
syehHi, does anyone here happen to know how ubuntu gnome resizes the wall paper upon a resolution change?  I'm running into a strange issue where going from 800x600 -> 1024x768, and the wall paper stays in 800x600 size.00:19
naccsyeh: you may want #ubuntu00:20
syehYeah, I tried that, but I thought maybe this channel is better suited for code development related questions00:21
syehAt first I thought the issue is with our graphics driver, but it's beginning to look like something inside of 16.1000:22
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cpaelzergood morning06:27
pittisergiusens: http://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.html is the official doc09:15
pittisergiusens: e. g. http://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.import.html#GBP.IMPORT.NEW.UPSTREAM09:15
mardyLaney: hi! Can you please update your signon-ui from https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2135 ?11:13
mardyLaney: please ping me once you're done, there is something else which you should do to activate logging11:14
Laneymardy: sure (haven't got the bug yet today, FWIW)11:14
* Laney does now11:14
mardyLaney: do you have a file ~/.config/QtProject/qtlogging.ini?11:15
Laneymardy: nope11:15
mardyLaney: ok, then echo -e "[Rules]\nsignon.debug=true" > ~/.config/QtProject/qtlogging.ini11:17
mardyLaney: then kill signon-ui, if it's running11:17
Laneymardy: done11:18
Laneydo I need to relaunch it?11:18
mardyLaney: no, you just need for the bug to appear :-)11:18
Laneyok, then stand by :)11:18
Laneyif it happened 2 hours after I logged in then that's in 3 minutes :P11:18
mardyLaney: did you do something to trigger it? like checking the calendar for example?11:19
Laneymardy: IIRC I was in a terminal when it happened, so I don't think so11:21
sil2100Hey! My dbus package is blocked in -proposed due to LP: #1590956 - does anyone know if we can somehow ignore this autopkgtest failure for the time being?11:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1590956 in plasma-framework (Ubuntu) "plasma-framework 5.22.0a-0ubuntu1 fails tests on s390x" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159095611:34
pittircj: hey! do you know what's blocking getting zesty-daily cloud images into simplestreams? that's blocking importing them into our clouds11:38
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sil2100pitti: hey! I know you're sprinting so you probably don't have enough capacity for autopkgtest things, but I was wondering if I could request some failing autopkgtest exceptions to unblock things migrating? Regressions not caused by the actual packages trying to migrate but due to 'others'12:00
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pittisil2100: what ones are you looking for? I can add hints, but not enough time to walk throgh the huge -proposed (initial autosync swamp)12:04
sil2100pitti: so the first concrete candidate would be the plasma-framework s390x failure for the dbus package in -proposed (I also see the same plasma failure in openbox too)12:06
sil2100pitti: this one is caused by a known issue in LP: #159095612:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1590956 in plasma-framework (Ubuntu) "plasma-framework 5.22.0a-0ubuntu1 fails tests on s390x" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159095612:06
sil2100(unrelated to the packages trying to migrate)12:06
xnoxmarcustomlinson, hello12:31
marcustomlinsonxnox: hi12:32
xnoxmarcustomlinson, i am looking at https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2130 and I see it's stuck on https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/2130/+build/1113591812:32
xnoxwhy is there a build-dependency on less than boost 1.62?12:32
xnoxalso, that's not quite a good way to limit things; as boost-defaults have moved to 1.62 in zesty.12:32
xnoxyou can build-depend on: libboost-regex-dev (< 1.62~) | libboost-regex1.61-dev12:33
marcustomlinsonxnox: right, that MP with that dependancy rule was nuked. I was trying to see if 1.61 would fix this: https://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg1467173.html12:33
xnoxthat way it will work anywhere were the default is lower, or will pull in 1.61 in zesty, for now.12:33
marcustomlinsonxnox: (issue with libboost-python1.62.0)12:34
xnoxmarcustomlinson, i see. so stuck behind boost-python misscompile.12:34
xnoxmarcustomlinson, i will prioritise trying to fix that then! =)12:34
xnoxthanks for pointing out the underlying issue!12:34
marcustomlinsonxnox: thanks! Yeah, wasn't really sure who to speak to about it. Was gonna watch the debian bug thread over the weekend I guess12:35
* xnox started boost1.62 transitions in both ubuntu & debian..... :-(12:35
marcustomlinsonxnox: so the thanks go to you!12:35
pittisil2100: dbus hinted12:36
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sil2100pitti: thanks! Still looking into the libnih issues, but this one I knew was b0rken12:36
marcustomlinsonxnox: you can see the failures across the board on zesty here: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/2110/+packages12:37
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rcjpitti, which streams?  zesty is in the daily download stream.  it's been there for a week.13:03
rcjit's also in AWS daily streams13:03
pittircj: not according to IS (https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=97105)13:04
pittircj: if it is, mind if I CC: you on the ticket and Jacek and you talk directly?13:04
rcjI'll be back at my desk in 90m13:05
rcjpitti, ah, I see the index.json has dropped them.  I'll file a bug and get it going13:05
