
=== rmcall_ is now known as rmcall
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kjackalGood morning Juju world!08:30
D4RKS1D3good morning kjackal :)08:59
kjackalThe darkside (D4RKS1D3) of #juju said good morning back to me. A hint to take the day of?!09:00
D4RKS1D3Probably is a good option! hahaha, can I take the day off too?09:01
* magicaltrout never gets a day off....09:02
magicaltroutoh yeah i'm paid by the hour09:02
magicaltroutnever mind then09:02
kjackalGot a question for you people, how do you ensure that you can reproduce your build out put binaries?09:04
kjackalmagicaltrout: D4RKS1D3 ^09:04
magicaltroutie, they are always the same?09:04
kjackalmagicaltrout: you can reproduce the binary you build 10 minutes ago09:05
kjackaldo you have a fork of the layers you are using?09:05
magicaltroutnope... i can't :)09:06
kjackalBecause if you are building using remote layers, someone might go and change what is in the remote repo...09:06
magicaltrouti did think about that a while ago, it would be cool to tag layers09:06
magicaltroutthere's no reason why you couldn't create a `maven central` of layers09:07
kjackalyeap, agreed. We should have a solution to this request09:08
kjackalmagicaltrout: I am going to ask this in the list, we might get some more tracktion09:14
SimonKLBkjackal: if you want to make sure that the layers doesn't change, why not clone them and build your charm using local layers?09:34
SimonKLBgood thing about having them all under version control is that you can checkout which ever revision you want and build locally09:35
kjackalSimonKLB: Yes, this is what I was hinting by saying "forking the layers used and getting them locally before charm build"09:36
kjackalSimonKLB:  You need to have a fork of the layers involved, because someone might go and change the commit history09:37
SimonKLBah yea, but thats just bad manners :)09:37
kjackalSimonKLB: Aslo, checking out specific versions does not solve your problem, you will also need to take a note of "for charm revision 123 layer-xyz was on commit 1234521AE .... "09:38
kjackalSimonKLB: Github is a crazy world, repositories get missing all the time :)09:39
SimonKLByou mean if you want to build an older version of your charm?09:40
kjackalSimonKLB: Yes, lets say you realise you introduced a bug and you need to do a binary search on the release binaries to find out when was that introduced09:41
SimonKLByea thats more tricky! would actually be nice if the build process would tag up each layer at which revision they were on09:42
kjackalOr another example, you want to push an emergency fix (you have a client on the phone) and you realise the charm is currently failing tests. How would you go back to a working version and patch just your own layer. It is just akward.09:44
kjackalAnd I am wondering what the community is doing09:44
kjackalSimonKLB: perhapse add a build.explain in the build output so you can later track what got in the build09:46
kjackalSimonKLB: We could/should have done this discussion on the list09:47
SimonKLBill let the folks with more indepth knowledge of the build system give a proper response on the list, i just think its an interesting topic to discuss09:48
SimonKLBreverting a version in the charmstore isnt problematic though, is it? or are you talking about going back to a working version in your own CI?09:48
SimonKLBbecause i do agree with you that its not easy to roll back your charm to an earlier state by re-building all the layers etc09:50
kjackalSimonKLB: From the charmstore you can get the build revision number of the charm. I am not aware of a way to pinpoint the commit hash of each layer used based on the charm's revision number.09:50
SimonKLBno thats correct, i just mean you can revert to a working version if you accedentally push a buggy one09:51
SimonKLBbut rerolling it trying to get back to the different layer versions might be tricky09:52
SimonKLBit would be really neat if it created some kind of manifest during the build that stated "layer repo commithash"09:53
D4RKS1D3kjackal, how about your the off? xD12:34
kjackalIn terms of productivity you can consider this day as good as off! :)12:35
magicaltroutthe norm then12:36
kjackalBut D4RKS1D3, I have some of hours left so I will make up for the lost time.12:37
magicaltroutjust been quoted £20k for a new bathroom kjackal12:37
magicaltroutis that more than a tesla?12:37
magicaltroutshould i get a new bathroom, or go second hand? ;)12:37
kjackalmagicaltrout: New bathroom I hear! In LA I assume?12:37
magicaltrouti wish12:38
kjackalLondon, 20k for a bathroom. Sounds about right!12:39
kjackalRenting it... of course!12:39
magicaltroutrent my bathroom12:39
magicaltroutaisrael: I'm sure this isn't the first time you posted pin numbers into IRC13:15
magicaltroutyou should watch that bad habit one day someone will steal your money :P13:15
tvansteenburghi think that was his bank account balance actually13:16
magicaltrouttvansteenburgh: he's been hanging out with you too much then13:23
magicaltrout.. or maybe not enough13:24
magicaltrouti'll check with cory_fu13:24
aisraelmagicaltrout: too true :/13:34
feralyo, the django bundle, the one with python-django, postgresql and gunicorn in it doesen't seem to be working. if i access the public ip of the exposed python-django, it spits out <h1>Internal Server Error</h1>. I set the mediawiki site with haproxy and mariadb from the tutorials and that one works... it's all on my localhost. what do yall think?14:07
feralis there configuration, prior to exposing to be made? i just heard about juju last night, so i don't really know much14:11
deanmanferal: What exactly URL are you using? I've noticed from personal experience that some bundles although expose HTTP you have to also append a valid path to work, e.g.
