=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban [08:06] Good morning Juju world! [08:27] Hello there, is there still an option to force the usage of LXC instead of LXD with juju 2.0? [08:27] BlackDex: lxd is lxc, you mean lxc 1.0 instead of 2.0? [08:28] yes.. i think i mean that... [08:28] Am i correct that LXD an KVM/QEMU can't run together [08:29] Because of the CPU VT-D usage? [08:39] BlackDex: LXD and KVM can absolutely be used together. I'm doing it on my machine right now. [08:40] BlackDex: I can't imagine a reason why LXD would be using VT at all. It's not a virtualized environment. [08:46] Ah oke [08:46] So, if i want to deploy openstack using juju 2.0 and run some services on a compute node that can be done withing LXD :) [08:49] BlackDex: yeah, you should check out: https://github.com/openstack-charmers/openstack-on-lxd [08:49] BlackDex: absolutely. [08:49] BlackDex: in fact, I do the development of nova-lxd inside a lxd instance, so my devstack compute nodes are straight-up lxdception. [08:51] rockstar: So you have a Host, which has an LXD container, which has nova-lxd in it? [08:51] BlackDex: yes. [08:51] Wow [08:51] nice [08:51] And I've also booted KVM instances inside of my nova-lxd container. [08:51] BlackDex: it's changed a bit since this, but if you're interested: http://iamtherockstar.com/devstack-in-a-lxd-container.html [08:51] including VT? [08:55] BlackDex: yes. [08:56] Oke, nice [08:56] thx for the info! and the website [09:02] BlackDex: LXD shares the kernel with the host, so as long as the kernel has support for it, the LXD gets them too. [09:02] oke, that is good to know. [09:03] Do you also know if it is possible to have static ip's for LXD/LXC containers via JuJu/Maas? [09:03] Can't seem to find anything on this. It all seems to do DHCP [09:10] Hi! I upgraded my OpenStack and during the update I enabled HTTPS on my public APIs [09:11] now I get error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23424696/ [09:11] the instance gets created but apparentely the bootstrapped machine needs the ca-file to the machine if it wants to talk to openstack [09:12] ca-cert-path config option should do the trick, but that is not available on juju 2.0 ? [09:14] anrah: it might be best to check in #openstack-charms [09:16] BlackDex: that'd be a question for #lxcontainers [09:16] rockstar: Thx i will check over there [09:17] Hi, is there a way to prevent amulet from destroying the environment after tests (juju 1.25) ? [09:18] for some reason rsync refuses to get my tests logs; I get permission denied [09:18] marcoceppi: I am not deploying openstack, but rather definining openstack as a cloud which juju should use [09:24] caribou: are you using bundletester to run your tests? [09:24] kjackal: no, just "juju test" from the charm's directory [09:25] caribou: could you try the reset: false flag inside the test.yaml? [09:26] caribou: I am not sure if that will be honored. Have a loog at the description of the flag here: https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundletester [09:26] kjackal: test.yaml ? don't have one of those, just the test scripts [09:26] kjackal: ok, I'll look at it [09:31] kjackal: thanks! [10:15] kjackal: Can you give me a review on https://github.com/juju-solutions/cloud-weather-report/pull/81 [10:15] cory_fu: I am on it! [10:15] Thanks! [10:30] cory_fu: Looks good! Let me know if you want me to merge it. Should we wait for the 200 amulet return? [10:31] kjackal: Were you able to run it and confirm the HTML fix? [10:33] Oh, you need a full use then! Ok, that will take some more time. I just run the unit test. I will ping you again [10:33] cory_fu: ^ [10:33] Please do. Thank you [10:33] kjackal: Heading to lunch now. bbiab [10:46] cory_fu: run the testplan (git) exmaple on lxd. No problems in the HTML, looks fine! [11:09] kjackal: great, thanks === linaras is now known as deanman [15:19] bcsaller, cory_fu: I just pushed an update to https://github.com/juju-solutions/matrix/pull/11, which fixes the issues that I was seeing in test_glitch. You may need to rebuild your .tox environment, as it incorporates a matching fix to python-libjuju [15:52] can i mix series within a bundle file? [15:52] blackboxsw: Yes [15:52] like almost everything is xenial, but some stuff is trusty, and that will be in an lxc? [15:53] the default series can be xenial, and then a charm just trusty/something, and that will work? [15:53] blackboxsw: here's an example: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23426074/ [15:54] You can set a per-machine series [15:54] BlackDex, that was for you ;) [15:54] err, yes, sorry! [15:55] :) [15:55] silly tab completion [15:55] hehe, but i figured :) [15:55] oke thx, ill go and try that [17:33] Happy Friday, I have a question about juju 2.0 and ipv6 if anyone here can assist? My question is how to I prevent lxd instances from taking ipv6 addresses during a juju deploy? [17:34] jjohnston: using the local lxd provider? [17:35] no, deploying to remote nodes via maas [17:35] maas managed nodes rather [17:37] i don't have any ipv6 networks in maas and the bare-metal hosts take ipv4 addresses as expected, but the lxd instances, including the api endpoint for ceph (in this case) are taking ipv6 addresses === frankban is now known as frankban|afk [17:42] jjohnston: thta's really odd, I htink there's a model config to disable ipv6 [17:42] * marcoceppi checks [17:43] that would be nice, I'm green with juju, but i've not been able to find such a parameter after extensive googling [17:43] jjohnston: I don't have a MAAS model available to me atm, but does juju model-config yield anything exciting? [17:43] Hi all. To push our charm to charm public store we created an charm account using https://login.ubuntu.com/xbX4GvuWSuVkirqs/+decide. I pushed charm to store using that account