
briedy1I'm having trouble with the sound on my laptop after installing xubuntu, where can I find help on that issue?01:42
joedoe47_briedy1: here. just post your problem and someone will get to it.02:04
joedoe47_I don't know much about sound but just like post what the problem is and someone will tell you.02:04
joedoe47_you can also search online too. stackexchange and archwiki have lots of info.02:05
Mizzuhello everyone. quick question: does the xubuntu livecd come with boot-repair?08:31
xubuntu17ianybody here?10:34
knomedo you have a support question?10:34
xubuntu17inothing just waiting my xubunto to be install10:37
xubuntu17iwhat is the different between ubunto and xubunto?10:37
xubuntu17iexcept from gui?10:37
knomedefault applications, default settings...10:39
vlammerhello all :)10:46
vlammerI have installed xubuntu on my laptop since gnome was a little to much for it to hanle10:46
vlammerI can live without the multipe screen option, but I would like to have some sort of option like in gnome to get an overview of all the progams open10:47
vlammerlike this: http://orig05.deviantart.net/2a72/f/2011/267/1/a/arch_linux_gnome_3_new_2_by_cra1g321-d4au4ff.png10:47
vlammeris it possible to add that to xubuntu or is there a shortcut that I am missing?10:48
irgendwer4711hi, after upgrading to 16.10, my wine program group got lost. I can the is in the menu setup, but it is already active.14:15
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_rafaeloDoes anyone knew where I can find a mouse hover click settings in xubuntu 16.04?16:21
irgendwer4711I have another problem, after upgrading to 16.10 my Wine startmenu group disappeared.17:27
_rafaeloYou shouldn't upgrade.17:29
irgendwer4711_rafaelo: why?17:31
_rafaeloBecause it isn't LTS. It's new and unsecure. I always wait for LTS version.17:32
_rafaeloBefore LTS it's buggy.17:32
_rafaelo(have bugs)17:33
irgendwer4711LTS is unsecure too17:33
_rafaeloYes, but less I think17:33
irgendwer4711no, more, because most packages have very short maintenance17:33
_rafaeloI don't knew. I am beginner at Linus os. You are probably right.17:35
irgendwer4711try: ubuntu-support-status --show-unsupported17:35
_rafaeloBut I knew that when xubuntu 16.04 had final release it have bugs which later were fixed.17:36
_rafaeloThank you. I must continue to learning. See you!17:36
_rafaeloDo you knew how to turn off mouse hover click in xubuntu 16.04?17:37
_rafaelook, thank you again.17:39
irgendwer4711after upgrading to 16.10 my Wine startmenu group disappeared. In menu editor it is shown, but not setup to invisble.18:29
Israphelwhen I look my screen, can I avoid turning it black?19:44
tsgloveIsraphel, you mean "lock" ?19:51
Israpheloh sorry, lock19:51
xubuntu47d_DanHi. Upgraded from 16.04 to 16.10 yakkeys a few weeks ago. Updates are no longer working. Tried changing xenial to yakkety in other software (updater) - please help!!!20:17
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Israphelmore info? apt log? output?20:20
xubuntu47d_Dansorry only moved to linux after xp launched, still don't know much. where do I get apt log?20:22
Israphelin a terminal20:23
Israphelsudo apt update20:23
Israpheluse http://paste.ubuntu.com to share text20:24
Israphelis your internet working?20:26
Israphelcan you ping www.ubuntu.com ?20:26
xubuntu47d_Danyes, just as normal - i'm chatting with you now20:27
Israphelso the ping works?20:27
Israphelping archive.ubuntu.com -> 64 bytes from steelix.canonical.com (
xubuntu47d_Danusually good, i can run a speed checker20:29
Israphelbut the command ping,  right now, works with archive.ubuntu.com ?20:30
Israpheljust run ping archive.ubuntu.com20:30
xubuntu47d_Danping: archive.ubuntu.com: Name or service not known20:31
Israphelnow, ping
xubuntu47d_Dan64 bytes from icmp_seq=36 ttl=58 time=36.2 ms20:34