feraldeanman: aham, i'm using it14:15
feraldeanman: it's automatically generated by lxd init14:15
feraldeanman: if i don't put the port at the end of it, it gives me "Unable to connect", classic firefox14:16
feraldeanman: that's how django works if i set it up locally, it works out of the box with ip:port as url14:17
deanmanferal: How's your `juju status --color` looking? All green ? :-)14:20
feraldeanman: nah, at the App/Status column, all: gunicorn, django and postgress are "unknown" and the same at the Unit/Workload, the Unit/Agent-s are "idle" and the Machine/State-s are "started"14:23
feraldeanman: mostly yellow...14:23
feraldeanman: it's kinda the same picture at the mediawiki model, but mediawiki still works14:26
deanmanCan you paste your juju status on paste.ubuntu.com ?14:26
feraldeanman: yup, here it is: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23420917/14:28
deanmanferal: You could try `juju debug-log` on a second session and try hit that URL again, maybe something interesting pop-out14:30
deanmanferal: that status looks ok to me, I'm also new to juju !!14:30
iceyshould the new metrics stuff be backwards compatible with juju 1 or is it a juju 2 only feature?14:32
mattywicey, juju 2 only14:33
feraldeanman: yeah... it should be fine, i still think it's something wrong with the python-django charm, what do you mean by "on a second session"?14:33
iceymattyw: unfortunate14:34
iceymattyw: it seems that you can14:34
icey't even deploy a charm that has them setup on 1?14:34
deanmanferal: A new shell, in case you want to monitor juju logs continuously. At least this is what i usually do...14:35
feraldeanman: oh, yeah, but "watch" ommits the colors : ))14:37
lazyPowerferal - watch -c juju status --color14:37
deanmanferal: no watch on debug-logs14:38
lazyPower^ the magic incantation to keep color under watch14:38
deanmanlazyPower: Any idea when 2.1.0-beta2 is due? Got a really annoying bug filled which limits me from having a juju workshop inside our company :(14:40
ferallazyPower: thanks : )14:40
lazyPowerdeanman - we just release 2.0.1 stable last week14:40
lazyPowernot sure where you found reference to a 2.1.0-beta2?14:41
deanmanlazyPower: It was triaged by Anastia (https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1638322)14:41
mupBug #1638322: Able to bootstrap but not deploy any charm behind corporate network with proxy <lxd> <proxy> <juju:Triaged by rharding> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638322>14:41
lazyPowerdeanman - ah, ok. I dont have an ETA on that release, sorry14:43
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tvansteenburghlazyPower: are you using charmbox with juju2?15:21
lazyPowertvansteenburgh yep15:21
tvansteenburghlazyPower: :latest or :devel?15:21
lazyPowersorry we're late to make the tag rollover :(15:21
tvansteenburghlazyPower: do you have a wrapper script that mounts ~/.local/share/juju or something? i don't see that in charmbox itself15:22
lazyPowertvansteenburgh - worse, i have a gnarly alias :)15:22
lazyPowertheres my alias, as i said its gnarly. lots of stuff specific to my shell setup too15:23
tvansteenburghlazyPower: np, turns out i just needed :devel instead of :latest15:24
lazyPowerawesome :) happy to help15:24
shruthimahi kevin, when we are making use of  ibm-im layer(from http://interfaces.juju.solutions/layer/ibm-im/ )as base layer  in the other charms we observed reactive file and resources of ibm-im layer are  not geting updates. Can u please suggest ?15:49
kwmonroeshruthima: could you paste the output from "charm build --no-local-layers -r" in the layer-ibm-http directory?16:02
kwmonroeshruthima: i'm guessing you might have a local copy of ibm-im that does not include the resources16:02
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shruthimakwmonroe: when we use ibm-im layer from locally  resources r getting updated16:04
shruthimakwmonroe: output of charm build --no-local-layers -r http://paste.ubuntu.com/23421387/16:15
