
floridagram2<ahoneybun> mm why can't iframe stuff work on wordpress?01:42
floridagram2<ahoneybun> @itnet7 so on the LoCo calendar we have a meeting on Nov 8th01:47
floridagram2<ahoneybun> https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=cnkg44crsf9qpnr918snkaidf8@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York01:48
floridagram2<itnet7> Cool01:48
floridagram2<ahoneybun> how old is that lol01:48
floridagram2<ahoneybun> it must be on a repeat01:48
floridagram2<ahoneybun> bimonthlu01:49
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Lovely my Nexus Player won't play movies either02:01
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Mm I think it might be a 7.0 issue02:01
floridagram2<KMyers> No issues on my 7.0 devices02:01
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Well 7.0 and 7.1 here have it02:02
floridagram2<KMyers> Anything rooted or modded?02:06
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Nope02:07
floridagram2<ahoneybun> The Nexus player is stock02:07
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Not even developer mode on02:07
floridagram2<ahoneybun> The phone is rooted I think02:07
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Both the phone and Nexus player gives the same error02:08
floridagram2<KMyers> What error?02:08
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Same on the Nexus Player02:10
floridagram2<KMyers> Is that with all sites?02:10
floridagram2<KMyers> Videos?02:10
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Google Play Movies02:10
floridagram2<ahoneybun> The app02:10
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Every video02:10
floridagram2<ahoneybun> But previews works02:10
floridagram2<KMyers> Does it happen when WiFi is off (on LTE)02:11
floridagram2<ahoneybun> It just asks me if I'm sure if I want to use mobile data then does the same thing02:11
floridagram2<KMyers> Strange that it does not give an error code02:12
floridagram2<ahoneybun> I know02:12
floridagram2<ahoneybun> I thought it was a CM14 error02:13
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Till I saw it on the NP02:13
floridagram2<KMyers> Any aftermarket ROM can have issues but yes02:13
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Going to check the Mi Box in a bit02:13
floridagram2<ahoneybun> The problem is such a pain that I bought stuff on Amazon02:14
floridagram2<KMyers> Let me know what happens with the Mi Box02:14
floridagram2<ahoneybun> And the Mi Box played the first movie I tried02:16
floridagram2<ahoneybun> And RWBY02:16
floridagram2<KMyers> Strange, how about the 2nd02:16
floridagram2<ahoneybun> 2 so far have worked02:17
floridagram2<ahoneybun> 7.0 is the only thing the OPO and NP have in come02:17
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Common02:17
floridagram2<KMyers> No 7.0 issues (or 7.1) on my 6P and Pixel C02:18
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Well idk then02:18
floridagram2<KMyers> I wonder if @Ivoriesablaze is having issues on the N602:18
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Either way I have the movies on Amazon and DVD02:19
floridagram2<KMyers> Oh, BTW - http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/amazon-mobile-llc/amazon-instant-video-for-android-tv/amazon-instant-video-for-android-tv-4-1-20-release/amazon-instant-video-android-tv-4-1-20-android-apk-download/02:21
floridagram2<ahoneybun> how do we?02:32
floridagram2<KMyers> ?02:32
floridagram2<ahoneybun> install that on the TV?02:32
floridagram2<KMyers> adb install02:32
floridagram2<ahoneybun> well yea02:33
floridagram2<ahoneybun> but getting the apk on there02:33
floridagram2<KMyers> You dont need to get it on there, adb install path_to_apk02:33
floridagram2<KMyers> It will push it to the Nexus Player and install it02:33
floridagram2<ahoneybun> so I need to hook the unit to the pc02:33
floridagram2<KMyers> Correct02:34
floridagram2<ahoneybun> yea thats too much of a pain02:34
floridagram2<itnet7> Elf played for me on my N6 7.0 Using Google Play Movies02:35
floridagram2<itnet7> running 7.002:35
floridagram2<KMyers> So it is just Aaron who is cursed02:35
floridagram2<ahoneybun> well I don't know what the heck is going on there02:35
floridagram2<itnet7> I'll try my nexus player shortly02:35
floridagram2<ahoneybun> the NP is stock02:35
floridagram2<ahoneybun> even the developer mode is still locked I think02:35
floridagram2<itnet7> It's working on my NP which is stock running the Development Android build NRD91D02:41
floridagram2<ahoneybun> damn it02:41
floridagram2<ahoneybun> I can't even blame the internet either02:42
floridagram2<ahoneybun> as YouTube stilll works fine02:42
floridagram2<govatent> I'll confirm what time. It will be a night job. We are testing a fail over02:59
