bjrohan | System Audio Volume, all tabs are blank, no configurations are available, wheere I used to be able to choose, digital stereo, HDMI, HDMI + stereo etc | 00:00 |
bjrohan | How may I fix this? | 00:00 |
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TheFocus | any ideas why sudo service sddm start does not work???? | 02:46 |
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tearmannair | When trying to install a deb file - what does it typically mean if the install button is unuable, but there's no errors? | 03:13 |
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Gavinjb | Morning all | 08:53 |
aniketh_ | Ping | 09:28 |
aniketh_ | I would like suggest that we should really upgrade to KF5 5.27. it's safe and much better | 09:29 |
acheronuk | aniketh_: that is being done for zesty 17.04, which can then likely be backported | 09:40 |
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aniketh_ | acheronuk: But the thing is for example as I am on Kubuntu 16.10 I wanted to build kf5archive but what I required for build is as for 5.28 | 09:53 |
aniketh_ | but only 5.26 is yet released | 09:53 |
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acheronuk | 5.28 is not released yet | 09:54 |
aniketh_ | yeah | 09:55 |
aniketh_ | | 09:56 |
aniketh_ | See this error I got while building kio frameworl | 09:56 |
aniketh_ | framework* | 09:56 |
acheronuk | but what I said stands. once 5.27 is in zesty 17.04, it can be backported for 16.10 | 09:57 |
acheronuk | building parts from the stack from git is going to give problem is many cases, as they will already have bumped their cmake required versions for frameworks to 5.28+ | 10:00 |
aniketh_ | So how can I tackle the current issue ? | 10:09 |
acheronuk | why are you trying to build kio from git? | 10:16 |
aniketh_ | fixing bugs | 10:16 |
acheronuk | what specifically, as every frameworks release is basically a combination of a bugfix and new feature one | 10:17 |
aniketh_ | i am new to open source. Want to contribute to KDE. Have fixed one in kio while I was in 16.04 wanted to hack into somemore as I know some of its code base | 10:19 |
acheronuk | in that case you may want to run something like in a Virtual machine, as the dev-stable and dev-unstable editions of that are designed primarily for KDE contributors and interested people wanting to run and test and hack on the latest code | 10:22 |
acheronuk | if you bugs are found in the stable versions that kubuntu tries to provide, then then let us know and what the propose fix is, and we can see if that can be forwarded upstream to KDE, and sometimes with those if they are crucial fixes, they can be backported to our stable versions | 10:24 |
aniketh_ | Is kde-neon dev-stable is stable ? | 10:27 |
aniketh_ | is it better for devs other than kubuntu | 10:27 |
acheronuk | the dev-stable is built from git-stable branches where the exist in the kde repositories. i.e. they are the branches where the updates for future bugfixs etc of already released versions go. so eventual .1 .2 .3 point releases etc | 10:30 |
acheronuk | dev-unstable are build directly from the bleeding edge git master, so are in no way 'stable' | 10:30 |
acheronuk | tech savvy people and developers do run Neon, and it can be reasonably stable, but there is always the danger that things can break in small or big ways. but conversely, fixes are usually fairly rapid as well | 10:32 |
aniketh_ | ohh ! | 10:32 |
acheronuk | I run kubuntu on my desktop and Neon unstable on my laptop | 10:32 |
aniketh_ | which is better ? | 10:33 |
aniketh_ | for someone like me ? | 10:33 |
aniketh_ | So you suggest me to run kde-neon rather than kubuntu | 10:33 |
acheronuk | neither, as for the most part they serve different use cases | 10:34 |
acheronuk | oh, for you? | 10:34 |
aniketh_ | yea | 10:34 |
acheronuk | if I was you I would perhaps set up Neon in a virtual machine, or on a spare laptop/PC if you have one, and give it a test drive. It would likely be be better if you want to actually do KDE code contribution, but you may not find it to your taste as a main machine | 10:35 |
aniketh_ | I am really confused. Should I run it as my main machine or not . | 10:37 |
acheronuk | as said, I have a machine on both so I can best help develop/test kubuntu AND upstream at the same time | 10:37 |
aniketh_ | But don't have a spare machine and not really intrested in virtual machine | 10:38 |
aniketh_ | I have only one choice boot | 10:38 |
