
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
naccha nm, it's a bug in the perl00:08
nacccan anyone see why dpkg-parsechangelog says this is an invalid date?00:11
naccTue, 17 May 2008 10:93:55 -050000:11
nacclol, just saw it00:11
nacci wonder how that happened? fat-fingered a manual changelog edit?00:31
naccsmoser: --^ so we could do a parent override for that too00:31
smosernacc, shoot. i must have looked at those wrong. sorry. the pcre3 and iscsitarget.00:37
naccsmoser: it's fine00:40
naccthe iscsitarget one is fun00:40
naccwe're stripping the string we get back00:40
naccso ' <ogra@ubuntu.com>' which would parse00:40
naccgets turned into '<ogra@ubuntu.com>' which does not :)00:40
smoserneed to make usd <subcommand>00:41
naccsmoser: yep that's on my todo for tmrw00:41
smoserand convert clone to python00:41
nacci have one already going for that00:41
nacca branch i mean00:41
naccand for merge00:41
naccthat's my last main coding change i konw i'd like to be done with for 1.000:41
naccbeyond these bugfxies00:41
smoserthe removal of dl-cache...00:42
smoserit only gets set to true if provided on cmdline00:42
smoseryou didnt need to do that00:43
naccyes i understood00:43
smoseror i dont understand.00:43
naccdid you read the commit message?00:43
naccthe cache by default (when not passed as an argument) is in .git00:43
naccwhich will get deleted presuming --no-clean is not passed00:43
smoserbut dl_cache is not set00:43
smoserworkdir is00:43
smoserdl_cache will still be None00:43
nacc    if dl_cache is None:00:44
nacc        workdir = os.path.join(local_repo.git_dir, CACHE_PATH)00:44
naccwhy does it matter if dl_cache is none or not?00:44
smoserwe do not set dl_cache00:44
smoserif dl_cache:00:44
smoser  remove stuff00:44
naccsmoser: it's getting late here (and i've been starting at this all day), it's gotta be even later for you! :)00:45
naccsmoser: yeah, i think what was there before was confusing and a change in behavior -- i think we can do it, but let's do it a distinct change, if that's ok with you00:45
smoseroh. you're right. never mind.00:45
naccsmoser: this way, the cache is preserved if the directory is preserved00:45
naccwhich i think is the most correct default00:45
smoseri suppose, yeah. thats fine.00:46
smosernacc, elinks:00:48
smoser 11/02/2016 23:53:51 - DEBUG:stderr: gbp:error: The orig tarball contains .git metadata - giving up.00:48
smoserand docker.io: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23418681/00:49
smoserthose are new failures from pristine-tar00:49
smoseri'll let you go, and i'm gonna go too00:49
smoserbut basically, it seems to be going really well, this clean restart with the --dl-cache00:50
smoser157 total. 16 working. 139 pass. 2 fail.00:50
naccsmoser: right, import-orig won't like .git-ified upstreams01:01
naccwhich aren't supposed to keep their .git, but some do01:01
naccsmoser: let's resolve what we're going to do about the orig stuff, because i'm not going to spend time on fixing those if we're not going to merge that before 1.001:02
nacci think either way the other bugs take priority and we'd need to add a flag like --no-pristine-tar or something01:02
naccmaybe even default to that, dunno01:02
naccsmoser: in any case, thanks for your patience and insight, i'm done for the day too -- talk to you tomorrow!01:02
smoseryou must have moved some stuff arodn for usd-build01:03
smoserbefore you committed01:03
smoserit doesn't compile right now01:04
smoserbut tomorrow it will01:04
smosergood night01:04
smoserand Go cubs Go!01:04
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slangaseknacc: sounds like debian-devel05:34
TheMusoOk, pulseaudio si sitting in zesty-proposed, because pulseaudio-equalizer requires packages from universe, yet it was NEWed into main. Can I do anything to help demote it to universe?06:37
rharperpitti: sudo mount-image-callback -d install_disk.img chroot _MOUNTPOINT_ /bin/bash08:21
rharper--system-mounts --system-resolvconf08:21
