawell, not me manually14:18
biniascript i used did14:18
biniahow can i re add it the right way?14:19
biniaalready emailed script dev14:19
biniamy mate used nick daemonfor script to add14:19
biniathen removed that user and script simply removed damn daemon user from the system14:20
binialuckily didnt reboot the server after that14:20
timeflowso what exactly was deleted? can't you just restore /etc/passwd?14:22
biniacan i just add to etc/passwd and etc/shadow daemon user?14:22
biniaor is there some commands14:23
timeflowi mean don't quote me on this but as far as i know these should be the only files that matter14:23
timeflowbut better wait for a second opinion on that14:24
biniacool, checking goolge meanwhile but cant find much :(14:24
timeflowwhat did the script do exactly? delete the line with deamon from /etc/passwd?14:24
cpaelzeryou likely want to ensure to get it the same gid/uid it had before which likely was "1"14:25
cpaelzersame if you had any group memberships of or to it14:26
cpaelzerbinia: ^^14:26
biniawell it first added daemon as normal user, it said that the user exists, so it created home directory, added vsftp login etc14:26
biniathen my mate wanted to test user removal14:26
biniaand it did get rid of daemon user from the system14:26
timeflowhaha oh man ^^14:26
biniaso deleted from /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, group all that14:27
timeflowrestore backup?14:27
biniadidnt have one14:27
biniathis server shouldnt be even touched14:27
timeflowuuuuh nice ^^14:27
biniabut from what i see uid was 1 etc for that user14:28
cpaelzerbinia: you might already be doomed, but in case you want to try to set the assumed old gid is like this: groupadd --system --gid 1 daemon14:28
biniaas its missing from /etc/passwd14:28
cpaelzersimilar for the user14:28
cpaelzerwith uid14:28
biniaok will try it14:29
biniagonna be scared to reboot it now14:29
cpaelzersince you have to create the user from scratch14:29
cpaelzeronly use useradd14:29
cpaelzermaybe something like: useradd --system --gid 1 --uid 1 daemon14:30
cpaelzerthat should autocreate the group for the user14:30
cpaelzerand any old ownership on files should match again14:30
biniaok let me try14:30
cpaelzerbut if you had any group member ship it might be lost unrecoverably14:30
biniaheh useradd command not found14:31
timeflownow it's getting interesting14:31
cpaelzerbinia: would be of package passwd which I thought is always there14:32
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biniathats a bummer :/14:38
naccbinia: um if you're on 16.04 and you don't have passwd; I feel like you're not actually on 16.0414:42
naccbinia: or at least not Ubuntu14:43
naccbinia: pastebin apt-cache policy passwd?14:43
timeflowbinia: i'm out. good luck!14:44
naccbinia: urgh, dpkg -L passwd?14:44
biniathats very long14:45
naccbinia: i wonder if the PATH of the user you tried to run useradd was just wrong?14:46
naccbinia: try with absolute path (/usr/bin/useradd) and maybe sudo14:46
biniaok will try14:47
naccbinia: yeah, so the package does provide /usr/sbin/useradd (sorry wrong path a moment ago!)14:47
binia-bash: /usr/sbin/useradd: No such file or directory14:48
biniatoo weird14:48
naccbinia: can you manually see if it is present?14:49
biniano it isnt14:50
naccbinia: urgh; something rather serious is wrong, I'd think then -- dpkg and your filesystem no longer agree, which means someone manually messed with it?14:51
nacccpaelzer: thoughts?14:51
biniathing is it did work just fine few hours ago14:51
biniaall went crazy after my mate added daemon user and removed it14:52
naccbinia: useradd did?14:52
coreycbzul, looking at keystone for ocata14:52
zulcoreycb: its needs a patch for requirements.txt14:52
zulits blocking on oslo.config14:53
coreycbzul, I see tests are running ok but failing on "install: cannot stat '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/httpd/keystone.py': No such file or directory"14:53
binianacc, yeah14:53
zulcoreycb: huh14:54
naccbinia: that's very strange14:54
naccbinia: i guess as a quick test you could try reinstalling passwd and see if the binary(s) are back14:54
cpaelzernacc: sorry was on other screens14:55
* cpaelzer is reading backlog14:55
nacccpaelzer: np14:55
naccbinia: i hope you have backups generally? might be simpler to just restore from a backup if things are this odd -- as I don't know why only one package like this would be in a bad state14:55