floridagram2<KMyers> Let us know, we are not on an insanely tight timeline03:08
floridagram2<KMyers> And where has @RazPi been?03:09
floridagram2<AdamOutler> I know03:14
floridagram2<AdamOutler> GitHub - jaksi/sshesame: A fake SSH server that lets everyone in and logs their activity … https://github.com/jaksi/sshesame03:35
floridagram2<AdamOutler> Ssh honeypot.03:35
luke-jrdon't see a rule against this, so please just let me know if it's unwelcome: is anyone [in Florida] planning to vote for Clinton and willing to make a vote-pact with me that instead of cancelling each others' votes out (eg, by me voting Trump), we instead both vote for a third party? (I am also a Florida voter)08:27
ahoneybunI don't see the logic in that tbh09:55
luke-jrahoneybun: if RandomJoe would vote for Clinton, and I'd vote for Trump, we'd merely cancel each other out voting for someone we really don't want to win; but if we both agree to vote for a third-party instead, we get to vote for who we want without upsetting the major candidates' balance10:02
luke-jrso basically no negative side-effect of voting third-party10:04
ahoneybunI can't help in that regard10:17
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> That's like 2 kids saying that don't want broccoli or lima beans, so they'll say they want pizza, they know that theyre not getting the pizza but are choosing it anyway10:21
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> And then someone else decides for them10:21
luke-jrthe result is the same either way, until/unless one of the third-parties wins10:23
luke-jrwith both candidates being especially-monsters this year, there might even be a chance of that10:24
ahoneybunthat's will not happen either way10:25
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> Unfortunately not, and the third party candidates are no better, Johnson is a moron (to put it lightly) and stein is an anti-vaxxor10:25
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> A Dr. who is an anti-vaxxor loses all respect from me10:26
luke-jrI'm hoping to vote for Castle.10:26
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> ... Castle?10:26
luke-jrahoneybun: there's literally no downside to trying with a votepact; which also means it's more likely to happen10:27
luke-jrIvoriesablaze: Darrell Castle is the Constitution Party candidate10:27
ahoneybunI like Clinton soooo10:27
luke-jr4th down on the ballot10:27
luke-jrahoneybun: as your very first choice?10:28
ahoneybunyes 10:28
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> I don't like anyone, but at least Clinton knows how to maneuver around Washington, Donald trump will just make enemies10:28
luke-jr4th down on my ballot anyway; I guess even within Florida there might be variation10:28
ahoneybunthe others are just so bad10:28
floridagram2<ahoneybun> @Ivoriesablaze agreed10:29
floridagram2<ahoneybun> I'm also very LGBT focused and Clinton agrees on that10:30
luke-jrshe doesn't, actually10:30
luke-jrcheck out the Wikileaks10:30
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> And trump also has multiple bankruptcies that he calls successes10:31
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> Not really the guy I want in charge10:31
floridagram2<ahoneybun> He'll take us back to the stone age10:31
luke-jrfrankly, I consider literally anyone better than Clinton, so while I hate Trump, unless I can find someone to votepact with I might have to vote for him :/10:32
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> I wouldn't say that, but it wouldn't look good to the rest of the world if we elect someone who is a "successful loser"10:32
floridagram2<ahoneybun> @Ivoriesablaze we have seen what happens in a Nuclear fallout lol10:34
floridagram2<ahoneybun> let's avoid that10:34
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> Other countries are actually laughing at us bc trump has made it this far10:34
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> Eh, you know what? Let's keep politics out of linux10:35
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> We can all agree linux is great, lol10:35
* ahoneybun watches ERB10:36
floridagram2<ahoneybun> I10:36
floridagram2<ahoneybun> I'll make BSD great again10:36
floridagram2<ahoneybun> XD10:36
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> Hush! Who knows if Judd is watching!10:37
floridagram2<ahoneybun> he's kinda MIA10:37
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> True, but you never know if he's just lurking...10:37
floridagram2<ahoneybun> @Ivoriesablaze could you find him please?10:37
floridagram2<ahoneybun> we need him to RSVP for the release party10:38
