
cpaelzergood morning06:26
tsdgeosany idea why when i press "ok" in the "Send this crash bug" i get no browser?09:06
tsdgeosi think the crashes are not being reported09:06
tsdgeosor are they just being sent to errors.u.c?09:07
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mitya57tsdgeos, they are sent to errors.u.c, and that happens silently10:34
mitya57But you can enable sending them to Launchpad as described in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport#Ubuntu_12.04_and_later10:35
tsdgeosok, so we don't even open the browser anymore?10:35
tsdgeosinteresting, i guess it's an old intall vs new install thing?10:35
mitya57For me when apport upgrades, I am prompted whether I want to keep my crashdb.conf or update it to the package version10:36
mitya57I always have that commented out, so I say no :)10:37
mitya57And the browser is not opened, because users do not have access to errors.u.c.10:37
abeatopitti, hi, I have opened bug #1639754, and would like to get your opinion. Ideally NM should manage all network connections if present, but not sure if that can be done easily when installed as a snap in Core. What would you think it is the best solution?11:44
ubottubug 1639754 in snappy-hwe-snaps "Ethernet devices have higher metric than wlan or wwan ones" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163975411:44
tjaaltondoko: x-x-i-libinput MIR bug modified11:46
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mdeslaurxnox: hi! are you going to look at the openssl issue?12:10
xnoxmdeslaur, check #ubuntu-installer12:11
xnoxthere cannot be a more obscure channel to discuss openssl 1.1 transition lol12:12
mdeslauryeah, I saw mention of it yesterday because my channel lighted up, but I couldn't find it again this morning :)12:17
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dokoinfinity, pitti: please could you hold back the dpkg merge a bit? I'd like to do one more test rebuild for the Linaro toolchain first in Nov, and would like to avoid mixing this with any PIE changes13:56
* Mirv thinks of asking about openssl but notices I'm not alone13:57
MirvI guess I'll build against libssl-dev for now instead of libssl1.0-dev Debian uses13:58
slangasekdoko, infinity, pitti: well, shouldn't we have a discussion about whether we want to enable PIE on the remaining archs, independent of Debian's decision and independent of the dpkg merge?14:15
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dokoslangasek: sure, let's do that at the sprint14:40
slangasekdoko: how about at UOS?14:46
dokomeh, maybe14:48
dokotjaalton: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg please could you have a look at the khronos mismatch?16:17
dokoahh, that was already done an hour ago16:22
nacccpaelzer: do you happen to know what the tags pointed to before such that I can reproduce? and if so, can you file a bug?16:53
naccrbasak: ping16:55
rbasaknacc: o/16:58
naccrbasak: hey! have time for a quick sync up -- can do here or HO, whichever is easier16:59
rbasaknacc: how about the regular team hangout?17:01
naccrbasak: thanks!17:03
* rbasak is there17:03
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IemSPkZpALESHgmUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EsJLNGVJ7E & https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15893, https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/23561, http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-foundation-idUSKBN12Z2SL & https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/3774 (ctrl+f qatar) - please don't let these be buried17:28
dobeystupid botnet17:30
naccsmoser: so, the dsc branch: would you prefer importer/{debian,ubuntu}/dsc as branches or importer/dsc:{debian,ubuntu}/ as paths ?18:15
smoseri think consistent with pristine-tarball branch or tags... again, i guess they dont have to be a branch18:16
naccso right now we have improter/{debian,ubuntu}/pristine-tar, because they need to be branches and, in theory, there could be collisions18:18
smosersure. so i think importer/{debian,ubuntu}/dsc for consistency dont you think ?18:19
naccyeah, i think that's fine18:20
naccfwiw, we're going to namespace the branch of lpusi/lupsd to importer/18:20
naccthat way it's clear that the series branches are ubuntu/ and debian/18:20
naccwhile the importer-specific branches are in importer/18:20
xnoxtedg, in https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2129 i have retried zesty unity-shell thing it should build now with fixed boost.18:51
xnox(retried builds in the ppa, not sure what needs to be clicked on the bileto once those finish and fully publish)18:51
tedgxnox: bileto should pick it up18:53
tedgxnox: When the builds are complete18:53
xnoxcool, then i will not check on it =)18:53
rbasaksmoser, nacc: is there any chance we'll want to store anything else? Because then instead of a branch per-thing-to-store, we may want to use a single branch and a flatfile arrangement for things-we-want-to-store instead.18:56
rbasakgit-annex does this, for example. pristine-tar is effectively doing the same - one branch per project.18:56
rbasakBut really perhaps each project should parameterise the branch and use a subdirectory.18:57
rbasakAnyway, I have No Strong Opinion. Just a thought.18:58