aniketh_ | but is it stable is my doubt ? | 10:38 |
acheronuk | could try on a 2nd partition maybe | 10:38 |
aniketh_ | it would make it 3 :P .I have windows too ;) | 10:39 |
acheronuk | reasonably.... but breakages can and do happen. you have to give up some stability to get newer stuff | 10:39 |
acheronuk | Neon is also on a Xenial 16.04 LTS base, so if you want newer non-kde stuff that may not be found on Xenial, then that is a consideration as well. | 10:42 |
acheronuk | Neon will not upgrade their base from 16.04 until ubuntu do the next LTS as 18.04 in 2018 | 10:43 |
paolo_ | hi guys, I'm using kubuntu 16.04 with nvidia card and from log I have many of the following: kscreen: Primary output changed from KScreen::Output(Id: 483 , Name: "DP-0" ) ( "DP-0" ) to KScreen::Output(Id: 483 , Name: "DP-0" ) ( "DP-0" ) | 10:55 |
paolo_ | what this mean? | 10:55 |
aniketh_ | acheronuk: So will that effect any development works I will be doing ? | 11:00 |
gilighost | Anybody, I want to access my ssh sever from outside my the current network.. I am coonected to college wifi. I want to access by computer using ssh through internet.. | 11:18 |
gilighost | Solution please..? anybody.. | 11:18 |
aniketh_ | I was trying to install KDE neon and found error and installation crashed and it's in grub rescue menu | 11:47 |
aniketh_ | How to fix it ? | 11:47 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> KDE Neon has it's own telegram group and forum on | 11:49 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> and IRC on #kde-neon | 11:50 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> other people here may be able to help with grub problems, but not really my thing | 11:50 |
ChetManly | vlc | 12:36 |
ChetManly | dragon player > vlc ?? | 12:36 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 13:03 |
dryden | to the people from yesterday (but he's not here), my flash drive was slow not because of Linux but because of general bad wear leveling as these drives do not have discard and they just fill up and I had to use a Windows Transcend utility to secure erase it... | 13:08 |
dryden | and now performance is good again as detailed somewhere... | 13:09 |
dryden | so one thing to note: if you encrypt them, do not complete format them (fill up the internals with zeroes) as it will write to too many blocks and the devices can't handle it. | 13:10 |
BluesKaj | dryden, there are linux utilities to erase and set partitions and fdisk file systems etc | 13:10 |
dryden | hdparm secure erase didn't work, thank you BluesKaj. | 13:10 |
BluesKaj | !gparted | 13:11 |
ubottu | gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 13:11 |
dryden | it was not about partitioning, these usb flash drives have an internal block allocator that gets messed up over time. | 13:11 |
BluesKaj | partitioning is only one aspect of the gparted | 13:11 |
BluesKaj | read the url | 13:12 |
dryden | well if hdparm can't do it I doubt gparted can but I can try of course. | 13:12 |
BluesKaj | or there's always dd | 13:12 |
dryden | dd would write blocks, that's the whole issue, that won't work. | 13:13 |
dryden | gparted doesn't have any kind of secure erase feature, sorry. | 13:14 |
BluesKaj | it won't erase an encrypted disk/partition? y=that's news to me | 13:14 |
BluesKaj | dd I mean | 13:15 |
dryden | in the flash world erasing and writing zeroes is not the same thing | 13:15 |
dryden | erase uses firmware codes that cause the drive to discard cells, rather than overwrite them. | 13:15 |
dryden | my drive responds by glowing blue slowly when it is being done to it :p. | 13:16 |
BluesKaj | ok nm, there's no point then | 13:16 |
dryden | normally good drives (like SSDs) will have discard (trim) support but these drives don't even have that, so you can't keep them "up to date" or fully functioning by proper operation, not possible. | 13:17 |
dryden | you can test by mounting an ext4 partition on them with discard support and then doing fstrim /mountpoint. | 13:18 |
dryden | it will say "The trim operation is not supported". | 13:18 |
dryden | all flash devices need trimming, they don't have it, so they clog down. | 13:19 |
el-sid | hey | 13:19 |
dryden | for some the hdparm commands also work so you can do it from Linux. | 13:19 |
dryden | this one didn't... | 13:20 |
dryden | hey | 13:20 |
el-sid | I hope someone can help me with this issue | 13:20 |
el-sid | I installed a widget | 13:20 |
