[05:06] Morning folks [05:23] Morning elacheche :) [05:41] How are you doing pavlushka [06:02] elacheche: doing good, thanks, and how is it going for you? [06:03] u-la-la: welcome [06:03] pavlushka: Sorry... [06:03] elacheche: see I am working on u-la-la [06:03] u-la-la: coffee on [06:04] * u-la-la starts grinding coffee [06:07] Coffee's ready for pavlushka! [06:08] u-la-la: thanks [06:08] no problem, pavlushka [06:08] u-la-la: leave #ubuntu-tn [06:21] Cool pavlushka :D [06:33] elacheche: still I need to find the identify command for it, lol and then will apply for a cloak for itself. [06:36] pavlushka: python based? [06:36] elacheche: yeah [06:37] Awesome :) [06:43] elacheche: but I didn't coded it, used the https://launchpad.net/iterum, :) and just configured it :) [06:43] *coded/code [07:02] You'll improve it one day [07:02] hope so === praisethemoon_ is now known as praisethemoon === ichihi is now known as ichihi|call [08:53] * elacheche is back [08:55] good day :D [08:55] elacheche, welcome back :D [09:05] Hello praisethemoon :) [09:06] elacheche, good morning :D [09:06] how are you today? [09:08] Good good :)à [09:10] praisethemoon: You won't do a workshop during SFD? [09:10] a lua workshop? [09:24] Anything you like :) You can propose the subject on the ML (reply to the SFD thread) and tell us that you can present it (if you do) [09:24] Hello MarwenDo :) [09:25] hello elacheche :) :) :) [09:25] o/ [09:25] Yo Naeil :) [09:26] hello elacheche praisethemoon MarwenDo [09:26] ahlaaaaa Naeil :) [09:26] Naeil, o/ [09:27] wassup :D [09:29] Naeil, work, work and work :( [09:29] same here praisethemoon but am happy xD :p [09:30] elacheche, i would be glad to present it, but i'm sure if the people would be interested ^^ [09:30] Naeil, well, i'm happy too ^-^ [09:30] \o/ [09:30] praisethemoon, I am 101% interested! :D [09:30] dat extra 1% :D :D [09:30] hahaha :D [09:32] i can even teach how to make games in lua :D [09:33] how is long would a workshop last? :3 [09:36] good question, I think that would be a decision from the sfd org team [09:48] praisethemoon: We plan subjects, then will see what the ORG team will give us and will coordinate :) [09:48] alright [09:48] I'll teach Lua, by making games! [09:52] messed my first ML email XD [09:52] client added automatically the ML to both sender & cc .. :( [09:53] I apologize for the spam [09:53] No issues :) [09:53] well, i'm not used to tutanota's client :( [09:55] praisethemoon: http://www.mutt.org/ ;) Good client :) [09:55] * Naeil was thinking if elacheche is going to talk about mutt or not x) :p [09:59] is that a cmd line email client? :D [10:00] lool Naeil :D [10:09] omg praisethemoon get out [10:09] give me back my ID [10:09] MUAHAHAHAHAHA [10:09] * praisethemoon_ take's praisethemoon's nick === praisethemoon_ is now known as praisethemoon [10:09] \o/ [10:15] x) [10:21] elacheche, btw what you think about a workshop, how to develop/contribute to the Linux kernel and submit patches? [10:22] praisethemoon, ^ [10:22] I'll be the 1st person to vote for that :) [10:22] yes I would love to remove every duplicate in the code [10:22] "long long" => "long" [10:22] :D [10:22] * elacheche is ashamed becasue he didn't submited his 1st eudyptula-challenge.org task yet :( [10:24] I am in the 5th task, it becomes a little harder every task u pass :D [10:24] praisethemoon, hahahha :D that would be a good example to not submit patches without trying to build them into the kernel and see if they break the build or not! :D [10:28] elacheche, we can do a lot of workshops associated to the u-tn [10:29] I am wondering when the ORG team will select the workshops.. [10:33] Naeil: The servers where down for 4 days.. We have until this afternoon to clear things with ATI or the servers will be down again [10:33] So.. I can't blame the ORG Team this time.. [10:35] ah! okay [10:37] :O [10:37] never trust the government [10:37] XD [10:43] hahaha :D [10:45] praisethemoon: That was not the issue :) [10:52] Morning nizarus [10:52] bonjour elacheche [12:02] elacheche, what was the issue then? :3 [12:04] paper work praisethemoon [12:11] oh :( [12:24] elacheche, I need confirmation before a week or at worse four days so I can prepare presentations & demos, as well as support documents. [12:29] You just