pkernCould someone approve the trusty bug nomination on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/+bug/1422795? I suspect that's why it's not shown on http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/index.html08:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1422795 in bash (Ubuntu) "bash crashes often if inputrc contains revert-all-at-newline" [High,Fix released]08:43
LocutusOfBorghammed, no spam08:50
hammedi need ubuntu08:57
sladenhammed: type   sudo command-you-want-to-run-as-root08:58
sladenhammed: (just the same as on OS X an other modern systems)08:59
sladenhammed: what are you trying to do, that "needs root"?  Perhaps we can help you better, if we understand09:01
Laneymardy: any chance you can build that package as an sru for yakkety too?09:44
mardyLaney: I think it has to land on zesty first09:45
Laneymardy: can be at the same time09:45
Laneybut right now I want one to test09:46
Laneymaybe the zesty binaries are installable09:47
mardyLaney: ok, but I think you can use the xenial version then, I would expect it to work fine on yakkety09:47
pkernLaney: As you had been quite helpful on the last trusty SRU I needed (thanks for that!)... Do you happen to know the best way currently to get an SRU to a package in main uploaded?09:48
Laneyhey pkern09:50
Laneyis it in the sponsor queue?09:50
dokotjaalton: please could you complete the MIR  issue #154749009:55
hammedsi need just only ip user plus pass not09:57
pkernLaney: I think https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/+bug/1422795 isn't because it needs a coredev to approve the nomination or something.09:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1422795 in bash (Ubuntu) "bash crashes often if inputrc contains revert-all-at-newline" [High,Fix released]09:57
pkernLaney: ubuntu-sponsors is subscribed since somewhen in 2015.09:58
Laneypkern: ah, could be - let me do that09:58
LaneyMaybe it would be a good idea to fix the queue to show bugs with pending nominations09:58
pkernLaney: Thanks! I was somewhat surprised that it didn't. Or that nominations to packages in main can't be done with usual bugcontrol privs. (Which would be the other recourse here.)10:01
LaneyI think you have to be a "driver" for that - bug control just lets you nominate in the first place10:01
pkernAh, right. I think MOTUs are drivers for universe, though. (Which makes sense, so well, meh, maybe.)10:02
Laneydriver *or* uploader10:04
tjaaltondoko: what's missing from -libinput?10:12
dokotjaalton: the MIR10:12
tjaaltonhmm ok10:15
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andrewshlatest update broke some of the indicators for me13:00
dobeyandrewsh: i think you want #ubuntu instead. it's the support channel13:03
andrewshwell, I don't think so13:04
andrewshI'm pretty sure I don't need support, but I need to report a bug instead13:04
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Laneymardy: I get the notification again instead of the webview with the package from the silo13:17
mardyLaney: \o/13:17
seb128andrewsh, if you report a bug include some useful details like the version of ubuntu you are using and what you updated and what indicators are buggy and in which way13:21
dobeyandrewsh: ubuntu-bug <indicator-package-name> for each indicator13:22
dobeythat is buggy13:22
seb128well, if it's an issue in the lib no point opening a bug on each indicator using it13:22
seb128would be nice to describe what is buggy to start13:23
dobeywell the "broken" indicators look like they are application indicators anyway, not standard system indicators13:24
seb128how do you know?13:24
seb128he didn't even say which ones13:24
dobey09:00 < andrewsh> https://www.dropbox.com/s/lx69qjcc25qnmnb/2016-11-03_14-00-30.png?dl=013:25
dobeybecause of their position on the panel13:25
seb128oh, weird url is a screenshot13:25
seb128could be bug #163562513:25
ubottubug 1635625 in unity (Ubuntu) "Some indicator icons are missing after unlocking the screen" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163562513:25
seb128which is new in 16.1013:25
seb128but not due to a recent update13:25
seb128so that doesn't really match the IRC description13:25
