
cmaloney(or afternoon / evening / night wherever you are)13:53
_stink_dilemma:  i need a haircut.  if i go before the election, barber guy will rant.  if i go after the election, barber guy will rant.14:53
cmaloneyI really wish there was a way for Google to understand that calendar invites sent to my decafbad.net email are perfectly fine for my gmail account to accept.15:13
cmaloney_stink_: I'm not sure that's a dilemma as much as a sword of damoclese15:14
cmaloneyHm, actually, on further reflection15:15
cmaloneySince you're going to get yelled at no matter what why do you go to this barber in the first place?15:16
jrwrenI love this! https://thehftguy.wordpress.com/2016/11/01/docker-in-production-an-history-of-failure/16:01
rick_h___jrwren: :)16:05
jrwrenrick_h___: you home yet? or still in Romania?16:06
rick_h___Jrwren here all next week. Got a 2 week party16:07
rick_h___Just heading back to the hotel after dr stranging it up16:07
cmaloneyrick_h___: Hope you're having fin out there16:33
cmaloneyfun too16:33
cmaloneyjrwren: Few things scare me more than Docker in prod16:34
cmaloneybbiab. Lawn calls.16:38
jrwrencmaloney: :)16:40
jrwrencmaloney: and yet... SOOO many people are on the docker hype train.16:40
jrwrencmaloney: in many ways, even google is on the docker hype train with kubernetes16:40
cmaloneyjrwren: Yeah, I know19:05
cmaloneyThing is it's a neat concept19:05
cmaloneyfarm-to-table in a way19:05
jrwrenIME everything about docker is a lie.20:05
jrwrenkubernetes on the other hand, has some potential, and in fact, the person who wrote that article should simply buy the Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes. ;)20:06
cmaloneyThe only thing that bugs me about Docker is the same thing that bugs me about MongoDB20:09
cmaloneyit demos well for starters20:09
cmaloneyand when it fails it ruins the ecosystem for everything else.20:09

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