got it :p [12:29] Just don't let it be more than 30min, at least until we get confirmation from SFD ORG team [12:35] alrighty :D [12:52] pavlushka, hey :D [12:52] GUESS WHOS BACK [12:53] praisethemoon: I got it, I got it, you? [12:53] NO [12:55] praisethemoon: it u-la-la ! [12:56] *it's [12:56] u-la-la: hey [12:56] good day [12:57] how is it going praisethemoon ? [12:58] u-la-la: where is my coffee? [12:58] elacheche: Not a clue, sorry [12:58] u-la-la: coffee [12:58] elacheche: Excuse me? [12:58] u-la-la: help [12:58] elacheche: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff. [12:58] Ask me "help me with ..." for more details. [12:59] u-la-la: help me with coffee [12:59] elacheche: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features. [12:59] u-la-la: how do I use coffee [12:59] u-la-la: coffee on [12:59] pavlushka: Times coffee brewing and reserves cups for people. You can use it like this: [12:59] coffee (on|please) [12:59] * u-la-la starts grinding coffee [12:59] u-la-la: coffee please [12:59] pavlushka: Done [12:59] pavlushka, i'm good :) wbu? [13:00] u-la-la, hello [13:00] howdy [13:00] x) [13:03] Coffee's ready for elacheche and pavlushka! [13:03] u-la-la: thanks [13:04] pavlushka: np [13:44] Naeil: praisethemoon: We're getting nice ideas on the ML!! I suck in ideas.. People have amazing ones x) [13:46] elacheche, I agree, there are some good suggestions :) [13:47] would love to see how people install arch & gentoo with no GUI XD [13:47] just for the sake of curiosity, I ain't doing that on my computer :p [13:51] I did several patches and I am going to compile my own kernel to see if I did good or not, If I didn't come back in a minute, that means that I screwed up x) [13:51] o/ [13:54] arch installation is no big deal praisethemoon.. Just you need to know some basics and read/print the 5 1st steps to do.. After that you'll be done [13:54] Gentoo need more advanced skills I guess.. And more time because you don't find pakcaged apps like ubuntu & arch [13:55] elacheche, an intro to bsd would be awesome [13:56] loool.. x) That's an other whole story.. Why BSD? BSD isn't much better than Linux.. Thinking about regular users.. [14:00] btw praisethemoon you can install Arch with a GUI, it's called Manjaro :) [14:00] frankly, nothing is better than Kubuntu <3 [14:00] I hate KDE.. :) [14:12] You're ok Naeil x) [14:12] ahahah I am very lucky :D :D [14:24] :D [14:34] * pavlushka cant afford KDE, lxde seems better. [14:53] pavlushka: check http://lxqt.org/ it's LXDE but using Qt instead of GTK [15:06] * praisethemoon is going to install kubuntu on his workstation [15:06] brb [15:44] elacheche: noticed that :) [16:41] elacheche, anyone have faced a problem with external HD that do some noises like tac tac tac..? [16:42] yep.. [16:42] ADATA one? [16:47] nope [16:48] aw, yeah xD [16:49] I saw some solution in forums but I am afraid if they will not give a good result [16:53] :D [16:53] what solution? [16:54] That a mechanical drive, you can hear it.. x) You're not suppoed to, but you can [16:55] I found a solution like freezing the HD for a couple of hours [16:55] lool.. I'm not doing that [16:56] do you have encountered such an issue like that? [16:56] what you did! :D [17:00] back x) [20:37] GUESS WHOS BACK pavlushka [20:38] you didn't see that coming, haven't you? ;) [20:41] LooL praisethemoon :D [20:42] elacheche, how is it going? :D [20:42] I am starting a new project in C [20:44] Nice, btw how was the Kubuntu install [20:52] elacheche, i didn't .. i realized i didn't have the boss's permission yet to do it [20:52] but i'm on kubuntu on my own laptop [21:13] sorry; my laptop crashed [21:13] it has power issues .. [21:13] elacheche, did you tell me anything before I leave? [21:14] left* [21:21] nope :) [21:23] alrighty :) [21:23] so what are you doing? :D [21:24] Thinking about getting a nap [21:24] I'm tired [21:25] Yo fanen ! You didn't join us for years! How are you doing? [21:25] elacheche, a nap? NOW? XD [21:27] yep praisethemoon then I'll go back to my laptop with fresh mind [21:27] x) [21:30] praisethemoon: http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2016/11/07/which-full-stack-developer-are-you/? [21:41] elacheche, XD [21:42] i'm a fullstack web developer, I code mostly in C++ :D