from JUJU CLI. Now I deleted my charm account permanently. Bur account user name is still there. [17:44] How can I remove that account username [17:44] rock: which account username? [17:45] marcoceppi: Hi. ubuntu SSO account username. [17:46] rock: right, what is your username you want to delete? :) [17:46] marcoceppi: "kaminario" [17:48] When I was trying to create another account using same username "kaminario". It was showing username "kaminario" already in use. [17:50] rock: I will take a look [17:50] marcoceppi: Thank you. [18:15] @marcoceppi the only thing of remote interest that I can see is the ignore-machin-addresses and that's only because I can't even guess what that does [18:16] i don't see anything regarding protocol preferences as previous versions of juju apparently had [18:55] jjohnston: this might be a better topic for juju@lists.ubuntu.com and juju-dev@lists.ubuntu.com, I don't have a good answer for you [19:02] anyone else having trouble rabbitmq charm rev 56 to run in openstack-base? [19:03] all the openstack charms, mysql, ntp started ok, just rabbitmq says error, hook failed: "config-changed" [19:04] deploying using maas 2.1 [19:12] pragsmike: are you putting rabbit in a lxd machine? [19:14] @marcoceppi: Thanks, I'm going to redploy juju ensuring there are no references to ipv6 prior to the bootstrap [19:15] jjohnston: cool, if maas isn't configuring ipv6, it really shouldn't get addresses at the contiainer level [19:15] fwiw, I haven't encountered that yet [19:16] marcoceppi: yes, I'm using the openstack-base bundle (except I tweaked constraints on the machines section) [19:17] marcoceppi: and that bundle does specify that rabbitmq be in lxc [19:17] pragsmike: right, I wonder if there's a fix out [19:19] is that what the problem is? [19:19] nope, that's the lastest [19:20] beisner: have you come across this ^ [19:20] coreycb: ^ [19:21] I did change the bundle to use rabbitmq rev 56, where it was 54 [19:22] but i did that because it was failing the same way before [19:23] pragsmike: ah, excellent. I know rabbitmq-server freaks out when things like DNS don't work [19:23] you're on maas 2.0 or 2.1? [19:24] maas 2.1 [19:24] pragsmike: also, can you pastebin the /var/log/juju/unit-rabbitmq-server*.log file [19:29] marcoceppi: http://pastebin.com/v2XYtbzM [19:30] that just seems to be the rabbitmq client failing to connect to the server, doesn't say why the server didn't start [19:35] also I'm not sure if it's ok that it thinks the host name is "eth3". maas has decided that address has the name eth3.juju-8566c3-0-lxd-2 [19:37] I have a bunch of networks set up per Dimiter's instructions, but I haven't tried to make anything use them yet. juju just decided to use the 10.100 network for everything, which ought to be ok to start. [19:38] rabbitmq doesn't use ceph, does it? [19:44] petevg: would you mind taking a look? https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-apache-bigtop-base/pull/53 [19:44] kwmonroe: looking ... [19:49] kwmonroe: left some comments. [19:55] marcoceppi: also http://pastebin.com/D0NPZ4xJ is dmesg from rabbitmq container, full of segfaults in beam.smp [20:33] is remove-application suuposed to work in 2.0? juju remove-application rabbitmq-server has no effect that I can see. === zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob [21:15] sorry to make you grump petevg -- thx for the review ;) [21:16] kwmonroe: no problem :-) [21:17] kwmonroe: squashed n merged. [21:17] you da man. [21:30] thedac, pragsmike had an issue with rmq earlier. i think you had a fix queued up, i wonder if it's related. [21:31] My rabbit fix is related to maas 2.0 DNS and multiple interfaces [21:31] * thedac reads backscroll [21:33] pragsmike: yes, I think my change will help you cs:~thedac/rabbitmq-server-3 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/389387/ for reference [21:48] ok thanks guys, I'll try that one [21:48] but once the bundle has deployed, juju seems to ignore any attempts i make to remove applications [21:49] thedac: what's the recommended way to replace a running rabbitmq app with yours? [21:49] pragsmike: you could do `juju upgrade-charm rabbitmq-server --switch cs:~thedac/rabbitmq-server-3` [21:50] Actually probably need a --force in there too [21:50] Then a juju resolved rabbitmq-server to get it going again. [21:50] k thanks [21:54] thedac: hmm, same problem, on the surface [21:54] let me investigate further [21:55] maybe redeploy the whole shebang with that new charm [21:55] pragsmike: hmm, I wonder if /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf still has NODNAME=eht3? That is the problem [21:55] It might take a bit of manual intervention [21:55] i will look [21:55] A redeploy would fix it :) [21:56] it does have RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbit@eth3 [21:57] So just some backstory. rabbitmq is very sensative to DNS. It also needs a shortname for NODENAME. and eth3 is not resolvable. So a quick hack is to add eth3 to the line in /etc/hosts [21:58] my change completely avoids this problem by not setting NODNAME and forceing `hostname` rather than doing DNS reverse lookup of the iP [21:58] i just commented it out and did "resolved". Aha! Now it's saying "(config-changed) RabbitMQ failed to start" in status, which i never saw before [21:59] ah, now it's back to "config change failed" [21:59] I'm going to just redeploy and go to dinner [21:59] pragsmike: I suspect rabbit is a bit hosed at this point. [21:59] Yes that is the quicker solution [21:59] thanks for the quick help and explanation [21:59] no problem [21:59] Recovery-oriented Computing [21:59] it's a thing [21:59] I'll be getting that change merged next week. [22:00] Rabbitmq is the most fragile service in the OpenStack [22:00] wow that's saying something [22:00] :) [22:00] i'd have voted for heat