
redirthumper: should arm64, s390x, etc skip on azure provider tests?02:20
thumperperhaps it would be prudent to flick axw a quick email and ask02:20
rediris he at the sprint too?02:21
voidspaceoff to hospital - back soon(ish)11:11
deanmanIs it possible to kill jujud inside a controller and rerunning it?12:19
hoenircan someone take a look quickly on these ? https://github.com/juju/utils/pull/250 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/655612:58
hoenirit's just a move from juju/cert to juju/utils and import path updates.12:58
hoenircould someone tell me the exact procedure to move a core pkg to utils? There's something special to do? Or just update the dependencies.tsv and I'm done?13:05
mgzhoenir: one step that I think is not well written down anywhere13:05
mgzis probably just announcing it on the dev list13:05
mgzthere are a few projects that actually depend on juju/juju and may need to be updated13:06
perrito666hoenir: announce it and then you have a shipit from me13:07
perrito666oh, axw instead has comments13:07
hoenirperrito666, checking now13:13
hoenirping axw13:27
axwhoenir: pong. in a meeting, but what's up?13:27
hoeniraxw, sorry for disturbing.13:27
hoenircould you take another peek on https://github.com/juju/utils/pull/250 when you have time?13:27
axwhoenir: sure13:28
axwhoenir: just one little thing and then it's LGTM13:31
hoeniraxw, working now ! thanks !13:32
hoeniraxw, can I hit the $$merge$$ https://github.com/juju/utils/pull/250 ?13:47
axwhoenir: yes, go ahead please13:48
axwnot sure if the bot will listen though, I think it has to come from a juju org member13:48
axwwe'll see...13:48
axwoh you're already added as a member13:48
hoeniraxw, so satisfying to hit the $$merge$$ thing..13:51
axwhoenir: :)13:52
rick_hdooferlad: able to join back to the standup?15:15
dooferladrick_h: sorry, not today15:16
mupBug #1639170 changed: openstack trusty:liberty deployment fails due to no relations and insufficient peer units <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-quickstart:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1639170>16:12
mupBug #1639494 changed: juju model-default no-proxy setting invalid for CIDR ( <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1639494>16:12
mupBug #1640113 changed: In LXD machines localdomain not resolvable <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1640113>16:12
mupBug #1640079 opened: LXDs doesn't start after a reboot <juju-core:New> <juju (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1640079>16:42
mupBug #1640079 changed: LXDs doesn't start after a reboot <juju-core:New> <juju (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1640079>16:48
mupBug #1640079 opened: LXDs doesn't start after a reboot <juju-core:New> <juju (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1640079>16:57
=== tvansteenburgh1 is now known as tvansteenburgh
redirsoo quiet17:48
mgzheyup redir :)17:53
redirmgz \o17:54
redirmgz: can you confirm https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6557#issuecomment-25975156717:57
mgzlet me have a look18:05
mgzredir: so, I agree with you on the selective arch skip maybe18:07
mgzbut there's no real different between the github merge runs and the full revision test runs apart from that arch and many more runs happen18:08
redirmgz how about https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6558 ?18:22
mgzredir: that looks sane to me18:24
mgzhave you qaed it or do you need a pointer?18:25
rediri'd ned a pointer to qa on a read arm64/ppc64/s390 arch18:29
mgzokay, sinzui suggests the arm64 machine is the best option18:30
mgzthe details of how to get to it are in the cloud-city repo, see ssh config in jenkins-ssh... config thingy18:30
mgzuse the staging key from cloud city and either the vpn or bounce through with those ssh rules18:30
mgzpoke me if you need help18:30
mgzyou should be able to just ssh in as jenkins user, unpack source and run that unit test (to confirm it fails) then pull or apply your change18:32
* redir looks18:38
redirQA'd https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6558 ready for review, PTAL.20:50
redirAlso should https://github.com/juju/juju/issues/6557 be reverted?20:50
mgzredir: lgtm, and probably, yes, maybe poke anastasia first?21:09
redirI'll send an email21:13
redirHow do fixes targeted at 2.0 branch make it back to staging?21:14
rick_hredir: you submit a new PR against develop21:15
mgzyou need to cherrypick that change21:15
rick_hredir: has to go through review/etc21:15
mgzand propose again, I'll be happy to stamp21:15
rick_hredir: the idea is trunk vs 2.0 will skew over time and it's not safe to just cherry-pick, needs to pass tests/etc over21:15
redirSo that means 2.0 is long lived21:16
