
Mister_Qmorning o/08:25
toddymorning Mister_Q08:37
Mister_Qo/ toddy08:37
Mister_Qsvij any update on our ubucon session at uos?12:58
svijMister_Q: didn't have time to submit it yet13:01
svijit's on the todo for today13:02
svijmhall119: I've proposed the ubucon organisation meetin for UOS, can you put that in the last slot on tuesday?15:28
mhall119svij: yup, thanks!15:28
svijgreat, thanks too15:28
james1138Hello to the group. Can I ask questions about Ubuntu applications (not Ubuntu itself) here?18:50
wxljames1138: fire away18:51
james1138Thanks wxl! My question is about Cheese Webcam software. I install it without problems using lts but when I try to run the app, the screen that supposed to have my face is just blank - and there is a message about Gstreamer missing "camerabin"!  I checked and I do have installed the restricted extras as well as gstreamer good bad and ugly. Any thought??18:56
wxljames1138: hah i thought you meant ubuntu membership applications XD you can get support on ubuntu applications at #ubuntu as well18:57
james1138oops!!!!   my bad!!! sorry18:58
wxljames1138: i would suggest looking for known bugs in launchpad, perhaps checking upstream with the cheese developers, and also making sure that you don't have problems with other similar software.. it may be hardware related18:58
wxljames1138: and no worries :)18:58

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