
bluesabreevening all01:30
=== davmor2_HOLS is now known as davmor2
bluesabreochosi, I think you might be next up to schedule the meeting10:52
bluesabre... in case you did not know or may have forgotten :)10:52
flocculanthi bluesabre :)10:58
bluesabrehi flocculant 11:13
akxwi-davemorning bluesabre 11:34
akxwi-davehowdo. :-)11:35
bluesabremorning akxwi-dave and knome 11:36
ochosibluesabre: oh crap, thanks for the reminder then...11:51
knomeochosi, schedule a council sitdown at the same time?11:51
knomeor talk about when we all have time now11:52
knomeor i'll have time in like 30mins11:52
ochosisry, no can do now11:53
knomesure, no worries11:55
knomejust schedule something then11:55
knomeor i guess me or sean can do it as well11:55
knomei can't do friday night or whole saturday this week - at least11:55

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