
brousch__Wow, yeah, that didn't make any sense.00:11
brousch__It made less cents than a broken change machine.00:11
brousch__It made less scents than a skunk with no anal glands.00:12
greg-gand on that note, it's quitting time00:13
ZimdaleSo who is going to the meetup next tuesday!?00:40
cmaloneyWhich meetup? :)00:44
cmaloneyYah, I'm planning on being there00:44
ZimdaleI'm thinking about going as long as I can get out to vote in the morning00:45
cmaloneycool. :)00:45
gamerchick02i'd love to go to mug but it conflicts with my Nile Session. *sigh* oh well.00:46
ZimdaleNile session?00:46
gamerchick02a fraternal group i belong to00:51
gamerchick02we're related to Shriners and Masons.00:51
gamerchick02we support the Shrine Hospitals for Children.00:51
jrwrenI just looked for a minimize button in the upper right... on a mac... something tells me today is going to be great.13:50
cmaloneyjrwren: At least it's interesting. :)13:51
cmaloneyWhat did you find there? :)13:51
jrwrencmaloney: i found my insanity. Then pressed cmd-h13:51
jrwrenUOS is in two weeks. Register and put on calendar: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1611/16:52
cmaloneygreg-g: I can't see why you stopped hanging out on the CC channel17:47
greg-gsarcasm or no?17:47
cmaloneyAll this talk of how things aren't attributed correctly (via a slack bot) is fascinating17:48
greg-g:) :)17:49
cmaloneyEven better: finding out that one of the requirements of the 4.0 licesnes is linking to the text of the deed when you haven't done it for 140+ episodes17:49

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