
cmaloneyGood morning12:01
cmaloneyrick_h___: That's a rather early morning. :)12:01
* greg-g yawns15:56
greg-gdoing dishes until midnight last night, mostly just because carrie and I finally had some time to talk from 9:30-11 :)15:56
greg-gwe decided that since our neighborhood is mostly just boys (and 1 girl) 7 and under, we're missing a teenager. So, we need to adopt one :)16:05
cmaloneyDoes one go to the whole foods for those?16:05
* cmaloney has never picked up a teenager.16:05
greg-gI think there's some VC funded phone app for it.16:06
cmaloneygreg-g: seriously though, that's cool16:07
greg-gheh, we haven't *really* decided it yet16:08
greg-gbut, maybe?16:08
* greg-g shrugs16:08
cmaloneyjust an odd conversation to have. "You know what this hneighborhood needs? Teens".16:08
greg-git's true! baby sitters close by is the main thing16:09
jrwreni haven't "picked up" a teenager since I was a teenager. :p16:10
greg-gand now things got weird16:10
greg-gnot that an app for buying a teenager wasn't16:10
cmaloneyNah, I can totally see that16:11
cmaloneyEverything else is a service16:11
jrwrenhuh... ya know... I forgot about baby sitters.16:12
jrwrenits soo hard to find a good babysitter.16:12
jrwrenpeople with family nearby are so lucky16:12
jrwrenbut also cursed if their family is crazy like mine.16:13
cmaloneyI think that's one of the reasons my bro-in-law talks to their mother16:13
greg-gI'm so jealous of my neighbors who can drop their kid off at grandma's for ALL OF SATURDAY THROUGH SUNDAY AFTERNOON16:18
greg-gso jealous16:18
cmaloneyI can see where that would be an advantage16:18
jrwrenwe can do that, but its a 1.5hr drive there, so its not practical to do it unless we have a concert or something in detroit. becuase 3hr round trip is too long16:24
greg-gjrwren: yeah, their parents are 20 minutes away16:30
jrwrenclose, but not too close ;)16:32
greg-gindeed :)16:32
_stink_wow, looks like an impressive hire18:32
_stink_but greg-g i was expecting to see your name instead18:32
greg-g_stink_: :(18:33
brousch__greg-g is CEA: Chief Awesomeness Officer19:04
cmaloneybrousch__: That doesn't make sense. :)19:29
cmaloneyIt'd be CAO19:29
cmaloneyand because greg-g is so awesome it'd be the CACAO19:30
cmaloneyCertainly Awesome Chief Awesomeness Officer.19:30
jrwrenmmm... chocolate19:31

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