naccrbasak: not sure that'd work with pristine-tar18:58
naccrbasak: as in, i think we need a branch for each to gain the benefits, and to separate out the tarballs18:58
rbasakIt could work in theory I think, but of course that would require support in pristine-tar.18:58
naccpristine-tar and gbp are rather inflexible18:58
nacci've found18:58
naccrbasak: smoser: so gbp does the `gbp <subcommand>` stuff via setuptools, it seems. Do we want to go down that route (more reorganization). Or is it appropriate to do it manually ourselves (as we don't have a setup.py currently anyways) -- preferences?19:34
rbasaknacc: I'm not sure. I'm not really very familiar with this area.19:35
rbasakBeing able to run it out of the working tree is useful.19:35
naccrbasak: yeah, and it seems like gbp, e.g., can't be run that way (direct from the git tree)19:36
naccso maybe i'll just write  asimple wrapper for now19:36
naccand we can figure out packaging later :)19:36
smosernac, so.. gbp uses setup tools for entry points.19:36
naccsmoser: right, amongst other things, yeah19:36
smoserentry points dont indicate how subcommands are done.19:36
nacci mean, gbp defines the subcommeands using an entry point19:36
nacci'm just trying to look at how other packages do it, gbp was the first i tried19:37
naccgit is a C program, so that doesn't help19:37
nacci could probably wrap waht gbp does in direct python19:37
naccsmoser: i think that's your point?19:37
smoserwell, no.19:40
smoseras far as i can see, git-buildpackage defines a single console_script (gbp.scripts.supercommand:supercommand)19:41
smoserthat just gest you the python launcher that goes in /usr/bin19:41
smoserit doesnt indicate how you do subcommands19:41
naccgbp.scripts.supercommand is *how* gbp does subcommands19:42
naccspecifically, gbp.scripts.supercommand.supercommand()19:42
naccbasically i'd take something similar and put that in usd19:42
smoserwell, unless you have a reason, i'd suggest just using argparse.19:43
naccah nice19:44
nacci hadn't found that19:44
naccno, i have no reason to do it other way19:44
naccsmoser: thanks!19:44
naccyeah that looks way easier :)19:45
smoserit has some hangups, largely my issues are when you're trying to pas through args that you dont really want to "know".  and dont' want to go the '--' route.19:47
smoserie, gbp build -uS -uc19:47
smoserwithout "knowing" about uS and uC things can be tricky19:47
smoserie, determining when that was bad arguments to you versus stuff to be passed on.19:48
nacci think we're going to rely on --19:49
naccit only is needed for usd buildpackage (note the rename)19:49
smoserjust something i googled here... the other options he discusses there are not standard library, so i'd probably use argparse19:50
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naccsmoser: pythonic question for you; given that we have a module namespace of usd, and i would like to use usd as the command base-name, would you recommend I 1) move usd/ to _usd/, 2) use a differnt command name (ubp?), 3) someting else?21:47
smoserdefinitely not 121:56
smoserthe entry point doesnt have to match anything really21:56
smoseroh. you want python -m usd ? to do something?21:56
naccsmoser: so i'm *not* using entrypoints, as you suggested to use argparse :)21:56
naccsmoser: so i've got that mostly working21:57
naccbut the base command, e.g, `usd`21:57
smoserargparse and entrypoints are not contraditory with each other21:57
naccthat name is obviously the name of a directroy already21:57
smoseri think i'm confused though.21:57
smoserlots of things would use both entry points and argparse21:58
naccso we don't have entry points at all right21:58
smoseryou dont have to.21:58
nacci'll read more21:59
smoseran entry p oint just makes an executable out of a string like 'usd=usd.cmd.main'22:01
smoserso that you get a /usr/bin/usd that does 'from usd import cmd; cmd.main()'22:01
smoseror the like.22:01
smoserthen, what you do in that main is anything you want.  you can have one 'cmd' that does all the subcommands or separate them out22:02
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Yakkety Yak (16.10) Released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-yakkety | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | Patch Pilots:
roaksoaxhas something changed in zesty?22:29
roaksoaxmv: cannot stat '/<<BUILDDIR>>/maas-2.1.1+bzr5542/debian/tmp/usr/lib/python*/*-packages/maasserver/static': No such file or directory22:29
roaksoaxdebian/rules:46: recipe for target 'override_dh_auto_install' failed22:29
roaksoaxbefore the python*/*-packages would match to python3/dist-packages22:30
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naccsmoser: got it22:48
naccsmoser: but entry points only help for installation, afaict? that is, i can switch to entry points, but you won't be able to use usd (there won't be one) in the repository itself22:54
naccsmoser: aiui, entry points provide a means to do `usd` if we 'install' the package. But given just a clone (as we have it now), there's no trivial way to do what you're suggesting?23:06
naccah i think i found it23:07
naccbut there's not a way around the aliasing issue (usd being both the eventual executable name and the package name)23:07
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