
Palihi! it is possible to have mirror of git repository on launchpad?19:30
cjwatsonPali: Very very soon19:31
cjwatsonPali: The (hopefully) last set of necessary patches is in the review queue now19:32
Palias workaround bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-git/+bug/40281419:32
mupBug #402814: Importing revisions with submodules is not supported <feature> <git> <lp-code> <udd> <Bazaar:Triaged> <Bazaar Git Plugin:Fix Released by jelmer> <cloudfoundry:Invalid> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/402814>19:32
cjwatsonPali: You can watch https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/163821919:33
mupBug #1638219: launchpad: remove headers from Contents files <api> <lp-soyuz> <qa-ok> <soyuz-publish> <trivial> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by cjwatson> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638219>19:33
cjwatsonEr, not that one19:33
cjwatsonPali: You can watch https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/146945919:33
mupBug #1469459: import external code into a LP git repo (natively) <feature> <git> <qa-ok> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by cjwatson> <turnip:In Progress by cjwatson> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1469459>19:33
PaliI think I saw some git mirror support in launchpad API19:33
cjwatsonSome bits are there but it's not quite all landed19:34
PaliI cannot subscribe to that bug :-(19:36
PaliTimeout error19:36
Palicjwatson: when is expected that git mirror feature to be published?19:38
cjwatsonPali: Should go away in 10 minutes or so, there's some kind of periodic database maintenance job that causes us occasional trouble19:38
Paliok, I will try in next 10 minutes19:38
cjwatsonI think it's OK now19:39
Paliand another question, is dumb http transport for git going to be supported in that git mirror?19:40
Palibecause currently git-to-bzr import does not support it19:40
cjwatsonPali: Should work pretty much as long as we can 'git clone' it19:41
cjwatsonPali: If you give me an example I can make sure to QA it once we're ready19:42
cjwatsonPali: when> next week or two, I expect19:42
cjwatsonI finished the last hard bit on Friday19:42
Paliok, going to find that git repo which I was not able to import on bzr launchpad19:43
Palicjwatson: this is that failed git-->bzr import: https://code.launchpad.net/~pali/ocl-icd/trunk19:45
Pali"git clone https://forge.imag.fr/anonscm/git/ocl-icd/ocl-icd.git" is working fine on my local machine, but launchpad was unable to import it19:46
Paliyou can see failed logs19:46
cjwatsonright, I'm pretty certain that will be fine19:47
cjwatsonand if there is some minor bug then it will be much simpler to fix19:48
cjwatsonbut I don't see anything there that would cause a problem19:48
cjwatsonthe only hard repository-dependent bit really is syncing the HEAD symbolic ref across; everything else is just straightforward git operations19:50
Paliand... after that all new git imports will be imported to git? or will there be option to import external git repos as bzr (like it is now)?19:55
cjwatsonPali: You'll be able to choose, at least to start with19:55
cjwatsonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/codeimport-git-configure-code/+merge/308577 implements that19:56
Paliok, thank you for information... now I'm just waiting until git mirror feature will be published :-)19:56
cjwatsonIf like literally everyone switches to git-to-git then we might decide that it isn't worth the trouble to continue to maintain git-to-bzr19:56
cjwatsonBut realistically I imagine that's a while off19:56
cjwatsongit-to-bzr will at a minimum remain useful for transitional purposes for a while19:57
cjwatsonWe'll probably try to gently steer people towards git-to-git though19:58

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