
babbageclunkthumper, perrito666, redir: Anyone up for a review? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/654400:34
redirbabbageclunk: someone lookin?00:49
babbageclunkredir: I think thumper said he would.00:50
babbageclunkhaha, mistyped that as thumber first00:50
thumperyeah, I'm looking00:51
thumperbabbageclunk: sorry for the delay01:27
babbageclunkthumper: no worries01:27
thumpergot myself confused with something in the review01:27
thumperbut all good01:27
babbageclunkveebers: my build failed due to lack of memory: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/9627/console01:45
babbageclunkveebers: can you give something a kick? Should I just restart the build?01:45
veebersbabbageclunk: let me have a look01:48
veebersbabbageclunk: the issue is there are a bunch of (probably) leaked lxd containers running on that machine, i'm just attempting to clarify what I can kill safely to free up space01:53
veebersbabbageclunk: ok, hopefully I haven't destroyed the universe (just killed a bunch of machines) can you go ahead and !!build!! that PR of yours? It should get through this time02:13
babbageclunkveebers: Thanks!02:16
veebersbabbageclunk: nw, let me know if you have any other issues02:20
thumpersomething screwy is happening02:40
veebersthumper: with CI? (he asks after having removed some machines)02:53
thumperveebers: no, with migration03:21
thumperbabbageclunk: around to be a rubber duck?03:39
babbageclunkthumper: sure - actually I could use a rubber duck in turn03:43
thumperok, 1:1 HO?03:44
mupBug #1640113 opened: In LXD machines in localdomain not resolvable <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1640113>10:20
SimonKLBuhm, i just deployed wordpress+mysql on one machine and haproxy on another then BOOM it deployed 15 machines all of a sudden on aws10:34
SimonKLBi have no idea how that happened10:34
perrito666morning all11:04
dooferladmgz: is http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-develop-to-staging/ really the merge develop to staging job?11:43
* dooferlad has a conflict I can't resolve because develop hasn't merged back into staging11:43
mgzdooferlad: that should be it12:25
mgzdooferlad: if you want to actually land your branch you'll need to merge the conflicting change from staging into it to resolve (or rebase on later change)12:35
rick_hvoidspace: can you join the other #juju please and help someone out?15:08
voidspacerick_h: #juju on canonical?15:08
rick_hvoidspace: yes please15:08
voidspacerick_h: in standup now, but will take a look as well15:08
natefinchrick_h: standup?15:11
rick_hnatefinch: can't ATM. About to give a lightening talk.15:12
natefinchrick_h: kk15:12
rick_hPhone irc'ing while in line15:12
aisraelIs there a reason why action names can't include numbers, i.e., an action named iperf3 will throw a "ERROR bad action name iperf3" when trying to deploy/upgrade the charm.15:26
voidspaceat the moment my girl is at "science club" on Tuesdays, so I can stay for the whole of standup15:34
voidspacejust FYI15:35
voidspaceand I have a hospital appointment tomorrow morning15:35
mgzscience club sounds fun15:36
voidspacemgz: only her second one today, they made a dinosaur tooth last week but she really wants explosions which they have been promised at some point by "Atomic Tom" who takes it...15:38
mgzehehe, in it for the bangs15:39
voidspacekatco: o/15:40
voidspaceuhm, nope, my hospital appointment is Thursday morning15:47
voidspaceperrito666: can you answer aisrael's question about actions?15:48
voidspaceaisrael: I suspect the answer maybe "no good reason"... Can you file a bug about it?15:48
natefinchAFAIK, no good reason15:49
natefinchvar actionNameRule = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-z](?:[a-z-]*[a-z])?$")15:49
aisraelvoidspace: Yep, I'll do that. I figured if it was for a reason, the docs/charm tools need to be updated to reflect it.15:49
voidspaceaisrael: yep15:49
voidspaceaisrael: natefinch: looks easy to fix then...15:49
aisraelvoidspace: natefinch: excellent, thanks. Filing a bug now.15:50
voidspaceassuming there is no good reason15:50
voidspaceaisrael: if we find a reason we'll let you know :-D15:50
perrito666voidspace: no, I dont know why that is16:18
dooferladvoidspace: do you know why we have a networking interface defined for vsphere? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1638401 exists because provider/vsphere/environ_network.go exists16:38
mupBug #1638401: vsphere: spaces spams the logs with an error <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638401>16:38
perrito666dooferlad: that was done by third party so they might have just cargo culted16:39
dooferladperrito666: ah, thanks16:39
voidspacedooferlad: no, no idea16:57
dooferladvoidspace: no worries, the question was answered by perrito666.16:58
voidspacedooferlad: cool :-)16:58
perrito666bbl relocation17:07
* redir steps out to vote and grab lunch on the way back.19:11