dobeyyeah, and nothing has really changed in the library or indicator-application recently either13:26
andrewshseb128: the indicators are from skype and owncloud13:32
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rbasaknacc, smoser: let me know when you're both available to talk about the importer14:28
smoserrbasak, ok.14:29
smoseri'm fine whenever. just when the west coast wakes up.14:30
* rbasak has a hard stop today14:30
rbasakcpaelzer: around? Did you do anything to your branch after the dovecot merge? It would do with tagging and pushing, and then I can run the importer to bring it up to date with your work. Maybe this isn't documented?14:36
cpaelzerrbasak: I'm here14:39
cpaelzerrbasak: I haven't touched it since the upload with the modifications to the MP that you reviewed14:40
cpaelzerrbasak: but I might miss the point of your question14:40
cpaelzerrbasak: since I'm curious - short HO to sync on that?14:40
rbasakcpaelzer: please could you tag the thing that you uploaded? Should be upload/<version> (with substitutions if needed)14:40
rbasakcpaelzer: sure!14:41
cpaelzerrbasak: yeah in the past the uploader did that, since that now is me yeah I should add the tag14:41
cpaelzerrbasak: I'm in the team HO that we have later14:42
=== cmagina_ is now known as cmagina
jbichacyphermox: I noticed you rebuilt devscripts at the start of the yakkety cycle; could you do the same for zesty now so that it picks up zesty as the current dev release?14:56
cyphermoxbut I thought this already worked14:56
cyphermoxor not14:57
cyphermoxjbicha: I might as well do the merge at the same time, so it will take a little while14:59
jbichacyphermox: that's fine, thanks14:59
naccrbasak: i'm around now15:05
naccsmoser: --^15:05
rbasaknacc, smoser: usual team hangout?15:06
smoserk. yeah.15:06
naccrbasak: smoser: sure15:06
juliankWhoa, I spent an hour on cleaning up a bugs now, I got 19.15:12
juliankThere are still 446 in LP, if anyone else wants to play.15:13
Laneymardy: oh no!15:18
Laneygot a webview out of the blue15:18
Laneylots of signon stuff in syslog /me attaches15:20
mardyLaney: and you still have the signon-ui from that silo?15:20
Laneydidn't restart15:20
LaneyI notice that the title is "Web authentication" instead of "Web authentication for Google"15:21
mardyLaney: and what are the contents? Still google?15:21
Laneysec, just attaching15:22
cyphermoxjbicha: done.15:23
Laneyahh, I forgot to remove URLs and stuff15:23
Laneymardy: it's there, no massive rush on investigating though15:23
mardyLaney: thanks, I'll have a quick look now just to see if I need to ask you for some more15:24
dokocyphermox: missing -v<version> for devscripts merge15:31
mardyLaney: could it be that you removed some lines coming from com.nokia.singlesignonui[11563] ?15:32
Laneymardy: not removed, but I maybe missed them when copying (just selected a range)15:32
Laneylemme see15:32
Laneymardy: There's stuff from earlier on when I logged in15:35
mardyLaney: no, that's not important15:37
mardyLaney: I guess I need to add some debugging statements here and there15:37
mardyLaney: eds is really spamming signond with 28 requests in a second (and apparently, for a single account), maybe it's triggering some race condition15:40
mardyLaney: I see that the first request is going well, reusing the previously stored token without invoking signon-ui15:41
cyphermoxdoko: oh, you're right15:48
=== jamespag` is now known as jamespage
naccsmoser: i don't know what happened to your fetchmail import, it worked fine here -- let me finish testing the fixes for LP: #1638614 andi'll push to master17:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1638614 in usd-importer "linux-base, module-init-tools fail import: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163861417:41
smosernacc, but it didnt stack trace17:41
naccsmoser: yeah, i have no idea -- did the system kill it?17:42
naccsmoser: it also doesn't show any errors in that paste17:43
smoserdont think so17:44
smoserwell, it exted non-zero was all17:44
smoserbut yeah, it was odd to me too17:44
