=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n [07:48] Kilos, helo uncl how are u ? [07:48] Kilos, how is your health condition ? [07:51] hi walrider im ok ty lad, how are you? [07:55] Kilos, me too , [07:55] happy to meet u again :D [07:55] yeah [07:55] :D [07:56] Kilos, damn this problem again i am facing problem again during installation of avro phonetic keyboard for bangla typing [07:56] :'( [07:57] oh my [07:57] pavel helped you last time hey? [07:58] pavel helped me in changing ipv4 in ubuntu issue [07:59] yesterday he called me at 10PM :D when i was 4km away from home xD [07:59] was been to a CCNA class [07:59] doin course + internee there [07:59] ah [07:59] look at these links [07:59] https://www.google.com.au/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=avro+phonetic+keyboard+for+bangla+typing&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gfe_rd=cr&ei=Lu4aWK7IB9DN8geyy6roCg [08:00] ok [08:00] let see [08:00] might be one for linux [08:00] debian os [08:00] most linux is very similar [08:01] https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiBiMy5j4zQAhUFmJQKHUDJBlgQFggaMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Flinux.omicronlab.com%2F&usg=AFQjCNGxR5NsigcBl43NceWT9E8vaPh3SQ&bvm=bv.137132246,d.dGo [08:01] hm [08:02] let see [08:02] maybe this one [08:02] https://www.blackmoreops.com/2013/10/16/how-to-install-avro-phonetic-keyboard-or-ibus-avro-in-debian-kali-lmde-mint-linux/ [08:03] yes yes this one [08:03] yay [08:03] i need the kali methode [08:03] for parrotsec [08:03] great , enjoy [08:04] :D [08:05] whats the time over there ? u do had your meal ?? [08:06] 7.05 pm [08:06] lamb stew cooking [08:06] nice :] [08:06] imma eat some fried egg fish curry and some white rice [08:07] sounds good, i made fish curry yesterday [08:08] :} [12:26] . [12:32] Guest1952, helo where are u from ? [12:32] hello walrider [12:32] how are u doing? [12:33] zaki, im fine bro waiting for the rain to stop i gotta to to my student home [12:33] :D [12:33] rain?? :O [12:33] yep :D [12:33] wow [12:40] November Rain [12:45] yep [15:56] bbl [16:43] ping [17:48] zaki, bhai wc [17:49] i need help about video driveer [17:49] hello [17:49] what happened? [17:50] let me show u [17:50] pavlushka-, wc sit [17:50] oky [17:50] sir* [17:50] pavlushka-: wb [17:50] hello, having network problem too, lol [17:51] thanks all [17:51] hello Shajalal [17:51] hi shajalal how are you doing? [17:51] pavlushka-: youre using your phone now. [17:52] walrider, give us an "lspci -nnk" on paste.ubuntu.com [17:53] wait a moment [17:53] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23421810/ [17:53] pavlushka-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23421810/ [17:58] pavlushka-, also look at this one http://paste.ubuntu.com/23421834/ [18:00] have you tried to activate it on software&sources->proprietary devices? [18:01] walrider ^ [18:01] 2nd peastbin er lekha ta dekhen , oita active korar por 2nd pastebin er error msg ta ashche [18:02] proprietary driver activated [18:02] but smthing error which is included in http://paste.ubuntu.com/23421834/ < here [18:04] walrider do a lspci -nnk and paste again [18:04] i need to solve this cause i wanna permanently switch into linux from vulnerability of windows [18:04] k wait [18:05] walrider: what happened ? [18:05] zaki, bhai video driver proprietary install disi but somthing error [18:06] pavlushka-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23421859/ [18:07] ow. [18:08] pavlushka-, and when i reported the bug it showed me that this problem some how related with this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/1581870 [18:08] Ubuntu bug 1502978 in fglrx-installer-updates (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1581870 fglrx-core 2:15.201-0ubuntu1: fglrx-core kernel module failed to build against kernel 4.3 [firegl_public.c:639:9: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be]" [High,Confirmed] [18:11] walrider and please ask your issue all in one line in #ubuntu