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> I'll call him later today. I can stop by his house on Friday if need be10:38
floridagram2<ahoneybun> yes please10:38
floridagram2* ahoneybun wonders why iframe does not work in WP10:39
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> I should rename his contact info on my phone to Mr. BSD10:39
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> @ahoneybun bc there's an i at the front of iFrame10:40
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> XD10:40
floridagram2<ahoneybun> well besides that lol10:40
floridagram2<ahoneybun> the Kiwi IRC widget works10:40
floridagram2<ahoneybun> @KMyers the funniest thing is that Google Play Movies worked a few weeks ago11:09
floridagram2<ahoneybun> on the NP anyway11:09
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Same build number btw @itnet711:17
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Alright I removed my Google account and added it back with success11:28
floridagram2<Abrerr> Working now @ahoneybun ?12:02
floridagram2<ahoneybun> On the NP it is12:02
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> so we're grabbing sushi on the way up, right @KMyers ??16:09
floridagram2<KMyers> Was not planning on it but it is possible16:10
floridagram2<KMyers> or maybe on the way back16:10
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> ok lol16:10
floridagram2<ahoneybun> That place by the mall16:47
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Yes!16:47
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> Oh yeah!16:48
floridagram2<KMyers> Maybe, we will see16:48
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> @ahoneybun you're gonna have more stickers, right? My car is kinda empty :-)16:49
floridagram2<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze - I may have a few for you - will look to see if I can find them17:45
floridagram2<KMyers> I may have a few "Keith is Great" stickers as well17:46
floridagram2<KMyers> Also, if we stop by a certain Candy store, I will happily get you a few new stickers17:46
floridagram2<ahoneybun> The package should come today18:15
floridagram2<ahoneybun> @Ivoriesablaze18:15
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> Ok18:29
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> And @KMyers if I see any of those touch my new car, they will never find the body18:31
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Wow we got 16.10 shirts18:33
floridagram2<Abrerr> Niiice18:49
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> Niiiiiiiiiice!21:02
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> I also see hats, lol21:03
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Well 1 now21:03
maxolase1squadNow I'm doubly regretting not being able to make it.21:11
floridagram2<SivaMachina> me too22:05
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Your welcome to join us in a carpool22:15
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Unless you can't make it because of another event22:15
floridagram2<SivaMachina> more so lack of funds.22:24
floridagram2<ahoneybun> For the food and such?22:29
floridagram2<SivaMachina> yup22:30
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> so comcast is being a dick again23:18
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> 1TB cap23:18
floridagram2<KMyers> Ouch23:18
floridagram2<KMyers> I have the same issue, except I am with UVerse and my connection does not get fast enough to push more than 1 TB per month23:19
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> lol23:19
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> but this affects me as a streamer23:19
floridagram2<KMyers> But I am currently working on re-building my OwnCloud server and moving all of the stuff into an Amazon S3 bucket until I am completed. It looks like I will be pushing over 1 TB tonight alone23:20
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> why not nextcloud?23:20
floridagram2<KMyers> That is part of the plan23:20
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> ah, ok23:20
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> damn23:21
floridagram2<KMyers> I started the data migration about 30 minutes ago and already pushed over 55 GB of data23:21
floridagram2<KMyers> Look at the blue line for Bandwidth out23:22
floridagram2<KMyers> The green spikes are caused from a few nightly backups23:22
floridagram2<ahoneybun> @Ivoriesablaze your hitting the 1TB cap?23:26
floridagram2<Ivoriesablaze> not right now, i don't stream enough to, but if it somehow takes off, that would kill me23:47
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Depends on how often you do it I would thing23:48

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