kwmonroeyup shruthima, i just verified that on my machine too.  it looks like the resources and terms metadata keys are not being merged during charm build.  instead, they are being overwritten.16:17
shruthimaya , how to resolve this ?16:20
shruthimareactive file of im is also not getting merged16:23
kwmonroeshruthima: just verified the other thing you said works for me too.. if i charm build *without* --no-local-layers, it works as expected16:23
shruthimaya kevin locally it is working fine16:24
shruthimaany issue with the http://interfaces.juju.solutions/layer/ibm-im/?16:24
kwmonroeoooohhh.. i know what's happening shruthima16:26
kwmonroeshruthima: do an "ls ~/charms/deps/layer"16:26
kwmonroei bet you see a "trunk" subdirectory there16:26
shruthimaya trunk dir is there16:27
kwmonroeso, when 'charm build' tries to fetch layers stored in bzr, it does a 'bzr branch lp:~foo/trunk" in the ~/charms/deps/layer directory.  This is bad because it would branch "ibm-im" to the ./trunk directory first, and the it will branch "ibm-base" to the ./trunk directory when it goes to process the base layer.16:28
kwmonroeshruthima: i'm 99% sure cory_fu has a fix for this16:28
kwmonroeand kjackal, i think you've seen it too (when charm build extracts layer deps to the same 'trunk' directory)16:29
kwmonroeshruthima: original issue was opened by kjackal here:  https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/issues/26816:30
kwmonroeshruthima: and the fix was merged by cory_fu here:  https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/pull/26916:30
shruthimaoh k16:32
shruthimakwmonroe: so do we need to change anything in http://interfaces.juju.solutions/layer/ibm-im/?16:34
kwmonroeno shruthima: there is nothing to do for your layers.  any charm that includes 2 layers from bzr will be affected.   i just checked the latest charm-tools package (2.1.5), and the fix has not landed there yet.16:35
kwmonroeshruthima: for now, the best workaround you can do is the one you've been doing -- build your charms with local layers16:35
cory_fukwmonroe, shruthima: marcoceppi said he will make a release with that fix in today16:35
kwmonroeoh cool cory_fu.  thx marcoceppi!16:36
kwmonroeshruthima: you may not have to use the local layer workaround for long...16:36
shruthimaoh great thank you16:37
shruthimaso we have to update charm tools16:37
cory_fuHe is going to a meet up now, though, so it will probably be a couple of hours, unfortunately16:37
shruthimano worries thanks for the updates16:38
kwmonroeyup shruthima, i can send you an email when the updated charm-tools package is available.16:38
shruthimaok kwmonroe thanku :)16:38
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
bloodearnestusing the new charm-tools 2.1.5, charm build is broken for me on trusty, complaining about needing pip>=7.1.218:23
bloodearnestdid I miss something?18:23
aisraelbloodearnest: That's a bug in the new release. Did you just apt-get update and upgrade? I think this was fixed yesterday18:38
bloodearnestaisrael, I just did in a different trusty box, problem persists for me.18:39
aisraelmarcoceppi: ^^18:39
aisraelbloodearnest: Hopefully that fix will be uploaded soon.18:39
bloodearnestaisrael, thanks18:41
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aisraelSorry about that!18:46
bloodearnestaisrael, nw, it happens18:47
petevgbcsaller, cory_fu: PR for you. It's been rebased from master: https://github.com/juju-solutions/matrix/pull/1119:52
petevgbcsaller, cory_fu: the one outstanding issue is that the new changes from master break tests/glitch/test_glitch (complains about waitname being referenced before assignment). Glitch works fine in the other tests, though.19:57
bcsallerpetevg: thanks, I'll check it out19:58
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MrDanDanhi, juju set-config changed?23:32
MrDanDanit's just config now, got it23:35
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob

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