and i am on it too :) [18:14] !help | walrider [18:14] walrider: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [18:15] walrider when will you learn? it's not the first time! [18:15] walrider i told you to say it all in one line with details. [18:19] lekhsi bhai relax [18:21] walrider give us paste of "sudo ubuntu-drivers list" [18:23] hold on a sec its taking a bit time [18:23] when i put sudo ubuntu-drivers list on terminal it showed up : a problem detected [18:23] pavlushka-, [18:24] walrider: paste the output [18:28] walrider paste that [18:28] pavlushka-, just A sec [18:28] walrider, you dont need to mention it every time, we are not hurrying you, just do it :) [18:28] pavlushka-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23421927/ output for sudo ubuntu-drivers list [18:28] walrider try to run "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" [18:28] k [18:30] pavlushka-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23421942/ [18:31] walrider and try to reply Bashing-om what he asked on #ubuntu channel, please :) [18:32] already did [18:33] walrider thanks :) [18:40] RIP 14.04.5 [18:40] fml :) [18:41] : [18:41] :p [18:47] walrider how come you are using 4.4 kernel in 14.04.5? [18:47] sudo apt-get upgrade < [18:47] did you manually activated HWE support? [18:47] and the canonical updates [18:47] aha [18:47] 14.4.4 nai [18:47] lol [18:47] abar namano lagbe :| [18:47] some one kill me download speed it 150 kbps no bd repo :S [18:47] so you can just revert or manually install the 3.13 kernel and just boot your system using that :) [18:47] nah i prefer fresh installation [18:47] walrider, go for the 2nd option Bashing-om just gave you. [18:47] 14.4.1 to akkere puran XD 14.4.4 lagai oita valo cholse amar ageo use korsi ei problm hoy nai [18:47] driver o cholse [18:47] age use korsi :D [18:47] walrider, try to fix it, dont be like কিছু হইলেই xp দিয়ে দিলাম : p [18:47] you can revert the kernel upgrade with help of Bashing-om [18:48] bhai as a newbie i prefer fresh installation [18:48] please consider to let me install fresh os [18:49] rofl [18:50] damn amar kase xubuntu 14.04.4 iso nai :'( abar namaite 2 ghonta lagbe dur :'( [18:50] walrider, anyway its your choice finally :) [18:51] do you have real ip connection / static is that used for server hosting ?? [18:51] statis ip * [18:53] walrider I am fixing my pc, here on a phone btw :) so cant help much on that atm :) [18:53] gg [19:00] walrider, and one more thing, keep an eye on that LP bug, when the bug will be fixed, you can upgrade you kernel :) [19:00] how to use zsync ? and eta ki local p2p connection e chole ? [19:00] pavlushka-, k [19:06] pavlushka-, zsync teo normal download speed , direct iso download or torrent download same :'( [19:10] walrider you have to get the zsync iso link and then in terminal by going into the directory of the existing iso type "zsync www.'''''''./'''''''/''''file.iso.zsync -i localfile.iso" [19:10] korsi but reguler speed [19:10] i need it more quickly [19:11] it will only download the diff part [19:13] etokkhone normally download hi jaito :D [19:17] if its 100 mb diff, then it will download that 100 mb only to fix it, and you can even fix a corrupt Iso this way, not downloading the whole iso again :) [19:17] dur amar 3 ghonta lagbo normal speed e dile [19:17] aha, so you can switch the download to a torrent downloading if it really helps :) [19:17] local peer o pay na [19:17] foinni marka obosta dekhi amar ajker moddhe iso ta pailei hoise [19:17] keep trying :) [19:17] kaj shere pore ghum dibo [19:17] bebostha hoye jabe nothing to worry about [19:18] hey zaki, why are you silent? country wants to know :p [19:18] amar ekta iso download hoite 30 mnt lage without local peer or bdix :p [19:20] walrider: don't know how :P [19:20] bhai 1.2 mbps speed :( [19:20] pavlushka-: i'm busy with something [19:22] zaki that server with controlled bandwidth? [19:22] hmm :3 [19:24] zaki good luck on that :) [19:24] night everyone :) [19:24] good night pavlushka-