naccsmoser: right, but we always exit with 1 on failure17:46
naccso if it was a different exit code17:46
naccthen maybe it was sigkill'd?17:46
nacci just had one die to too many open files17:46
naccwhich i'm not sure how htat happened yet17:47
smoseri think system is kind of just really not happy17:47
smoserso possible that something happened17:48
naccyeah, i'm not sure how to debug it at this point17:48
naccsmoser: ok, so git doesn't like '' as an author :)17:49
naccsmoser: suggestions of how to resolve this?17:49
nacci could i think walk the lp package_maintainer_link maybe17:50
smosernacc, yeah, not worry about the fail if not reproducible http://paste.ubuntu.com/23421781/ is my dmesg. that thing does look scary17:51
smoserwrt git not liking ''...17:52
smoser if author == "":17:52
smoser    commit_author = "NotAvailable"17:52
smoseror somethign to that affect ?17:52
naccright, but then we are putting that in the commit hash :)17:53
naccand that's not obtainable without the importer17:53
nacci'm trying to think if there's anything better we can do17:53
smoserlots of things are not obtainable without the importer.17:55
nacci guess that's true17:56
naccso i do think launchpad figures this out17:56
nacctesting again18:02
naccsmoser: ok, was able to fallback to launchpad data for the name, at least; if the email fails to parse its a hard fail as you need to be logged into lp for that data19:24
naccbut fixed the code to fail cleaner in that case, at least19:24
naccsmoser: so i think there migth be some underlying leak with the commit_msg_file thing19:37
naccsmoser: i just checked with lsof and even though the files are listed as deleted, they are showing as still open19:37
naccany idea why that might be?19:37
cjwatsonnacc: (also some people have their email addresses hidden in LP, so you need a fallback anyway)19:50
nacccjwatson: ack19:50
naccsmoser: we probably need to handle that properly at some point (email failing to parse fully)19:51
naccsmoser: i wonder if we could just insert <no-email-found@launchpad.do-not-mail.net> or something19:51
smoserhm.. nacc reading for commit_msg_fiel comment19:52
naccsmoser: thanks, i don't see it yet, unless it's a side-effect of the with and unlink19:53
naccsmoser: is it possible the run is holding on to a reference somehow?19:53
smosertempfile.mkstemp() returns a 'os' filehandle and the file name19:54
smoserwe open the file name on our own (with open ...) and close that19:54
smoserbut i suspect possibly the os file handle needs to be closed19:54
naccah, so it's the first filehandle still being open19:55
naccthat would make sense19:55
cjwatsonperhaps you should use os.fdopen instead19:55
cjwatson(closing a file object created by fdopen closes the underlying file descriptor too, which is probably what you want here)19:55
cjwatsonso you wouldn't need a separate os.close if you did that19:56
cjwatson(I have not read the code here, I just know fdopen)19:56
smoserpossibly, yeah.19:57
cjwatsonor else just use a higher-level thing like tempfile.TemporaryFile or tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile rather than messing around with mkstemp19:57
cjwatsonwhich is implemented with mkstemp + fdopen anyway, but why bother doing it yourself when you don't have to19:58
naccsmoser: is it not possible to do fp, _ = tempfile.mkstemp()19:58
naccor as cjwatson said19:58
cjwatsonnacc: that's:19:58
smoseryou need os.write()19:58
cjwatsonwith tempfile.TemporaryFile() as fp:19:58
smoserto that thing. as its hot a file.19:58
cjwatson    fp.write(msg)19:58
cjwatson(though obviously you would need to do something more as a temporary file that immediately vanishes isn't very useful)19:59
naccah right19:59
smoserwe want a name to it also . which is why i used mkstemp19:59
cjwatsonsmoser: then use NamedTemporaryFile.19:59
cjwatsonyou're fighting the stdlib unnecessarily here.19:59
naccsmoser: right, so there is an issue here, can you spin up a fix? :)19:59
naccsmoser: it seems fatal only for libvirt so far :)20:00
smosersure. i'm not sure why i didnt use it. but sure.20:00