dryden | elcid = eerste leiden commissie introductie dagen ;-). | 13:20 |
el-sid | btw...not spanish | 13:20 |
el-sid | :D | 13:20 |
dryden | not greek either I guess... | 13:21 |
el-sid | nope | 13:21 |
dryden | you installed a widget... | 13:21 |
el-sid | and this error pops up "org.kde.plasma.private.volume" is not installed" | 13:21 |
el-sid | any workaround you can suggest? | 13:21 |
BluesKaj | frankly I've had no problems erasing usb sticks encrypted or not can go on about it , but it seems you've made up your mind that nothing works , so I'll let someone lse help you , if you let them .... | 13:22 |
dryden | BluesKaj it was not about erasing any disk, when will you learn? | 13:22 |
dryden | I had no need to erase anything. | 13:22 |
dryden | It was write performance that was abysmal. | 13:23 |
BluesKaj | so now you solved myour problem | 13:24 |
dryden | this is a screenshot from before: | 13:25 |
dryden | this is a screenshot from after: | 13:25 |
BluesKaj | fine, then you don't need me because I thought you had one ...sorry to takeup your time | 13:25 |
dryden | <dryden> to the people from yesterday (but he's not here), my flash drive was slow not because of Linux but because of general bad wear leveling as these drives do not have discard and they just fill up and I had to use a Windows Transcend utility to secure erase it... | 13:26 |
dryden | that's not a request for help is it... | 13:26 |
dryden | <dryden> and now performance is good again as detailed somewhere... | 13:27 |
BluesKaj | like I said above, you solved your problem | 13:27 |
dryden | yes that's the first thing I said in this channel. | 13:28 |
dryden | and I was telling others that if they have a problem with their flash drive they may need to secure erase it using a firmware tool to get good performance again... | 13:28 |
dryden | el-sid: I have no idea out of present, I don't even know how to install those things. | 13:29 |
el-sid | I see... | 13:31 |
el-sid | I tried to install Win7mixer widget | 13:31 |
dryden | you could try to reinstall plasma-pa: sudo apt install --reinstall plasma-pa | 13:31 |
dryden | ok | 13:31 |
el-sid | didnt i have to reboot? | 13:33 |
BluesKaj | Win7mixer widget? | 13:33 |
dryden | don't think so. | 13:33 |
BluesKaj | el-sid,^ | 13:33 |
el-sid | yes | 13:33 |
BluesKaj | where did you find that widget? | 13:34 |
el-sid | I'm not sure why I installed it...I had some issue with different audio channels | 13:34 |
el-sid | thought it would help | 13:34 |
el-sid | its on the list of widgets | 13:34 |
el-sid | plasma add-on installer | 13:35 |
dryden | org.kde.plasma.volume exists but org.kde.plasma.private.volume may not. | 13:36 |
dryden | idk, can't help you there, maybe the widget is unmaintained. | 13:36 |
BluesKaj | what does aplay -l output , .pastebin the result , el-sid | 13:37 |
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tascabile_ | milano | 13:37 |
el-sid | Oh..well problem..thanks for trying, dryden | 13:37 |
BluesKaj | never heard of such a widget | 13:37 |
BluesKaj | not in the package manager/repos | 13:37 |
BluesKaj | el-sid,I'll repeat, in the terminal aplay -l , please pastebin the output | 13:39 |
el-sid | BluesKaj, | 13:39 |
BluesKaj | ok el-sid, which kubuntu version are you running? | 13:40 |
el-sid | 16.04 | 13:40 |
BluesKaj | el-sid, in the terminal, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, then open alsamixer and make sure automute is disabled | 13:42 |
el-sid | "sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel" gave no output | 13:43 |
el-sid | disabled alsamixer though | 13:43 |
el-sid | i mean automute | 13:44 |
BluesKaj | and turn up any volume controls like the master and pcm | 13:44 |
el-sid | yes..they are all maxed | 13:44 |
BluesKaj | there is no output to the modprobe command if the driver loads properly | 13:44 |
el-sid | I thats not the problem | 13:45 |
el-sid | This is the full error in the widget | 13:45 |
el-sid | Error loading QML file: file:///home/el-sid/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.volumewin7mixer/contents/ui/main.qml:33:1: module "org.kde.plasma.private.volume" is not installed | 13:45 |
BluesKaj | no need to m ax al;l the the controls , just the ones that are relavent to your setup | 13:45 |
el-sid | master and pcm are are headphones | 13:46 |
BluesKaj | el-sid, do you have pulseaudio installed , it will show in the hardware tab in system settings>multimedia>music | 13:47 |