thumpero/ babbageclunk20:20
babbageclunkmorning thumper!20:21
babbageclunkexciting day today20:22
SimonKLBseeing this when bootstraping an LXD controller: ERROR juju.state database.go:231 using unknown collection "remoteApplications"20:23
SimonKLBany ideas?20:23
thumperbabbageclunk: terrifying day you mean?20:25
thumperbabbageclunk: I worked out how to work around the bug in migrations to finish QAing my branch20:25
babbageclunkthumper: yes, that20:25
babbageclunkthumper: oh, nice!20:25
thumperso doing that now20:25
babbageclunkthumper: I think I worked out an approach to sharing some of the code in logsink, trying it out.20:26
perrito666SimonKLB: oh, that looks like a bug, what bootstrap command did you use?20:28
SimonKLBperrito666: just `juju bootstrap localhost a-name`20:30
SimonKLBi saw this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/cross-model-relations/+bug/163495620:31
mupBug #1634956: unknown remoteApplications on deploy <ci> <deploy> <jujuqa> <juju:Incomplete> <juju cross-model-relations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634956>20:31
SimonKLBbut in my case it was right away after the controller was installed20:31
SimonKLBi didnt deploy anything20:31
perrito666SimonKLB: I see, I believe we can work around this bug by setting a flag, let me look for it20:32
* redir back20:33
thumperbabbageclunk: hazaar, have now confirmed it works20:35
perrito666SimonKLB: JUJU_DEV_FEATURE_FLAGS=cross-model20:47
SimonKLBperrito666: great, thanks! i realized why i saw it early btw, it shows up when i run juju status20:49
thumperbabbageclunk: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/654821:16
babbageclunkthumper: ooh, longish - let me finish the thought I'm sketching out then I'll review yours.21:17
thumperbabbageclunk: ta21:18
=== beisner- is now known as beisner
babbageclunkthumper: Sorry, got a bit caught up in the weeds there. Can you look at this https://github.com/juju/juju/commit/eafd1f8286d4898907bf826af12c8512b1e76f8a and tell me what you think of the approach?22:13
babbageclunkthumper: reviewing your PR now22:13
thumperbabbageclunk: where should I comment?22:14
babbageclunkthumper: not sure. On the commit? Or here is fine.22:16
=== hml_ is now known as hml
thumpernewStrategy as a member of logSinkHandler seems weird, dbStrategy ?22:19
thumperis it always a db strategy?22:19
babbageclunkWell, it's a func that makes a strategy (because the strategy is stateful).22:21
thumperit is doing two things, and I think it should do one22:21
babbageclunkthumper: it's always a db strategy, but it also has an opinion about the log file prefix.22:22
thumpershould be a dbStrategy and a fileStrategy22:22
thumperI don't think the migration logs should be put into the same file as the logsink file22:22
babbageclunkthumper: no, they wouldn't - I'd expect that we'd give it a different directory22:22
thumperlike what?22:23
babbageclunkI guess it depends how we want the migrated logs to look after the migration is finished.22:25
babbageclunkShould they be in the same places they would've been on the source controller machine?22:25
babbageclunkOr is it ok to have them mashed in to one place? Basically I haven't thought about the file side of it.22:26
thumperthe logsink file is really just a backup of the logs that the controller has received22:27
thumpernot normally meant for user consumption22:28
babbageclunkRight - so we mostly care about the DB logs then?22:28
thumpermuch more, yes22:28
thumperI'm just thinking about how much we care about migration logs on the disk of the controller22:29
thumperproblem is that it won't get rolled22:29
thumperunlikely to be too big, but you never know22:29
thumperand how many we may have on any particular controller22:29
babbageclunkTrue - it could be big, although it's not growing.22:29
* thumper nods22:30
babbageclunkA different file prefix sounds alright to start with then.22:32
babbageclunkAlso, these are model logs - I was thinking about controller logs, which have much more in them, right?22:33
thumperalthough I have been talking with menno about how to make the models have the apiserver logs for that model22:34
thumperso, small for now22:34
mgzthumper: yo, you wanted a repo bot-managed?22:43
thumperit already is22:44
thumperso no worries22:44
babbageclunkthumper: oops, misunderstood what fileprefix was doing there - I thought it was a filename prefix, not a log line prefix22:51
babbageclunkthumper: In that case maybe I move all of the logging into the strategy, as well as the version number parsing.22:54
* thumper nods22:54
babbageclunkthumper: not at all attached to the name strategy, by the way, if you can think of something better - just picked something so I could try it.22:55
mgzthumper: as in, someone did it yesterday, or we'd done it before and forgot?22:55
babbageclunkthumper: reviewd23:20

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