coreycbzul, yeah so that's just final removal after deprecation14:56
binianope, no backup14:56
cpaelzernacc: he denied having backups before14:56
biniadidnt manage to do it14:56
biniastupid me14:56
cpaelzerone more thought on the weird passwd there but not14:56
biniatried to reinstall, not working still14:56
cpaelzerbinia: can you run "dpkg --verify passwd"14:57
cpaelzerbinia: that should list any files of the package that are not where/as they should be14:57
binianothing listed at all14:57
cpaelzerbinia: than dpkg finds your useradd where it should be14:57
cpaelzermaybe just path ...14:57
cpaelzerbinia: does "sudo /usr/sbin/useradd --help" work?14:58
cpaelzerah I see above you had that nacc14:58
cpaelzerany other deletions by that script we are not yet aware of binia?14:59
biniait does work14:59
naccbinia: oh sudo does work?14:59
biniacpaelzer, the script is in fact seedbox script14:59
cpaelzerok, so on that you can try reestablishing your group and user14:59
biniaso it shouldnt really mess with system14:59
biniathe only thing is it managed to remove daemon user when asked15:00
biniawould think it removed files owned by the user?15:00
cpaelzerbinia: there is no auto cleanup for that15:00
cpaelzerit just seems your path is weird15:00
biniaoh shit15:00
biniauseradd worked15:00
cpaelzerbut if the sudo to useradd works restore your group and user15:00
cpaelzerbut with the uid/gid magic I listed15:01
binialet me check did it add to files15:01
biniain /etc/passwd15:01
cpaelzerbinia: so you are maybe good again :-)15:02
biniauseradd --system --gid 1 --uid 1 daemon15:02
biniaafter that15:02
biniathought it should look like this daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/usr/sbin/nologin15:02
cpaelzeryep the nologin needs to be set15:03
biniaok, command or file editing?15:03
naccprobably usermod -s /usr/sbin/nologin daemon?15:03
cpaelzeror just forc it in with "sudo vipw"15:04
biniaok vipw i heard about15:04
nacccpaelzer: good call15:09
nacccpaelzer: easier than figuring out usermod options :)15:09
biniaok edited vipw15:09
biniacan someone show me how it should look with vipw -s please15:10
biniai have this daemon:!:17107::::::15:10
biniaor do i just delete all daemon lines from vipw -s15:12
cpaelzerbinia: you can mod that with chage15:20
cpaelzermine looks like "daemon:*:16729:0:99999:7:::"15:20
cpaelzerbinia: the only meaning ful number is the date you set it which should be fine as you set it to not expire15:21
biniatrying to get vipw -s daemon line from exactly same server and setup15:22
biniajust in case15:22
biniayeap, you're right cpaelzer15:24
biniathanks for your help15:24
biniashould i be fine now, you think?15:24
jgehey all, good morning. What's the difference between default-jre and openjdk-8-jre ?15:24
nacc!info default-jre15:25
ubottudefault-jre (source: java-common (0.57ubuntu1)): Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.8-57ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB15:25
nacc!info openjdk-8-jre15:25
ubottuopenjdk-8-jre (source: openjdk-8): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component main, is optional. Version 8u102-b14.1-2 (yakkety), package size 69 kB, installed size 251 kB15:25
naccjge: well, openjdk-8-jre is a specific implementation, for one15:25
naccjge: default-jre is a metapackage, i think, that depends on the currently recommended Java RE (currently it's openjdk-8-jre in 16.10)15:25
jgenacc: got it, so if I install openjdk-8-jre it grabs default-jre as well since it's a metapackage?15:27
biniayou think i should reinstall any packages?15:27
naccjge: other way around15:27
naccjge: if you install openjdk-8-jre, you are saying you want specifically version 8 of the OpenJDK JRE15:27
naccjge: if you install default-jre, you're saying, give me whatever is currently the default -- and on upgrades, I keep on wanting to use the default (which might change)15:28
jgeOhh I see15:28
jgethanks for clarifying nacc15:29
cpaelzerbinia: you should be good in the degree that most things should work15:31
cpaelzerbinia: but good is only true if you start working  on an backup/restore policy asap15:31
biniaapt-get update && apt-get upgrade gives dpkg-preconfigure error15:32
cpaelzeryay - this gets more and more complex15:32
cpaelzerbinia: I hope the one that gave you the script had bedded a few pardons to you already15:32
cpaelzerbinia: we might run out of ideas, but feel free to pastebinit the error15:33
biniahe's still asleep15:33
