
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mhall119ahoneybun: nhaines: I'd like to have a UOS session about loco team events and meetup.com, is that something the three of us can do?16:55
ahoneybunmhall119: yea if it's at aa time I can make it19:39
=== JanC is now known as Guest51811
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ahoneybunaka 19:00 UTC one19:52
sviji need quick help with an english word, can someone help me? Whats the proper word for the description/purpose of use for bank transfers?19:53
ahoneybunwire transfers?19:54
wxlbank transfer makes sense19:55
wxlwire transfer is actually more specific19:55
wxlACH transfers, technically, are not wires, but they are a form of bank transfer19:55
svijI mean… the people need to send money to us for the ubucon tickets and they need to put the name in the… "description" thing19:56
svijI just need to word for that19:56
wxlif by people you mean canonical?19:56
svijno, people who are attending19:56
wxlso it's FOR a bank transfer but you're referring to the information required for a bank transfer?19:57
svijhttps://dict.leo.org/ende/index_de.html#/search=Verwendungszweck&searchLoc=0&resultOrder=basic&multiwordShowSingle=on&pos=0 that's what my dictionairy is saying19:57
svijits funny, how can I tell people who transfer money if I cant even explain what I want to say? :D19:57
wxlE: Link exceeds width of screen19:57
wxlj/k XD19:57
svijthats the overall name, I just need the translation for "Verwendungszweck" ;)19:59
wxlheh that seems to translate as "usage"19:59
wxlwhich is certainly not specific to money XD20:00
svijoh well :D20:00
svijmaybe I should show you my full text and you can tell me if you would now what to do20:00
wxlthat works20:00
svijwxl: http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-europe/register/20:02
svijI need the name and if they're coming to the social event as an additional note to the bank transfer20:02
svijI don't even know if regular bank transfers are a thing in the US :D20:03
wxlsure they are20:03
wxlnote/description is probably sufficient20:03
svijah great20:03
wxllast time i got a transfer from canonical, no description was included, but they are optional so perhaps they didn't include one20:04
wxli know when we have transfers come in from work, they often have references to the order number20:05
svijyes and we need a description so we know who paid just for the conference or/and the social event20:06
wxlit all goes through swift so if swift supports it you should be fine20:07
svijoh man I shouldn't things when I'm too tired :/20:08
wxli'm in over my head on this stuff but it looks like ISO 15022 or 20022 should contain the standards20:11
svijbut yay, it's all over in two weeks. xD20:11
wxlwish i coulda went20:26
wxlnext time i guess20:26
svijin paris probably20:27
wxllet me know next time it's in micronesia and i'll be there :)20:27
wxloh wait20:27
svijatleast those were the only one who contacted me for next years ubucon :)20:27
wxlthat's not eu XD20:27
svijwat :D20:27
wxlfinland would be cool, too20:28
svij"cool". yes. ;)20:28
wxlthough technically you'd have to change it to ubucon europe since they're not an eu country XD20:28
svijfinland is in the EU20:29
svijnorway isnt20:29
wxloh that's right20:29
wxlwell, close enough20:29
* wxl ducks20:29
svijhi Kilos 20:29
Kiloshi svij 20:29
Kilosyou up late or early?20:30
svij9:30 pm, not late20:30
Kilosaha 7.30 am here in OZ20:30
svijoh good morning ;)20:31
wxlstill in oz? that's a good sign!20:31
Kilosi go back to za on the 28th20:31
svijso another month :)20:32
wxlyou can still go back in the future, right?20:32
Kilosyes i have a three year visa20:32
wxlthank god20:32
wxli assume you've been enjoying your time with your fam? :)20:33
Kilosyip i was very lucky getting it20:33
Kilosi have been in heaven20:33
wxldid i tell you i met my birth mother last year?20:33
wxlyeah it's a pretty crazy story20:34
Kilosthey all are20:34
wxlwent to my half-brother's wedding and met the rest of my half-brothers and half-sister i didn't know i had20:34
