
ElysionThankyou, Im all good right now though :)00:02
=== loot is now known as Guest91724
kankushtgood morning, does anyone know how to get out of kiosk mode on ubuntustudio?12:58
kankushtis anyone there?13:30
studio-user636I'm new to ubuntu22:20
studio-user636is there anyone how was able to pair devices with bluetooth?22:21
studio-user636I have installed ubunto studio 14.1022:28
studio-user636sorry 16.1022:28
emitattuoHi, I have 16.10, and I'm trying to get my Novation Ultranova, which has a built-in audio/MIDI interface, to work.  Neither aplay -l or amidi -l show anything relevant, but I do see it on lsusb.22:37

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