
lorssonz2Are all the 14.04.x installation sessions upgraded to 16.04 if I choose to apply updates during the installation? At least 14.04.5 is.06:34
lynorianlorssonz2, no06:45
lynorianlorssonz2, it would install all updates for 14.04 but will probably notify a new erlease is available after the install06:46
lynorianlorssonz2, can this computer boot cds only?06:46
lorssonz2Thanks lynorian, USB boots ok. What Lubuntu version has kernel <4.4? I was confused and thought that 14.04.5 would have 3.13.07:03
lynorianlorssonz2, nope 14.04.5 comes with the hardware enablement stack for xenial on trusty07:04
lynorianhmm wiki does not say how to downgrade07:07
lorssonz2Lynorian, thanks! Perfect. 14.04.1 is my choice with kernel 3.13.07:12
lorssonz2My iwl4965 disconnects and then autoconnects after a couple of seconds (I suspect regression in 16.04). I think I have to test also if increasing buffering in Audacious to 7000 ms, would prevent my web radio to stop playing during these disconnections..07:15
lynorianlorssonz2, might be useful to see if it happens in 16.10 and then maybe file a bug if it still exists07:17
lynorianthen in feburary you could upgrade to 16.04.2 if it works07:17
lorssonz2Yes, also that. Nice to know about February!07:17
lynorianno wait janurary actually I think07:18
lynoriana live session should work for that even07:19
darlI cant install lubuntu08:29
darlit gives errors when trying to set encryption during install08:30
=== njp is now known as cron-ograf
potatos_hello, I'd like to download the LTS release for lubuntu but lubuntu.me only offers me 14.04 and the newest which is not LTS, where do I go to download the current LTS?14:10
potatos_hey, anyone present here?16:17
carlyhey guys need some help here...i'm getting errors all over the place from ubuntu16:45
carlyheres the newest one16:45
carlyCould not download all repository indexes  The repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct.16:45
carlyThe repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/libreoffice/libreoffice-4-2/ubuntu yakkety Release' does not have a Release file.16:45
zerothis1My wife's old 256MB laptop plays Youtube videos, just. Of course I compiled everything to optimize.17:12
okee Can someone tell me how to enable a repository containing the [grub2]packages in the software sources of Centos release 6.7 (sda2)? The following message appeared on the screen after running the Lubuntu boot recovery "Boot info is stored at http://paste.ubuntu.com/23447192/"17:32
=== circ-user-CYppU is now known as Pitmaster
PitmasterHello. I want to ask: I still need libgd2-xpm but it isn't in the repository anymore, but libgdchart-gd2-xpm is. Are they the same?18:58
PitmasterCan I use libgdchart-gd2-xpm and make links?18:58
PitmasterSomeone awake?19:05
wxl!ask | Pitmaster19:06
ubottuPitmaster: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:06
PitmasterOke, sorry19:06
wxlno worries19:06
wxlthat's generally how irc works, fyi :)19:06
krytarikwxl: The question was already asked though.  Pitmaster: Can try in #ubuntu on that as well.19:21
PitmasterYes I can, thank you.19:22
swift110someone ten minutes later will do the exact same thing19:24

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