rick_hredir: yes, 2.0 is a release branch that lives on until we no longer support 2.021:16
redirk thanks. just making sure I understand21:17
redirand support ends n time after 2.121:17
alexisbbabbageclunk, ping21:25
babbageclunkalexisb: pong21:25
alexisbheya babbageclunk, happy friday to you21:25
alexisbI wanted to check in on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/164028221:25
mupBug #1640282: upgrade-juju: manual-provider no matching tools available <ci> <manual-provider> <regression> <upgrade-juju> <juju:Triaged by alexis-bruemmer> <juju 2.0:In Progress by 2-xtian> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1640282>21:25
babbageclunkalexisb: thanks!21:25
alexisbballoons, confirmed today that he can recreate on latest 2.0.221:26
veeberssinzui: this is interesting ^^21:26
babbageclunkalexisb: I've been failing to reproduce it on the jenkins host.21:26
alexisbveebers, is tere some way we can get babbageclunk on the machine you guys use to test?  balloons did recreate today in front of me by re-running the test21:27
babbageclunkalexisb: using the binary from the report. I'll try uploading the latest 2.0.2 version and rebuilding.21:27
veebersalexisb: yes, sinzui and I are talking about this. we're just OTP but will be in touch shortly21:28
babbageclunkalexisb: is balloons around? I'm probably doing something wrong, I'm just not clear what.21:29
alexisbbabbageclunk, probably not it is late here21:29
babbageclunkalexisb: I tried pinging him this morning but I guess he's in the wrong timezone atm21:29
alexisbyeah :) he had team dinner for QA today21:29
alexisball 2 of them21:29
babbageclunkalexisb: sounds intimate21:30
babbageclunkHmm - if I want the same version as he used, where should I get the latest 2.0.2. develop?21:31
babbageclunkalexisb: or staging?21:32
alexisbtip off teh 2.0 branch21:32
alexisbnot staging21:32
redir2.0 branch babbageclunk21:32
babbageclunkalexisb: oh, duh - he said in the comment on the bug. Ok, thanks - building.21:32
babbageclunkalexisb: oh, no, just reread his comment - the comment revision is the one that works.21:33
babbageclunkalexisb: ok, using 2.0 branch21:34
voidspaceperrito666: you still around?21:35
voidspacebabbageclunk: you ever snapped juju?21:35
perrito666voidspace: sadly, I am21:35
voidspaceperrito666: hah, me too...21:35
voidspaceperrito666: I hear a rumour you've snapped juju before21:35
perrito666nah, I have snapped at juju21:35
perrito666common mistake21:35
voidspaceperrito666: is the rumour true, is it easy, have you automated it? (providing a devel version for someone to try)21:35
perrito666voidspace: but honestly I have not but if what you want is to craft a juju snap should be easy21:36
voidspacevoidspace: I'm off tomorrow and I need to provide a binary to a couple of users21:36
voidspaceperrito666: ^^21:36
perrito666voidspace: coopy the snapcraft.yaml file to a folder21:36
perrito666then run snapcraft on it21:37
perrito666that will produce a snap of juju for your arch for master I guess21:37
voidspace"the" snapcraft.yaml...21:37
voidspaceah, there *is* a snapcraft of master21:37
voidspaceI mean, snapcraft.yaml...21:37
perrito666voidspace: yes, snapcraft.yaml in our root folder of the repo21:37
perrito666voidspace: sadly that might give you master21:38
perrito666which is not what you want21:38
voidspaceperrito666: that uses master from the repo -  I want to use a custom local binary21:38
voidspaceperrito666: yeah, I'll work it out on Monday21:38
voidspaceperrito666: I'll just zip up juju/jujud for today21:38
perrito666voidspace: there is a yaml attribute21:38
perrito666that will allow you to specify the checkout21:38
perrito666and then that will work21:38
voidspacestill, a task for Monday I think21:39
voidspacesounds easy enough21:39
voidspacebut I want to get ready for bed :-)21:39
voidspaceNo command 'mkdur' found21:40
voidspacedefinitely too late to be working...21:40
perrito666voidspace: just ship the binary and go to sleep21:41
voidspaceperrito666: hey, see you soon21:41
perrito666voidspace: sleep tight21:41
babbageclunkvoidspace: make sure to change the version, otherwise it could still match the one in the streams.21:43
voidspacebabbageclunk: it's off staging21:43
voidspacebabbageclunk: is the version number still the latest release21:43
voidspacebabbageclunk: hmm... it could be21:44
voidspacewhat if I use develop?21:44
babbageclunkvoidspace: not sure - best to check, otherwise you'll have a couple of roundtrips sorting it out.21:44
babbageclunkvoidspace: just bump it locally before building and zipping your binaries.21:44
voidspacebabbageclunk: building develop just to see21:45
voidspacedevelop should *always* have a bumped number, it should be part of the release process21:45
babbageclunkvoidspace: develop should work though.21:45
voidspaceabout to find out21:45