pittircj: he pointed at http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index.sjson but I don't see per-release images there at all13:06
rcjpitti, no, wait.  they're there.  They are looking in the wrong stream13:06
pittircj: daily vs. released?13:06
rcjYou won't have images in 'releases' stream until zesty is released.13:06
rcjUse the daily stream during development13:06
Laneythat has it13:06
pittiLaney: nice, thanks!13:07
rcjokay, was worried that something had broken after we turned on zesty13:07
pittircj, Laney: cheers13:07
Laneycheers to you!13:08
* Laney is watching the adt queues slowly drain13:08
pittiLaney: I hope on Monday they'll look better13:13
Laneypitti: I added some more workers (especially for armhf)13:13
Laneyit's going downwards13:14
Laneygraphs would be nice for times like this :-)13:14
pittiLaney: oh, nice! and that doesn't reduce the (relative) quota for ppc64el too much?13:14
Laneypitti: the bos01 quota is actually good13:15
cjwatsonI'd hope that quotas for ARM and POWER are independent.13:16
LaneyIf they are it's not exposed in nova's output13:17
LaneyOr at least not the command I'm using :)13:17
pittithey aren't, it's the quota for the bos01 cloud, not per-arch13:27
rekoili'm having issues with libapache2-mod-wsgi-py314:50
rekoilrunning python3 code with it seems to segfault14:51
rekoilthis is on an up-to-date trusty installation14:51
rekoilanyone able to help me confirm this isn't just an issue on my end?14:52
rekoillibapache2-mod-wsgi works with python2 code14:52
rekoilbut not libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 with python3 code, all i get is segfaults trying to launch python314:52
naccrbasak: around?15:36
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naccsmoser: had to implement an entirely new override model, but netty and pcre3 now import :)17:13
smosernacc, nice.17:14
naccsmoser: the underlying issue was dsc/tarball shadowing in LP17:15
naccsmoser: so the same named file was being used by two different dsc files (and sometimes the same named dsc file) which then led hashes to mismatch or the wrong dsc to be used17:15
dokoLocutusOfBorg: did you check all emacs25 rdeps in main?17:47
LocutusOfBorgdoko, I don't know how to check17:57
naccreverse-depends -c main src:emacs2517:58
naccand maybe -b separately?17:58
dokonacc: we don't have any yet18:03
dokoLocutusOfBorg: all packages which have emacs or emacs24 as b-d's in main18:03
naccdoko: oh i see transitioning emacs24 to emacs25, sorry18:04
LocutusOfBorgdoko, webkitgtk is in universe18:09
LocutusOfBorgthe only one that has such issue18:09
tdaitxis there a script out there that automates buildlog downloads? as in "download buildlogs for all archs for this package for a particular release"... I couldn't find anything18:10
tdaitxit would be great if it could handle private ppas as well18:10
LocutusOfBorgchecking for WEBKIT... yes18:11
LocutusOfBorgnot sure what does happen if we remove it18:11
sarnoldtdaitx: fetch-buildlogs http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ubuntu-qa-tools/master/files/head:/security-tools/18:19
tdaitxsarnold, nice! thanks for that ;-)19:08
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naccsmoser: ping20:32
naccsmoser: so i think there are 3 known cases where i can't make pristine-tar work, the cases i'm working with the launchpad folks to get alias tarballs for20:32
naccsmoser: *aliased20:33
naccsmoser: as the upstream is already tagged and we can't import it again20:33
naccsmoser: are you ok with that? it's historical, shouldn't happen again, but means there will be some versions that aren't buildable with pristine-tar (all long ago so far)20:33
naccsmoser: usd-build will be able to build them still, i think, once i update it to know about the aliasing20:33
smoser3 known cases?20:35
smoseras in 3 ever ? or 3 types of things.20:35
nacc3 publishes of src packages that are wrong20:35
naccwell, 'wrong', but yeah20:35
nacc3 so far20:35
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smosernacc, i dont have strong feelings.20:56
smoserbut wonder how you came up with 320:56
smoserwas that a db query on launchpad or a result of the things we've seen fail20:56
smoseras we've' only attempted a extremely small set of things (like 800)20:56
smoserof the probably 50000 things20:56
nacc3 things you've filed bugs for20:57
naccthat are root caused to the same issue20:57
naccsmoser: there is no other workaround for this problem, though20:57
naccit's a fatal flaw in pristine_tar :)20:57
naccinasmuch as pristine-tar assumes (afaict) orig tarballs are unique by name20:57
naccas does everythinge else, tbh20:58
naccsmoser: rbasak: does the dsc branch really need to be namespaced?21:47
naccI didn't make a note as to why that should be necessary21:51
naccsimilarly, i'm not sure i recally why namespacing the pristine-tar branch is necessary?21:51
naccI mean, I can do it relatively trivially, but I'm not sure why we would21:51
naccsmoser: my fix also seems to be fixing ipvsadm21:53
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
naccsmoser: sweet, pristine-tar working, afaict -- needs some tooling assistance to rename importer/ubuntu/pristine-tar or importer/debian/pristine-tar to pristine-tar (as it assumes that branch name and can't use a symbolic-ref)23:42
naccsmoser: rbasak: i'm done for the week, will check in monday with what's left and maybe to clarify how we want to namespace stuff, everything i have is pushed up the git trre23:47
naccthe only thing i didn't get to is the `usd ...` subcommanding23:47

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