
krabadorhi , someone here?00:17
ubottuThanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently00:20
ubottukrabador called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()00:20
SonikkuAmericakrabador: You rang?00:20
krabadorSonikkuAmerica, hi , excuse my intrusion, i'm an italian ircop of #ubuntu-it00:21
SonikkuAmericaOK, need something from us?00:21
krabadorSonikkuAmerica, i would know what it can be done , if sometime a more verbose log is needed00:22
SonikkuAmericaGive me a moment to connect with someone who might be able to assist you further.00:23
SonikkuAmericaSomeone should be with you shortly.00:23
daxkrabador: I don't understand the question, can you elaborate on the problem you're having?00:23
daxoh. are you looking for https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/11/02/%23ubuntu-it.txt except with joins/parts/quits/bans/etc.?00:24
krabadorsometime it can be useful to have in the official log, login/logout messages and kick/ban messages00:24
daxif so, we can't provide that, it's up to people who are actually in the channel to log it if they want00:24
daxofficial irclogs.ubuntu.com logs very deliberately do not keep those details00:25
elkyif something is needed for very important reasons such as legal problems then you could talk to the canonical sysadmins who run ubuntulog and they may be able to provide unfiltered logs.00:26
elkybut that would need to be a very serious request and they may still decline to help00:27
daxit would not at all surprise me if ubuntulog is configured to not log those00:27
daxit's an irssi instance, and if i were doing things i'd just have irssi do the filtering out, put the logs in the right place, and then let the html parser do its thing00:27
krabadorthat's the point i want talk about. If it can be the possibility to set a more verbose log only for a particular channel,if loco ircops are decided they need00:28
elkyyou'd have to ask the sysadmins but i doubt it. you would need to run your own separate log bot otherwise.00:28
daxif your channel wants to publish logs on its own platform using its own system and notify its users separately, that is fine00:28
daxbut irclogs.ubuntu.com is the way that it is for good reasons00:28
krabadorok, but a separate log, it's not properly official00:29
krabadorusers can not recognize it as official00:29
daxthen have one of your ops do it00:29
krabadorand sometime it can be very annoying00:29
krabadorno problem , to do a log by ourseves00:30
elkyif you need a bantracker there are bots made for this purpose, niko runs one for #ubuntu-fr if i remember correctly00:31
krabadorsometimes trolls change nick only to go in the forum , opening thread "i haven't do anithing and i'm banned"00:31
daxsounds like you have a cultural problem where your channel members don't trust their ops to do their jobs properly00:31
daxnot gonna solve that with technology, to be quite honest00:32
daxand throwing everyone's hostmasks onto the indexed web is just going to annoy some of your more paranoid userbase00:32
krabadordax, not a cultural problem, trolls problem.00:32
daxif there's no cultural problem, the response to trolls posting crap on forums is "no, you got banned for X Y Z, bye"00:33
daxor whatever00:33
daxbut it sounds like your users don't trust your ops' judgement on that. or maybe i read completely wrong, who knows00:33
daxanyways. we don't have a facility to publicly log that sort of stuff, so you'd have to do it yourselves, unfortunately00:34
krabadordax, today's trolls are a sort of trolls 2.0 , they find fun, shooting false things in users or ops face00:34
krabadorsometimes login/logout messages can really help about that.00:35
wxlin order to prove to to the community that the ban was necessary?00:35
krabadoryes. in a way. trolls that know that no login/logout messages in the log , can login trolling, logout (or after a first kick) , login again not trolling , being ignored by users , and accuse the community in the forum. No problem about the poor thread valour, but with something like login/logout messages in the log, less time can be lost00:41
wxlwhich of course violates privacy concerns00:42
wxlso that's not feasible00:42
wxlassumedly your community should trust the ops00:42
krabadoryounger people are spammer inside00:43
krabadorbut ok, no problem , if it's the reason of this setting.00:43
wxlit is00:43
krabadorthank you00:44
wxljust reply back that they can come whine at us if they have a problem with irc banning and that the forum mods have no control over irc00:44
wxlthen it's not about YOUR community, but OUR community00:44
wxlalso, they won't get anywhere :)00:45
krabadoryes, sure00:45
krabadorreally thank you, good job here00:47
mcphailHello. Could someone have a look at mernilio in #ubuntu please?16:13
mcphailIncoherent, offtopic political ranting despite being asked to stop16:13
daxoh god, mernilio's back?16:14
PiciJordan_U: I didn't see any flooding, did I miss something?19:20
Jordan_UPici: They sent 4 messages in 1 minute (my logs don't tell me how far apart beyond that). Ubottu was being laggy, so that may have made them seem even more rapid fire than they were.19:24

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