floridagram2 | <govatent> Guys, what do people think of smart thermostats? | 00:48 |
floridagram2 | <KMyers> I would get one if I had central air | 00:51 |
floridagram2 | <KMyers> @AdamOutler has nest | 00:52 |
floridagram2 | <KMyers> Arg, I hate emergency datacenter maintenance that knocks one of my servers offline | 03:02 |
floridagram2 | <AdamOutler> I have two, among other things. | 12:48 |
floridagram2 | <ahoneybun> The heck happened... | 12:52 |
floridagram2 | <govatent> @AdamOutler im thinking about getting one. What's your take? I want the nest but I've heard it's getting killed off. Not sure what's worth it. | 12:58 |
floridagram2 | <AdamOutler> It's not getting killed. Google was investing heavily during those rumors. There was just a problem with management, not a problem with the product or sales. | 15:12 |
floridagram2 | <AdamOutler> They killed an unrelated product with a small user base which did not work with nest. | 15:13 |
floridagram2 | <AdamOutler> The world went mad. | 15:13 |
floridagram2 | <govatent> So would you say to go for a nest if I wanted a smart thermostat? | 17:04 |
floridagram2 | <AdamOutler> Yep. | 17:37 |
floridagram2 | <AdamOutler> They're all great. | 17:37 |
floridagram2 | <AdamOutler> Make sure it uses some sort of open standard | 17:37 |
floridagram2 | <AdamOutler> If it works with SmartThings, you'll be fine. | 17:38 |
floridagram2 | <AdamOutler> ST really is the best Home Automation system on the market todat | 17:38 |
floridagram2 | <AdamOutler> today* | 17:38 |
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