
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Yo this room is awesome01:26
floridagram2<itnet7> 👍01:30
* qengho Zzzz01:48
floridagram2<ahoneybun> ?01:57
floridagram2<ahoneybun> qengho01:57
floridagram2<itnet7> 😊 You got me  we me watching that Movie @ahoneybun02:26
floridagram2<itnet7> Remember, Remember02:26
floridagram2<ahoneybun> XD02:42
floridagram2<Abrerr> Thanks for the good time guys!02:54
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Thanks for joining us @Abrerr02:57
floridagram2<ahoneybun> @itnet7 its a great movie02:57
floridagram2<govatent> I was there in memory.03:10
floridagram2<ahoneybun> I can't find my wallet16:23
floridagram2<Abrerr> Oh dang, did it turn up?18:47
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Yea I put it in my hoodie and not pocket18:47
floridagram2<SivaMachina> Plumble (Voice chat for Mumble servers) - https://f-droid.org/app/com.morlunk.mumbleclient19:05
floridagram2<RazPi> @KMyers @Ivoriesablaze @ahoneybun @AdamOutler Sorry I fell off the planet but I do miss you guys.19:10
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Oh hey @RazPi19:20
floridagram2<RazPi> Hey19:20
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Heyo19:20
floridagram2<RazPi> Whats new19:21
floridagram2<RazPi> omg that's beautiful did you have waffles yet19:26
floridagram2<RazPi> where was this19:26
floridagram2<ahoneybun> In Orlando at the release party19:26
floridagram2<ahoneybun> His birthday is tomorrow19:26
floridagram2<RazPi> Oshi nice, you made 80 bucks?19:35
floridagram2<SivaMachina> on that ticket19:41
floridagram2<RazPi> @KMyers, That's the sweetest threat I've ever gotten ♥19:42
floridagram2<ahoneybun> XD19:50
floridagram2<RazPi> Heh, thank you guys. Really. I was looking back on all my old pictures last night and it sort of snapped me out of my funk.20:24
floridagram2<RazPi> Fell into a sort of hole from work and other things.20:25
floridagram2<ahoneybun> ?20:25
floridagram2<RazPi> Nothing, just missed you all.20:27
floridagram2<ahoneybun> You feeling better though?20:27
floridagram2<RazPi> I think I'm on the mend.20:32
floridagram2<RazPi> Thanks heh20:38
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Good20:43
floridagram2<ahoneybun> Next hangout your going then20:43
floridagram2<RazPi> <320:49
floridagram2<RazPi> xD20:51
floridagram2<RazPi> Is that richard stallman on sushi22:28

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