
dholbachhey hey08:09
Kiloshi dholbach08:13
Kilosand svij and others08:14
dholbachhi Kilos08:27
dholbachmhall119, have you seen https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uos-1611/+settopics?09:08
mhall119dholbach: the cron job on summit that imports from launchpad has been fixed to run against uos-1611, so we should see the sprint blueprints imported later today or tomorrow14:48
dholbachwhat do you think we do about those sessions?14:48
dholbachit looks like it's from folks who haven't even signed up for uos14:49
mhall119yeah, they're not named properly to be attached to a track either, I'm not sure if the proposer plans on presenting or not14:49
dholbachlet's leave them there - they could always follow up on the mailing list if they're really serious14:56
dholbachI'll monitor incoming sessions though14:56
dholbachjust to be sure we don't miss any serious ones14:56
dholbachALL: do you still have sessions to add to UOS (next week)? http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1611/propose_meeting/16:41
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you tomorrow again!17:06

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