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fuzehow can i get this to work on kubnutu 16.10: http://us.creative.com/p/sound-blaster/sound-blaster-x-fi-surround-5-1-pro#/feature-section-102:08
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ChetManlywhy is partition manager look gross?04:33
valoriewhat do you man, looks gross? ChetManly04:34
ChetManlyis it because it is a program running in root?04:34
valorieperhaps yes04:34
ChetManly doesnt look like the rest of the apps04:34
valorieI've heard that criticism of applications which are running in root04:34
ChetManlykeepass looks gross too04:35
ChetManlyis there anyway to fix this?04:35
valoriefile bugs I guess?04:45
valoriekeepass isn't KDE software though04:46
valorienot something Kubuntu has any control over04:46
ChetManlycreate root account and theme it04:46
valoriesorry, I don't care, because I don't run gui applications as root04:47
valorielike, ever04:47
ChetManlywell you have to with the apps04:47
valorieI don't04:47
fuzeis there any way to make the length of the desktop pager widget smaller?04:48
ChetManlyhow do you use partition manager then?04:48
valorieif the app itself wants me to be in root, I do that04:49
valorieotherwise, never04:49
ChetManlywhat ive been talking abouy04:49
valoriefile a bug about partition manager then, in bugs.kde.org, and include a screen shot04:51
ChetManlyis kde connect broken in 16.0405:13
ChetManlyusing  biuetooth to connect, no wifi05:16
ChetManlyI can connect via the bluetooth manager but nothing is going on with kde connect05:17
valoriekdeconnect uses the network, not bluetooth05:45
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jubo2y0 and thanks thanks for the awesome series of OS07:06
jubo2I need to wipe out the KDEwallet database07:06
jubo2it is copied from 16.04 to 16.10 so it not worky07:06
jubo2complain wrong passkey07:06
jubo2I don't need the contents I just want an empty database with a working passkey07:06
jubo2I 'rm' which file(s)?07:20
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hateballjubo2: your wallet is under .local/share/kwalletd07:26
hateballa kwl and salt file07:26
hateballNot sure if a new wallet is autocreated by apps, or maybe you need to use the kwallet manager to create one07:27
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jubo2okk.. thanks for info hateball08:38
jubo2usually wisely designed software will recreate sound defaults if it notices someone deleted its confs08:38
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jubo2Okk.. I deleted the broken wallet with kwalletmanager and created a new one09:34
mparillovalorie: When you write, "I don't run gui applications as root", but you do using kdesudo, correct? I routinely kdesudo kate /etc/hosts for example.10:42
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BluesKajHowdy all12:42
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nitpehow does kubuntu performs on 4k displays ?14:09
nitpeI remember trying it a few years ago with plasma 5 (or something like that) and not everything would adapt to the dpi scaling14:10
BluesKajnitpe, http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/219058/scaling-the-desktop-kde14:14
kuSuSEhow do I shrink a pdf? I have a small scanned picture that is about 900 KB but when I print to pdf it becomes 3 MB. I need the output to be less than 300KB :(16:18
nitpekuSuSE, why do you need to output to a pdf ? there is no gain on doing that, since it's not a vector17:52
ugurHi All. I am using Kubuntu 16.04 and I cannot use kubuntu backports cause it says "http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu xenial Release 404 Not Found"18:59
ugurAnd when I go to PPA web site I see that Xenial is actually missing19:00
acheronukthe ppa you link to is 'updates' not 'backports'19:00
acheronukbackports is here https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports19:01
N3X15who do I contact about someone posting child porn links on the Ubuntu pastebin?  My site is getting spammed by them.19:02
valoriemparillo: I do occasionally do that, yes20:09
valorieN3X15: please contact rt@ubuntu.com which will connect you to the sysadmins20:10
valoriethat stuff should be gotten off and stopped from posting20:11
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Hello all, the Meeting is about to start. Detail here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2016-November/010861.html20:36
Quicken2kCan I install bleeding edge plasma 5 on Kubuntu?21:47
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YoshimatsuKubuntu or Ubuntu Mate?22:41
sintrehi all23:36
sintreanybody around23:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:36
sintrewell was just looking to chat no need to get a bot after me :)23:37
sintrejust 3wanted to report a lil good news , as after using intels package for linux updater my new pc stopped shutting off my darn notebook screen when i plugged it in and defaulting to deafault extended desktop23:38
sintrebad news kubuntu still won't carry sound to hdmi even though unmuted at 100% in this extended mode23:39
sintreso some progress23:39
sintreseems end of road on user end part here is all23:39
sintrebut will use correct resolution for my higher display on tv and allow my notebook screen to co-exist23:40
sintrebut also with i try to mirrow them tv defaults to lower resolution settings that look like crap23:40
sintreso thats all23:40
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @sintre, sorry :)23:41
sintrewell we get sound and then mirror that works23:42
sintrei'm sure we can get around to it :)23:42
sintreor somebody else that knows what there doing23:42
sintrejust giving feedback as i've been spending an hour a day figuring this out23:43
sintrei think end of my lil user end brick road23:43
sintrethen we can work on wfifi mirroring hehe23:43
sintreseems alot of smart people on the job , so hopefull won't be to long23:44
sintresem new strategy i complain and somebody else fixes it23:45
sintreJ/K btw23:45
sintrelove the 4 seconds boot times of kubuntu on my ssd23:46
sintreworks for everything else i need23:46

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