biniathat bastard15:33
biniageezus, might have to get another server and rsync users directories then reinstall15:34
biniag'damn 280 gbp server :/15:34
biniawhat if i spin off a kvm, install 16.04 and rsync /bin /usr/bin and /usr/sbin15:36
cpaelzerbinia: IMHO everything else than fixing up with useradd/vipw/vigr will have even higher potential to make it worse15:42
cpaelzerbinia: the effect of syncing in will be to drop every group/user setup that is different which I think already makes it worse15:43
biniawhat if i sync only missing files?15:43
cpaelzerbinia: sync up the daemon lines like that in vipw/vigr if you want, but that should be what you already have15:43
biniawhat if i get dpkg working manually trying to reinstall it15:45
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nchambershey guys. setting up my .bashrc. what is the advantage and/or point of lesspipe and debian_chroot?17:18
sarnoldnchambers: debian_chroot makes using schroot with different releases very much nicer17:20
nchambershmm ok17:20
sarnold$ schroot -u sarnold -c trusty-amd6417:20
sarnoldlesspipe sets up some environment variables that change how less works17:21
temmi_hooon 15.04 how do i find out which block device the freshly inserted usb stick is? dmesg says usb 1-217:58
temmi_hooi would like to dd onto that and am at loss currently17:59
temmi_hooit might be mounted but the mount command does not indicate that is he case17:59
biniacpaelzer, seems i fixed it :d18:01
* binia drops the mic18:01
sarnoldtemmi_hoo: look for /dev/disk/by-id/ or /dev/disk/by-path/ to find the device node18:02
temmi_hoodev disk by id shows only ata devices and there is no disk by path18:02
temmi_hools /dev/s* shows sda sda[125] sg0 sg1 snapshot sr0 and std(in|err|out)18:05
temmi_hooam typing on a pad so sorry for shortening stuff18:05
sarnoldare you sure that usb device supports mass storage?18:06
temmi_hooit is a usb flash stick18:06
sarnolddoes it work on other systems? maybe it's dead18:06
temmi_hoomounta on a windows machine but i cannot dd the install media on that as that requires admin password i lack18:07
beisnercoreycb, delayed pong.  still need to scoot mistral and neutron to newton-proposed?18:10
coreycbbeisner, yessir, please18:11
beisnercoreycb, ok mistral + neutron promoted to newton-proposed re:18:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1634475 in mistral (Ubuntu Yakkety) "[SRU] Files missing from package" [Undecided,Fix committed]18:17
beisnerand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+bug/163536918:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1635369 in neutron (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] Syntax error 'type' in neutron-openvswitch-agent.neutron-ovs-cleanup.service.in" [Undecided,New]18:17
coreycbbeisner, thanks appreciate it18:17
beisneryw co18:18
beisneryw coreycb18:18
ddellavcoreycb zul are you guys having  issues building in zesty for ocata? I was able to do it fine yesterday but it's been failing on package resolution all day today.18:29
zulddellav: yep18:29
temmi_hoookay it seems usb-storage kernel module is not loaded and for some reason the /lib/modules is not populated18:37
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temmi_hooexplains lack of /dev/sdb18:38
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jancoowHi. For some reason i can't update owncloud: http://download.owncloud.org/download/repositories/9.0/Ubuntu_16.04  Release.gpg The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:NO_PUBKEY 47AE7F72479BC94B19:37
sarnoldjancoow: if you completely trust that key's owner with root on your computer, feel free to install their key into your /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d19:56
sarnoldsadly the instructions on how to do that are all over the place; the apt-key manpage shows how to add the key to your /etc/apt/trusted.gpg file, but that makes it a lot harder to remove them eventually19:57
jancoowsarnold: well, no. I want a trusty source for owncloud19:58
sarnoldjancoow: the owncloud team didn't want to keep distro versions updated, so they asked dstros to delete their packages20:00
jancoowsarnold: wut 0.o . That doesn't make sense. What should be the best way for me now?20:01
sarnoldjancoow: downloading the package from their repository, as you were trying to do, is the thing to do if you trust them with root on your system20:02
sarnoldjancoow: maybe there's a "snap package" available, in case you don't trust them with root20:02
