
[Ubik]cyberanger: So I got snd-aloop loaded, darkice and pianobar run, but no audio.15:35
[Ubik](pianobar has time code scrolling, and I can tune into the stream, but hear nothing)15:35
[Ubik]appears snd-aloop is broken...it just doesn't pass audio (there's no actual audio being sent to the streaming server)16:06
[Ubik]what's weird is I load snd-aloop on my machine, aplay something into it, arecord out of it, and nada16:06
[Ubik]bug in Jessie, perhaps?16:06
cyberanger[Ubik] check the darkice setting17:00
cyberangerDevice =17:01
[Ubik]cyberanger: I have device = hw:0,017:40
[Ubik]but I've toyed around with that a bunch17:40
[Ubik]I thought perhaps pianobar was at fault, so I tried to aplay something using -D hw:0,0 and still nothing17:41
[Ubik]cyberanger: OK, now we're getting somewhere... I think it's a matter of figuring out the right dang devices.18:01
[Ubik]device = hw:Loopback,1,0 is what you gotta have in darice, and hw:Loopback,0,0 in your aplay command line, and you get audio18:02
[Ubik](i.e. it has to be a slightly different device)18:02
[Ubik]ok and that setting also makes pianobar work18:03
cyberangerThat's a little different in mine, but snd-aloop is my only "device" so that'll explain it.18:14
[Ubik]Same here, it's running on DO.18:17
[Ubik]Oh for kicks, I have it up at http://icecast.voiceopia.com:8000/mohstream18:17
[Ubik]Dod some hacking with the event command in pianobar + wget to push the track updates to the server.18:17
[Ubik]OK, it's back... I had to shut it down so I could stick it all inside a screen session and detach it18:21
[Ubik]Not half bad. I have the Rivendell box here at home and may eventually set it up since it has my library in it, but the library so far on that station for Pandora isn't bad.18:22
[Ubik]Right now it's TSO18:22
cyberanger[Ubik] I'd be interested in looking at that script.20:45

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