BluesKaj | you might need to set those up and test the audio there as well | 13:48 |
el-sid | ok | 13:48 |
el-sid | yes I have tested that | 13:49 |
el-sid | the audio is working...but the widget isnt | 13:49 |
BluesKaj | what's the widget used for? | 13:50 |
el-sid | I beleive its an alternative to the default plasmoid | 13:51 |
el-sid | for controlling different audio streams | 13:52 |
el-sid | I am trying to use the default right now | 13:53 |
el-sid | it too gives the same error | 13:53 |
BluesKaj | what's the correct exact nane of the widget, because idon't see it in the plasma addon installer | 13:54 |
BluesKaj | name | 13:54 |
el-sid | | 13:55 |
el-sid | its the link to the widget | 13:56 |
BluesKaj | do you have pavucontrol installed | 13:58 |
BluesKaj | ? | 13:58 |
el-sid | yes | 13:58 |
BluesKaj | After installing, System Tray Settings > Extra Items > Uncheck "Audio Volume". This will hide the default audio widget." ...did you do that? | 13:59 |
el-sid | I did now | 13:59 |
el-sid | I mean it was unchecked previosuly | 14:00 |
el-sid | previously...I enabled it..and it too shows the same error | 14:00 |
el-sid | now I disabled it again | 14:00 |
BluesKaj | make sure your plasma/kde packages are up to date | 14:01 |
el-sid | ok | 14:02 |
=== kubuntu is now known as tsopanos | ||
tsopanos | hello | 14:03 |
el-sid | I'll reboot and brb | 14:03 |
tsopanos | i was thinking of changing to ubuntu kde but i dont know if my ram can handle the kde UI | 14:04 |
tsopanos | also i noticed no pavucontrol to install?.. | 14:04 |
BluesKaj | tsopanos, how much RAM? | 14:08 |
el-sid | BluesKaj, the update/reboot solved it | 14:08 |
el-sid | thanks for your patience | 14:08 |
el-sid | and help :) | 14:08 |
BluesKaj | ok el-sid, good | 14:08 |
BluesKaj | el-sid, I hoper the widget works for you :-) | 14:09 |
el-sid | yes it does...thanks :) | 14:09 |
tsopanos | 4g of ram can handle the kde ? | 14:09 |
* BluesKaj nods | 14:09 | |
BluesKaj | tsopanos, yes 4Gigs will work well, as long as you're not a gamer | 14:10 |
tsopanos | no i mostly use my pc for chatting and playing online music | 14:11 |
tsopanos | i usually have just chromium open | 14:11 |
BluesKaj | tsopanos, then you should be fine with kde/plasma ...which ubuntu version are you running? | 14:11 |
tsopanos | currently i am on live dvd :) but as my main os i have mint, i wanna change it | 14:12 |
Hydrogen | Hi friends. updated my system the other day and now it's hanging on startup | 14:13 |
Hydrogen | booting in recovory mode makes it look like it's hanging waiting for nfs | 14:14 |
BluesKaj | Hydrogen, at what point in the startup is it hanging? | 14:14 |
Hydrogen | but finding any documentation on how to not start nfs is prooving... difficult | 14:14 |
Hydrogen | BluesKaj: somewhere in the "kubuntu" splash screen. | 14:15 |
tsopanos | anyway, thx for advice, i will give it a shot on kubuntu, i like it, its so beautiful | 14:16 |
Hydrogen | "A start job is running for NFS and services (51s/ no limit) | 14:16 |
Hydrogen | if I boot into recovory and choose resume | 14:16 |
BluesKaj | ok, that sounds like a boot sequence problem, is the NFS device in your /etc/fstab file? If so you might want change your boot prority device to the pc and turn off the device that's hosting the NFS an outboard drive | 14:18 |
BluesKaj | Hydrogen,^ | 14:18 |
BluesKaj | boot sequence in your BIOS/UEFI | 14:19 |
Hydrogen | this is halfway through the ubuntu boot sequence | 14:20 |
Hydrogen | I also have no nfs related mounts in /etc/fstab | 14:20 |
Hydrogen | I did have some things in /etc/exports, commenting them ount | 14:20 |
BluesKaj | Hydrogen, can you drop to a VT/TTY (ctl+alt+F1-F6) m? | 14:21 |
BluesKaj | ignore the m | 14:21 |
Hydrogen | hmm | 14:23 |
Hydrogen | looks like it was the nfs exports | 14:23 |
Hydrogen | commenting that out make things a) go much faster, and b) work | 14:23 |
Hydrogen | I was nfs mounting to a rPI for a while, then I moved my PI a few months ago, apparently it's finally decided to get angry :) | 14:23 |
BluesKaj | Hydrogen, yes i find NFS very unforgiving, one little change and it stops working | 14:27 |
Hydrogen | just strange that it waited this long to fail | 14:27 |
Hydrogen | it does explain my slow startup times though :) | 14:27 |
Hydrogen | previously | 14:28 |
Hydrogen | maybe it was a change to from timing out after X amount of time to never timing out | 14:28 |
BluesKaj | I have an rpi3, but i just connect my media outboard drive via smb/samba's clunky , but it works , mostly :-) | 14:30 |
