
chelioshe there, is anyone able to tell me how to disable focus follows mouse? I reversed the changes I made to enable it but it makes no difference.00:11
martnHi folks, is there an installer image for mate that does not install the bootloader by default?  Like good old alternate installer?00:15
cheliosdrab: the is was between chair and keyboard :-/  I fixed a typo in the playbook and didn't save it but in my blinkered state did not notice00:57
cheliosthanks for your assistance :-)00:57
chelioss/the is was/the problem was00:57
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adronuzpleas i need help08:29
adronuzi try to active desktop efects  on ubuntu mate but i can't08:29
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=== Ed_Vortex is now known as johnc4510
Daniel_VHi all. I would appreciate some advise on whether to install the 32bit or 64bit version of Ubuntu Mate on my pc. Is this the right place?10:34
alkisgDaniel_V: what are your pc specs? Which CPU and how much RAM?10:34
Daniel_VCPU: Intel Core2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz × 210:34
Daniel_VVideo: GeForce 8600 GT/PCIe/SSE210:34
Daniel_VRAM: 2 GB10:34
Daniel_VSSD: 60 GB OCZ Vertex210:34
Daniel_VMonitor: Philips 277E6EDAD10:34
alkisgGo for the 64 bit version10:35
Daniel_Vok thnx. the download page says >3GB = 64bit, <2Gb = 32bit. But exactly 2GB does not fit in either.... that's why I am asking.10:37
alkisgYou miss some RAM but you gain some speed, it's a tradeoff10:39
Daniel_VI am currrently running Ubuntu Unity 16.04 64-bit but I would like to try out Ubuntu Mate to see whether this runs better / more responsive.10:39
Daniel_VAlthough I am a happy user of the Unity interface, I have some trouble running Chromium / Chrome: it frequently freezes up my pc. When I run TOP at those moments I can see that kswapd is the culprit. As a temporary solution I use Firefox instead.10:39
Daniel_VI thought that perhaps MATE would handle Chrome/Chromium better.10:39
alkisgIt also depends on what you want to run10:39
alkisgBut the difference will be small with your CPU/RAM, so don't worry too much about the 32/64 bit version, as long as all your apps run there10:39
alkisgAlso, if you're using google chrome, you *need* 64 bit, as they don't support 32 bit since last year10:39
Daniel_Vaha. didn10:40
alkisgkswapd means that you've exhausted your RAM10:40
Daniel_Vdidn't know that , thnx10:40
Daniel_VI also use Evolution as mail client. That's quite RAM-hungry as wel.10:40
alkisgBuy more RAM or open less tabs10:40
alkisgIn general, if running `free` says that your swap file is in use, that's bad news10:40
Daniel_VMy motherboard supports 2Gb max... time to build a new system I think. For the time being I will try Mate 64bit.10:41
alkisgThat sounds strange, it should support  at least up to 4 gb10:41
alkisgWhat is the board model?10:41
Daniel_Veasy way to check this via command line?10:42
alkisgsudo lshw | less10:42
alkisgYou'll see a long list there, at some point it will mention the board and the ram slots and everything10:42
Daniel_Vproduct: P5GC-MX/133310:43
Daniel_Vvendor: ASUSTeK Computer INC.10:43
alkisgMemory2 x DIMM, max. 4GB,10:44
alkisgSo if you're happy with unity etc, keep it and just put more ram10:45
Daniel_Vgreat suggestion, thnx for your help!10:46
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mate|82011anybody there?16:34
ouroumovhi mate|8201116:35
ouroumovSomething we can help you with?16:35
mate|82011man i hava a litter question16:35
mate|82011I use Ubuntu Mate 16.04 and i tried to install the Ubuntu 16.10 today and i noticed that it's no longer possible to change the Customize Theme Color16:41
mate|82011is it right?16:41
ouroumovYes. This is due to the move to GTK3.16:42
ouroumovSee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/+bug/162696016:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1626960 in ubuntu-mate "Не работают кнопки настройки цвета в настройках тем окон" [Undecided,Fix released]16:43
mate|82011sorry for the inglês. it's not my native language16:43
ouroumovmate|82011, no problem.16:44
ouroumovmate|82011, basically because of the move to GTK3, the application that used to tweak colors can no longer do that. So that feature no longer exist. If you really need it, stick to 16.04.16:45
mate|82011Man this is bad. That was what I most liked in the Mate.16:47
mate|82011Thank you very much16:48
ouroumovflexiondotorg, color customizations have to be done in style directly now I imagine?16:49
ouroumovLike fooling around with .css files and such?16:50
ouroumovflexiondotorg, given the target audience for Ubuntu MATE, I would recommend removal of features, however infrequent, be indicated in bold <h1> etc, instead of buried in the changelog ^^'17:03
flexiondotorgThe only feature being removed are those that GTK3+ simply has no provision to support.17:07
khwI need help getting ubuntu to boot on my new windows laptop.  The sticking point now is getting the bios to see either a .iso image on either the cd drive or a usb flash drive, so that I can add that to the boot sequence18:46
khwIt says "Boot Name Not Found"18:46
SWATsince upgrading from 16.04 to 16.10 my mate-settings-daemon keeps on crashing (sigabrt) and I don't know why. It keeps respawning very quickly, causing a sluggish (effectively non-workable) desktop. Switched to Xubuntu for the time being. Any advice to debug this?20:17
ouroumov_SWAT, dunno, maybe upgrade-related issue.20:20
SWATthe upgrade went fine. Forums hint on it might be related to the ATI card (which seems strange, since with Xubuntu all is well)20:23
nicholas_i have a question about theming22:06
nicholas_i have 16.04.1 on one laptop, and 16.10 on the other22:06
nicholas_16.04.1 lets me use a very realistic Redmond theme, but that seems to be gone in 16.1022:06
nicholas_the overall look of the buttons arent the same22:07
nicholas_i cant tell if im in the right place or not22:09
masnellnicholas_: Yes, they are different. What is your question regarding this?22:14
nicholas_i was wondering if i could replace the one from 16.10 with the one from 16.04.122:18
nicholas_im new to linux, but i love Mate so far. Nice job!22:19
ouroumov_ nicholas_, I don't think it's possible22:31
nicholas_oh, darn22:31
ouroumov_Appearance mismatch is probably due to the move to GTK3+22:31
nicholas_so no GTK3+ in 16.04.1?22:32
ouroumov_yeah nicholas_22:39
ouroumov_16.10 is full GTK322:39
nicholas_ok thanks22:39
nicholas_any chance of the theme being ported over in a future release?22:40
ouroumov_I'm not sure it can be ported, but feel free to ask on our forums22:40
nicholas_ok thanks again22:40

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