naccsmoser: thanks!20:00
cjwatsonyou may need delete=False and a later unlink, or else do fp.flush() and put the stuff that uses the tempfile inside the with statement20:01
naccanyone have a suggestion on how to commit the following: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iscsitarget/0.4.15+svn148-2.1ubuntu120:02
naccnote the date is wrong20:02
naccas in, invalid -- so should i fallback to the publishing information?20:02
smosernacc, i suspect http://paste.ubuntu.com/23422293/ fixes20:13
naccsmoser: looks reasonable20:13
naccmakes sense20:16
smoseryou want a MP?20:17
naccsmoser: i can commit it here if that's ok by you20:17
cjwatsonI think I'd just put the run() and whatever's below it inside the with NamedTemporaryFile block in that case and not have to bother with delete=False20:17
cjwatsonassuming it's small20:17
cjwatsonyeah, that seems much cleaner20:17
smoserthats fine.20:17
naccsmoser: ack, commiting now20:17
smosercjwatson, i probably need the flush, right ?20:18
smosernacc, that "only" leaks one file handle per git commit though.20:25
smoserso its not great, but this glibc import i have running for 18 hours now only has 417 open files.20:26
naccsmoser: committed & pushed20:27
nacccjwatson: thanks!20:27
naccyeah, it's not a huge deal, just an oddity when i was hopeing to use `lsof -p <importer pid> | grep /tmp` to quickly see where it was running without having passed --verbose20:27
naccsmoser: thoughts on what to use as a fallback for the author date if it is unparseable? i am adding a strptime check on the extracted value from the changelog, but what should i use if it's bad? published date if possible? and if neither is present ...20:30
smoserif neither is present i suggest my birthday20:31
smoseri dont know. publish date shoudl be present always, shoudlnt' it ?20:31
naccit's not always in my expereicne20:31
nacci can't recall if that's because of superseded or deleted values20:32
nacclet me see if the underlying pacakge upload date always is20:32
naccsmoser: do you think it would be trivial to disconnect the run logging from the verbosity? that is, it'd be really nice to run with --verbose and get just the tracing we have from the importer code, not the shell commands being run. To get those, maybe -vv or something?20:52
naccsmoser: when debugging one change that will fix an import, i really can't read the output anymore :)20:53
naccsmoser: and i get all the cache hits too20:53
smoserits not terribly hard. really we just want to set up different loging i think (at lesat thats one way to do it).20:54
smoser-v = info20:54
smoser-vv = debug20:54
smoser-vvv = loud20:54
naccbut run and co use logging.debug20:55
naccas does the importer20:55
naccso just changing the loglevel globally won't work20:55
nacci guess we could switch those around20:55
naccyeah i think that's what we should do20:56
smoserwell, we have to add a 'loud'20:56
smoserwhich is just20:56
smoser logging.log(logging.DEBUG - 10, msg)20:56
naccor logging.addLevelname20:56
smoseroh i didnt know this.20:56
smoserprobably its and20:57
smosernot or20:57
naccreading about it now21:00
nacci think that would be more maintainable21:00
naccerr, right, it'd be something like logging.addLevelName(logging.DEBUG - 5)21:02
naccas DEBUG is 10 and 0 is NOTSET21:02
nacci'll play with that21:02
smosersure. ijust picked a number21:02
smoseri've been annoyned before of the "top heavy" ness of python logging.21:03
smoserinfo , warn, error, critical21:03
smoserit doesn't lend itself to usage like we're wanting.21:03
smoserdebug, debug2, debug321:04
smoserso cloud-init just gives you a firehose at debug21:04
smoserthere really seems like there shoudl be a trace21:04
naccsmoser: fudge, found a reason *not* to use a cache23:02
naccsmoser: https://launchpad.net/debian/+source/pcre3/1:8.35-3.223:02
naccnote that the .dsc files are named the same23:02
naccbut are different23:02
nacci believe pull-debian-source doesn't detect that23:03
naccurp, they *should* be different23:05
naccbut they aren't23:05
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