
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic00:56
ubot5`linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB00:56
daftykins!info linux-image-generic xenial01:14
ubot5`linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB01:14
daftykins!info linux-image-generic yakkety01:14
ubot5`linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB01:14
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:49
Bashing-omHey  lotuspsychje :) .. As Always .. pleased to read ya . All goes well ?05:52
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om great here and this side, what about you?05:53
Bashing-omOh I am still upright, and breathing ! There is hope for me yet .05:54
lotuspsychjehey daftykins06:07
lotuspsychjehey EriC^06:07
EriC^hey lotuspsychje06:07
lotuspsychjeone day off here, its gonna be laaazy sunday :p06:15
lotuspsychjeoh shoot..its monday today06:15
daftykinsyeah you missed it!06:15
lotuspsychjeall the days mixxed here lol06:16
lotuspsychjeslow in main oO06:59
daftykinsyou're too early! :D07:03
lotuspsychjedaftykins: can you reach my site? lotuscomputers.be07:03
daftykinslotuspsychje: yes sir07:04
daftykinsseems to be covered in a weird language though ;)07:04
lotuspsychjeim starting to add stuff with opencart now07:05
lotuspsychjeyeah, dutch for starters, when everything is done, ill do english also perhaps07:05
daftykinshehe, it's all good - just teasing07:05
lotuspsychjemost of customers will be dutch :p07:05
lotuspsychjeim wondering if i can add images of laptops/desktops from the vendors i work with without copyright07:08
lotuspsychjethis copyright thing is really anoying07:08
daftykinsmmm they might have info on that07:08
lotuspsychjeive mailed them about it07:09
lotuspsychjeits good for them i sell their products right?07:09
lotuspsychjewhy make a big deal of images07:09
daftykins*shrug* i would just be afraid of what they'd do if they did have a problem07:10
daftykinshey lotus i got my intertubes upgraded \o/ got 10Mb upload now instead of 5 :>07:15
daftykinsmain ISP on the island finally started a new package :D07:15
ducassehi all o/07:16
lotuspsychjemorning ducasse :p07:16
ducasseit's stopped snowing! \o/07:17
* daftykins throws a celebratory snowball07:17
lotuspsychjebig rainy here07:18
lotuspsychje!info stellarium07:18
ubot5`stellarium (source: stellarium): real-time photo-realistic sky generator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14.3-1 (xenial), package size 4755 kB, installed size 11097 kB07:18
lotuspsychjedaftykins: so what your doing with the upload speed?07:21
daftykinsseeding Linux ISO torrents super fast!07:22
daftykinsah it's just great for running stuff from home07:22
ducassei think they've upgraded some hardware here, now i get more bw than i pay for :)07:22
ducasseupgrade all the things! :)07:24
lotuspsychje HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.4.0-45-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "xenial" 16.04 ** CPU: 2 x AMD C-60 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (AuthenticAMD) @ 1000MHz ** RAM: Physical: 3,6GiB, 61,0% free ** Disk: Total: 113,9GiB, 63,5% free ** VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Wrestler [Radeon HD 6290] ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic1: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB ** Ethernet: Qualcomm Atheros AR815207:24
lotuspsychjev2.0 Fast Ethernet ** Uptime: 1h 39m 4s **07:24
lotuspsychjeno network speed :p07:25
daftykinsi've got an router with 866Mb 802.11ac right now07:27
daftykinsi can do 40-50MB/sec realworld over it07:27
daftykinsnot that i rely on wifi :> cables \o/07:29
ducasseme too, but thankfully wifi is not much of a hassle here, the spectrum isn't crowded.07:34
daftykinsit's not even about that, it's that the tech sucks :)07:35
ducasseagreed, i don't trust or like it.07:35
daftykinsi have a bad AP at a clients right now actually07:36
lotuspsychjei got like 50mbit for 39 euro07:37
daftykinsah same tech07:37
lotuspsychjephone/tv/internet no data limits07:37
daftykinsmy upgrade took the ceiling from 40 to 60 but my line sync is only 52 so that's what i see07:37
lotuspsychjebreakfast time guys07:38
lotuspsychjehave a nice day guys07:38
daftykinswhat are you making us? :) enjoy o/07:39
lotuspsychjebreakfast royale with champagne!07:39
* ducasse wants american-style pancakes07:39
lotuspsychjewith sweet honey ontop07:39
lotuspsychjetry those pancakes with ricotta cheese07:40
lotuspsychjeits delicious07:40
lotuspsychjeyou can eat tons07:40
ducassefunny, this guy in #ubuntu got only one reply in precisely two minutes and decided irc is dead :)07:42
daftykinshmm they best ask for a refund!07:42
Bashing-omWell .. that time for me once more .. recuperate and do this again - later08:11
daftykinsnn sir o/08:12
ducasseit's all crickets and tumbleweed in #ubuntu now anyway, not really worth hanging around08:16
daftykinsducasse: just this morning or regularly?08:37
ducassein weekends, usually, and most mornings until 0930-1000 or so.08:44
EriC^guys tell me if the bug is still there in ubot5`09:10
ubot5`<EriC^> wants you to know: Package bla does not exist in xenial09:10
EriC^is it?09:11
EriC^ducasse: daftykins ?09:12
ducasseEriC^: ?09:13
EriC^did ubot5` say something even though i was outside the channel?09:14
ducasseEriC^: yep09:14
EriC^ok, thanks09:14
EriC^one day somebody will flood the channel and make ubottu not function for a whole day09:21
EriC^and then the bug will be fixed09:21
EriC^i reminded them in ubuntu-ops just now, dax was informed and said he'd pass it on like a year ago though09:22
daftykinsyeah, they're all useless09:23
daftykinsEriC^: if someone did it though, you'd be #1 suspect!09:24
EriC^i should sell it to some guy pissed off at k1l or bazhang that has a botnet and keeps joining and flooding09:24
daftykinsselling bot exploits on the black market you say? :P09:24
EriC^i've got a 0day..09:25
EriC^what kernels?09:25
EriC^ubottu.. 1.409:25
=== ilmaisin_ is now known as ilmaisin
BluesKajHi folks13:20
pauljwHi everyone14:11
BluesKaj'Morning pauljw14:17
pauljwhey BluesKaj14:21
BluesKajthick fog here, can hardly see the other side of the street14:22
pauljwbright sunshine here this morning, had some fog yesterday morning.14:25
pauljwrain coming tomorrow sometime.14:25

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