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DK2hello im trying to connect to a ubuntu machine via ssh20:55
DK2it hangs at20:55
DK2debug1: Connection established.20:55
DK2debug1: permanently_set_uid: 0/020:55
DK2debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/identity type -120:55
DK2debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_rsa type -120:55
DK2debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_dsa type -120:55
DK2what could be the cause?20:55
naccDK2: why are you ssh'ing as root?20:57
DK2im trying to get access back to the machine20:57
DK2im usually logging in with my user, but this box is not included into our puppet yet20:58
DK2however, the ssh connection wont go further than that20:58
naccDK2: does it allow ssh by root?21:01
sarnoldI'd really hope you'd get an error message of some sort back21:02
naccsarnold: good point ...21:02
naccDK2: what is the actaul error you get, or is it hanging there?21:02
sarnoldI've seen more than one bug report mention that changing the mtu fixes ssh logins. :/ I've always hated those, it doesn't feel like it makes sense21:02
DK2its just hanging there21:02
DK2for decades21:02
DK2well not decades, but i have it running for 5 minutes now21:03
sarnoldvery nearly a decade :)21:03
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
DK2well, #openssh says it because the server doesnt send the ssh banner21:14
DK2so i guess the sshd of the server is kind of broken21:14
sarnoldinteresting; nc or telnet could confirm/deny that quickly anyway21:17
DK2which nc switches should i use when testing?21:21
sarnoldI'd just nc host 22   and see if it spits out a banner eventually21:25
aroonii have a ubuntu 14.04 server running a few wordpress sites; wondering what the advantage/disadvantage of upgrading to 16.04 would be?21:38
sarnoldarooni: does wordpress work on php7?21:48
=== Guest40424 is now known as IdleOne
cdorsalI am trying to listen to all incoming UDP traffic from a windows system on the same subnet as my ubuntu system, but nothing appears in wireshark or tcpdump. If I listen using another windows system, I have no issues.22:42
cdorsalI have tried using promisc mode on eth0, played with iptables, pimd, smcroute and all I have been able to do is send a udp packet to the target IP address, which is not what I want to do22:43
sarnolddoes the switch know to also send the packets to your switch port?22:43
sarnoldsometimes you can configure a specific port as a 'span port'22:43
sarnoldwhich gets everything22:43
cdorsalthere's no switch in between my windows system and my ubuntu system22:44
sarnoldahh so they're directly connected?22:45
sarnoldcdorsal: *maybe* http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Adv-Routing-HOWTO/lartc.kernel.rpf.html22:47
sarnoldit doesn't exactly sound like your issue22:48
sarnoldbut it's the next best guess I've got22:48
cdorsalI'll take a look22:48
cdorsalthat looks like it might make it worse, but I'll try it now22:50
sarnoldcould be, could be..22:50
cdorsalsarnold, it did not work23:06
sarnoldcdorsal: hrm :(23:08
cdorsalI'm sort of surprised this is so hard to do in ubuntu23:11
cdorsalI am trying to listen to all incoming UDP traffic from a windows system on the same subnet as my ubuntu system, but nothing appears in wireshark or tcpdump. If I listen using another windows system, I have no issues.23:13
cdorsalI have tried using promisc mode on eth0, played with iptables, pimd, smcroute and all I have been able to do is send a udp packet to the target IP address, which is not what I want to do23:13
cdorsalthis IRC is not nearly as helpful as the others, bummer23:21
nacccdorsal: this is volunteer driven support; be patient23:24
cdorsal@nacc you helped me with an AP problem a month ago!23:25
cdorsal(many thanks)23:25
nacccdorsal: heh, could be; have no recollection :)23:25
tomreyncdorsal: more people might feel inclined to help if they could see how you are testing23:37
tomreynlike, what do you do on the windows side to create / send the apckets, and how do you try to capture them on the receiving end (ubuntu)23:38
tomreynshow commands run, output generated, optionally packet dumps.23:38
tomreynalso discuss ubuntu release + patch level + active kernel version23:39
sarnoldhmm that reminded me, https://github.com/nmap/nmap/issues/3423:41
sarnolddunno if it's related or not23:41

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