
cmaloneyRecruiter asked me if I knew of anyone who might be interested in this position03:25
cmaloneyI told him "Not to my knowledge, although that would be an awesome position for someone from 2000."03:25
cmaloneyThey want someone to contract for 6-12 months to see if they'll be a good fit03:29
cmaloneywith travel to client sites in Illinois, Missouri and Virginia03:30
cmaloneyat up to $35 / hr03:30
Scary_Guyoh wow, $35 an hour?  where to I sign up to get all that loot!?06:50
Scary_Guyoops, forgot this /scarcasm tag06:52
jrwrenhey, for someone with little experience and no degree, that might be a good deal.12:55
jrwrenWe are all just getting old so we forget what it is like to have little experience and/or no degree12:55
wolfgerHey ya'll!13:05
wolfgerBack from KY13:05
wolfgerjust in time to go vote13:06
_stink_welcome back!13:18
cmaloneyjrwren: possibly13:39
jrwrenwhoa... https://www.wallabag.org  someone took bookie to the next level.14:03
cmaloneywallabag uses a large number of PHP libraries in order to function. These libraries must be installed with a tool called Composer. You need to install it if you have not already done so and be sure to use the 1.2 version (if you already have Composer, run a composer selfupdate).14:06
cmaloneyhttps://room101music.bandcamp.com/track/terrorball <- Today's theme.14:24
jrwrencmaloney: lol14:27
jrwrenyes, that took longer than I thought17:49
jrwrennow that I think of it. it is my first time voting a presidential election in a big city. last election I was still in small town.17:49
greg-gjrwren: wait, which big city?17:54
jrwrenAnn Arbor ;)17:54
cmaloneyjrwren:  is student voting17:55
jrwrenmight have been a few students there, yes.17:55
cmaloneywonder how much of it ...17:56
cmaloneystupid keyboard didn't catch up17:56
jrwrennone living in campus housing, but the apt just a couple blocks away are in my precinct and mostly students17:56
jrwrenbut the crowd in line did not seem particularly young17:56
cmaloneynon-trad students. ;)17:58
brousch__OMG I have some Python code in production18:12
cmaloneycommence to freaking out18:12
jrwrenbrousch__: inconcievable.18:13
jrwrenwow... spelling. lol. sorry18:13
brousch__Just 10 days shy of my 1 year anniversary here18:14
brousch__Next up : Android18:15

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