[08:55] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-dict 0.7.99 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-dict-0-7-99-released-tp48546.html (by André Miranda) [11:05] daily builds of parole and xfce4-power-manager should now be resolved [11:06] a new sgt-launcher is on its way to https://code.launchpad.net/~sgt-launcher/+archive/ubuntu/daily [11:06] a new mugshot is on its way to https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xubuntu-staging [13:57] bluesabre: Nice. Did you ever look into upstreaming a fix for whiskermenu? FWIW, -panel and -settings had micro releases that could likely be merged from Debian. [15:05] (Oh, and -dict done.) [16:20] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-genmon-plugin 3.99.0 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-genmon-plugin-3-99-0-released-tp48548.html (by Landry Breuil-2) [16:30] Unit193 bluesabre and akxwi-dave > http://paste.ubuntu.com/23416779/ [16:30] gtk3 stuff in ppa is broken somewhere [16:32] I like the last step. [16:32] although I'd rather it wasn't broken - I'm glad I could reproduce on a clean install [16:32] Unit193: I thought you might :p [16:33] Right, will get a bootstrap a VM later and poke at it. [16:34] bluesabre: given I've got time to actually do specific things - file manager - if we did move - which do you *think* is likely to be the one we'd move to? I'll just move to using one of the others - just which one :) [16:34] Unit193: ack [17:09] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 17.04 - i386 - i386 built. [17:43] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 17.04 - amd64 - amd64 built. === PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U [21:49] Unit193, think I missed the whiskermenu issue [23:00] pleia2, did you get my ping about fb/g+? [23:00] yes but I forgot already, I'll do the thing [23:00] thanks [23:00] and no worries [23:01] i tried to get some ideas for our AUA on twitter, but everybody seemed to interpret the question as "which feature should we implement" rather than "ask us about food and stuffz!" [23:01] hah [23:05] ok, I did the things [23:05] * knome bows [23:06] :) [23:06] hello sean [23:13] hi pasi [23:13] what's up? [23:14] not much right now, probably doing some releases tonight and maybe checking out flocculant's reported issues [23:14] mhm