Kilosi met my daughter after she turned 3020:34
wxlwell i'm 39 so she's a few steps ahead :)20:34
* svij feels young now20:35
svijbut only until tsimonq2 turns up…20:35
* wxl pats svij's sweet little head20:35
Kilosus old peeps made some stupid mistakes20:35
wxlaw snap!20:35
wxleveryone makes mistakes, my friend20:35
tsimonq2HAI svij 20:39
Kiloshi tsimonq2 20:39
* svij goes to count his white hair20:39
svijhey tsimonq2 :D20:39
Kilosyou just made svij feel old again20:39
svijI was at a smallish open source conference a few weeks ago, I was the second youngest (with 24)20:40
svijbut there was also a 14 year old girl, who was pretty smart for her age20:41
svijunlike tsimonq220:41
* svij hides20:41
Kiloshow young are you svij ?20:41
svijI'm fine, just busy with ubucon europe organisation20:42
svijand at another open source conference tomorrow20:43
svijoh wait, I'll do a talk tomorrow there…20:43
svijthanks :)20:47
Kilosis any of that viewable online?20:47
svijdon't think so20:47
svijand if so, you need to learn german. ;)20:47
Kilosback home mobile data is too expensive20:47
Kilosguten tag20:47
Kilosherr svij 20:48
Kiloskomst ein vogel geflogen set sig nieder auf mine fus20:48
Kilosive forgotten the spelling20:48
tsimonq2svij: Hey now. I have proof I'm smart. :P21:00
svijtsimonq2: didn't now you're a 14 year old german girl!21:01
mhall119tsimonq2 is only 14?21:03
tsimonq2svij: I'm not a girl, but I have a little German in me. :P21:03
tsimonq2Tiny bit.21:03
tsimonq2mhall119: Yep. :P :D21:03
svijtsimonq2: when are you going to be 15?21:06
* svij waves to philipballew21:06
tsimonq2svij: March 1121:06
tsimonq2Right popey? XD21:06
svijah, so still a few month21:06
tsimonq2popey: I told this to you yesterday. :P21:07
popeyno, context21:08
popeyping me out of the blue, I don't know what you're talking about21:08
tsimonq2Oh, I'm sorry.21:08
tsimonq2You have backlog on this channel?21:08
tsimonq2popey: I'm turning 15 on March 11. You know this because I told you something related last night. :P21:08
* tsimonq2 tries to be funny sometimes. :P21:09
popeykeep trying! :D21:10
wxlich bin ein auslander?21:25
wxlso ü is pronounced something like oe. how is ä pronounced?21:26
Kilosi also have german blood21:26
Kilosdunno how to put the dots on the o21:26
wxlin my case, it's compose key o "21:26
wxlyou should set your compose key up21:27
Kilosẙes i should21:27
svij"ü" is pronounced like the french "u". "ä" like "eeeehhhh" and "ö" like "o" with the dots!21:27
svijöäü I don't have those problems :P21:27
svijand don't forget ß!21:27
wxllots of simple things like that (and e = for €) are already set up21:27
Kilosisnt aus pronounced with the same tone as house21:27
wxlso it is like ae21:28
wxloss laender21:28
wxltime for ping pong bbl21:28
popeywhiff whaff!21:29
Kiloshi popey 21:29
svijwe'll teach you german in two weeks popey, don't worry!21:29
tsimonq2wxl: I learned about the ü in la clase de Español.21:32
popeyThe only german I know is from playing computer games like Enemy Territory and Return to Castle Wolfenstein :)21:33
popeyand now.. telly time21:34
tsimonq2o/ popey 21:34
svijoh tv I guess21:34
tsimonq2svij: Those British people watch television nightly. I swear they go offline like clockwork, every single day. :P21:35
svijnetflix is the only TV I watch ;)21:35
svijok, and amazon prime…21:36
tsimonq2Freaking Amazon Prime has all the episodes of the first season of Mr. Robot free EXCEPT for the season finale.21:37
mhall119clever amazon21:38
svijwell I could see the season finale back then21:39
wxlk back21:54
wxlMr. Robot ruules21:54
wxli need more of those21:54
wxland Stranger Things21:55
wxland Man in the High Castle21:55
wxland Candle Cove!!!!21:55
tsimonq2If anyone can hook me up with that LAST EPISODE I will give hugs and beer (when I can) and whatever you want. :P21:55
wxl^^ re: that, it's nice seeing creepypastas coming to film. will fanfic be next?22:00
wxl(probably not. stupid copyright.)22:00
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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