voidspacebabbageclunk: morning21:45
voidspacebabbageclunk: you read my article yet?21:45
babbageclunkvoidspace: evening!21:45
voidspacebabbageclunk: yep, develop is good21:46
babbageclunkvoidspace: I read the novel in ntoll's comments, haven't had a chance to comment yet21:46
voidspacebabbageclunk: I turned it into an article, doesn't look so big then21:46
voidspacebabbageclunk: interested in your comments21:46
babbageclunkvoidspace: pretty fun - sounds like you're drifting towards excommunication though21:46
voidspacebabbageclunk: it's only mental agility, but I like it21:47
voidspacebabbageclunk: hah, I've been headed that way for years21:47
voidspacebabbageclunk: the trouble is, they actually like me, so they're not keen to excommunicate me21:47
voidspacebabbageclunk: they aren't keen to make me an official "leader" either (which is not even really a big deal) - I unofficially am, so they tolerate me in the leaders meetings, but won't make it official21:50
voidspacebabbageclunk: truth be told, they're mostly a bit scared of me21:50
babbageclunkvoidspace: aren't we all!21:50
voidspacebabbageclunk: are you? ;-)21:50
voidspaceI think that's fairly reasonable if you are...21:51
voidspacedid you see the zombie day photos?21:51
babbageclunkalexisb: still no luck. My understanding of the test is that it bootstraps with the old juju binary it finds on the path, so really the version of the binary I'm running it with is irrelevant - it's the one that's on the path interacting with the stream. Do you know what versions he had on the path and which stream he ran it with?21:53
babbageclunkvoidspace: only a bit, now that I'm on the other side of the world.21:54
redirmgz: if you're still about: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/656021:54
babbageclunkvoidspace: yeah, looked good!21:55
voidspacebabbageclunk: such fun!21:55
voidspacebabbageclunk: moments of panic and terror21:55
voidspacevery well done21:55
voidspaceright, comments left and binary uploaded21:56
voidspaceg'night all21:56
babbageclunkvoidspace: \o21:56
redirvoidspace: what article?21:58
rediror g'nite21:58
voidspaceredir: :-)21:58
voidspaceredir: http://www.michaelfoord.co.uk/2016/11/an-evolutionary-spirituality-goodness.html21:58
voidspaceredir: reaching for synthethis of science, religion, psychology and philosophy21:59
voidspaceredir: utterly un-work-related and merely my fetid musings21:59
redirah ha, was looking at voidspace.uk...21:59
mgzredir: lgtm21:59
redirmgz: tx21:59
voidspaceredir: I haven't done anything there for a very long time21:59
voidspaceredir: I probably won't - as I'm not doing Python if I start a new blog I'll put it somewhere else22:00
voidspaceredir: anything technical I do post, which is rare at the moment (shouldn't be) I tend to put on google+22:00
voidspaceredir: although I'm moderately active on twitter too22:00
redirvoidspace: I noticed22:00
redirI don't do much twitter.22:01
voidspaceI enjoy twitter and facebook, I keep in touch with a lot of friends through them22:01
voidspacealthough some of my friends are too posh for facebook it seems22:01
voidspace*coff* katco *coff*22:01
katconot posh, just feel it's a waste of time, and an energy drain, and an invasion of privacy22:02
voidspaceI enjoy it :-)22:02
katcoat some point i got very tired of reading crappy political memes22:03
voidspaceah yeah, it's the psyche of humanity on full display22:03
katcoat least my peers are on twitter22:03
voidspacefull of crap and beauty in about equal measure22:03
voidspacestaunch filters22:03
redirI don't do much facebook either22:03
voidspaceI'm really off22:03
voidspaceg'night all22:03
katcotc voidspace22:03
voidspacesee you again on monday22:03
perrito666facebook, in my case, has the exact same contents hotmail had in the early 2000s when my mom got hold of mail22:05
redirperrito666: heh22:05
perrito666basically fake articles, inspirational power point like presentations, etc22:05
perrito666a bit low on cats though, which is odd22:05
katcoi actually am on facebook. i've just enacted a big-data deep-ai filter to give me the truly important news. she is my wife22:06
perrito666katco: lol22:06
redirawesome. I think I might be that filter for M.22:07
perrito666katco: I usually get the truly important stuff from facebook, basically when my internet is down and I get the blank page22:07
perrito666I do laugh at people from high school treating everyone as sheeple while quoting articles from media of the journalistic quality of the onion22:08
redirWhelp, I guess I need to start getting on twitter to find out what our president elect thought about during midnight toilet runs.22:10
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=== redir_excorcise is now known as redir

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