Israphelwell your current DNS server is not working20:34
Israphelset different DNS servers with networkmanager (network icon near the clock)20:34
Israphelgoogle dns are and
xubuntu47d_DanIn network Setting, DNS Servers is in the middle tab shows
xubuntu47d_Dancould the main DNS servers have changed following the large scale DDOS attack last week?20:39
Israphelautomatic dns always shows, that means it's getting them from your router20:39
IsraphelI don't know which dns server you usually use20:39
IsraphelI always use openDNS, but google DNS works ok20:39
Israphelyou can change them anytime20:40
Israphelif you can ping a dns server by IP, but you cant ping a domain (ubuntu.com) then your problem is there20:40
geniithe main problem with openDNS is that if a name can't be resolved, it redirects to it's own internal page. So things like traceroute or dig don't work properly20:40
xubuntu47d_Danso shall I change the DNS to and try another update?20:41
knomemost ISPs offer their own DNS servers, at least in this part of the world20:41
Israphelyes, If you don't touch anything you'll using your ISP dns servers20:41
Israphelmaybe they're failing at the moment20:41
Israphelset and and then ping again20:41
knomeor add them, if your router supports using more than two servers20:42
xubuntu47d_DanFixed!!! changed dns to for the opendns. One final question.20:45
nuxubuntunuhello everybody20:46
knomenuxubuntunu, hello.20:46
nuxubuntunuis everbuddy pro linux user here?20:46
xubuntu47d_DanNo that's it. very happy. Thanks fellow Xubuntu'rs!20:46
knomenuxubuntunu, no.20:47
xubuntu47d_DanPro MS-Vista! lol20:47
knomenuxubuntunu, but if you have a support question, fire away.20:47
Israphelwhat's the final question20:47
nuxubuntunuim new to xubuntu20:47
nuxubuntunujust wanted to give it a shot20:47
nuxubuntunuim a fan of xfce20:48
IsraphelI love kde, but it changes so much20:48
Israphelso I work with xfce always20:48
nuxubuntunuwell i have a strange issue with a notebook of a friend...which is this actullay...i installed mint 17.4 and mint 18 both xfce, but i get a very strange issue20:50
knomenuxubuntunu, this isn't a mint support channel though20:50
nuxubuntunuwell its more like 2 issues20:50
nuxubuntunui know...im on xubuntu now20:50
xubuntu47d_DanIsraphel - I need to fix my software cuz all the other software is greyed out but I shoudl be able to fix that on my own. Will revert if I get any other problems. Thanks for all your help Israphel!20:50
Israphelyou're welcome20:51
nuxubuntunustill it appears....maybe someone got an idea...20:51
Israphelremember the command "sudo apt-get install -f" often does miracles20:51
nuxubuntunu1. issue....the keyboard and pad randomly wont work20:52
nuxubuntunulike now when i booted from usb to install xubuntu it happened again...i had to restart...i somehow think it might be connected to the numlock key...its does blink on boot20:53
nuxubuntunuwhen i wont hit it it seems to appear.....SOMETIMES20:53
nuxubuntunuwhen i hit the numlock key on boot it always worked....what this could be i dont know....maybe a BIOS problem20:54
mrkrampswhen it is blinking in terms of on and off there's most probably a hardware issue20:54
nuxubuntununo...not on off20:55
nuxubuntunuits just on on boot for a while .... then its off....not blinking20:55
mrkrampsthat's not unusual20:56
mrkrampsby default numlock is off20:56
nuxubuntunuthing is...when the computer was with cough...windows...it hasnt been like that20:56
mrkrampson linux, but not in bios20:56
nuxubuntunui was looking for a numlock option in BIOS...not there20:57
mrkrampsnuxubuntunu, gp to settings → keyboard → behavior20:57
mrkramps[x] Restore num lock state on startup20:57
nuxubuntunuim installing at the moment...could be a good tip mate20:57
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