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Hydrogen | I was using it as a web server for a bit and nfs sharing my development files | 14:33 |
Hydrogen | got tired of git pushing things around :) | 14:33 |
kuSuSE | sorry but I am on xenial and I like to watch kodi in windowed mode how do I prevent the screen from locking automatically? | 14:35 |
BluesKaj | kuSuSE, system settings>desktop behaviour>screen locking...disable it and the lock screen on resi=ume | 14:38 |
BluesKaj | resume | 14:38 |
kuSuSE | blueskaj thank you | 14:48 |
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user|69521 | hi evaryone | 15:04 |
n8w | ive got a weird problem with grub not seein new kernels after ive installed them....sudo update-grub has no effect | 15:26 |
vinny | @n8w ,,,do you have more than 1 install ,,,are you sure you are updating the grub that control's booting | 15:33 |
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hersche | hello everyone | 20:10 |
hersche | since a update today, my installation is broken somehow - sddm don't start anymore, audio don't work, adb did also not.. no idea whats my wrong | 20:11 |
hersche | there was something written about two i965-firmware-files.. someone knows if this is a current problem? | 20:12 |
hersche | (i've started sddm via tty) | 20:12 |
hersche | no sddm-problems on other installations? | 20:25 |
___OregonMike___ | Hello all | 23:12 |
___OregonMike___ | I just installed Kubuntu, and when I switched to the Nvidia 367 driver all the text went teeny can I scale back to 96dpi in the terminal, i can't read the menus | 23:13 |
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___OregonMike___ | I just installed Kubuntu, and when I switched to the Nvidia 367 driver all the text went teeny can I scale back to 96dpi in the terminal, i can't read the menus | 23:19 |
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schnoodles | Since upgrading to 16.10 my computer has gone a bit weird like it seems to think the file system is read only. Has anyone run into that or know how to fix it ? | 23:31 |
schnoodles | Ok I just remounted the drive and it seems ok for now. | 23:36 |
valorie | schnoodles: have you used sudo to run any gui applications? | 23:37 |
valorie | if so, you may have odd permissions problems | 23:37 |
valorie | if you have, you can solve that by running chroot on your $HOME | 23:38 |
valorie | that will change all the permissions there back to you | 23:38 |
sintre | anybody around this time of night | 23:39 |
sintre | need some help , setting up a new budget notebook best i can with kubuntu, fixd kdewallet alwaysways wanting passowrd , fixed it not saving password to my wifi | 23:41 |
sintre | but getting hdmi to work correctly is almost impossible , i'm thinking that there are better drivers , as plasma keeps crashing | 23:42 |
sintre | even fixed some bezaree problem with it installing a bootloader correctly ' which i think was my fault as i set the boot parameters wrong' | 23:43 |
sintre | so anybody up helpin trouble shoot this? | 23:43 |
sintre | i found this site supposedly a intel hd sponsored support site , but no clue if its legit , or what if it is to try to install | 23:48 |
sintre | well guess not the most active channel :) i'll wait awhile maybe somebody will come around :) | 23:52 |
DarinMiller | sintre: What version of kubuntu are you running? | 23:53 |
sintre | lts 14.10 | 23:54 |
sintre | or 16 i'm sry | 23:54 |
sintre | the newest iso for lts | 23:54 |
sintre | system is a new | 23:55 |
DarinMiller | sintre: 16.04 has some older plasma libriaries that are not very stable (not good advertisement for LTS, but there's a long story behind it). | 23:55 |
DarinMiller | Have you installed the backports ppa? It will help a lot. Or , upgrade to 16.10. Either option, plasma 5 is much more stable. | 23:56 |
DarinMiller | And the is a legit intel website. | 23:57 |
sintre | it says plasma 5 is in the 16.04 | 23:57 |
sintre | on release notes | 23:57 |
sintre | might be on to something though | 23:58 |
Gavinjb | Hi all | 23:58 |
sintre | as i used kubuntu 16.04 lts to do intital install and it would reconise it at boot except thru live usb | 23:58 |
sintre | used unbuntu to do duel install and the grub loader wroked which was 16.10 | 23:59 |
sintre | not sure how it affects hdmi though | 23:59 |
sintre | wouldn't sry | 23:59 |
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